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In this article the authors peer into current elementary classrooms and college composition courses in 2020 to envision what K–12 and composition curricula can do now to ensure today's students are prepared for those future composition classes. The authors interviewed veteran (20 or more years) K–6 teachers in a small university town and directors of composition programs. Both interview sets expressed a concern that we are not keeping pace with the changing literacies of our students. The interviews with the K–6 teachers also showed that students bring different literacy skills to elementary school than a generation ago. In addition, the authors conducted a survey across a multicampus research university to ascertain the kinds of compositions instructors assigned and whether multimodal compositions were an option. The survey indicated that change is already occurring at the university level. The authors argue it is imperative that K–16 educators, starting with middle and high school teachers, begin to dialogue about new literacies now or we will not be ready to prepare our students at either the secondary or university levels for 2020 and beyond.  相似文献   

The use of the mobile Internet continues to play an increasing role in all of our lives and particularly in the lives of college and university students. Questions have been raised about the impact of the Internet on adolescents’ and college students’ fulfillment of traditional developmental tasks and more broadly their mental health. The present article posits potentially negative values associated with Internet use and shows how existential psychotherapy promotes corrective values that can help students navigate their Internet use. The existential psychotherapy framework brings mindfulness and conscious choice into students’ decision-making process. This approach intentionally focuses on universal aspects of being human such as dealing with death, making decisions, confronting isolation, and creating meaning. The article will conclude with a case vignette on applying an existential psychotherapy framework to working with a college student.  相似文献   

The extent to which clients understand the nature and anticipated course of therapy is referred to as informed consent. Counseling psychologists often provide informed consent documents to enhance the education of services and for liability purposes. Professionals in numerous health care settings have evaluated the readability of their informed consent documents, but no such peer-reviewed research exists for university counseling centers. This study evaluated the informed consent documents for psychotherapy from university counseling centers using three readability formulas (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, Flesch Reading Ease Score, and Simple Measure of Gobbledygook [SMOG] Grading). The findings support the authors’ exploratory hypotheses that informed consent documents in university counseling centers are rated as challenging to read for college students. Recommendations and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1898, students at the University of Toronto founded Torontonensis, the university’s first yearbook. Fashioned as a remembrance of university, from its inception the yearbook was fraught with conflict and contestation particularly around how male students were represented and how their college experiences were made, and not made, meaningful. The vociferous debates that ensued in campus newspapers, particularly among the graduating classes, fractured the ostensibly smooth recounting of this ‘souvenir remembrance’, bringing into question who is allowed to ‘speak’ on behalf of whom and what it is acceptable to ‘say’. The authors enquire into the way university yearbooks served to construct normative definitions of what constituted ‘students’, ‘student cultures’ and forms of gendering within the educational landscapes in which they were enmeshed. Through an examination of Torontonensis, they highlight the multiple and often contradictory meanings and constructions of the student yearbook from the perspectives of their producers, subjects and audiences.  相似文献   

温哥华和上海大学生对互联网了解多少?为研究这一问题,516位上海和566位温哥华的大学生分别完成了中英文版的《互联网知识小测验》.温哥华的大学生比上海的大学生得分平均高出20%,两地大学生使用互联网的目的也各不相同.  相似文献   

心理疏导工作意在解决大学生的心理问题以及思想问题,并在此基础上做好对大学生正确思想的引导,让他们树立正确的人生观、价值观以及世界观,为大学生积极投入高校和谐校园建设奠定坚实基础。本文首先简单论述了心理疏导的内涵以及心理疏导的诠释,继而对心理疏导在大学生思想政治教育中的重要意义进行了探析,然后阐述了大学生思想政治教育中心理疏导的一般原则,最后阐述了大学生思想政治教育心理疏导途径。  相似文献   

In a comparative study of student teachers in Finland and South Africa, the researchers aimed to capture students’ views of how and what they had learned from practice in two university-affiliated primary schools. With data from survey questionnaires, we found that students in the two customized programmes accentuated different domains of teacher knowledge. The newly established teaching practice school in Johannesburg afforded closer integration of university and school practicum experiences for students than the well-established school in Helsinki. The authors conclude that an innovative teacher education model can be re-invented in a significantly different context and also add new dimensions to the original.  相似文献   

The way students use psychotherapy in their undergraduate years is reminiscent of the image of the "refueling toddler." Developmental factors lead students in late adolescence to seek exploratory therapy and then to step away from the therapy. Three clinical examples help to illuminate this observation. The authors use this developmental observation to argue against policies for time-limited psychotherapy in college years.  相似文献   

关于大学师生交往状况的实证研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用多元回归分析的方法,对大学师生交往的有关问题进行了实证研究。研究表明,大学生的年龄、性别、成绩以及学生父母的受教育程度对大学师生交往有重要的影响;师生交往对大学生的发展有积极的促进作用。但是,由于种种原因,大学师生之间的交往频率不高,在有限的师生交往过程中,男女大学生所获得的成就存在着一定程度的差异。  相似文献   

This article reports on the integration of psychotherapy in a comprehensive dropout prevention program developed at the Dean of Students’ office of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. The program’s psychologists conducted psychotherapy with a subset of dropout prevention program participants who had reacted with emotional turmoil to the risk of university dismissal or whose academic status had deteriorated due to emotional problems. Although these psychologically distressed students were presumably more vulnerable than others in the dropout prevention program, with the assistance of psychotherapy their rate of retention matched that of the rest of the program participants. The article includes a detailed case study of one program participant’s psychological treatment.  相似文献   

介绍了"国家大学生创新性实验计划"(CEPNUS)在南京农业大学的实施现状,并提出了"‘钓’胜于‘鱼’"的观点,即方法的传授重于知识的灌输和过程重于结果的理念。  相似文献   

大学生入校后将面临一系列问题,如为什么学,学什么,怎么学,学了以后干什么.同样是上大学,会上与不会上大不一样.教师教书育人的重要职责就是指导和帮助学生学会学习,学会在大学中如何生活,也就是学会怎样上大学.  相似文献   

In recent years journal writing as a tool for reflective practice has gained prominence in teacher education programs. This paper reports the investigation of journal writing as a means for student teachers and university to better understand the process of learning to teach. The aims of the study were to examine how journals are used; to explore what students learn and what university teachers learn; and to identify which strategies work best. Survey and interview data were collected from the student authors of the journals. Analysis of the data contributed to our understanding of the process of interactive journal writing and the strategies we used as university teachers. Students used the journals in a number of ways. They used the journals to get direction on practice and planning, as a tool for analysis, as an emotion release, and as a way of 'sorting things out'. Students identified a number of strategies used by the university teachers as journal respondents which contributed to students' learning about teaching. This research focused our attention on interactive journal writing as a strategy that has the potential to promote reflective practice.  相似文献   

The current study examined expectations and preferences of psychotherapy approach in 225 college students. Psychodynamic-interpersonal (PI) techniques were generally favored over cognitive-behavioral (CB) techniques both in expectations of what is characteristic of a typical therapy session and perceived helpfulness. There was no difference in findings between therapy naïve college students and those with a history of psychotherapy. Psychological mindedness was correlated with PI ratings, but not CB ratings. College counselors may want to emphasize emotional and relational strategies when working with college students and may benefit from examining the psychological mindedness of new clients to assist with determining their treatment plan.  相似文献   

采用个案研究法,选择3个存在心理健康问题且无器质性疾病及体育锻炼史又适合于同一专题个案研究的大学生作为本研究的被试,并根据3个被试的身心状况、运动能力、兴趣爱好、生活习惯等个体特点合理采用多种运动项目和运动方式,灵活安排各个运动时间并结合适宜的日常心理疗法对其心理健康因子进行10周的试探性干预实验。研究结果表明:体育锻炼结合适宜的日常心理疗法不仅对大学生心理健康问题的每一个因子都存在积极的干预效果,而且干预效果还存在因子差异和个体差异。  相似文献   

In this study, the authors ask the question, 'What does it mean to wear the labels "teacher" and "female"?' Eighteen Master of Arts in Teaching students volunteered to participate in a Gender Issues Seminar at a large US public state university. Their language, recorded through audio-recordings, response journals, and autobiographical webs become the basis for analysis. Applying post-structural feminist theory, the authors identify powerful discourses determining what it means to be 'female' and 'teacher.' The study illustrates how the discourse of teaching as acceptable women's work and the discourse of patriarchy work upon the subjectivity of women as they struggle with what it means to be teacher/woman. The authors then partially deconstruct these discourses, considering implications for teacher educators.  相似文献   

Psychotherapists in a university setting face a unique set of losses and limits that must be understood in order to provide effective service. The limits are defined by a setting which calls for short-term interventions. The loss results from multiple endings and the difficulties for therapist and students when intensive attachments are formed. The primary task is not one of providing ongoing intensive psychotherapy, but more often is based on an assessment and counseling model with the necessity of making referrals for more intensive psychotherapy. The pscyhotherapist must come to terms with the dilemma of loss and learn to become aware of defensive reactions which may develop to protect against the loss.  相似文献   

Using students’ diaries as a frame of reference, this research project set out to learn more about how they experience foreign language classes in their first university year, over two semester periods (from September to June of the academic year 2007/08). The diaries were produced by 35 students of English Studies at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain. The data gathered from these diaries were classified into three sections: Section 1 provides a qualitative study of the students’ opinions of the lessons (subdivided into three different areas of interest: what learners expected, what they valued and what they criticised); Section 2 covers comments on feeling expressed about their first experience at university; finally, in Section 3, the data are reconsidered to shed light on the students’ learning strategies.  相似文献   

论当代大学生的集体主义价值观教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代大学生基本价值观的主流是积极向上的,同时也表现出明显的务实倾向和功利色彩,突出问题是集体主义意识淡化、态度与行为脱节。因此,必须全面准确地理解和阐释集体主义价值观,着力建构有利于促进大学生全面发展的“真实集体”,以集体主义为核心加强大学生班集体建设,强化大学生集体意识和集体主义的价值导向,切实把道德实践融入大学生的学习生活之中,从而保证大学生的健康成长。  相似文献   

Engaging identities in a regional university classroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the coincidence between how lecturers teach and what students expect to learn at a regional university in Australia. It looks outside cognitive and behavioural theories of motivation to find that both students and lecturers are driven by a common goal, but it is not a methodology. I examine the ways in which students and lecturers seek support for their identity, and how their desire for recognition can support or interfere with the aims of education. The paper proposes that one of the fundamental challenges in higher education is to understand what goes on in-between students and lecturers in the university classroom. While many lecturers in this study are already doing this, there continues to be only an intuitive understanding of what motivates the relation between learning and teaching.  相似文献   

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