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通过调查研究、座谈及反复论证,制定了我院体育教育专业学生德智体综合测评指标体系。确定了德智体综合测评的内容与标准、测评操作程序、各种指标的权重及适用范围等。认为德育评估的量化是德智体综合测评的关键,德育评估标准与量化的设定加大了测评的可行性和可操作性。  相似文献   

优秀运动员注意力测量与评价研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究目的:研发一个“优秀运动员注意力测评系统”,该系统不仅能快速、准确测评运动员的注意力综合水平,而且对注意力的不同品质也能作进一步的区分与评价;研究方法:1)通过对221名少年儿童研究,对注意力测验进行目标选项;2)通过对656名青少年研究,进一步确定注意力测验度评价指标;3)通过对103名国家队运动员研究,制定优秀运动员综合注意力水平以度注意力不同品质的评价参考标准;4)以优秀运动员的测评数据建模,研发注意力测评系统。该系统已在一些运动队使用。  相似文献   

对信度、效度的概念进行了解析,分析了其相互之间的关系,对信度和效度在体育测量评价中的应用领域及存在的问题进行了研究,并对信度、效度检验的应用研究提出了可行的建议,以期更好的控制测评情境,尽量降低信度和效度的误用几率及测评误差。  相似文献   

洪春斌 《体育世界》2014,(5):66-67,70
本文结合几所高职院校在教学测评体系的建立和测评工作的实施过程中积累的丰富经验,通过网络B/S架构网络建立一套教学质量测评指标体系,采用淘宝式分级测评的模式,并将测评结果进行综合计算,从而获得对体育教师较为客观公正的测评结果。  相似文献   

我国体质测评结果显示近35年大学生有氧能力持续低下。由于测评指标体系是激励、改革、发展的“指挥棒”“风向标”和“助推剂”,故研究首次从有效性视角,采用逻辑分析与实验论证法对我国大学生有氧能力测评指标体系进行问题审视。结果发现1 000 m或800 m跑测评大学生有氧能力,存在指标单一、体系缺乏、过程缺失、有效性低的问题;据此以现代心理学和行为科学为基础,创新构建全程性、层次化有氧运动绩效和有效性高的12 min跑有氧能力测评指标与标准,融合生成多元化、差异化、实时动态进阶的大学生有氧能力九宫格绩效智慧测评指标体系。  相似文献   

我国体质测评的回顾与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国民体质是综合国力的重要组成部分。中华民族想要在竞争中立于不败之地,就必须从整体上提高全民族的素质。因此,加强在竞争,加强对国民体质的研究,运用科学的指标、先进的手段对国民体质进行测评,进而寻找、探讨增强国民体质,改善国民健康状况的理论、方法、技术是非常重要的。本文对我国国民体质测评进行概括,指出测评工作的不足,并对我国国民体质测评的趋势作了预测,以期未来的国民体质监测更加完善,达到真正全面反映个体健康状况的目的。一、体质的概念及体质测评的内容1.体质的概念体质是人体的质量,它是在遗传性和获得性…  相似文献   

介绍了激光模拟射击训练器的工作过程;通过和实弹射击的对比,确定模拟射击训练器的射击精度等级划分,静态、动成射击精度的测评方法。  相似文献   

对运动技能进行有效的测试和评定,是运动学习领域的主要研究内容之一,也是体育教学和训练实践的必要环节。根据国外有关专著,运动技能的主要测评方法有误差测定(Error measvres)、运动学测定(Kinematic measvres)、追踪技能测定(Track  相似文献   

多通道用户界面在举重训练数据管理系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着计算机信息技术的迅猛发展,计算机辅助训练的各种应用研究正受到越来越多的关注。作为其中的重要部分,训练数据实时管理与测评系统的研究更是备受关注。然而,考虑到训练数据采集的多样性和时空的不确定性,现有基于窗口的单一图形界面的训练数据管理与测评系统给使用者带来了极大不便,难以做到训练数据的实时管理与测评,严重制约了运动训练向科学化发展的步伐。在探讨不同应用环境中的多通道界面和交互方式的基础上,设计开发了多通道交互的举重训练数据管理与测评系统,以达到随时随地对训练数据的实时监管。  相似文献   

周薇 《湖北体育科技》2017,36(8):671-674
目的通过对美、日两国青少年体质健康测评体系进行研究,为促进我国青少年体质健康工作提供有益参考。方法采用文献资料法等研究方法,对美国FITNESSGRAM体质测评系统、日本新体力测定进行分析,并与我国学生体质健康测评体系进行对比分析。结果与结论从提高体质测试指标效度、改进符合我国实际的青少年体质健康测评方法、我国测试反馈系统等角度提出完善我国体质健康测评体系的建议。  相似文献   

通过对中华人民共和国第10届运动会体操比赛部分比赛项目的评分数据进行客观性分析发现,裁判员个体间的评分标准差异显著,评分随机误差较大,评分结果的区分度不高。说明裁判员执法水平尚显不足,责任意识较薄弱,影响了比赛结果的客观性和可信度。建议严格执行裁判员考核和遴选制度,改进评分方法和误差处理方法,强化执法责任意识,端正执法态度。  相似文献   

通过判读手掌和手腕骨的X光成像图片来评价青少年骨龄是体育和医学界一直使用的传统方法,长期的实践应用已证明它是行之有效的。但为变革其固有的缺陷对新的评价方法的探索一直没有停止,其中以色列阳光公司研制的BoneAge超声骨龄检测仪利用定量超声原理来评价骨龄,已批量投入市场且已为国内部分省市的体育部门所采用。研究目的:对BoneAge超声检测方法和传统X光拍摄方法进行方法学比较分析,检验新方法的准确性和有效性,以维护骨龄检测的权威性和科学性。研究对象:5-17岁男女青少年322名。研究方法:(1)超声骨龄仪的可重复性试验(实验对象93名);(2)X光片判读结果与超声检测结果的比较。对223名男女青少年拍摄手掌(腕)骨进行X光拍摄后随即使用BonAge超声骨龄检测仪对同批对象进行手腕部超声扫描。将超声骨龄结果与两位专家对X光片盲式读片结果的平均值进行比较分析。研究结果:(1)对超声骨龄仪的可重复性实验结果表明,两次测试的骨龄均值无显著性差异且呈高度相关,提示该仪器总体稳定性良好;(2)对超声骨龄结果与X光骨龄均值比较的显示,无论是区分年龄段还是性别,两种评定结果之间均有较大的系统误差和随机误差,且这种误差随年龄段的增大而有所加大;对年龄段较高的人群,超声检测结果更易高估对象的骨发育程度;单因变量多因素方差分析表明,骨龄评价结果主要受到评定方法和年龄段因素的影响,而与性别因素关系不大;对超声骨龄和X光骨龄的相关程度和直线回归分析表明,尽管总体人群的两种评价结果存在高度相关,直线回归效果较好,但引入年龄段因素后,相关程度明显降低,回归效果较差,提示这两种方法之间不能相互替代。  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to develop a new 2D gymnast-high bar model with horizontal bar endpoint dynamics included. To this end, a three-spring high bar model was extended with a five segment gymnast model followed by evaluation and sensitivity analysis. Evaluation over more than a complete giant swing (420°) was favourable (bar position rms errors <0.017 m, center of mass angular position rms error <11°). Single parameter perturbations (10%) caused little deterioration in model performance (lower 180°of the giant swing-bar position rms errors <0.006 m, arms’ angle rms error <0.9°). Combinations of parameter perturbations gave bar position rms errors <0.008 m and arms’ angle rms error <1.8°. Model performance was most sensitive to errors in high bar stiffness values.  相似文献   

近年来中国学校体育课程改革的理性思考   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过对我国近年来体育课程改革中若干问题的分析探讨,认为:在体育教学本质功能、目标定位、教学评价、课程资源开发等认识方面存在误区。主要表现在:教育理念被曲解,教学目标被扩大,教学的核心教材被忽视,教学评价失真等。建议:树立体育课程教学目标主次观,增强体质是首要目标,健康是最高目标,教学评价应重视生理效应,体育与健康分别开课等改革主张。  相似文献   

Mechanography during the vertical jump may enhance screening and determining mechanistic causes underlying physical performance changes. Utility of jump mechanography for evaluation is limited by scant test-retest reliability data on force-time variables. This study examined the test-retest reliability of eight jump execution variables assessed from mechanography. Thirty-two women (mean±SD: age 20.8 ± 1.3 yr) and 16 men (age 22.1 ± 1.9 yr) attended a familiarization session and two testing sessions, all one week apart. Participants performed two variations of the squat jump with squat depth self-selected and controlled using a goniometer to 80º knee flexion. Test-retest reliability was quantified as the systematic error (using effect size between jumps), random error (using coefficients of variation), and test-retest correlations (using intra-class correlation coefficients). Overall, jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, evidenced by small systematic errors (mean±95%CI: 0.2 ± 0.07), moderate random errors (mean±95%CI: 17.8 ± 3.7%), and very strong test-retest correlations (range: 0.73–0.97). Differences in random errors between controlled and self-selected protocols were negligible (mean±95%CI: 1.3 ± 2.3%). Jump execution variables demonstrated acceptable reliability, with no meaningful differences between the controlled and self-selected jump protocols. To simplify testing, a self-selected jump protocol can be used to assess force-time variables with negligible impact on measurement error.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of a new method for measuring three-dimensional (3D) putting stroke kinematics using the TOMI® device. A putting robot and a high-speed camera were used to simultaneously collect data for the validity evaluation. The TOMI® device, when used in conjunction with standard 3D coordinate data processing techniques, was found to be a valid and reliable method for measuring face angle, stroke path, putter speed, and impact spot at the moment of ball contact. The validity of the TOMI® measurement system was quantified using the 95% limits of agreement method for each aforementioned variable. The practical significance of each validity score was assessed by incorporating the maximum estimated measurement error into the stroke of the putting robot for 10 consecutive putts. All putts were executed from a distance of 4 m on a straight and flat synthetic putting surface. Since all putts were holed successfully, the measurement error for each variable was deemed to be negligible for the purposes of measuring putting stroke kinematics. The influence of key kinematic errors, at impact, on the outcome of a putt was also determined.  相似文献   

Progress in micro-electromechanical systems has turned inertial sensor units (IUs) into a suitable tool for vertical jumping evaluation. In total, 9 men and 8 women were recruited for this study. Three types of vertical jumping tests were evaluated in order to determine if the data provided by an IU placed at the lumbar spine could reliably assess jumping biomechanics and to examine the validity of the IU compared with force plate platform recordings. Robust correlation levels of the IU-based jumping biomechanical evaluation with respect to the force plate across the entire analysed jumping battery were found. In this sense, significant and extremely large correlations were found when raw data of both IU and force plate-derived normalised force–time curves were compared. Furthermore, significant and mainly moderate correlation levels were also found between both instruments when isolated resultant forces’ peak values of predefined jumping phases of each manoeuvre were analysed. However, Bland and Altman graphical representation demonstrated a systematic error in the distribution of the data points within the mean ±1.96 SD intervals. Using IUs, several biomechanical variables such as the resultant force–time curve patterns of the three different vertical jumps analysed were reliably measured.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和实验法对沈阳师范大学体育学院乒乓球技术课教学进行实验研究,结果表明:采用视频与录像结合教学法对乒乓球技术课教学具有明显的促进作用;实验班无论是在技术评定成绩上,还是在达标考核成绩上所取得的效果明显好于运用传统教学方法的对照班;此方法具有为学生呈现完整的技术动作、关键技术环节循环演示,提高课堂反馈与纠错能力,使学生的感知觉和注意力得到有效刺激的优势。  相似文献   

This study evaluated baseball pitching accuracy using a variety of parameters to quantify pitching errors and analysed the validity of the accuracy measurements by comparing the outcomes of two small groups of pitchers. Several professional (n = 5) and high school (n = 8) pitchers threw 30 pitches each, including 20 fastballs and 10 breaking balls. To assess pitching accuracy, pitch locations relative to the catcher’s mitt (as the target) were evaluated with various parameters, including major/minor radius, an area of 95% confidence ellipse, absolute error, constant error and pitch location trajectory. Compared to the high school pitchers, the professional pitchers exhibited shorter major and minor radii in their 20 fastball pitches (p < 0.05), more accurate control in the lateral direction (p < 0.05), and shorter pitch location trajectories (p < 0.05). The evaluation methods presented in this study can objectively assess pitching accuracy and may thus provide useful coaching feedback with visual information.  相似文献   

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