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职场新人,要学会调整自己的心态转眼就快到六月了,马上就要迎来了应届生工作的高峰期。初入职场的新人,在很多方面都缺乏经验,有时候的一步之差,也许会出现"失之毫厘谬以千里"的局面。所以,职场新人,要注意些什么,你得留点神了。1.职场新人们必须要"转型"  相似文献   

职场是个鱼龙混杂的地方,这里什么样的人和事都能遇到。初涉职场的新人面对那些特别棘手、而且从未遇到过的事情,显得有些无奈。有的职场新人面对这些复杂的事情,总能想出一些解决办法,并且从中找到问题根源;有的人却总是手足无措,尴尬地在夹缝中求生存。这些让职场新人头疼的事,究竟怎样才能避免呢?  相似文献   

职场新人注定是要按部就班、循序渐进地工作的。但是,谋求快速的发展也是每个新人的愿望,那么找对职场的"快捷键"便成了一个话题。※快捷键一:牢记客户的姓名张尚饶,23岁,某啤酒公司职员在加入这家知名啤酒公司时,和所有职场新人一样,我也面对快速融进工作大集体的问题。  相似文献   

身在职场,周围各种复杂的人际关系,无疑给职场新人们带来了很大的压力。那么,办公室关系有哪些禁忌,新人们该如何应对呢?  相似文献   

提出了学习职场敬语的重要性,分析了职场中使用敬语的原因,归纳了职场敬语使用的特点,深入探讨了职场敬语使用的方法,旨在对日语学习者和职场新人有所帮助.  相似文献   

美国电影《时尚女魔头》改编自劳伦·魏斯伯格的同名畅销小说,是一部经典的励志电影。自2006年公映以来,在社会上引起了广泛关注和强烈反响。片中女主角安德里亚的职场打拼经历与年轻时尚白领产生强烈共鸣,甚至被奉为“职场生存宝典”。这部以“新人入职”为题材的时尚电影,对于刚刚步入职场的新人来说,无疑是一部不可多得的教学片。文章以女主角安德里亚为主线,初步探讨该片对职场新人的启迪意义。  相似文献   

薪水、跳槽、升职、人际关系、“站队”、做人、做事、办公室政治……一个个敏感话题在这些职场新人的眼前晃来晃去,如何在职业之旅中自在邀游,且听我们的专家为您见招拆招眼下,又一届大学生告别校园,迈入职场。悠闲的校园生活被紧张的职场打拼所代替,冷漠的同事,咆哮的上司、乏味的工作,这些都让处于“断乳期”的职场新人感到难以接受。然而,婆婆都是多年的媳妇熬成的,职业老手们也都是一步一个脚印走过来的,开始的茫然困惑是变化突破的前站,作为职场新人,只  相似文献   

每个人都面临严酷的职场竞争力大考验.企业在员工淘汰上不再留情.被PK掉的新人数量不断攀高,青年学生作为一个职场新人该怎么做?  相似文献   

面试是每个职场新人的必修课。面对种种面试,如何能让自己脱颖而出?这是每个职场新人都在思考并希望找到答案的问题。带着这个普遍性超强的问题,小编费尽周折找到了下面这些面试秘诀。这些秘诀可以让你少走弯路,离成功更近一步。  相似文献   

对于刚刚毕业的大学生来说,如何适应从学生到职场新人的角色转变历来是他们所关注的问题.读惯了圣贤书,淡漠了窗外事,如今要脱去一身学生气,打拼于竞争激烈的职场,大学生们心里难免会有这样或那样的忧虑.如何让上司满意,如何建立良好的人际关系…这些都是困扰职场新人的问题.  相似文献   

随着医学实验教学水平的提高、医学研究项目的增多和医学实验室开放程度的加大,越来越多的新手进入实验室,增大了实验室安全管理的难度.该文专门针对初进医学实验室的新手,根据医学实验室的特点,提出了医学实验室安全管理的对策,即在管理方面做好硬件建设,严格执行安全制度和不断进行安全教育,在新手方面,树立安全意识,养成良好、规范的实验操作习惯.  相似文献   

This paper explores how newcomers experience their transition to work as they strive to move from a position of ‘educational’ knowledge to professional knowing. Hence, we focus on how newcomers learn to transform knowledge to knowing at work. We do this through the analysis of two ethnographic case studies: one with a focus on new office workers and the other on newly employed paramedics. In our analysis, we approach knowledge as a question of knowing through practise. This enables us to recognize the complexities of learning at and for work and learning and knowing as integrated processes, where learning is situated, relational and mediated. We find that newcomers’ learning occurs through social interactions and participation, not simply by joining in but involving complex interactions to first find and grasp the pathways or the ‘codes’ (established organizational culture) that enable fruitful participation. Getting access to colleagues and thus, established practice is already considered important support for newcomers to learn to enact ‘educational’ knowledge professionally. However, we find that what is most important for newcomers is how they become knowledgeable as they recognize that it is not their educational knowledge, but working out how to engage and participate in the social practices, that counts.  相似文献   

Participating in communities of practice (CoPs) is an important way of learning. For newcomers in such communities, the learning process can be described as legitimate peripheral participation (LPP). Although a body of knowledge on LPP has been accumulated from qualitative case studies, mostly focusing on the use of practices, the concrete mechanisms that shape the LPP process have not yet been systematically analyzed. In this study, we examined participation support structures with a focus on activities that senior CoP members demonstrate to foster newcomers’ participation. The use of 8 distinct participation support structures was identified in interviews with experienced members of faculty student councils. A hierarchical linear model based on data from 68 newcomers in 14 faculty student councils was computed. The model showed that in addition to exposure time and CoP size, 2 participation support structures (recruitment strategies and accessibility of community knowledge) were predictive of the newcomers’ level of participation. We conclude that senior members’ specific participation support structures can facilitate or hinder newcomers’ participation in CoPs and that the original LPP approach needs to be enhanced by taking participation support structures into account.  相似文献   

Mentorship programs have been deployed within immigrant and settlements services to integrate newcomers to the Canadian labor market. These programs are often assessed for their impacts on immigrant mentees. Little attention has been paid to how they may have influenced mentors. In this context, this study, from the perspective of transformative learning, examines the experiences of 19 mentors who were involved in a mentorship program designed to enhance the employment prospects for immigrant professionals in Canada. Findings indicated that in the process of mentoring immigrants with diverse backgrounds, mentors engaged in both informational and transformational learning. Through informational learning, the mentors expanded their cultural and work-related knowledge, hence their life horizons. For some mentors, their learning was also transformational. Some developed new awareness of and relation to the self. Some also started recognizing the structural and cultural barriers facing newcomers, and sometimes taking actions to effect social change. Both kinds of learning – informational and transformational – we argue, may contribute to disrupting relations of inequality between newcomers and the host society. The study suggests ways through which mentoring programs can contribute to a two-way process of integration involving changes and learning for both newcomers and the host society.  相似文献   

Adult Education     
This article explores interactive qualities between newcomers and workplace practices, the newcomers being adult immigrants in job placement schemes. Focus is on how the novices enter work sites, how they participate and what their duties in daily work situations are in three working life sectors in Norway. The discussion draws attention to courses of involvement and participation through the structuring of work activities and the acceptance of the newcomers in the communities of practice.|spagf|ro|epagf|  相似文献   


How easily a new faculty members adjusts and adapts to life in the professoriate is often dependent on the types of relationships that the newcomer establishes with colleagues and on the willingness of veteran faculty members to assist newcomers as they learn the ins and outs of the academy. One avenue for facilitating interaction between newcomers and academic veterans is to establish formal mentoring programs. In this case study, the formal mentoring relationship is examined as a means for understanding the socialization processes of new faculty members. Results suggest that mentoring relationships may facilitate socialization because they allow newcomers to establish interpersonal bonds and receive support and advice from experienced colleagues. Results also indicate, however, that the most important feature of mentoring may be accessibility. This finding leads to questions concerning the feasibility of assigning mentors rather than encouraging informal mentoring from multiple faculty members.  相似文献   

In The Netherlands, since 1996, 'newcomers', like migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, are obliged to take part in an educational settlement programme which should enable them to gain access to (professional) education and to the labour market. This paper deals with the settlement efforts that are required from adult education on the one hand and newcomers on the other hand, and with the current results and further prospects. We elaborate the central aspects of the settlement policy and its developments, and, drawing on the field theory of Pierre Bourdieu, we analyse the settlement policy and its consequences for adult education as well as newcomers. Then we turn to the two ideologies, cultural assimilation and structural integration, which firmly instigated the (re)formation of the policy, and we relate them to the actual settlement practice. Conclusively, we stipulate three kinds of conditions for a settlement policy that has greater significance for the labour participation of newcomers, and for their integration in Dutch society in general.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the political, cultural andethnic aspects of the situation that (young)newcomers have to face after arrival inEuropean societies. They often will experienceculture shock, and in the case of refugees,sequential traumatization. This analysis leadsto a consideration of its implications foreducation and counselling. It is argued thatcounsellors should help newcomers to develop a`survival kit', to be able to cope with theirnew situation.  相似文献   

The problems of shifting from norm-referenced assessment to criterion-referenced assessment have been identified by several scholars in recent years. These important critiques touch on a number of areas, but neglect a key question about how assessors learn to accomplish what Shay calls a ‘socially situated interpretive act'. Research that does exist tends to focus on salaried, full-time academics. This overlooks the heterogeneity of the academic labour force in higher education and the substantial contribution made by contract (hourly-paid) lecturers, particularly in applied disciplines such as Business and Management. This study explores how nine newcomers to a UK Business School – including salaried and contract staff – attempt to understand local assessment practice. We use a situated learning lens to analyse their diary entries and interviews about their experiences of learning to mark. Drawing on scholars such as Sadler, we examine the suggestion that exemplars are important for newcomers coming to understand local assessment practice. We argue for the fundamental importance of dialogue about exemplars and other aspects of practice, both to develop inter-subject understandings of assessment ‘anchor points' and also to foster among newcomers (and especially contract lecturers) a greater sense of participating in, and being valued by, the local assessment community.  相似文献   

This article considers research from a preliminary study of Libyan children's accounts of their experience learning English as an additional language (EAL) within mainstream schools in the LJK. The analysis of interviews and classroom observations suggests that for equal opportunity to take place, local education authorities need to place greater emphasis on language and educational provision for newcomers to UK primary schools. In addition, there is still a communication barrier as well as a language barrier between home and school which needs to be addressed in order for children to adjust to and meet school requirements. In a similar way, parents of newly arrived children need to have clear expectations. The implications of this piece of research are extremely relevant for additional language acquisition in British schools and, in particular, for the education of newcomers whose circumstances are similar to those of the children in this study. This research also enables the voice of Arab children, as learners of the English language, to reach educators and policy makers, and empower them further in the research processes which inform British education policy.  相似文献   

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