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本研究随机选取甘肃省3所普通高等院校的教师为被试,探讨领导风格、工作家庭冲突以及情绪智力3因素对高校教师组织承诺的影响。研究发现:仁慈领导和权威领导分别对教师组织承诺有正向和负向的影响;工作一家庭冲突和家庭一工作冲突均对教师组织承诺有负向的影响;教师的情绪智力对组织承诺有正向影响;回归分析得出工作一家庭冲突、仁慈领导、权威领导、教师情绪智力4个变量能够较好地预测教师组织承诺。这一结论对我国高校管理者以及教师本身都有较大的指导意义。  相似文献   

研究在证实变革型领导风格对校长信息化领导力存在显著正向影响的基础上,采用Bootstrap中介效应检验法分析组织氛围和自我效能感两个变量在变革型领导风格与校长信息化领导力之间的中介效应。通过量化分析发现:(1)变革型领导风格对校长信息化领导力存在显著影响;(2)组织氛围在变革型领导风格的四个子维度(愿景激励、德行垂范、个性化关怀、领导魅力)对校长信息化领导力的影响中存在中介效应,其中组织氛围在德行垂范与校长信息化领导力之间的中介效应最强,而且为完全中介;(3)自我效能感在变革型领导风格的三个子维度(愿景激励、个性化关怀、领导魅力)对校长信息化领导力的影响中存在中介效应,自我效能感在德行垂范对校长信息化领导力的影响中不具有中介效应。  相似文献   

为揭示高校组织文化、领导风格与知识管理之间的内在关系,提出研究框架与假设,并运用调查问卷和SPSS统计分析软件进行实证研究,结果表明高校组织文化、领导风格与知识管理之间具有典型相关性,而且支持型的组织文化容易形成领导风格,具有知识启发的领导风格以及创新的组织文化容易导致各项知识管理活动的出现。  相似文献   

不管是在企业中还是在国家机关,领导风格都是影响人力资源管理的一大重要因素。从古至今,人类从来没有离开过领导管理,领导管理风格在长期的实践活动中逐渐形成,并且不知不觉起到了个性领导的作用。领导管理风格的不同,对员工的影响力也是不同的。本文以企事业单位为主要研究对象,从领导管理风格的技巧入手,重点剖析了其对人力资源管理的影响度。  相似文献   

当人们处在不确定的情形时,常常会伴随焦虑、忧伤的负性情绪。为探讨在不确定的条件下,不确定性反应风格对预期情绪的影响以及不确定性反应风格、自我效能感、预期情绪三者之间的相互关系,并且进一步探究自我效能感在不确定性反应风格以及预期情绪之间的中介作用,本次研究采用问卷调查法,对238名被试运用不确定性反应风格量表(URS)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)以及预期情绪量表进行测量并使用统计软件SPSS18. 0对数据进行相关分析、回归分析等。研究结果表明:(1)不确定性反应风格与自我效能感两者之间呈显著正相关。(2)自我效能感与积极的预期情绪呈显著正相关。(3)自我效能感在不确定性反应风格与积极的预期情绪之间具有一定程度的中介作用。  相似文献   

完善领导风格构建新型师生关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校领导风格包括任务行为和关系行为两种形式。任务行为促进目标的实现;关系行为帮助领导改变人际关系。师生关系、干群关系的形成受到社会价值观、道德观的影响,同样,学校领导风格的形成也受相同的价值观、道德观的影响。在主流价值观、道德观影响下,领导风格有时会表现为相同的趋向性,此时的领导风格称主流领导风格。改善领导风格,可以促进学校干群关系,进而促进师生关系。改善学校师生关系,首先应该改进学校的干群关系,而其中领导风格的改变是关键。  相似文献   

根据美国《国家家长量表》的研究显示,家长的养育风格可分为控制型、疏离型、无私型和胜任型,不同的养育风格下,在处理2-3岁婴幼儿情绪问题时,会呈现出差异的行为表现;秉持以"爱""接纳""尊重"为原则的处理方式,帮助婴幼儿形成良好的情绪能力。  相似文献   

为深入探讨不同性质和强度的情绪对初中生英语阅读成绩的影响,采用自编的《初中生英语阅读测验试卷》和自编情绪自评量表对选取的148名有效被试进行了实验研究。结果发现:第一,不同情绪会导致初中生英语阅读成绩产生波动,正性情绪对他们英语阅读成绩的提升幅度最大;第二,情绪的强度会影响初中生英语测试成绩,情绪强度越大其对阅读测试成绩的影响也就越显著;第三,不同情绪强度会影响初中生英语阅读成绩变化,强烈负性情绪会促使他们英语阅读成绩提升幅度最大。  相似文献   

谈彬彬 《文教资料》2014,(12):63-64
性格类型和气质特征对人的行事风格有很大影响,每个人的待人接物都各有特色。“性格决定命运”,性格对于艺术创作更是有很大影响,不同的设计师有不同的创作风格。本文就服装设计和设计师情绪的联系作分析,主要研究二者之间的关系。  相似文献   

谈归因风格与大学生就业力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归因风格是一个人所具有的独特的归因方式以及由此所产生的独有的归因倾向。归因风格对大学生就业力的形成有着重要的影响。就业力包括基本能力、核心能力和专业应用能力,不同的归因风格会形成大学生不同的就业期望、就业情绪和就业动机,它们都会对个体的就业力产生直接的影响。增加就业信息量,进行就业指导,引导正确归因,强化自我完善,是提高大学生就业力的关键。  相似文献   

The field of sport for development and peace (SDP) has been growing exponentially, with many organizations and academics embracing the possible contribution that sport can make to development. To date, leadership in sport for development and peace has not been conceptualized. Perhaps due to the missions of sport for development and peace organizations, many of which focus on helping marginalized individuals, the leadership style needed to effectively guide a sport for development and peace organization may be different than that which is needed to lead other types of sport organizations. In this article, we advance that servant leadership, which is predicated on follower care and development, can be a highly effective leadership style in sport for development and peace. Through a series of propositions, we opine that servant leaders in sport for development and peace will empower followers, lead to more sustainable and effective organizations and participant outcomes, facilitate psychological needs satisfaction, and diffuse issues of power and control. Future research directions stimulated by the propositions are also discussed.  相似文献   

There is a vast and mainly enthusiastic literature on leadership. It has permeated virtually all sectors and the education sector has been particularly affected. The argument of this paper is that most of the literature and discussion about this issue is couched in terms of some fairly simple polarities: managers versus leaders, transactional versus transformational leaders, task‐focused versus people‐focused and so on. Moreover, recent analysis in education has begun to question the predominant focus on the head teacher as the leader but, so far, there has been little empirical work carried out on the meanings and implications of distributed leadership. The research reported here suggests that one crucial issue to be addressed is the dynamic of competition between leaders. Using a new conceptual framework, this article reports on a case study that reveals different interpretations of what leadership should entail and constitute at different levels of the organization. The paper shows that it is by no means enough to proselytize ‘leadership’ as if this will produce a set of approaches and behaviours that will unproblematically transform. On the contrary, different versions of what the transformed situation should look like can cause deep divisions.  相似文献   

Leadership style has been suggested as an important factor affecting knowledge management in organizations. Transformational leadership has been acknowledged as having a positive general influence on knowledge management. However, there is a lack of empirical studies examining the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge sharing in higher education within developing countries such as Iraq. This research seeks to evaluate the impact of the four components of transformational leadership, namely idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, on knowledge sharing (both donating and collecting). Two hundred and fifty usable questionnaires were collected from public higher education institutions in Iraq. Structural equation modelling with AMOS 22 confirms the importance of transformational leadership in encouraging knowledge-sharing culture in higher education. The results reveal that, of the four components of transformational leadership, intellectual stimulation has the strongest effect on both the donating and collecting of knowledge. Guidelines are developed for academics as well as leaders, and evidence is provided in support of the use of transformational leadership to promote knowledge sharing within higher education in developing countries, particularly Iraq. The implications of the findings, along with some potential applications and suggestions for future research, are discussed.  相似文献   

试论课程领导与课程发展   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
随着课程改革和课程问题研究的深入,对课程领导的研究也从课程管理的研究中分离出来,成为课程理论研究的一个新领域。课程领导是指为了实现课程目标,在一定条件下对课程领域的组织和人员施加影响的过程,具有决策、组织与引导等职能,对课程的形成、实施、改革与发展都具有重要影响。课程领导方式的改革要适应世界课程变革的需要,实行课程的三级管理,实现课程领导方式的民主化和科学化;课程的发展要与世界同步,体现现代社会的价值追求和价值选择。  相似文献   

校长领导力是如何影响学生成绩的?为什么说一个好校长就是一所好学校?对于这些问题,国外关于校长领导力与学生成绩关系的大量实证研究已经初步形成了五个具有影响力和说服力的理论模型:校长领导力三元理论模型、学校氛围中介效应模型、校长领导行为涟漪效应模型、以学习为中心的校长领导力模型和成功校长领导模型,可以很好地解释校长领导力影响学生成绩的方式与关系,对于校长如何提高学校办学质量以及如何提高学生成绩具有实践的指导价值。其中学校发展的政策背景、校长的专业培训、学生的家庭背景、利益相关者的需要等都会对校长领导力产生影响,而校长领导力与这些变量的相互作用又会对学校条件、教室条件以及教师质量产生影响,进而影响学生成绩。  相似文献   

Leadership is not only about knowledge or skills,but also about emotional intelligence and ethical factors.It varies due to different cultures and development degree.Chinese traditional leadership emphasizes collectivism,leading to an ethic-oriented style of leadership,which is important in modern China.Studying comparison and contrast between traditional leadership and modern leadership(which will inevitably involve western leadership)in China will show us how to learn from the past and the west.  相似文献   

During educational change, managers can contribute positively to the professional’s sense of coping ability. The question remains as to whether the managers of lecturers can also influence the perception of lecturers on newly formulated organizational aims. Recently, the changes in many European institutes of higher professional education (HPE) have been considerable. The innovationsathand include the Dutch HPE institutes changing from teaching-only institutes toward hybrid organizations for teaching and research. The role of lecturers is central in implementing research into HPE, especially into the educational programmes. Hence, lecturers’ view on the new organizational aims are crucial. Based on a quantitative design, lecturers’ perceptions on the new organizational aims are measured. As part of a structural equation model, these perceptions are related to how lecturers perceive their direct executives’ leadership style, directly as well as mediated by executive-imputed organizational structures as collaboration systems and decision-making processes. The results show that the direct influence of executives based on their leadership style is limited, while initiating lecturers’ participation in decision-making processes is an important influence on lecturers’ perceptions on new organizational aims. More empirical insight into leadership factors and organizational structures can enlarge the improvement of goal achievement during organizational change.  相似文献   

结合我国传统德治思想和西方道德领导理论,以质性研究的方法论范式,实地考察了北京市一所公立中学及其校长。在用扎根理论对调查资料进行分析后,从个人和组织两个维度,揭示了该校校长在道德领导方面的具体表征。校长道德领导的个人方面,主要涉及到自身修为和以德服人两方面。校长道德领导的组织方面,校长主要扮演着学校愿景的表达者、学校变革的推动者、学校文化的缔造者等角色。校长道德领导是校长个人道德和组织道德的融合,是校长与学校相互成就的过程。文化领导、阶段性的英雄式领导、合理的科层领导以及专业道德领导是校长道德领导的具体表现方式。  相似文献   

基于社会认知理论,构建以创新自我效能感为中介变量、深度学习为调节变量的包容型导师风格对研究生创新行为的影响机制模型。通过问卷调查方式,收集450份在校研究生问卷,并运用SPSS和MPLUS软件进行实证分析,研究结果表明:(1)包容型导师风格会正向影响研究生的创新行为,并且研究生的创新自我效能感会在其中起中介作用;(2)深度学习正向调节包容型导师风格对创新自我效能感的影响,研究生深度学习程度越高,包容型导师风格对研究生创新自我效能感的影响越大;(3)深度学习正向调节包容型导师风格、创新自我效能感和创新行为之间的间接关系。根据研究结论,建议研究生要增强创新自我效能感和注重深度学习,而导师要在教育教学过程中积极践行包容型指导风格。  相似文献   

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