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自我效能感是个体对自身将要产生行为的预期和价值判断.它主要影响学习者的动机、对学习任务的选择、努力程度、对学习的坚持性以及对学习结果的归因等。本文首先简述了自我效能感及其对网络学习质量的影响,然后在此基础上讨论了网络学习环境下影响学习者自我效能感的因素以及提高网络学习者自我效能感的具体策略。  相似文献   

基于已有研究,构建了教师信息技术自我效能感影响因素框架,继而对相关因素进行分析。文章认为:以组织文化为核心的环境因素、教师个体的认知方式与归因、教学任务分析与个人教学能力分析构成了教师信息技术自我效能感形成的重要信息源。  相似文献   

领导自我效能感是指个体对自己是否有能力成功完成具体领导任务进而实施有效领导的自信程度的判断。其测量以问卷的形式为主,量表的开发和使用较为分散。领导自我效能感能够有效地预测领导动机、领导成效,对集体表现和相关刻板印象也存在影响。其影响因素包括性别差异、个体因素和工作情境因素等,领导力训练也对领导自我效能感具有一定的干预效果。未来的研究需加强领导自我效能感的结构、测量、与领导成效的互相作用问题等五个方面的探索。  相似文献   

生涯自我效能是一种主体能动性因素,影响个体生涯目标的确立、职业选择、生涯行为的坚持性和生涯绩效等。生涯自我效能对个体的职业生涯发展影响深远。为了更好地发挥生涯自我效能理论在职业指导中的作用,帮助个体提高其生涯自我效能感,文章概括了生涯自我效能的形成和作用模式,并根据该模型提出了在职业指导工作中提高个体生涯自我效能感的措施和途径,这将有助于职业指导工作的有效开展。  相似文献   

1引言 自我效能感是个体在特定的情境中对自己的某种行为的自信程度。影响自我效能感的因素有很多,如家庭因素、个体的性格、学校教育等。对个体而言,家庭教育影响具有先主性,即家庭教育影响在一个人的成长过程中起着某种先入为主的定势作用。  相似文献   

英语学习自我效能感影响因素实证研究(一)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用问卷调查、访谈、数据分析等研究方法对英语学习自我效能感影响因素进行实证研究。研究表明,英语学习自我效能感受学习者个体的直接和间接经验、他人评价和学习者的自我规劝、学习外部环境、自我学业表现的归因以及个体情感和情绪等因素影响。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的迅速发展,计算机和网络技术在生活中的广泛应用,人们的工作、学习和生活方式也在不断变化,信息素养成为人们生存和发展的一项基本能力要素。基于Bandura自我效能理论、信息素养理论,以阜阳幼儿师范高等专科学校学生为研究对象,以环境因素问卷和计算机自我效能感问卷等为测量工具。分析影响学前教育专业学生计算机自我效能感的四种环境因素对计算机自我效能感两个维度的影响。选取大学二年级两个班级进行干预实验,并在在计算机基础公共课教学中采用相应的教学策略,提高学生计算机自我效能感,进而分析计算机自我效能感对学前教育专业学生信息素养的影响。  相似文献   

生涯自我效能是个体对自身有关生涯能力的认知判断,具有动机性作用,对个体一系列的生涯活动发挥着强有力的影响。生涯自我效能的形成和发展有其信息源,有关研究揭示了影响生涯自我效能形成和发展的有关因素。据此可以对个体的生涯自我效能进行干预,帮助个体改善其效能感。  相似文献   

自我效能感是影响员工工作绩效诸多原因中的重要因素之一。研究表明,自我效能感通过工作目标、思维方式及内容、行为动机等影响个体活动的结果,因此,通过设置适当的活动目标、营造适宜的工作氛围、正确的对活动结果的归因等是提高个体自我效能感的重要途径。  相似文献   

试论职业自我效能感   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
职业自我效能感是个体对自己能否胜任和职业有关的任务或活动所具有的信念。它是在个人的归因方式、目标设置状况等因素的影响下,通过对自我效能信息的认知加工形成并发展起来的,并可以通过增加正面的职业自我效能信息、改善影响职业自我效能感的因素等措施达到促进其形成和发展的目的。职业自我效能感对个人的职业选择、工作绩效等方面都有很大的影响作用,在职业辅导、职业培训等领域开展职业自我效能辅导极具现实意义。  相似文献   

试论影响足球运动员竞赛焦虑的个体性因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
焦虑情绪影响到足球运动员在运动场的发挥,对运动焦虑影响因素的研究不应只着重于外在焦虑源的探讨,还应注意到一些个体性因素影响了运动焦虑的性质及水平:个体的特质焦虑,神经类型,对焦虑(应激)源的认识评估,个性特征,自我效能,个体差异及对社会性评价的反应等。因此,在对运动焦虑进行测评与调控时也应根据上述因素有的放矢地进行。  相似文献   

大学生是互联网的重要用户,网络使用能力是大学生发展的一个基本素质。计划行为理论认为,影响行为的可能性因素,如个人认知、态度反应以及社会规范等,需要经由行为意向才会影响行为表现。行为意向是个体执行特定行为的倾向性,是行为的前因变量。针对北京高校1110名大学生的调查显示,网络自我效能感、网络使用主观规范可以通过网络使用意向影响网络功能使用,而网络使用态度则不能;且男生可能比女生有更高的网络使用意向,有异性朋友个体比没有异性朋友个体具有更低的网络使用意向。这表明增加大学生的网络使用意向,可以通过增加他们的网络效能感与网络功用性来实现。同时,教育者在引导大学生网络使用意向改变过程中,应该看到网络自我效能感的重要作用以及性别、人际关系的影响。  相似文献   


The study examines nontraditional, African-American adult students’ use of technologies and their perceptions toward this in technology-based environments. Technology perceptions included computer self-efficacy, Internet self-efficacy, user attitude, and computer anxiety. The effects of student characteristics on these factors and the relationships between these factors were examined throughout this study. Participants included minority students who participated in face-to-face or online undergraduate courses offered in continuing education. A quantitative approach was undertaken to analyze the collected data. Results indicated that nontraditional minority students utilized basic software tools more frequently than the advanced ones, suggesting that many of them may lack the knowledge or skills for advanced technologies. Age, hours spent online, and previous online course experiences influenced students’ technology perceptions. Gender did not have an impact on technology perceptions. Internet self-efficacy was affected by most of the student characteristics variables. Computer self-efficacy was found to be a good predictor for both user attitude and computer anxiety. (Keywords: technology usage, technology perceptions, student characteristics, computer and Internet self-efficacy, minority students)  相似文献   

建立在Zimmerman的自我调控学习理论框架的基础上,以英语专业学生为调查对象,考察和证实学习者自我调控学习行为和学习者动机因素如动机、自我效能感、归因以及目标倾向之间有无相关关系,这些动机因素在自我调控学习中所扮演的角色,及高职院校学生在自我调控学习中动机因素所反映的特点.  相似文献   

新时期实验技术人员大多具有高学历,如何稳定新进高学历实验技术人员队伍是高校人才队伍建设的新问题。文章通过论述职业效能感的内涵即是个体对自己能否胜任和职业有关的任务或活动所具有的信念,它是在个人的归因方式、目标设置状况等因素的影响下,通过对自我效能信息的认知加工形成并发展起来的,并可以通过增加正面的职业自我效能信息、改善影响职业自我效能感的因素等措施达到促进其形成和发展的目的[1],剖析了实验技术工作的特点即技术性、繁杂性和边缘化;对新进技术人员的优点、缺点和困惑进行了剖析;从明确岗位职责,明晰职业相关任务;树立标杆,给于职业成就的积极认可;准确定位,设置合理的职业规划;建立量化的绩效考评体系,及时反馈调动人员积极性四个方面论述了提高职业效能感的途径。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of social–structural factors (age, ethnicity and gender) on university students’ use of web‐based instruction. The study uses data from registration questionnaires of students at the Open University of Israel. During the period between 1995 and 2002 there has been a continuous increase in the proportion of students who use the Internet and email for study purposes. However, a significant minority (one‐third of the students) are still not Internet users. Previous studies have referred to the digital divide in terms of differences in access to the relevant hardware and explained it mainly by social and structural factors. Current research tends to focus on the digital divide in terms of use rather than access, and explains it mainly by micro, individual and situational characteristics. The present study shows that structural factors such as age, gender and ethnicity also play a significant role in the continuous existence of the usage gap. The social and educational implications of this gap are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of student motivation on performance in Web-based instruction (WBI) were examined. In particular, applicability of the self-efficacy theory to WBI contexts was tested. A total of 152 junior high school students in Seoul, Korea, participated in WBI during regular science classes. Participants completed motivational surveys before the onset of WBI and took the written and search tests at the end of WBI. Path analyses revealed that students' self-efficacy for self-regulated learning positively related to their academic self-efficacy, strategy use, and Internet self-efficacy. Academic self-efficacy predicted students' performance on the written test, which comprised problems on topics covered during the previous WBI sessions. Students' scores on the WBI search test were significantly and positively predicted by their self-efficacy in using the Internet. More interesting, students' academic self-efficacy beliefs were not able to predict their search test performance, whereas students' Internet self-efficacy beliefs were not able to predict their written test performance.This research is based on data collected as part of Ha-Jeen Choi's master's thesis completed at Ewha Womans University.The authors thank Steven Ross and three anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   

The current study examined factors related to older adults’ perceptions of Internet use. Three hundred ninety five older adults participated in the study. The factor analysis revealed four factors perceived by older adults as critical to their Internet use: social connection, self-efficacy, the need to seek financial information, and the need to seek health information. Key differences were found between previous research and the factors extracted in this study. The regression analysis demonstrated that variables like health condition, financial status, computer experience, and life satisfaction significantly predict, at various levels, factors perceived by the older adults to affect Internet use. The significance of the study as well as its implications for research and practice are discussed. Suggestions are made for future research and practice.  相似文献   

阅读是语言输入和习得语言知识的主要途径,在众多情感因素中,自我效能感对英语阅读有着较大的影响。通过问卷调查并利用SPSS进行数据分析,探索非英语专业大学生的英语阅读自我效能感水平和阅读策略使用情况以及以上两个方面的相关关系。结果表明:非英语专业大学生的英语阅读自我效能感处于中等水平且阅读策略的使用频率不高;非英语专业大学生在阅读自我效能感水平上存在显著的性别差异;非英语专业大学生的英语阅读自我效能感和阅读策略使用频率存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

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