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如何注意学生的个体差异,为每个学生提供主动积极参与教学活动的保证;如何促使课堂中多种类型信息交流和及时反馈的产生,加强教师对学生、学生对教师、学生对学生多边多向的交互作用;如何关注人的发展,将课堂教学融于师生整体的生命活动之中,为师生创造性的发挥提供时空余地,真正达到情感交流、自然交往的目的。课堂中的交谈活动是交往模式的一个基本成分,本文仅就此进行讨论。  相似文献   

口语教学的基本任务就是通过训练培养学生的口语技能去发展学生的口语能力。如何注意学生的个体差异,为每个学生提供主动积极参与教学活动的保证:如何促使课堂中多种类型信息交流和及时反馈的产生,加强教师对学生、学生对教师、学生对学生多边多向的交互作用,真正达到情感交流、自然交往的目的。本文就此进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

正课堂提问对教师组织教学有着非常重要的作用。它可以激发学生积极思考,独立探究,是培养学生学习能力的重要手段。它可以反映教师的输出信息,并及时反馈学生信息,是师生思想认识沟通的桥梁。那么,教师课堂提问中要注意哪些问题呢?下面笔者谈一谈自己的一些看法。一、课堂提问要结合具体情境在课堂提问时,教师应根据教学内容、教学目标和学生实际创设最佳问题情境。问题创设合理,能给学生以熟悉亲切之  相似文献   

交流是数学课堂重要的教学手段。在课堂教学中教师提出一个好的数学问题创设交流的氛围,引导学生在课堂上进行有效的交流,在交流的过程中还要学会倾听,学会自我评价,教师还要对学生的交流及时进行评价。  相似文献   

提问可以及时了解学生对所学知识的理解和掌握程度,能激发学生对知识点的思考和理解,使教师和学生融入在一个课堂交际活动中。提问还有助于提高学生的英语听说能力,增强学生的课堂参与,提升语言运用能力。教师在课堂上要尽力把握时机,注意提问方式和学生层次以及对学生的鼓励和针对问题的及时反馈,做到教师启发、师生互动、学生主动。使学生能自主学习和合作交流以适应英语课程、教学改革的要求。  相似文献   

众所周知,课堂交流在外语教学中非常重要。英语课堂提问是英语课堂教学师生双边活动最基本也是最重要的形式,它不仅是课堂交流的一个重要组成部分,也是外语学习的一种有效方式。教师在课堂上能否恰当地运用提问直接影响着课堂交流的效果。好的提问策略能促使学生内容丰富的语言输出,能促进学生较多地参与课堂活动,能增进师生、生生之间用目标语进行交流,从而提高学生的英语交际能力。另外,教师在英语教学中合理地运用提问策略不但能够启发学生的思维,及时评估学生的进步和检验教师的教学效果,引起学生的注意和有效地控制课堂,还能培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。因此,英语教师必须把教学内容转化为面向全体学生的序列性较强的问题。以问题来引发学生的学习动机与学习行为,帮助学生在解决问题的过程中掌握新的知识点,学会学习的方法,逐步提高其自主学习的能力。  相似文献   

略论多媒体教学的课堂交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代化的多媒体教学有着传统教学无法比拟的优势 ,但并非尽善尽美。多媒体教学应扬长避短 ,充分注意课堂交流 ,保证多媒体教学取得最佳效果。要建立起与现代多媒体教学相适应的新的教学模式 ,并重视教师和学生角色的重新定位 ,从而营造和谐的教学氛围 ,实现充分的、及时的、多样的课堂交流  相似文献   

赵若云 《新疆教育》2013,(15):159-159
对高中英语教学的交往模式的探讨,拟在以下几个方面进行较深入的研究:如何注意学生的个体差异,为每个学生提供主动积极参与教学活动的保证;如何促使课堂中多种类型信息交流和及时反馈的产生,加强教师对学生、学生对教师、学生对学生多边多向的交互作用;如何关注人的发展,将课堂教学融于师生整体的活动之中,为师生创造性的发挥提供时空余地,真正达到情感交流、自然交往的目的。课堂中的交谈活动是交往模式的一个基奉成分,奉文仅就此进行讨论。  相似文献   

语言是情感交流的工具。在传授知识的时候,教师和学生都要注意语言的表达。课堂上正确地运用语言,可以激发学生的求知欲望,通过语言及时地对课堂教学进行反馈,掌握学生的学习状况,对于巩固知识和发展思维都有重要的作用。本文从四个方面着手对数学课堂上的语言运用策略进行阐述。  相似文献   

李国建 《教师》2012,(1):100-100
要创设和谐、宽松的课堂氛围,形成民主、平等的师生关系,教师就得参与学生的学习活动,注意观察、倾听与交流,及时获取课堂生成的课程资源,做到"以学定教",让课堂成为大家共同的讲堂,成为每一个人展示自己的舞台。  相似文献   

This study focuses on how two teachers working in reduced-size secondary classes of the same grade adapted their pedagogy as a result of a brokered dialogue between myself as researcher and 43 grade 10 students from the teachers’ classes. Research was carried out over the course of one academic year. First, students’ perspectives on studying in a reduced-size class were elicited before they were invited to suggest ways of improving the teaching and learning. These interviews were transcribed and given to the teachers of these classes. Next, these teachers were interviewed to gauge their opinions on what the students had reported in the earlier interviews. At a later stage, their teaching was observed to determine whether, and to what extent, the two teachers had attempted to incorporate changes based on the feedback from pupils. The study showed that the pupil voice is a very powerful and constructive trigger for enacting teachers’ pedagogical change and developing our understanding of students’ learning processes. Findings demonstrate that teachers responded positively to their students’ perspectives despite initial apprehensions. Implications for professional development and good practices in reduced-size classes are also presented.  相似文献   

The reality that teachers in developing countries teach large, and even overcrowded classes, is daunting and one that may not go away any time soon. Class size in Kenyan public secondary schools is generally 40–59 students per class. This article reports initial findings on teachers’ and principals’ perspectives related to large classes. We used questionnaires, interviews and classroom observation data to examine teachers’ and principals’ perspectives regarding their capacities to teach and manage large classes; what challenges large class sizes present; and what additional supports teachers and principals perceive to be necessary. Both teachers and principals reported that the current class size has a negative impact on teaching and learning. Additionally, both teachers and principals cited a need for more support in the form of (a) professional development; (b) workload reduction; and (c) increased resources. These areas of support could help to mediate the effects of large class size, including an almost sole reliance on lecturing with little teacher-to-student and studentto-student interaction.  相似文献   

通过实证研究、调查研究及比较研究法,对2011年以来四川大学大学数学课程教学班级、教师及学生人数、学生成绩等相关数据进行分析,发现教学班级数量不断增加,班级人数不断减少,但是距离30人的小班教学还有较大差距;大班、小班中学生成绩受课程及其难度的影响较大;师生对小班化教学的期望存在差异,“大班授课,小班研讨”的实施出现异化。建议正确认识适合中国国情、适合大学数学课程特点的小班化教学;加强高校教师教育,促进高校教师教学理念、教学方式方法转变;新进适量的教师,鼓励大学数学在职教师多上课,鼓励教授为本科生上课;有效推行“大班授课,小班研讨”,不断提升助教教学和管理能力。  相似文献   

大学研讨型课堂是从教师主导的课堂转向对话主导的课堂,学生和教师在对话中围绕着事情本身展开全面的、具体的、自主的教学活动。在这种课堂实践中,学生从接受性的学习调整为自主性的学习,教师从传统的授课方式回归自身的内在本质。由此,一个追求真理、参与对话和敏而好学的课堂就清晰地展现出来。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to understand how an 8th grade science class used a structured problem-based learning (PBL) strategy to study volcanoes and to discuss some of the issues that science teachers might encounter when designing and implementing the PBL strategy. This study took place at Collins Middle School, which is located in a cosmopolitan community in Illinois. The PBL lessons, which a teacher taught cooperatively with his student-teacher, required ten class periods to study two real-life volcanic phenomena. The guiding research questions were: (a) in what ways did the teachers (Mr. Brown and Ms. Jones) facilitate student learning about volcanoes using the PBL strategy?; and (b) what were the students’ engagements like during the PBL classes on a volcano unit? This study’s findings supported three main assertions: first, the teachers’ questions and group dynamics guided and facilitated the students’ course of learning; second, with the teachers’ specific guidance, the students collaboratively built up their supporting evidence; most of the supporting evidence was much more developed than just listing the terms or simple facts on volcanoes; and, third, there existed a tension between the teachers’ ideals and the implementation of the PBL strategy. They tended to slip into the traditional role of focusing on scientific facts about volcanoes.  相似文献   

通过问卷方式对初中生生物课堂教学风格状况进行调查研究。结果表明,70%的学生表示喜欢自己动手操作;65%的学生最喜欢生物教师是幽默型的;82%的学生希望在实验观察中学习生物知识,重视实践环节;在学习过程中75%的学生比较倾向于看和听,喜欢具有图片和声音鲜明教学素材的教学风格;89%的学生喜欢老师在课堂上有针对性的适当提问;92%的学生喜欢教师将生活实例引入课堂教学;96%的学生喜欢以鼓励为主,批评为辅的教学风格。  相似文献   

浅谈和谐班级的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵文秀  张丽娟 《昆明大学学报》2007,18(2):110-112,116
和谐的校园由和谐的班集体构成,和谐的班集体靠学校教师来构建,因此构建和谐班级是班主任义不容辞的责任。班主任应从建立和谐师生关系、生生关系和学习环境等方面去构建和谐班级。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relation between teachers’ instructional practices and students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) in Hong Kong Chinese language classes using quantitative and qualitative methods. Participants were 1121 Grade 10 students from six secondary schools in Hong Kong. A Chinese reading comprehension (RC) test was used to assess the students’ reading performance and a self-reported questionnaire measured their perception of reading instruction, strategy use and reading motivation. Classroom observations and in-depth interviews were conducted in one class at each school to explore what and how instructional practices supported or impeded SRL in real contexts. The findings of this study generally support the positive relation between SRL-based instruction and Chinese students’ SRL. Among the four instructional variables, instrumental support from teachers showed the strongest relation with students’ strategy use, motivation and RC. The degree of autonomy was low in Chinese language classes and was associated with students’ negative reading behaviours.  相似文献   

This study was designed to obtain the perceptions of regular class teachers who taught children who had been in EMR programs, but had been decertified (D) and returned to regular classes in response to court cases and recent legislation. A cohort of regular class (RC) students were selected for comparative purposes. It was found that D students were placed into low ability classes; yet, teachers perceived D subjects to be significantly lower than RC students in both academic achievement and social acceptance. Only a small proportion of teachers indicated that the enrollment of D students had much impact on the regular class instructional program. However, the teachers were rather critical of the services received under the auspices of a transitional program, indicating in large part that the services were either not apparent or ineffective.  相似文献   

提问是英语教师在英语阅读课中最常用、最重要的教学手段之一。提问可以分为展示性提问和参考性提问两类。本文采用录音转为文字记录和学生访谈的方式,发现了高中英语阅读课上存在的问题:提问类型分配不合理、学生回答问题机会不均、缺少侯答时间、反馈方式单一等问题。因此该论文对于如何进一步优化高中英语教师阅读课提问技巧,增强师生课堂互动性,提高教学效率有一定意义。  相似文献   

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