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This article examines the association between school ethnic composition and immigrant students’ intentions to finish high school and to move on to higher education. We used data from 1324 immigrant and 10,546 native students gathered in the school year 2004–2005 in a sample of 85 Flemish (Belgian) secondary schools. Logistic multilevel analyses (HLM6) show that students attending schools with a majority of native students (enrolling less than 20% immigrant students) were twice as likely to plan to finish high school and to plan for higher education than those attending high concentration schools (more than 50% immigrant students). These associations were due to students’ socio‐economic status (SES) and there was no difference in aspirations between high and low concentration schools after controlling for students’ SES and the SES context of the school. All else being equal, immigrant students in high concentration schools tended to aspire to finish high school and move on to higher education slightly more than those attending medium concentration schools (20–50% immigrant students). The analyses further show that these differences between high and medium concentration schools can be explained by the more optimistic culture in high concentration schools. The main conclusion is that high concentration schools are not necessarily detrimental for students’ educational aspirations.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the closure of poor performing primary schools improved students' educational attainment. It is believed that school closure affects children's educational outcomes positively because children switch to better primary schools. At the same time, school closure creates a social disturbance such that educational outcomes may be affected negatively. There is no previous literature on the effect of this type of school closure on student performance. The empirical results indicate that student test scores are not affected by the school closure. Children are, however, tracked into higher secondary education levels after the school closure if they received more education years at the new primary school. This effect fades out and eventually becomes negative for children who received more than one education year at the new primary school. The results further suggest that there are no detrimental effects of a school closure in terms of educational performance.  相似文献   

Preparing students for informed and active citizenship is a core goal of education and schooling in Australia. The ways schools educate and prepare young Australians for citizenship involves a range of processes and initiatives central to the work of schools, including school ethos, mission, extracurricular activities and community-based participation. With regard to the formal curriculum, the recent introduction and implementation of the first ever Federal Australian Curriculum includes provision for a new subject – Civics and Citizenship. Research evidence from other nations suggests that schools understand, approach and enact education for citizenship in a multitude of ways, yet how Australian schools construct this aspect of their work is currently under-researched. In this context, and drawing on data from interviews with school leaders and teachers of Years 6–8 (11–14 year olds) students in a small sample of South Australian primary and secondary schools, we explore perceptions and current approaches to education for citizenship. Our findings suggest (1) that while school leaders and teachers value education for citizenship, they do so for different reasons; (2) that schools place values as central to education for citizenship; and (3) that community involvement is typically understood as occurring within rather than beyond the school.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育音乐课程标准》为我们展示了中小学音乐教育一系列崭新的价值观念和教育理念。高师音乐教育专业是培养未来中小学音乐教师的工作母机,教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等与中小学音乐教育改革的成败休戚相关。在中小学音乐教育正在发生重大变革的关键时刻,高师音乐教育专业应以中小学音乐教育为立足点,以《标准》为依据,在教育理念、课程结构、课程教学模式等方面进行调整,以适应新时期中小学音乐教育的需要。  相似文献   

曹晔 《职业技术教育》2007,28(19):11-15
近年来,我国中等职业教育规模与数量的变化,主要与高校扩招、普通高中扩张、中等职业学校布局结构调整及国家政策导向直接相关。制约中等职教扩招的主要因素在于,现有学校数量、规模变化、师资不足及普通高中的发展。为保证2010年高中阶段的普职规模相当,应加快推进校企合作、工学结合,加强成人学校的兼并、重组,大力发展民办学校,抓好薄弱地区、学校招生工作。从政策角度,应做好初中毕业生分流工作,制定促进工学结合、校企合作的优惠政策,促进地区、校际合作,深化职教体制、机制改革等。  相似文献   

Even after the leveling of the three types of German ‘Gymnasien’, there are still traditional ways of gaining excellence: Latin in addition to English from the 5th school year, the bilingual models and the elite schools for particularly talented students in sports, music or art. Accelerated by the ‘PISA shock’ since the upper secondary school system in Germany has been differentiated and hierarchized by highly selective gifted classes, special schools and boarding schools for high performance at a level above the regular secondary schools.This kind of exclusivity generated by the German ‘Gymnasium’s’ performance excellence is supplemented to an exclusivity through school choice in the currently greatly expand of the German private school system. In addition to the church- and denominational-funded ‘traditional schools’ and schools based on concepts of progressive education, new all-day school complexes with bilingual education, international curricula and qualifications are, especially in the “global cities” (eg Frankfurt) emerged. They mainly serve a wealthy and education-oriented parenthood, distinguishing their selves by internationality and contributing to further diversification of higher education by choosing such schools.  相似文献   

Most of the middle schools in Belgium are two-year schools that form a link between the six years of elementary education and the last four years of secondary education. In Flanders they are regarded as an example of the more global reform of the secondary educational system in a comprehensive sense.First I shall outline the new system of secondary education as it took shape in the beginning of the 1970s, thereby focusing on the first two years — the so-called observation stage. I shall then sketch the development of renewed secondary education and the current situation. In this connection I shall deal with the middle school and the innovation strategy that was followed. Thirdly a report will be given of the research so far carried out.As appears from this contribution, the changes in and the adoption of the new educational structure have not always led to a new school structure and a new school culture. In general, the movement towards moderate comprehensiveness has had only a limited effect on the behaviour of the teachers; there are more indications of effects on the school career of the students.  相似文献   

职业教育的健康发展需要中等职业教育与高等职业教育实现有机的衔接,而生源衔接是其中至关重要的一环。目前,我国中等职业学校尤其是职业高中的毕业生升学"无门"就业又比较困难,而高职院校的招生比较困难同时生源处于错位状态。实际上中等职业学校与普通高中的毕业生各有优劣,而职业高中毕业生既有较好的文化基础又有一定的职业技术,是高职院校的最佳生源。美国社区学院通过开展双学分运动促进了综合高中与社区学院的衔接,对我国职业教育的生源衔接有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

清末中学出现之后,中国才真正拥有了从小学、中学到大学的三段制学制模式。它的出现和发展是中国教育近代化的一个重要标志,同时也促进了封建旧教育体制的瓦解。文章主要考察了晚清中学在发展过程中所取得的成就以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

Before 1952 university education in Egypt was generally for the wealthier classes because the universities charged fees and only the richer families could pay those fees. For less wealthy families payment was more difficult, not only because of the direct cost of higher education, but also because of the high opportunity cost of sending children to study. After the 1952 revolution the Egyptian government introduced free education at all levels and encouraged those who wanted to further their education to enter universities. Thus elitism was eradicated from Egyptian higher education. This paper uses data from a sample of Egyptian university students and analyses the determinants of secondary school choice and the factors likely to affect secondary school certificate marks. In particular we are interested in the effect of family background, represented here by father's occupation.The results suggest that individuals with fathers in higher occupational categories tend to go to private schools rather than public schools. They also tend to choose general schools rather than technical or Koranic schools. In turn, high social background as well as attendance at a private school, have a positive and significant effect on examination marks. These findings are alarming because Egypt has a rate of increase in population of over 2% and the supply of university places will therefore have to be rationed. The most likely screening factor would be examination results and as a consequence Egyptian universities may in the future become elitist once more.  相似文献   

农村中小学义务教育均衡发展是一个十分重要的课题.近几年,我国农村中小学布局调整在取得一定成效的同时也引发了诸多问题,如:部分地区就学距离明显增加、寄宿制学校条件落后、农村家庭教育支出负担加重以及由于地方生源向县镇学校集中而出现新的教育资源紧张等.本文基于义务教育均衡发展的视角,从宏观、中观、微观三个层面,对“我国农村中小学布局调整政策”执行情况进行评估,明确目前取得的成效与不足,并根据此政策引发的问题提出合理建议.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国中小学劳动教育不断发展。在重新审视劳动教育内涵的基础上,对新中国成立以来中小学劳动教育的实践演进与现状进行梳理与回顾,总结归纳不同阶段中小学劳动教育实践的特点,并对当前中小学劳动教育实践中存在的问题进行反思,从而为新时期劳动教育研究与实践提供新的思路。在认识层面,应将职业启蒙教育融入中小学劳动教育之中,通过职业启蒙教育将家庭、学校、社会有效联系起来形成合力,从而提升各方对于劳动教育的认识,营造崇尚劳动的社会氛围。在实践层面,应构建中小学劳动教育网络资源平台,以增强劳动教育内容的丰富性和延展性,丰富劳动教育的教学方式,从而提高劳动教育质量。在保障层面,应切实建立中小学劳动教育评价保障体系。在研究层面,应加强中小学劳动教育实施路径与保障机制的相关研究。  相似文献   

Various arrangements have existed to ensure the participation of pupils' parents in school life, in particular, parent committees, which are obligatory in public schools. Private schools merely had the obligation to permit parents to form such a committee. This distinction was abolished by the new law concerning participation in education that went into effect February 1, 1982. This law is equally applicable to private or public education, nursery schools, primary schools, special schools, secondary schools, and higher professional schools (for a provisional period pending the establishment of specific regulations), as well as to part-time instruction and evening schools.  相似文献   

In this paper the focus is placed on cross‐level relationships within effective schools in secondary education in the Netherlands. Three hypotheses have been formulated. The outcomes related to the contingency hypothesis make clear that the managerial capacities of schools in secondary education are of great importance with respect to the effectiveness of schools, especially when a school's position gets under pressure at the local (student) market.

Results show the affirmation of a congruency hypothesis with respect to the extent of production orientation of management and teaching staff, and the overall congruence of school and classroom policy. Results of contextual hypothesis suggest that the average intelligence of the school population exerts no effect on school careers in general or on careers of low/high intelligent pupils in particular. However, a school environment with a relatively low average socio‐economic status is positively associated with the school careers of pupils from families with low socio‐economic status. No positive effects are found regarding school careers in general, or ethnic minority careers in particular, when the number of ethnic minority pupils was increasing.  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整一直以来都是我国促进农村义务教育改革发展的一项重要工作,新时期为实现义务教育均衡发展的目标,各地政府还需进一步完善和推进学校布局调整。威尔士政府在农村小规模学校面临一系列发展困境的现实下,遵循科学民主的原则,积极进行学校布局调整规划,提出了创新性的学校布局调整方式:联盟学校和区域学校,有效提升了学校教育质量。威尔士这种创新性的学校布局调整方式可以给我国新一轮农村中小学布局调整以有益的启示。  相似文献   

School is an excellent place to foster young learners’ creative thinking skills. However, the emphasis on creativity varies among schools. In two studies the putative influence of school education on the development of students’ creativity was examined by means of a retrospective approach. We investigated whether two influential factors within school education (1) school type (i.e., traditional vs. alternative vs. religious) and (2) perceived teaching style (i.e., independence, judgment, flexibility, integration) associate with students’ creativity at university entrance level. The difference was examined at the primary and secondary school level, respectively. Study 1a found that students who attended alternative schools at the secondary school level performed better on divergent thinking tasks as compared to students who attended traditional or religious schools. Relationship between students’ creative performance and the perceived teaching styles were inconclusive. Finally, teaching styles in alternative schools during secondary education were perceived as high in independence and flexibility. Study 1b replicated the finding that university students who attended alternative schools during secondary education have an advantage in divergent thinking. Taken together, our results highlight the positive influence of alternative school education on students’ creative performance at the university entrance level.  相似文献   

略论日本高中教育普及化的基本特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自明治维新时期建立现代教育制度以来,日本的高中教育(战前为"中等教育")经历了精英化、大众化和普及化三个发展阶段,这种阶段性发展既是数量扩大的过程,同时又是性质变化的过程.战前的中等教育虽然在量上实现了大众化,但是并没有实现真正意义上的平等化和均衡化.战后的高中教育不仅在量上实现了大众化和普及化,而且在平等化和均衡化上也取得了巨大的实质性进展.战前中等学校之间和战后高级中学之间的等级化是普及高中教育过程中出现的次生现象,这是日本社会和教育体系中存在病理的具体体现.  相似文献   

中国西部教育生产函数研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
本文运用“甘肃基础教育调查研究”项目2004年调查数据,采用教育生产函数方法和分层线性模型,对甘肃省农村初中数学和语文教育质量的影响因素进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,甘肃农村初中数学和语文教育质量在个体、班级和学校三个水平上均存在显著差异;学生家庭社会经济背景和学校同伴对数学和语文教育质量有显著影响;教师素质对数学和语文教育质量有重要影响;班级规模对数学和语文教育质量有显著负影响;分权管理制度对数学和语文教育质量有显著正影响。基于上述结论,本文对提高西部农村初中数学和语文教育质量提出以下主要政策建议:缩小班级规模;提高教师素质;建立代课教师权益保障制度;推动学校实施分权化管理。  相似文献   

Ireland’s fee-paying schools consistently rank highly in Ireland’s secondary school league tables. Evidence also notes that the alumni of fee-paying schools represent a large proportion of those in leadership positions in business, politics and the legal professions. This paper examines the factors that affect the decision of Irish households to enrol their children in fee-paying secondary schools in Ireland. The paper uses Irish Household Budget Survey data that cover three waves from the period 2004–2016. We examine the head of household’s education, occupation, income, marital status, the location of the household and temporal factors on the school choice decision. The main results indicate that fee-paying students are more likely to come from higher income, better educated and Dublin located households. This research highlights the significant driver that affluence may have in determining secondary school enrolment in Ireland. This self-selected affluent group effect may explain the performance disparities between fee-paying and non-fee-paying schools. The results enlighten any discussion around whether or not the Government should consider a transition to a fee-paying market or eliminate fee-paying schools altogether.  相似文献   

为落实《国家中长期教育改革发展纲要(2010-2020年)》,广西教育厅提出了中职升本人才的培养思路,为中职学生提供继续深造的机会,这是一种新的中职继续教育方式。梧州学院作为4个试点学校之一,从研究中职升本的内涵入手,对报考梧州学院中职学生的情况进行分析,探索梧州学院中职升本人才培养方案和创新教育教学模式。  相似文献   

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