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Education funds in Brazil comprise local revenue and intergovernmental transfers. This study analyzes the importance of budget structure on government spending in education by estimating the effects of two characteristics of the fiscal arrangement: (i) a minimum spending rule, and (ii) a set of intergovernmental transfers. The minimum spending rule has increased educational spending only for municipalities that were below the minimum; for those above the minimum, we find a negative effect of the rule. Whereas our results indicate that the minimum rule has increased investments in low-spending municipalities, it has not affected spending in personnel for high-spending ones. We then analyze whether the sources of funds matter to government spending by estimating the flypaper effect of intergovernmental transfers using an instrumental variable method. We find a significant flypaper effect for redistribution transfers. Interestingly, we do not find flypaper effect for other types of intergovernmental transfers.  相似文献   

中国义务教育财政面临的挑战与教育转移支付   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自 1 98 5年开始的义务教育财政改革是以分权化和经费来源多样化为主要特征的。这一改革取得了很大的成功 ,也在一定程度上导致了不同地区之间教育质量的日益不平衡以及贫困地区公共教育资源不足。这使得建立一个切实的、经常性的政府间转移支付制度成为必要。本研究利用 1 997年和 1 999年县级数据研究了 90年代后期教育资源的使用状况和教育投入的地区间不平衡。在此基础上对分权化财政系统中政府间转移支付的作用进行了综述 ,并进一步探讨了在中国建立经常性的、切实的义务教育政府间财政转移支付的有关问题  相似文献   

中国分税制改革后,多数地方政府依赖上级的转移支付提供公共产品,本文重点考察转移支付如何影响地方政府的行为。利用江西省多年县级面板数据进行实证检验,经过对模型形式、数据结构、变量内生等问题的处理后,作者认为存在"粘蝇纸效应",即上级转移支付对教育支出的影响大于地方自有收入的影响,县级政府更倾向于将上级的补助用于教育事业,主要原因在于样本期内专项转移支付占总转移支付的比重较大,由此直接激励了教育支出。  相似文献   

In this paper, a multivariate spatial autoregressive model of local public education expenditure determination with autoregressive disturbance is developed and estimated. The existence of spatial interdependence is tested using Moran??s I statistic and Lagrange multiplier test statistics for both the spatial error and spatial lag models. The full model is estimated by spatial econometric models approach using county-level data from 1,520 Chinese counties. The results indicate the existence of significant spillover effects among local governments with respect to spending in local public education services. The economic level determines local education expenditure level significantly. There are non-linear relationships between education expenditure and predictors such as the proportion of non-agricultural population, the immigrant population from other provinces and children population. It reveals that countries in coastal area and in inland area respond asymmetrically to neighbors?? education expenditures, respectively.  相似文献   

本研究旨在对中等职业学校农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生免学费政策的阶段性成效进行评估,并就2012年加大中等职业教育财政投入的举措提出建议。主要结论和建议是:中等职业学校的办学行为与办学质量存在诸多不尽如人意的现象,这影响了中等职业教育助学金和部分学生免学费政策效果的达成。在中等职业教育的学校布局和管理体系尚不成熟的情况下,目前加大中等职业教育的中央财政投入应以诱导地方政府完善学校布局、改革管理体系、提高办学质量为核心目标。换言之,不赞成近期内以实施全面免费为加大中等职业教育财政投入的优先选项。  相似文献   

This study examines parents’ demand for sending their children to a public school located outside their residential school district. Using a unique data set that contains information concerning both inter-district transfers and rejections of transfer applications, I am able to identify which school district characteristics attract the greatest demand for incoming transfers. The analyses reveal that mean student test scores are stronger predictors of transfer demand than both students’ socio-economic characteristics and school district spending, suggesting that parents care more about outcomes than inputs. In addition, while districts are only supposed to reject transfer students due to capacity concerns, districts’ supply decisions are also correlated with differences in student performance across neighboring districts.  相似文献   

This paper provides quasi-experimental evidence from Norway on the relationship between local government school spending and the age composition of the electorate. We exploit a reduction in the minimum voting age from 18 to 16 years in selected local governments in the 2011 local election and a difference in differences strategy to estimate causal effects on compulsory school spending. The results do not support the hypothesis that newly enfranchised young voters prefer higher compulsory school spending. Instead, the numerical estimates on school spending point toward negative impacts. Since the newly enfranchised voters had just finished compulsory school and will not receive any direct benefit from compulsory school spending, the absence of positive effects is broadly consistent with the hypothesis that the new young voters behave selfishly. Further research with other types of data is needed to confirm this interpretation.  相似文献   

提供九年义务教育是县乡两级基层政府的主要职责之一,而县乡财政支出的近四成来自于上级政府的转移支付。因此,有必要研究转移支付对县乡财政教育支出的影响。本文通过对浙江、湖北、陕西2000年有关数据的统计分析,发现3省转移支付都有效地增加了县乡财政教育支出,但以浙江的影响值最大,陕西其次,湖北居末。浙江的向县乡倾斜的省直管县的财政体制,陕西获得较多的中央教育专项转移支付资金,是决定两省财政转移支付对县乡教育投入积极的主要因素。  相似文献   

This paper explores an emerging and largely unresearched sector of the school education market, the transfer of local authority support services to external social enterprises. It locates these new social enterprises as a consequence of government strategies to reduce public spending, shrink local government and create competitive markets in public service provision. Non-profit social enterprises create and occupy a sector of a differentiated market in school support services which is not sufficiently commercially attractive to for-profit companies. The government discourse of these social enterprises as employee-led mutuals is contradicted by their user-led ownership and governance regimes. The analysis offered by this paper is substantiated by a case study, based on interviews and policy documents, of the transfer of the Birmingham local authority's Music and Health Education Services to a social enterprise independent from the city council.  相似文献   

In response to court rulings, states such as California and Washington have sought to promote greater equality in per pupil spending by shifting from local financing of public education to state financing. In this article, we investigate how constraints on local discretion resulting from this shift to state financing influence the level and growth of education spending. The analysis uses an expenditure function framework and a 21-year panel for the 50 states. To understand the extent to which expenditures are influenced by constraints on local discretion, we distinguish between court-ordered and other reforms of school finance systems. We show that the stringency of constraints on local discretion determines the effects of reforms on the level and growth of spending. In addition, we find that, for any type of reform, the characteristics of a state's population and of that state's schools determine the direction and magnitude of the postreform changes in spending.  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) represents the greatest extension to date of Federal authority over public school governance. In NCLB, Congress used its conditional spending power to push states and localities into enacting particular kinds of testing and accountability policies. This article places NCLB in the context of Congress's generally increasing willingness to exert itself via conditions attached to federal financial aid. It also analyzes the implications of NCLB for federalism and intergovernmental relationships in education governance.  相似文献   

党校是培训轮训党员领导干部的主渠道,是党的哲学社会科学的研究机构。长期以来,县级党校在同级党委的领导下,围绕党和国家的工作大局,结合本地经济社会发展的需求,精心开展党员干部的培养、培训工作。新时期,党校如何更有效地提高当地党员干部的思想、业务素质,提高干部培训效果成为县级党校的新课题。  相似文献   

分税制改革以来,我国政府间财政关系进一步理顺,但仍存在诸多问题。这些问题不仅会影响政府问的关系,而且还会影响整个国民经济的科学发展。贯彻落实科学发展观,需对当前政府问财政关系作出重新审视,按照服务型政府的要求转变政府间财政关系的基本理念,进一步完善政府间财政转移支付制度,规范省级以下政府间财政关系,加强对中央财政和地方财政的监管。  相似文献   

本文使用地级市人均财政性教育支出构建省级教育基尼系数衡量教育横向公平,基于双向固定效应模型探究教育公平对省域经济增长的影响,并分别以夜间灯光亮度和性别间教育差异作为经济发展水平和教育公平的代理变量进行稳健性检验。研究发现:教育公平程度和省域经济发展水平呈倒U型关系,以地区生产总值为因变量的回归结果显示,当教育基尼系数为0.236时,教育公平程度对省域经济发展最为有利;以夜间灯光亮度为因变量的模型,教育基尼系数的最优值为0.288。研究还显示,教育公平对省域经济发展水平的影响存在滞后效应。基于此,各省政府应统筹安排地区间教育财政投入,优化教育资源配置。对于地市间教育投入差异较大的省份,应通过转移支付、政策支持等方式缩小地区间的教育财政投入差异。  相似文献   

This paper reports on findings from a large sample survey in the states of India that account for two thirds of the children out of school. It then examines the feasibility of the central government's goals to ensure all children complete 5 years of school by 2007, and 8 years by 2010. These goals—more ambitious than the global EFA goals—are unlikely to be achieved without significant reforms by the central and state governments. It examines key reform options: in the public spending pattern; improving teacher accountability and work environment; incentives to improve demand for schooling; and the private sector. It argues that central to universalising elementary education will be improving the level, equity and efficiency of public spending. However, even with these reforms, improving teacher accountability will still remain key to the achievement of the goals.  相似文献   

Providing local communities with the authority to manage school grants is a popular education policy in the developing world. However, recent studies suggest that this type of intervention has limited impact on student learning outcomes as such communities do not have adequate capacity to utilize resources. To investigate how communities can effectively utilize school resources, we conducted a randomized experiment in Niger. Communities and parents were provided with information about student learning together with school grants. They also participated in discussions about how communities and schools can work together utilizing the grants and communities’ own resources. After the intervention, the communities increased activities that enhanced student effort, and parents increased their contribution to school activities and engagement in children's learning at home. As a result, student test scores improved by 0.43 standard deviations in math and 0.20 standard deviations in French. The impact was largest for the lowest-performing children.  相似文献   

Effects of decentralization on school resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sweden has undertaken major national reforms of its school sector, which, consequently, has been classified as one of the most decentralized ones in the OECD. This paper investigates whether local tax base, grants, and preferences affected local school resources differently as decentralization took place. We find that municipal tax base affects per pupil spending in the same way regardless of whether the school sector is centralized or decentralized, but has a smaller effect on teacher–pupil ratio after the reforms. The less-targeted grants are the fewer teachers per pupil do the municipalities employ. The results for local preferences are less clear-cut.  相似文献   

公共教育支出是各级政府机构用于教育的支出,是教育发展的物质保证。公共教育支出分配结构是否合理,影响着教育经费的使用效率。当前,我国公共教育支出分配结构在其公共性方面逐渐趋于合理,但仍存在许多问题:与世界其他国家相比,我国公共教育产品的公共支出仍然处在比较低的水平,高等教育的生均支出指数仍然偏高。此外,我国高中阶段公共支出与其他阶段相比相对不足,不利于我国劳动力素质的提高和人才结构的优化。促进我国公共教育支出结构的合理化需要在进一步加大对基础教育阶段的投入、巩固义务教育发展的基础上,增加高中阶段的投入,积极促进高等教育投资体制改革。  相似文献   

本文基于282个地级市2007—2016年“市辖区-县域内”两部门的面板数据,利用固定效应估计方法检验了中央政府对于财政性教育经费投入相关规定的政策表述对地方政府教育支出努力度的总体影响及其空间分布效应。研究发现:在“4%”表述明确出现在国务院政府工作报告的年度里,地方教育支出占公共财政支出和GDP的比例、教育经费增长率、生均教育经费等各项指标均有显著增长;教育支出在公共财政经费中的占比以及教育经费的环比增长方面,县域内的增长显著低于市辖区;在GDP占比和生均支出等指标上,县域内的增长显著高于市辖区。本研究对“后4%”时代教育财政投入长效机制建立、教育城乡一体化发展等问题具有现实价值。  相似文献   

通过文献资料、问卷调查、座谈等研究方法,对郴州市11个县(市、区)的40所学校体育场地的开放情况进行调查,结果表明:学校体育场地设施在保证正常的教学前提下,课余时间向本校学生和周边广大居民开放,使之发挥更大的作用,从而可以缓解全民健身活动中体育场地设施不足的矛盾,促进学校体育和社会体育和谐发展.  相似文献   

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