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借助EMG反馈提高射箭运动员动作一致性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动作一致性被认为是射箭运动员获取优异成绩的一个主要因素。以往的研究表明:优秀射箭运动员箭与箭之间某些肌群的肌电活动表现出较高的一致性。本研究试图通过操作现场的EMG即时反馈,帮助射箭运动员提高从开弓到撒放这一期间几块主要工作肌肉用力的一致性,从而提高动作的一致性。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to establish the temporal-spatial relationship between muscle activity and the smash stroke of skilled badminton players and to assess performance accuracy using the ellipse of constant distance. We recorded the surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of selected superficial muscles of the stroking arm and shoulder - flexor carpi ulnalis, extensor carpi radialis, triceps brachii (lateral head), biceps brachii and trapezius (upper) - during the badminton smash. In the first part of the study, we examined the characteristics of muscle function and performance accuracy of skilled and unskilled individuals during the badminton smash. Five welltrained badminton players and five students with no experience of badminton were asked to smash a shuttle as hard as they could towards a vertical square target 4 m away, repeating the stroke 30 times.In general, the skilled players showed a more constant time from peak electromyographic amplitude to impact. Immediately after impact, the electromyographic activity of the triceps brachii and flexor carpi radialis of the skilled players decreased; in the unskilled participants, however, it continued until well after impact. The area of the ellipse of constant distance and the off-target distance, which were used as indices of performance accuracy, were smaller for the skilled than for the unskilled participants. In the second part of the study, one skilled and one unskilled participant performed 100 trials a day for 6 days. The time from peak electromyographic amplitude to impact in the extensor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnalis was more variable in the unskilled than in the skilled participant even after 6 days of practice, but the proximal muscles of the unskilled participant had a similar pattern of activity to that of the skilled player. Thus, controlling the distal muscles appears to be important for achieving accurate performance of the smash in badminton.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to establish the temporal-spatial relationship between muscle activity and the smash stroke of skilled badminton players and to assess performance accuracy using the ellipse of constant distance. We recorded the surface electromyographic (EMG) activity of selected superficial muscles of the stroking arm and shoulder--flexor carpi ulnalis, extensor carpi radialis, triceps brachii (lateral head), biceps brachii and trapezius (upper)--during the badminton smash. In the first part of the study, we examined the characteristics of muscle function and performance accuracy of skilled and unskilled individuals during the badminton smash. Five well-trained badminton players and five students with no experience of badminton were asked to smash a shuttle as hard as they could towards a vertical square target 4 m away, repeating the stroke 30 times. In general, the skilled players showed a more constant time from peak electromyographic amplitude to impact. Immediately after impact, the electromyographic activity of the triceps brachii and flexor carpi radialis of the skilled players decreased; in the unskilled participants, however, it continued until well after impact. The area of the ellipse of constant distance and the off-target distance, which were used as indices of performance accuracy, were smaller for the skilled than for the unskilled participants. In the second part of the study, one skilled and one unskilled participant performed 100 trials a day for 6 days. The time from peak electromyographic amplitude to impact in the extensor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnalis was more variable in the unskilled than in the skilled participant even after 6 days of practice, but the proximal muscles of the unskilled participant had a similar pattern of activity to that of the skilled player. Thus, controlling the distal muscles appears to be important for achieving accurate performance of the smash in badminton.  相似文献   


Fifteen highly skilled sprinters were filmed while running at maximum velocity. The results were digitized and computer processed with interest focused on the muscle moments generated about the hip, knee, and ankle of the ground leg. Muscle activity about the hip consisted of extensor (concentric) dominance from foot descent, through foot strike, and into mid-support. Muscle dominance shifted to the hip flexors (eccentric) during mid-support and continued through takeoff. Muscle dominance at the knee demonstrated a pattern of flexor (eccentric, then concentric) dominance from foot descent through foot strike and into mid-support. Knee extensors (eccentric, then concentric) then achieved dominance through takeoff. During the later stages of takeoff, the dominance decreased or reversed briefly to flexor (eccentric) activity prior to a period of minimal activity following the toe-off position. From a period of minimal activity prior and subsequent to ground contact, the plantar flexors (eccentric, then concentric) of the foot were dominant throughout the ground phase. Qualitatively, the unexpected knee flexor dominance during foot strike was generated to limit the braking action created during this portion of ground contact. The unanticipated hip flexor dominance during takeoff served to rotate the upper body forward and into the approaching air phase. In addition, both of these actions allowed efficient use of the two-joint muscles of the leg during the critical phases of ground contact. Finally, the minimizing or reversing of the knee extensor dominance during the later stages of takeoff served to protect the joint from injury. Quantitatively, the magnitude of hip extensor/knee flexor activity during foot strike was significantly related (r = .70, p = .01) to the prior occurrences of related leg injury in the subjects.  相似文献   

Previous studies suggested that a pronounced weakness of the extensor muscles relative to the flexor muscles could increase the risk of occurrence of lateral epicondylalgia. This study investigates this hypothesis by estimating the ratio of extensor to flexor muscle capacities among healthy non-players (n = 10), healthy tennis players (n = 20), symptomatic players (n = 6), and players who have recovered from lateral epicondylalgia (n = 6). Maximum net joint moments in flexion or extension were measured during seven tasks involving the voluntary contraction of wrist and fingers. Using these data, the muscle capacities of the main muscle groups of the hand (wrist flexors, wrist extensors, finger flexors, finger extensors, and intrinsic muscles) were estimated using a musculoskeletal model. These capacities were then used to compute the extensor/flexor capacity ratios about the wrist and the finger joints. Compared to healthy non-players, healthy players presented higher extensor muscle capacities and greater capacity ratios showing that playing tennis generates specific adaptations of muscle capacities. Interestingly, symptomatic players, similar to those of non-players, showed more imbalanced ratios than healthy players. These results confirm that the ratio of extensor/flexor muscle capacities seems to be associated with lateral epicondylalgia and can be further used to understand its incidence and consequences.  相似文献   

下肢鞭打应属于打击性鞭打动作,选择踢球这一典型的下肢鞭打动作作为研究对象,利用三维录像拍摄与解析技术、逆向动力学计算方法和无线遥测肌电测试与分析技术对其进行了同步研究,以期能够从运动学、动力学、肌电学3个不同的层面来揭示下肢鞭打动作的特征与机制。研究表明:1)下肢鞭打动作角速度特征为后摆时表现为大腿逐渐减速,小腿加速→最大角速度→减速的特点;前摆时表现为大腿加速→最大角速度→减速,小腿持续加速的特点。2)髋关节的屈肌力矩、膝关节的伸肌力矩、踝关节的背屈力矩在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用;髋关节的内收/外展力矩起定向作用;髋关节旋内/旋外力矩、膝关节旋内/旋外力矩以及踝关节内翻力矩的主要作用是对脚的方位及倾斜程度进行调整。3)股直肌、股内肌、股外肌、胫骨前肌在下肢鞭打动作前摆阶段起主导作用。4)小腿加速前摆的初期伸膝肌群产生的伸膝力矩在起支配作用,后期是伸膝力矩与来自大腿角动量的传递共同在起作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish whether asymmetry of the strength of the leg and trunk musculature is more prominent in rowers than in controls. Nineteen oarsmen and 20 male controls matched for age, height and body mass performed a series of isokinetic and isometric strength tests on an isokinetic dynamometer. These strength tests focused on the trunk and leg muscles. Comparisons of strength were made between and within groups for right and left symmetry patterns, hamstring :quadriceps ratios, and trunk flexor and extensor ratios. The results revealed no left and right asymmetries in either the knee extensor or flexor strength parameters (including both isometric and isokinetic measures). Knee extensor strength was significantly greater in the rowing population, but knee flexor strength was similar between the two groups. No difference was seen between the groups for the hamstring:quadriceps strength ratio. In the rowing population, stroke side had no influence on leg strength. No differences were observed in the isometric strength of the trunk flexors and extensors between groups, although EMG activity was significantly higher in the rowing population. Patterns of asymmetry of muscle activity were observed between the left and right erector spinae muscles during extension, which was significantly related to rowing side ( P < 0.01). These observations could be related to the high incidence of low back pain in oarsmen.  相似文献   

Do oarsmen have asymmetries in the strength of their back and leg muscles?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to establish whether asymmetry of the strength of the leg and trunk musculature is more prominent in rowers than in controls. Nineteen oarsmen and 20 male controls matched for age, height and body mass performed a series of isokinetic and isometric strength tests on an isokinetic dynamometer. These strength tests focused on the trunk and leg muscles. Comparisons of strength were made between and within groups for right and left symmetry patterns, hamstring: quadriceps ratios, and trunk flexor and extensor ratios. The results revealed no left and right asymmetries in either the knee extensor or flexor strength parameters (including both isometric and isokinetic measures). Knee extensor strength was significantly greater in the rowing population, but knee flexor strength was similar between the two groups. No difference was seen between the groups for the hamstring: quadriceps strength ratio. In the rowing population, stroke side had no influence on leg strength. No differences were observed in the isometric strength of the trunk flexors and extensors between groups, although EMG activity was significantly higher in the rowing population. Patterns of asymmetry of muscle activity were observed between the left and right erector spinae muscles during extension, which was significantly related to rowing side (P < 0.01). These observations could be related to the high incidence of low back pain in oarsmen.  相似文献   

The quadruple approach in the title refers to four different studies over a period of 3 years. The common factor in these studies is the methodology of the (Brussels) Electromyographic Signal Processing and Analysis System (ESPAS), a hardware and software EMG data acquisition system that has constantly been improved. Therefore, the ESPAS methodology is described extensively (i.e. the electrodes, amplifier, tape-recorder and processing hardware). Experiment 1 investigated muscular behaviour in target shooting, both indoors (18 and 25 m) and outdoors (50, 70 and 90 m). It was found (via iEMG) that a significant increase in activity only exists between 25 and 50 m, and that there is no linear increase of activity with increased distance. No differences in muscular pattern (IDANCO system: Clarys and Cabri, 1988) or activity between the indoor distances and between the outdoor distances were found. Experiment 2 investigated the muscular economy of four string grips: the three-finger grip, two-finger grip, thumb grip and reversed grip. The largest variations in activity were found for the two most unfamiliar grips, i.e. the thumb and reversed grips; however, low iEMG and the rapid precision improvement (over a limited number of shots) suggest that the thumb grip, if practised long enough, might be the most economical technique. Experiment 3 attempted to differentiate muscular activity and a number of performance variables in three different populations of archers--Olympic athletes, National competitors and beginners--in order to obtain feedback regarding improved performance. Apparently, overall muscle pattern, intensities and arrow speed were not discriminatory. The differences found between the groups (or levels of skill) were affected by the ability to reproduce identical patterns and arrow velocities in consecutive shots and by the constancy of neuromuscular control of the M. trapezius, M. biceps brachii and M. extensor digitorum. Finally, Experiment 4 investigated the muscular activity of elite archers shooting at distances of 70 and 90 m with and without stabilizers. Differences in iEMG were not supported by differences in precision. Over time, the low iEMG in shooting without stabilizers increases precision and delays fatigue.  相似文献   

We read with interest the authors’ paper on this important area of climbing physiology. We however wish to highlight the incorrect identification of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) as a finger flexor and the implications it has for the conclusions described. FCR is a wrist flexor and has no direct bearing on flexion of the fingers during a climbing grip and thus could be expected to have a reduced oxygenation response compared to flexor digitorum profundus. We also would like to seek clarification from the authors regarding their confidence in their method for locating the two muscles under investigation as we feel this may not be accurately possible using the method described.  相似文献   

We aimed to determine the effect of task-specific kinetic finger tremor, as indexed by surface electromyography (EMG), on the accuracy of a carrom stroke. Surface EMG of extensor digitorum communis muscle of the playing arm was recorded during rest, isometric contraction and stroke execution in 17 male carrom players with clinically observed finger tremor and 18 skill- and age-matched controls. Log-transformed power spectral densities (LogPSDs) of surface EMG activity (signifying tremor severity) at a 1-s pre-execution period correlated with angular error of the stroke. LogPSDs in 4–10 Hz range were higher in players with tremor than controls during pre-execution (P < 0.001), but not during the resting state (P = 0.067). Pre-execution tremor amplitude correlated with angular deviation (r = 0.45, P = 0.007). For the first time, we document a task-specific kinetic finger tremor in carrom players. This finger tremor during the immediate pre-execution phase appears to be a significant determinant of stroke accuracy.  相似文献   


The study investigated different electromyographic (EMG) normalisation methods for upper-limb muscles. This assessment aimed at comparing the EMG amplitude and the reliability of EMG values obtained with each method. Eighteen male tennis players completed isometric maximal voluntary contractions and dynamic strength exercises (push-ups and chin-ups) on three separate test sessions over at least 7 days. Surface EMG activity of nine upper body muscles was recorded. For each muscle, an analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to compare maximal EMG amplitudes between test conditions. The intra-class correlation coefficient, the coefficient of variation and the standard error of measurement were calculated to determine the EMG reliability of each condition. On the basis of a compromise between maximal EMG amplitude and high reliability, the chin-ups appeared to be the optimal normalisation method for M. latissimus dorsi, M. posterior deltoid, M. biceps brachii, M. flexor carpi radialis and M. extensor carpi radialis. The push-ups seemed relevant to normalise M. anterior deltoid and M. triceps brachii activity, while isometric maximal voluntary contraction remained the most appropriate method for M. pectoralis major and M. middle deltoid. Thus, original methods are proposed to normalise EMG signal of upper-limb muscles.  相似文献   

青年男子足球运动员膝关节肌力特征与损伤的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用等速测力技术探讨青年足球运动员膝关节屈伸肌群肌力特征与损伤的关系。结果显示,无论慢速运动还是快速运动条件下,均表现出运动员膝关节优势侧与非优势侧屈伸肌力的显著差异性,膝关节屈伸峰力矩比值和平均功率比值随运动速度增加而增大的趋势。提示,以上结果符合青年足球运动员惯用腿踢球的运动习惯,是随着运动年限的延长容易发生膝关节及屈伸肌群损伤的重要原因,因此,我们推断早期注重膝关节前后及双侧肌力的均衡发展是预防足球运动中膝关节损伤的有效措施。  相似文献   

The muscle activity paradox during circular rhythmic leg movements   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A cyclist's legs make a simple 360 degrees circular and rhythmic movement, activated by a simple flexion-extension function in a sagittal plane. However, because of the simultaneous combination of leg rotation in the hip, knee and ankle joint with translation of the upper body, the general motion becomes quite complex. This complexity is increased by the anatomical interpretations of EMG readings taken during the pedalling cycle, indicating a high activity of 'flexor' muscles during the downward 'extension' of the leg (0-90 degrees propulsion phase of the pedalling cycle). This calls for an anatomical paradox. In order to verify these interpretations, the activity of six lower limb muscles was measured under field circumstances on nine elite cyclists using a portable EMG data acquisition system and active surface electrodes allowing remote (non-telemetric) monitoring of the cyclists' muscle activity patterns. Measurements were made during a 1000 m submaximal but constant effort and during a 200 m sprint. Confirmation of the anatomical paradox was found in both test circumstances. Analyses of the normalized EMG in combination with torque values of both hip and knee during the pedalling cycle indicate a zero torque at 135 degrees for the knee, while at this same angle the overall extensor activity ends in one leg and starts simultaneously in the other leg (at 315 degrees). Since the propulsion does not continue until 180 degrees, the flexor muscles have to be activated before the extension activity ends in order to generate the continuation of the circular motion until (and beyond) the bottom dead centre (180 degrees).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

运用等速测试系统对备战伦敦奥运会的国家划艇运动员的肩关节、肘关节肌力进行测试与分析。结果表明:1)从力矩角度来看,优秀运动员与一般运动员在肩、肘关节肌力特征中存在显著性差异(P<0.05),且屈肌和伸肌的力矩角度分别呈现不同的特征;2)从峰力矩比值来看,在不同速度运动下,国家队优秀运动员和一般运动员均存在屈伸比的失衡问题,即最大力量上存在屈伸肌群发展的不合理化现象(<50%),随着测试速度的增加,屈伸比呈递减趋势;3)在肘关节两侧同名肌群的比较中同样存在不均衡现象,尤其是伸肌的两侧差值较大;4)肩关节的肌力特征也存在类似的现象,但屈肌明显不如伸肌力量。结论:应逐步加强划艇运动员肩、肘关节同侧屈伸肌群和异侧同名肌群的力量均衡性训练,并提高肩关节的屈肌力量能力。  相似文献   


In this study, we compared the isokinetic torques of hip flexors/extensors and abductors/adductors in soccer players suffering from osteitis pubis (OP), with normal soccer players. Twenty soccer male athletes with OP and 20 normal soccer athletes were included in this study. Peak torque/body weight (PT/BW) was recorded from hip flexor/extensor and abductor/adductor muscles during isokinetic concentric contraction modes at angular velocity of 2.1 rad · s?1, for both groups. The results showed a significant difference between the normal and OP groups for hip flexors (< 0.05). The normal group had significant, lower PT/BW value than the OP group for their hip flexors (< 0.05). The hip flexor/extensor PT ratio of OP affected and non-affected limbs was significantly different from that of normal dominant and non-dominant limbs. There were no significant differences between the normal and OP groups for hip extensor, adductor and abductor muscles (> 0.05). Regarding the hip adductor/abductor PT ratio, there was no significant difference between the normal and OP groups of athletes (> 0.05). The OP group displayed increase in hip flexor strength that disturbed the hip flexor/extensor torque ratio of OP. Therefore, increasing the hip extensor strength should be part of rehabilitation programmes of patients with OP.  相似文献   

Postural consistency in skilled archers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The consistency of an archer's postural set at the moment of loose (arrow release) is commonly perceived to be an important determinant of success. The coach seeks, among other things, to provide the archer with information about postural consistency, details of which he acquires by eye or occasionally by video-recordings. The gains that might be achieved from more precise information are examined here. Nine skilled archers, classified into either skilled or elite groups according to their officially computed handicap, were continuously monitored and measured with a three-dimensional co-ordinate analyser (Charnwood Dynamics Coda-3 Scanner) while shooting two ends (series) of three arrows each. Considerable variability was observed in the precision with which the positions of head, elbow and bow at the moment of loose were replicated by archers of similar levels of skill. These results are interpreted to suggest that precise postural consistency may not be the primary feature distinguishing between the performance of archers at the higher skill levels.  相似文献   

Pull-ups are often used by sport-climbers and other athletes to train their arm and back muscle capabilities. Sport-climbers use different types of holds to reinforce finger strength concomitantly. However, the effect of grip types on pull-up performance had not previously been investigated. A vertical force platform sensor measured the force exerted by climbers when performing pull-ups under six different grip conditions (gym-bar, large climbing hold, and four small climbing holds: 22mm, 18mm, 14mm, and 10mm). The electromyography of finger flexors and extensor muscles were recorded simultaneously. The maximal arm power and summed mechanical work were computed. The results revealed that the number of pull-ups, maximal power, and summed mechanical work decreased significantly with the size of the climbing hold used, even if no differences were found between a large climbing hold and a gym-bar. Electromyography of the forearm muscles revealed that the use of a climbing hold generated finger flexor fatigue and that the level of cocontraction was impacted by the different segment coordination strategies generated during the pull-ups. These findings are likely to be useful for quantifying training loads more accurately and designing training exercises and programs.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、测试法、数理统计法,探讨和研究了舞龙运动员等速运动状态下肩关节屈伸肌群的力学特征以及肌力的相互关系。结果表明:舞龙运动员肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩随着测试角速度的增加而下降;且左侧肩关节屈伸肌的峰值力矩和相对峰力矩均大于另一侧;肩关节屈伸肌峰力矩和相对峰力矩值均表现为伸肌群明显大于屈肌群;肩关节伸肌的峰力矩均大于屈肌的峰力矩;伸肌群的平均功率也明显大于屈肌群的平均功率。  相似文献   

通过录像观察法、实验测试法,利用德国Isomed 2000等速力量测试系统对男子速射和男子慢射运动员右侧肩关节、肘关节、腕关节依次进行角速度为60°/s等速向心肌肉力量测试,选取屈肌肌群、伸肌肌群的相对峰力矩和相对峰值功率为指标,对手枪男子速射和慢射项目运动员的上肢肌肉力量进行了研究,比较分析了男子速射和男子慢射肩、肘、腕关节屈伸肌群的肌力特征。发现肘关节伸肌肌群、腕关节屈肌肌群分别为速射和慢射影响最大的关节肌群。  相似文献   

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