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访谈时间 :2 0 0 0年 1 2月 2 6日访谈地点 :成都市树德中学多媒体教室访谈对象 :树德中学高 2 0 0 1级、2 0 0 2级、2 0 0 3级部分学生访谈目的 :调查了解高中学生对评价学生数学素质的看法 ,为建立科学合理的评价体系提供依据访谈形式 :集体座谈与问卷调查相结合 (参加座谈的老师有数学组的游家马来、赵健、向成、李守文、安大有、宋德波 ,科研室的邓捷 )话题 1 .你们认为我校的数学教学是否符合当前素质教育的要求 ?所有同学 :基本符合 ,但也有一些问题 ,创新的东西太少 ,教学和评价模式较单一 .教学思想上体现了素质教育的特征 ,但还需…  相似文献   

20 0 0年高考已过 ,怎样评价 2 0 0 0年的高考政治试题 ,既关系到来年高中思想政治课教学内容、教学方向和教学方法的确定 ,也关系到高三学生政治素质的培养和提高 ,更关系到 2 0 0 1年高考的政治成绩。正因如此 ,我们应该对 2 0 0 0年高考政治试题有一个比较公正的评价 ,从而对思想政治课的教与学起到良好的导向作用。通过对 2 0 0 0年高考政治试题的分析 ,并听取了部分教师和学生的反映 ,笔者认为对它应从四三二一这四个方面来分析。具体地说 ,就是 2 0 0 0年高考政治试题体现了四个突出、三方注重、两个突破、一点不足。一、四个突出高考…  相似文献   

自 2 0 0 0年 1月开始 ,英国莱斯特大学华维克医学院为医学生开设了一门被称作《医学与文学艺术》的课程 ,其目的是通过学习文学艺术来提高学生对同健康与疾病有关的经验和情绪的知识与理解。评价表明 ,学生认为学习文学艺术的相关内容有助于他们专业上的发展。总结性评价也表明 ,大多数学生达到了预期的目标。  相似文献   

我市自 2 0 0 1年秋季期开展课改实验以来 ,一直在努力探索发展性的考试评价改革。 2 0 0 2年 1月 ,我们组织了小学一年级学生期末的开放性考试 ,取得了良好的效果。今年 6月 ,我们在总结上一次考试经验的基础上 ,进行改进 ,又组织了小学一年级实验班学生期末的开放性考试 ,同样取得了较好的效果。反思所做的工作 ,我们感到开放性考试给学生带来了从未有过的快乐 ,给教师带来了很大的启发 ,同时也引发了我们更深的思考。  一、指导思想   1 评价与考试要突出其诊断性和发展性的功能。  考试的目的是了解学生是否达到课程标准的要求 ,…  相似文献   

一、改变传统的评定形式1 .超越百分制以往我们对学生作文成绩的评定往往以百分制呈现 ,在 60~ 95分间给定一个分数 ,这样既缺少了鼓励的作用 ,也难以准确区分学生的写作水平。在作文评价时 ,只要发现学生作文有闪光点 ,就可以给高分甚至满分 ,优秀的作文 ,我经常用“百分 +超越分”来评价 ,如 :1 0 0 +1 0等。2 .超越分数制不必每次作文都打分数 ,其实老师作为读者一时也难以给出一个客观的分数。我经常用学生之间流行的小印章如 :小星星、卡通像、小动物图案都来标示学生的作文成绩 ,具体用哪一种或表示什么等级可以由学生自主选择。这些…  相似文献   

选择题是一类重要的题型 ,如果在平时的习题讲解中仅满足于校对答案的正误 ,那是对这一重要教学资源的浪费。挖掘选择题潜在的教学效能 ,可以巩固学生的基础知识 ,培养学生的创新思维 ,提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。一、改变选择题的题干条件 ,一题多变对题干条件从不同角度、不同侧面略作改动 ,答案也就“丰富多彩”。这一策略有利于丰富题目的内涵 ,有利于强化学生推论时的条件意识 ,有利于学生获得较为丰满的知识结构。例 1 ( 2 0 0 0年上海高考 ) 取 pH均等于2的盐酸和醋酸各 1 0 0mL ,分别稀释 2倍后 ,再分别加入 0 .0 3 …  相似文献   

据《东方早报》2 0 0 4年 1月 30日报道 ,2 0 0 4年上海市教育工作要点出台 ,其中最引人注目的便是在高中率先试行《上海市学生综合素质评价手册》,并将制作学生档案电子文本 ,供普通高校录取时参考。今后的高考将不再以升学考试科目分数简单相加作为惟一录取标准 ,而将试行参考学生成长记录、社会实践和社会公益活动记录、体育与文艺活动记录、综合实践活动记录等其他资料 ,综合评价进行录取。据悉 ,新的《上海市学生综合素质评价手册 (高中年级试行 )》就像一份学生的成长记录 :不仅有学生的自我评价、社会实践和社会公益活动记录、体育与…  相似文献   

<正>《体育新课程标准》明确指出两点:1、以学生发展为中心,重视学生的主体地位,2、学生学习成绩评定不仅要有教师参与,同时也要重视学生的自我评价和相互评价。也就是说体育与健康课程关注的核心是满足学生的需要和重视学生的情感体验;重视学生自我评定和组内互相评定。学生的需要和情感体验正来自于师生、生生之间的交流与评价。只有学会与他人一起交流,并能对自身和他人作出正确评价,才能获得更大的进  相似文献   

198 9年,美国卡尔格雷大学医学院开始为医学生设置科研训练项目(ResearchProjectProgram ,简称RPP) ,该项目由2门授予学分的必修科目所组成,学生可以在2年中从两个较小的独立研究项目中任选一个,或者参与一个比较大的研究项目。在二年级末,由学生填写一份评价RPP的表格,要求他们对这一项目的各个方面进行评估和提出意见。该项目的作者对第一年(1 990级学生)和第十年(2 0 0 0级学生)的评估资料进行了比较,并找出两个年级对RPP评价的差别。2 0 0 0级的大多数学生(89% )在两年中对研究课题进行了独立的研究,其中半数课题均要求学生采用实…  相似文献   

关于三项著名国际学生评价项目的比较   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
全国教育进展评价 (简称NAEP)、第三次国际数学和科学教育的再研究 (简称TIMSS -R)和国际学生评价项目 (简称PISA)是当前国际间最为著名的学生评价项目 ,本文拟就 2 0 0 0年NAEP的 8年级评估、TIMSS -R的 8年级评估和PISA三项评价项目的数学和科学领域评估做一比较 ,以便我们了解这些评估的实施背景、基本框架和评估内容  相似文献   

Quantitative student evaluations of teaching (SET) and assessments are widely used in higher education as a proxy for teaching quality. However, SET are a function of individual rating behaviours resulting from student background, knowledge and personalities, as well as the learning experience being rated. SET from three years of data from a science department at a Russell Group University in the UK were analysed to highlight issues of sample size in relation to variable perceptions of modules, and develop a statistical model of feedback incorporating individual rating behaviours across modules. Key results are that sample size and individual rating behaviours have the potential to significantly affect summary module ratings, especially for <20 respondents or if individuals have heterogeneous views. A new approach is suggested, to interpret and compare quantitative module ratings, acknowledging uncertainty, variability and individual rating behaviours. This has implications for the interpretation of SET in many aspects of academic life, including university league table positions, the identification of good teaching practice with respect to student satisfaction, and the weight given to SET in individual academics’ promotion applications.  相似文献   

In higher education, student evaluation of teaching is widely used as a measure of an academic’s teaching performance despite considerable disagreement as to its value. This paper begins by examining the merit of teaching evaluations with reference to the factors influencing the accuracy of the teaching evaluation process. One of the central assumptions on which student evaluation of teaching is based is that there is a relationship between student achievement and student rating of teachers. However, the findings of the majority of studies do not support this assumption. The absence of a strong link between student achievement and teaching evaluations suggests that there is scope for examining other approaches to measuring effective classroom dynamics. This paper presents such an approach based on the notion of transformational classroom leadership.  相似文献   

Student evaluation of instruction and instructor performance in higher education are being accorded an increasingly prominent role in decisions concerned with faculty promotion and tenure, as well as with advisement on teaching strategies. In this context a number of factor analyses have been imposed upon student rating-instruments in order to facilitate meaningful interpretation of student judgments. The present paper reports the resul ts of a factor analysis of the rating scales used by graduate students enrolled in counselor education programs at Western Michigan University to evaluate perceived quality of instruction. A principal components factor analysis yielded three interpretable factors that were labeled Responsiveness-Rapport, Evaluation Process, and Instructional Merit. Implications of the factor structure for counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies in higher education have shown that the reliability of student ratings of teaching skill increases if multiple ratings by different students are aggregated. This study examines the generalizability of these findings to the context of secondary education. Also, it seeks to validate these findings by comparing reliability levels estimated by the routinely used nested design with those estimated using a more complex design. The sample consisted of 410 students from 17 classes rating 63 teachers working at eight schools across the Netherlands. Using the nested design, the study replicates findings of previous studies in higher education. The findings illustrate how the reliability level of secondary school students’ ratings increases with an increasing number of students. However, these replicated reliability levels were not validated by the more complex design which provided lower estimates. This indicates that the nested design may not provide accurate estimations of rating reliability.  相似文献   

大学学生评教的实证分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
结合大学学生对课堂教学评价的实证分析,分析了影响学生评教指标体系设计的因素,同时论述了学生评教结果与班级大小,课程性质,教师职称,课程学时之间的关系。  相似文献   

The use of surveys, questionnaires, and rating scales to measure important outcomes in higher education is pervasive, but reliability and validity information is often based on problematic Classical Test Theory approaches. Rasch Analysis, based on Item Response Theory, provides a better alternative for examining the psychometric quality of rating scales and informing scale improvements. This paper outlines a six-step process for using Rasch Analysis to review the psychometric properties of a rating scale. The Partial Credit Model and Andrich Rating Scale Model will be described in terms of the pyschometric information (i.e., reliability, validity, and item difficulty) and diagnostic indices generated. Further, this approach will be illustrated through the example of authentic data from a university-wide student evaluation of teaching.  相似文献   

高校学生评教影响因素及改进措施的探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
教学质量是高校生存和发展的根本,学生评教是高校教学质量监控与评教的必要环节和教学管理的重要手段.本文侧重阐述了了高校学生评教工作的重要作用,分析了目前影响学生评教的因素,进而提出了针对学生评教工作中存在问题的改进措施.  相似文献   

Students' ratings of teacher personality and teaching competence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validity of student rating of teaching is discussed in terms of the effect that students' perceptions of teacher personality might have on that rating. A procedure for using student feedback to evaluate teaching was trialled which sought to minimise the effect of teacher personality on students' ratings of teaching quality. A total of fifteen rating exercises, using ten teachers over a two year period, was carried out. Results indicate that teacher personality, as perceived by students, is still very significantly related to their ratings of teaching quality. It is argued that this is a proper state of affairs which does not undermine the validity of student ratings.  相似文献   

It is conventionally assumed that student ratings perform a significant function in driving improvement in pedagogical practices in higher education. As a result, this form of evaluation has gradually become institutionalised in recent decades as an essential proxy for understanding teaching and course quality in universities across the world. However, with the rise of market-based models in higher education and heightened expectations for accountability mechanisms, the role and functional purpose of ratings-based student evaluation have become increasingly confused. This rising ambiguity has created strong tensions between the seminal drive of student ratings as a tool of quality improvement, and the emerging demands for its use as a transparent accountability measure for the comparative assessment of academic performativity. So are student ratings now largely a tool of quality assurance or performance measurement, or do they remain a legitimate tool for pedagogical improvement? This paper reports on a study that responded to this critical question by considering the contemporary work of student ratings in a major Australian university. The outcomes of this research demonstrate that tension between improvement and accountability motives is causing considerable confusion and discord around the role and value of the student voice. It also reveals that academics are tending to discount the often critical insights of students on the implications of their pedagogical practices as a result of the elevating institutional role of student ratings as a proxy for teaching quality. In considering these outcomes, rising levels of academic dissonance around student ratings would suggest a necessity to consider broadened evaluative strategies that are able to more effectively capture the improvement potential offered by the student voice.  相似文献   

加强高校实验工作改革努力提高实验教学质量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
高等教育改革必须将教学主体由教师转向学生,把学生技能的培养放在第一位,提高技能的关键是创造性的实验教学。实验室是实验教学改革的重要基地。改革实验室管理体制,充分发挥其在实验教学方面的作用;改革单纯验证理论的实验教学内容和方法,科学化安排实验课,提高学生们的综合能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

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