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美国教育机会平等问题——道德和财政上的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育机会平等是当今美国儿童最重要的权利之一,其以教育资源的合理分配为保障。受教育机会平等的第一条原则是学生所受的教育不应该受到学生的非教育相关因素的影响;其第二个原则是不论是否可能,学生受到的教育应该设计为与学生教育相关特征相适应。因此,受教育机会平等应该理解为所获教育利益的平等而非生均费用的平等。  相似文献   

Some philosophers of education have recently argued that educators can more or less ignore children's global self-esteem without failing them educationally in any important way. This paper draws on an attachment theoretic account of self-esteem to argue that this view is mistaken. I argue that understanding self-esteem's origins in attachment supports two controversial claims. First, self-esteem is a crucial element of the confidence and motivation children need in order to engage in and achieve educational pursuits, especially in certain domains of instruction such as physical education. Second, self-esteem can be facilitated socially, through an appropriate arrangement of school institutions, thus without hindering the pursuit of other high priority aims such as a challenging academic curriculum. Consequently I maintain that educators who ignore self-esteem overlook something educationally important.  相似文献   

李孔珍  张力 《教育研究》2006,27(4):11-18
以西部大开发五年多来的教育发展为背景,采用德尔菲咨询法,调查了国内30位专家对区域教育发展战略选择和西部教育政策调整方向的意见。多数专家认为,在区域教育发展战略的选择上,应当均衡地普及九年义务教育以及高中阶段教育,非均衡地调整高等教育布局,促使国家扶持、东部地区支持与西部地区自身努力有机结合,坚持走区域特色发展、分类推进的路子。在西部教育政策的调整上,要加强中央政府政策与西部地方政府政策之间的配套;进一步协调部门政策,以切合西部教育发展实际;加强中央政策的法律支撑体系和良性运行机制建设;采取不同方式处理东、中、西部及西部内部地区之间的关系;健全投入体制,深化办学体制改革和制度创新。  相似文献   

Minimal consideration has been given to the function of educational television in the education of young children. Teachers have to overcome habits adopted with children's home viewing, and rationalize how television can be part of the curriculum before efficacy materializes. This does not appear to be happening with many infants' school teachers. Educational television broadcasts do not seem to be used as an ongoing teaching element to stimulate experiences beyond children's normal school activities. The entire blame cannot be attributed to the teachers for they have been given little guidance on the use of educational television during initial training or in subsequent in-service provisions, and in curriculum theory. It is necessary therefore to collect and analyse carefully information about the effects of educational television on infants' school children and the conditions which appear to influence whether or not it is educationally effective, but this cannot be done until a satisfactory monitoring procedure is established.  相似文献   

This study uses multilevel models to examine longitudinal associations between contextual influences (neighborhood and family) assessed in 1983 in a cohort of 2,355 children, 4-16 years of age, and educational attainment in 2001. Variation in educational attainment in 2001 attributable to between-neighborhood and between-family differences was 8.17% and 36.88%, respectively. The final model explained 33.64% of the variance in educational attainment, with unique variances of 14.53% for neighborhood and family-level variables combined versus 10.94% for child-level variables. Among the neighborhood and family-level variables, indicators of status (5.29%) versus parental capacity/family process (4.03%) made comparable predictions to attainment while children from economically disadvantaged families did not benefit educationally from living in more affluent areas.  相似文献   

人文环境是相对于物质环境而言的,其对人的思想政治品德形成、发展具有重要作用,研究人文环境对达到教育目的,提高教育实效性具有重要的意义。本文主要从制度环境、文化环境、教育主体环境、媒介环境、心理环境等方面阐述了对高校思想政治教育人文环境的优化。  相似文献   

教育社会学在苏联之前的俄罗斯已经出现了萌芽,真正形成和发展是在20世纪60~70年代的苏联时期。教育社会学在当时具有明显的政治倾向性。由于受到苏联意识形态的影响,20世纪70年代后期社会学被禁止研究,教育社会学也从此失去了十年发展机遇。苏联解体后,教育社会学在俄罗斯得到恢复和发展。目前,俄罗斯正在加速国家现代化建设,随着教育的大发展,教育社会学的作用将会越来越突出。  相似文献   

The Globalisation of (Educational) Language rights   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Languages are today being murdered faster than ever before in human history: 90% of the world's oral languages may be dead or moribund (no longer learned by children) in a hundred years' time. The media and the educational systems are the most important direct agents in language murder. Behind them are the real culprits, the global economic, military and political systems. Linguistic human rights might be one way of promoting conflict prevention and self-determination, preventing linguistic genocide, and maintaining linguistic diversity and biodiversity (which are correlationally and also causally related). The most basic linguistic human rights for maintenance of linguistic diversity, specifically the right to mother tongue medium education, are not protected by the present provisions in human rights law. Linguistically, formal education is today often 'forcibly transferring children of one group to another group' (one of the definitions of genocide in the UN Genocide Convention). Human rights are supposed to act as correctives to the 'free market'. Despite good intentions, forces behind economic globalisation have instead given brutal market forces free range.  相似文献   

Languages are today being murdered faster than ever before in human history: 90% of the world's oral languages may be dead or moribund (no longer learned by children) in a hundred years' time. The media and the educational systems are the most important direct agents in language murder. Behind them are the real culprits, the global economic, military and political systems. Linguistic human rights might be one way of promoting conflict prevention and self-determination, preventing linguistic genocide, and maintaining linguistic diversity and biodiversity (which are correlationally and also causally related). The most basic linguistic human rights for maintenance of linguistic diversity, specifically the right to mother tongue medium education, are not protected by the present provisions in human rights law. Linguistically, formal education is today often 'forcibly transferring children of one group to another group' (one of the definitions of genocide in the UN Genocide Convention). Human rights are supposed to act as correctives to the 'free market'. Despite good intentions, forces behind economic globalisation have instead given brutal market forces free range.  相似文献   

教育对社会财富增长和个人财富增长,都有十分重要的意义.运用1978年以来有关统计数据进行实证研究,发现我国近几十年教育的发展不断扩大了城乡居民收入差异和各地区经济发展的差距.建议重视农村和欠发达地区教育发展,鼓励和扶持大学生到农村和欠发达地区创业.  相似文献   

区域性教育公共产品正在成为研究区域教育合作的一个新视角。区域性教育公共产品的优势在于,能更直接反映某区域不同类型国家的需求,从而使机制和制度更切合该地区稳定和发展的需要。本文研究了区域性教育公共产品的一般理论,并以过去几十年来由美洲开发银行提供资金或主导的区域教育项目为例,分析了区域教育合作的主要发展趋势。  相似文献   


Rural children belong to an educationally disadvantaged group whether they migrate or remain in their villages. Using a specially designed questionnaire, this paper surveyed more than 2,500 migrant and left-behind children in the Xixiangtang District of Nanning in Mainland China on issues relating to education and mental state. Through comparisons of migrant and nonmigrant children and those who had and had not been left behind, this study found that migrant children are unable to enter public schools due to incomplete documents, and also experience problems with a safe commute to and from school, after-school care, etc.; left-behind children are more likely to experience problems with emotional deprivation, dull after-school life, susceptibility to disease, and poor habits. With respect to mental state, some of the survey questions showed no significant differences, whereas others displayed significant divergences. It can be seen that both migrant and left-behind children experience problems with educational difficulties, poor discipline, and poor mental adaptability, and are in a clearly disadvantaged position. This paper recommends that the government, schools, society, and families jointly cooperate to strengthen emotional guidance for migrant children and left-behind children and ensure that no child is abandoned, allowing migrant children to grow and learn healthily in their respective environments.  相似文献   

我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
教育诊断评估是特殊需要儿童教育的起点,也是特殊需要儿童教育质量的保障。本文对近十年(1997-2006)国内关于特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究成果进行分析、梳理、总结、概括,探讨国内特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估的研究现状及发展趋势,从而为我国特殊需要儿童的诊断评估的发展、完善提供借鉴。目前我国特殊需要儿童教育诊断评估研究反映出四个特征、六个问题与六个发展趋势。  相似文献   

参与式教育方法及其价值承诺   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
"参与式教育方法"是以主体自主、积极参与教育活动为旨趣,以彰显教育民主精神和教育成效为诉求的一种教育方法。它强调教育平等与合作,倡导师生全员参与、全程参与,主张教育者主导性与学生主体性的有机结合。它内在地具有主体性、互动性、合作性、公平性、创新性等特征。它既符合现代思想政治教育发展的趋势,亦契合大学生这一特殊群体思想发展的实际需求,因而应当成为新时期大学生思想政治教育改革的一种新路径。  相似文献   

Singapore has many large and educationally valuable digital collections and is planning the development of many more. These digital collections contain historical, cultural and scientific multimedia objects, along with learning objects. At present, school teachers and pupils find it hard to locate many of these resources using traditional search engines. This paper describes a research investigation into the design and subsequent development of a prototype digital resource discovery portal (Digital Content Exchange) based on Semantic Web technologies, and explores some of the educational issues raised. The research project explored how the features of the Semantic Web might offer valuable additional educational benefits and affordances beyond that of those based on existing information retrieval technologies.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, China's education has experienced significant transformations and restructuring on account of privatization and marketization. Unlike the Mao era when the state assumed the major responsibilities in financing and providing education, individuals and families have now to bear increasing financial burdens in paying for education. The marketization and privatization of education has undoubtedly intensified educational inequalities and widened regional disparities between the economically developed areas in the eastern coast and the less economically developed areas in the middle and north-western parts of the country. The growing inequalities in education and the increasing financial burdens presented by education have been a source of social discontentment, which have in turn prompted the central government to revisit its approaches to educational development. This article sets out to examine, how in this wider policy context, China's education has been transformed following the adoption of more pro-competition and market-oriented reform measures. This article is based on intensive secondary data analysis, fieldwork observations, and findings from a household survey conducted in eight different Chinese cities about people's perceived education hardship. The article concludes by considering how the Chinese government has attempted to address the problems of educational inequalities that have intensified on account of two decades of education marketization.  相似文献   

Young learners with severe visual impairments are restricted in many ways, and psychologists and special needs teachers require information about the nature and extent of the possible educationally handicapping effects. This article, written by Michael Tobin, Emeritus Professor of Special Education within the School of Education at the University of Birmingham, and Eileen Hill, a teacher at Queen Alexandra College, Birmingham, reports the use of a longitudinal approach to measure how reading development is affected in these children and to uncover the relationships with and among other cognitive factors. The 60 participants were part of a larger cohort of children registered as blind or partially sighted, their reading progress being monitored from seven to 12 years of age. While improving in all three skill areas as measured by the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability, there were significant deficits/lags in development as compared with the norms for their fully‐sighted age peers, especially in speed of reading. Even more disturbing was the finding that the deficits increased with age. Significant correlates of reading, changing in importance over time, were intelligence, visual efficiency, phonological awareness, vocabulary knowledge and short‐term memory. It is proposed that, if the educationally handicapping effects of the impairment are to be overcome, a formal, regular cycle of testing to monitor progress be instituted by specialist teachers and educational psychologists. together with the design, development and standardisation of a new reading assessment procedure; and that the professionals collaborate in the construction of programmes of continuing structured teaching to improve speed of reading throughout primary and early secondary schooling.  相似文献   


This paper considers the ethics of educational technology in terms of whether or not selected media and methods are beneficial to the teacher and student, or whether other motives and criteria determine the selection. Communications media have proven themselves to be powerful and efficient tools, used like ‘dynamite’ for getting the most out of a ‘quarry’, but the vast scope of their applicability and flexibility may notoriously neglect the unprecedented risks to the user of current online methods – as one of the areas in which ethical issues arise. Having mentioned en passant any potential benefits of all communications media, their harmful potential is also noted, and, based on this introductory notification, ethical responsibilities of all parties involved in educational media have been examined. The authors’ main objective is to centralise the concept of the ‘uncritical mass’ representing the educationally uninformed general public whose selections of communication technologies can lead to their adoption as educational tools regardless of their educational value.  相似文献   

信息化打破了时空对教育的限制,有利于弥合城乡数字鸿沟,也为实现新时代下的教育改革赋予了独特的时代意义.本研究聚焦教育信息化助力教育公平发展这一论点,从中国知网(CNKI)中筛选出224篇相关核心期刊作为数据来源,使用Bicomb 2.0、Ucinet 6.0及SPSS 24.0等软件,对样本文献进行数据可视化计量分析,...  相似文献   

文章运用1978年以来有关统计数据进行实证,发现我国近几十年教育的发展不断扩大了城乡居民收入差异和各地区经济发展的差距。因此建议重视农村和欠发达地区教育发展,鼓励和扶持大学生到农村和欠发达地区创业。  相似文献   

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