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中度弱智儿童语言能力的初步分析   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
本研究从中度弱智儿童的自然言语和测试言语中提取研究样本,从汉语语法功能角度对样本进行了言语能力、语法偏误以及言语活动中的心理机制等方面的初步分析,提出中度弱智儿童语言获得和发展的基本观点,即中度弱智儿童的语言习得过程与正常儿童大致相同,他们具有先天的语言获得机制和语言能力.造成中度弱智者语言发展滞后的主要原因是认知能力和语言环境刺激的不足.因此,有效的语言训练和认知补偿对于中度弱智儿童有重要的意义.  相似文献   

家中有一个聪明、健康的孩子,是父母的最大幸福。然而,如果家庭中有一个弱智孩子或者是聋哑、盲、体残的特殊孩子,家长们的心情将是如何呢?身为弱智学生教师的我,所看到的家长们大多是忧愁、悲伤、痛  相似文献   

家长的经济条件、文化程度、各种观念等千差万别,因而对幼儿园(教师)的期望、要求也是各各不同的。而只有家长的要求得到适度满足,期望得到基本实现,才能自发地对幼儿园(教师)心存认可、好感、满意,甚至赞赏、感激。因此,准确把握家长的需求脉搏,为家长提供最需要(指符合家  相似文献   

近日,从某学校里听到了一则令人震惊的消息:该校为提高教学质量,达到全县教学成绩“保七争三”的目标,规定凡班里有弱智的学生均可免于参加期终统考,不计入教师的考核。至于哪些人是“弱智”,须以医院开出的证明为准。在这怂恿下,该校教师把凡是学习成绩在全班倒数一二名的学生都列为“弱智”对象,送往医院受检。医院的医生很是吃惊,因为他们也无法用精密仪器检测出哪个是“弱智”,但面对唾手可得的检查费,他们仍依照教师的授意,开出了所谓的“弱智”证明。当学生们把这一结果告诉家长时,家长们震怒了,他们简直不敢相信,自己…  相似文献   

弱智教育职业高中课程体系的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
从弱智青年的身心特点和社会的实际需求出发 ,把重点放在职业教育上 ,选择面点制作和园林花卉两个专业进行了为期 7年的研究 :提出了弱智教育职业高中教育的总体目标和具体目标 ;构建了弱智教育职业高中教育的课程体系 ;编写了弱智教育职业高中系列教材 ;研究了适应弱智教育职业高中的系列教学策略 ;建立了形式多样的教育评价机制和社会支持与保障系统。实践证明 :轻度和部分中度弱智青年能够接受职业高中教育 ,开办弱智教育职业高中是可行的 ,但应遵循一定的原则和策略。  相似文献   

孙云逸,男,九岁,四年级。性格内向羞涩、不喜言语,聪明内敛,文静有书生气。语言及组织能力较弱,缺乏主动性。家长期望通过教师的配合,使孩子具备乐观开朗,活泼主动的性格特征。并希望孩子在各方面得到锻炼,促使孩子全面发展,成为一位具有一定组织领导能力的孩子。为配合家长的需求,我先与家长就教育思想  相似文献   

智生指的是经智力量表测试确认的智力偏低的学生。测试弱智生的目的,本来是为了更好地采取有效的形式教好弱智生,但是在实际操作中,这种测试不但没有起到“教好”的作用,反而使弱智生变成“编外生”,造成教师、学生、家长对弱智生另眼相看的结果,使他们成为“被遗忘...  相似文献   

当前,不少幼儿园为了满足家长日益多元化的教育需求,积极改善办园条件,强化办园特色,提供各种特色教育服务,如双语教育、艺术培训等。幼儿园教师正面临着越来越多的压力和挑战。然而,幼儿园提供的这些教育服务能否满足家长的教育期望呢?家长对幼儿园的教育期望究竟有哪些呢?在全民关注学前教育的新形势下,了解家长对幼儿园的教育期望,能帮助  相似文献   

在幼儿教师与幼儿家长沟通过程中,家长期望与教师专业能力实际情况的不同是导致两者之间存在分歧的原因之一。通过对A市135名幼儿家长对教师专业能力期望的现状进行问卷调查,调查显示:家长对教师专业能力期望存在合理和不合理之处。幼儿家长更注重与幼儿直接相关的专业能力,特别是教师与幼儿交往的能力,忽视教师与家长交往的能力;但由于幼儿家长固有教育观念的束缚、年龄和学历的局限、缺乏家园共育理念等原因,导致出现部分违背幼儿教育规律的期望。文章建议:幼儿教师广泛与幼儿家长交流沟通,关注幼儿家长的合理期望;遵循幼儿身心发展规律,避免一味迎合家长;践行家园共育理念,指导家长配合教师工作。  相似文献   

中度弱智学生数学教育训练状况的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解中度弱智学生数学教育训练状态,以及面向中度弱智学生的数学课程—实用算术的实施情况,本研究对部分培智学校数学教师进行了调查、分析。结果表明,中度弱智学生在学习1 0 0 0以内数的认读、1 0 0以内数的加减法计算及应用、简单的找赎法等知识非常困难;在学习1 0 0以内数的认识等知识时比较困难。因此,对中度弱智学生数学教育训练必须在课程内容的选择、内容的编排、课程的结构等方面进行全面的改革。  相似文献   

教师角色期望关涉社会对教师素养的要求和职业行为的规约,因此,研究社会变革背景下各社会群体对教师的角色期望很有必要。本研究在对湖南长沙中学生、学生家长、学校管理人员和中学教师四个教育相关群体进行调查的基础上,概括出现时我国不同社会群体教师角色期望的基本特征是变与不变的共存、一致与冲突的共存、合理与不合理共存,并在深入分析后认为:教育的变革尤其是基础教育课程改革的推进、不同社会群体立场的差异和价值观的冲突、教师角色本身多元而复杂的特点,是上述特征的主要成因。  相似文献   

男幼儿教师加入学前教育领域备受社会的期待,更为幼儿家长们所关注。在当前安徽省幼儿家长对男幼儿教师职业素质期望的调查中显示:幼儿家长对男幼儿教师的学历要求专科以上居多,专业须科班出身,同时要求有体育锻炼、游戏为主的全面教育能力,素质中要求以爱心、责任心为首,看中性格开朗而阳刚为首的男性特质优势。针对幼儿家长们的期望,培养并留住男幼儿教师,服务于安徽省的学前教育事业,提出三个方面问题的思考。  相似文献   

The research discussed in this paper examines parental involvement in Kindergartens in Poland and is part of a large international project based on Bronfenbrenner's theory of the ecology of the development of the human being. Parents of children in Kindergartens all over Poland were interviewed about their expectation of both the teacher and the setting in which their child had been placed. New legislation has created possibilities for collaboration between parents and teachers and the research explores the changes this might give rise to. It questions whether parents and teachers really want to share the responsibility for the Kindergarten programme and asks parents about the role they feel they should be playing.  相似文献   

访谈了中学教师32人、中学生58人、家长21人对青少年的期望。结合质化和量化两种研究取向,对三个群体所持期望的异同进行比较分析,得出结果发现:不同群体对青少年的期望都包括了人格发展、知识能力、人际关系和身体外貌四个大的类属。除了身体外貌之外,其余三个大类属下面分别包含了五个小的类属。三个群体中,青少年更强调人格发展,对知识能力、人际关系和身体外貌三个方面的强调较少;父母更强调知识能力、人际关系和身体外貌,对人格发展强调得最少;教师则处于中间位置;并对各大类属下的小类属进行了异同比较。  相似文献   

在应试教育的背景下,许多中学片面追求高考"升学率",家长也对子女抱有很高的期望,这给高三学生带来了沉重的心理压力。此外,严峻的就业形势、不良的人际关系及非理性的自我期许,使这种压力处于过度状态。要想解决这种困境,教师和家长应帮助学生理性认识高考与就业的关系,理性评价学生,为他们创建良好的学习氛围,鼓励同学之间加大交流。  相似文献   

A year-long ethnographic study conducted in a British multiethnic primary school examined the influence of teacher perception of Pakistani ESL parent involvement and interest in their children's education on teacher expectation of Pakistani ESL children's language and literacy achievement. Results revealed that the ESL parents were very interested in their children's learning. They demonstrated their interest in their children's education in a culturally different way than middle class parents which was misinterpreted by the teachers as lack of interest. Consequently, the children's learning and achievement was frequently underestimated. Several implications for teacher practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Whilst there is now clearly an expectation upon parents to become more involved in schools and to take a greater part in their children's education, there is still little attempt to address the constraints upon achieving such aims. These constraints have been shown to include social class factors, gender relations, ethnicity and power relationships. This paper will take the analysis of some of these constraints further and, in particular, will focus on the views of working‐class parents on their relationships with, and role in relation to, their children's secondary school. The paper will explore the reasons for the orientation by working‐class parents which would seem to differ markedly from that of middle‐class parents. It will be shown that working‐class parents are committed to their children achieving educational success, and that they perceive their own role as supportive in a variety of ways. However, their position in relation to schools is to view the school as separate from their everyday social and cultural world and that the parent‐teacher role comprises a division of labour. It will be argued that teachers tend to adopt the same strategies for promoting parental involvement irrespective of class, parental needs, individual circumstances, and so on. Hence, because they take no account of differences, and because their strategies are constructed essentially from a logocentric position, then they serve to reinforce the parents’ perception of teachers as the professional ‘who knows best’: as the powerful knower which thus reinforces working‐class parents’ fatalistic view of schooling and their role as passive. The paper draws on data from a three‐year research project into the parents’ relationship with their children's secondary school. The data set which formed the basis of the analysis presented here comprises interviews with 58 parents from one of the case‐study schools which will be known as Acre Lane, and 15 of the school's teachers.  相似文献   

离开农村,涌向城市已成为农村学生毕业后的主要选择,产生这一现象的原因是多方面的,农村学校教育的城市化取向、农村家庭教育的离农期望、社区和社会大众媒体的离农影响也是农村学生离农现象不可忽视的原因。为此,应充分挖掘农村隐性的课程资源;培养致力于乡村教育事业的农村教师;为农民探索致富之路,转变农村学生家长的思想观念;规范大众媒体的影视文化。  相似文献   

Using six waves of data (Grades 7 through 12) from the Longitudinal Study of American Youth (LSAY), this study investigated the effects of expectation and influence of students, peers, teachers, and parents on participation in advanced mathematics. Results of survival analysis indicated a significant decline in participation rate in the transition from Grades 11 to 12. Students with higher future expectation were more likely to participate in advanced mathematics. Peer influence and teacher expectation did not have strong effects, and the effect of student future expectation was independent of peer and teacher effects. The effect of parent expectation and parent college plan for children were strong, and in their presence, the effect of student future expectation declined. Mathematics achievement and attitude toward mathematics were the most important factors affecting participation in advanced mathematics. With control over achievement and attitude, (a) the effect of student future expectation declined, (b) the effects of peer influence and teacher expectation disappeared, and (c) the effects of parent expectation and parent college plan for children were reduced. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

新教师的入职适应和发展期待一直受到国家、地方、社会和学校的密切关注,是教师参与专业发展的关键事件,不仅能够为教师专业发展奠定基础,而且有助于凝聚有效教育资源,推动教师专业发展,建立和谐的师生关系。社会经济地位作为影响教师发展期待的环境变量,对于新教师来说亦是如此。本研究主要参照美国心理协会编制的《社会经济地位量表》,设计更加具体的衡量指标,重新编制了符合教师群体的调查量表;同时编制了新教师的发展期待量表,继而探讨社会经济地位与新教师发展期待之间的关系,希冀基于此帮助新教师寻求实现发展期待的可能路径。  相似文献   

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