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Library managers in Iran have always been concerned with a low level of knowledge sharing among librarians. Identifying effective factors on librarians' knowledge sharing behavior helps us to understand and improve the situation. Organizational factors are one group of these factors. The effect of organizational climate, employees' motivational drives, and leadership empowerment on the subjective norms, attitude, intention, and knowledge sharing behavior among librarians in public libraries in Iran was studied. A conceptual model was designed in light of the Theory of Reasoned Action. Ten hypotheses were formulated. Data were collected by using a questionnaire and were analyzed using structural equations models. The findings showed that constructive organizational climate and positive motivational drives in public libraries, as well as personal and organizational knowledge sources strengthened by the librarians' ability of leadership have a positive and significant effect on subjective norms, attitude, intention, and knowledge sharing behavior. Such conditions facilitate the process of knowledge sharing in public library environments. Moreover, the study highlights the effect of the librarians' leadership empowerment on their attitude to knowledge sharing behavior by motivational drives.  相似文献   


Many programs for mentoring of librarians exist within organizations, for specific areas of librarianship, or for particular groups of librarians. These programs generally depend on face-to-face contact and some organizational commonalities or similarity in positions. With the advent of online communication, could a more general program matching up new librarians and ALA members with experienced librarians for online mentoring be feasible? ALA's New Members' Round-table Mentoring Committee coordinated a new project to find out. This article outlines the planning process and the mechanics of the program through two iterations. Feedback received from participants was mixed but provided valuable insight into what could make a wholly online mentoring program work.  相似文献   

This paper investigates and analyzes the organizational climate of Chinese university libraries to provide references for library management decision-making. Using the Chinese Library Organizational Climate Scale, a survey study was conducted among 1054 librarians nationwide and 438 librarians from 11 university libraries in Jiangsu Province of China. The results show that the job satisfaction of university librarians in China is low; the weaknesses of the management are mainly concentrated in the two areas of Climate for Management Justice and Climate for Staff Support; the Climate for Innovation has begun to be valued by the leadership of libraries, but it lacks effective policies and support systems; Interpersonal Harmony and Employees' Sense of Responsibility are the two aspects that perform well.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 图书情报领域正在出现新业态、迎来发展新契机,传统的业务组织模式依赖单一馆员、单个职能部门已无法有效地完成紧急性、临时性、复杂性任务,无法更好支撑高校图书馆的新发展,无法更好应对全民阅读、"双一流"建设、文化传承、读者需求多元化等不断出现的外部新挑战,为此需要变革图书馆的组织体制,更好地发挥馆员的主观能动性与创造力。[方法/过程] 借鉴项目制的原理,结合东北大学图书馆服务创新立项工作的实践,探索高校图书馆适应新挑战、新任务的方式方法。[结果/结论] 运用项目制更有利于组织开展高校图书馆服务创新活动,有利于调动馆员的积极性和创造性,促进高校图书馆服务能力的提升。  相似文献   

Public libraries have a huge potential to be creators and facilitators of social innovation in communities and society. Qualitative research based on interviews with 27 librarians showed that social innovation in libraries can take the form of educational and cultural activities, leisure and networking activities and social support services. The main goal of the research was to find out what factors support and make these innovations difficult in public libraries. A four-layer model of barriers and stimulators for social innovation is presented, which includes structural, local, organizational and personnel levels. The model could serve to inform librarians, their stakeholders and governments about all levels of barriers and stimulators connected to innovation of library services and social re-positioning of public libraries in the future.  相似文献   

Cooperative inquiry, a form of qualitative research used in community building, has not often been applied in educational contexts. Through the lens of formative leadership theory, the researchers studied the abilities of three new school librarians trained in cooperative inquiry and leadership to engage in collaborative problem solving for technology-related school challenges. Due to internal and external factors, participants experienced various levels of success with their challengers, but cooperative inquiry proved to be a viable methodology to evaluate the outcomes of library education for school librarians' formative leadership.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]开放科学环境下,明确数据馆员的基本内涵、在业务流程中的作用及其职业可持续发展方案,有助于对数据馆员进行岗位设置,并为学术图书馆开展创新服务提供参考借鉴。[研究设计/方法]系统调研国内外数据馆员相关文献,梳理其基本概念、职能作用,分析学术图书馆数据馆员的发展实践与现实需求的匹配情况。根据数据馆员招聘信息,提炼其工作内容,提出可持续发展方案。[结论/发现]数据馆员能够在开放科学环境下支持科研人员处理数据管理实践与数据治理事宜。学术图书馆以教育培训和促进职业群体自我发展的方式,增加数据馆员的竞争力,提升科研用户满意度。[创新/价值]提炼数据馆员基本研究框架、工作维度模型;提出从数据生产与流转周期角度剖析开放科学环境下科研数据全生命周期,阐明数据馆员在其中的作用。  相似文献   

文章以企业能力与组织边界相关研究成果为指导,结合目前已成功实施的部分图书馆众包案例,对馆藏特色数字资源的规划、建设与服务过程展开分析研究。文章认为馆藏特色数字资源众包不仅利于增强图书馆建设数字特藏的能力,也有利于提升馆员专业能力、提高用户满意度、提升图书馆知识服务与创新能力,进而增强图书馆核心能力,不断扩大组织边界。最后文章提出图书馆需重新审视功能定位,确保核心能力与竞争优势,真正服务于知识经济和现代信息社会的建设。  相似文献   

本文回顾了南京师范大学图书馆尝试兼职学科联络人制度的具体做法,分析所取得的成效和存在的问题。并以此为基础,提出学科馆员制度实行和持续发展过程中值得关注的几个问题和具体的设想,包括馆员的继续教育,根据用户实际需求确定服务目标,学科馆员与专业研究人员的区别以及与学科馆员科学管理相关的若干问题。  相似文献   

在动态能力理论分析的基础上,构建基于咨询馆员动态能力的合作式数字参考咨询服务模型,具体剖析 该模型中咨询馆员动态能力、咨询馆员成长、CDRS组织情境诸要素间的作用机理,梳理咨询馆员动态能力培育与提升 CDRS服务绩效之间的内在联系,为全面提升CDRS组织创新绩效提供可供选择的新思维、新方法。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 了解图书馆界对图书馆组织氛围的认知情况,发掘图书馆组织氛围影响因素,为构建我国本土化的图书馆组织氛围测评体系提供一定依据与参考。[方法/过程] 基于馆员认知进行问卷调研,并结合文献调研对组织氛围影响因素予以分析,形成图书馆组织氛围影响因素体系。[结果/结论] 影响图书馆组织氛围的因素包括组织内部环境、社会外环境、图书馆行业性质以及馆员自身的价值观念与行为方式等,其中我国传统文化中强调人际关系的和谐、集体主义、等级观念等特征因素对馆员的认知与行为有一定正面或负面的影响。此外,图书馆组织氛围建设的重要性还未得到普遍重视,对组织氛围的认知有待加强。  相似文献   

面对新的知识生产模式,大学跨学科研究组织在进行知识生产的同时还要开展知识创业。大学跨学科研 究组织进行知识创业需要5 类能力:问题解决能力、组织领导能力、项目申请与履约能力、资源获取与配置能力、知 识转化为生产力的能力。当5 类能力得到满足时,大学跨学科研究组织走向知识创业需要合适的创新路径:明确组织目 标,规划知识创业愿景;优化组织结构,构建知识创业团队;有效配置资源,加强资源整合;发挥集成与转化功能, 实现知识创业。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]研究提出学科服务3.0模式,为科学大数据环境下学科馆员团队创新发展提供可借鉴的理论模型和实践参考。[方法/过程]面向科学大数据环境下科学研究新范式新形势,分析学科馆员代际演进趋势,从"创新组织方式" "提高能力素质" "转变工作方式" "拓展服务内容" "提升服务层次" "完善目标追求" 6个维度设计新型组织服务模式,建立"矩阵式+网状式"学科服务团队"双协同"协作体系,创新组织方式,按照"能力专业化""工作精准化"提高能力素质,根据"团队协同化" "过程嵌入化" "合作有温度""品牌高价值"转变工作方式,围绕"四重对象"、沿着科技创新产业链拓展服务内容、提升服务层次,支撑科技管理与决策。在此基础上,以中国科学院某研究所为例开展实证研究。[结果/结论]本研究所构建的学科服务3.0模式在当前科学大数据环境发展下,能有效提升学科服务建设效果,为学科用户提供更好的研究服务与决策支撑。  相似文献   

我国图书馆员职业能力要素实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]确立我国图书馆员职业能力要素,为评估国内图书馆员职业能力提供参考。[方法/过程]在归纳我国图书馆员职业能力要素的基础上,通过问卷调查数据进行实证分析,最终确定我国图书馆员职业能力要素。[结果/结论]我国图书馆员职业能力由13个一级要素和114个二级要素组成,它们可组成图书馆员职业能力评价指标体系,其中一级要素包括职业素养、组织管理能力、自我管理能力、信息服务能力、用户服务能力、馆藏管理能力、知识管理能力、学习能力、技术能力、合作能力、教学培训能力、学术交流能力、财产管理能力。  相似文献   

Closings have led some to suggest that news libraries are in crisis and require significant changes. In an effort to provide better service, some news libraries assign news librarians, or researchers, to editorial teams, increasing their visibility among the reporters they serve. Other organizations maintain centralized research services, focusing instead on expanding their influence as a team. This article describes a study of four news organizations, two that have adopted the integrated team model and two that provide centralized information services exclusively. Although only minor differences are observed based upon the organizational model in place, there is some evidence that news researchers who are proactive and integrated within the organizational function are more valued by these journalists.  相似文献   

众包对图书馆的影响及其运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
众包理念和模式在图书馆领域的运用,将影响图书馆学理论架构,促进图书馆学理论创新;重新界定图书馆的组织边界,促进图书馆制度创新;打破图书馆专业化的门槛,促进图书馆技术和业务流程的创新。图书馆应充分借鉴众包的优势,鼓励大众进行知识交流与创新,加强图书馆文献资源建设的针对性,提高图书馆文献揭示与读者检索的一致性,推动图书馆资源和网络信息的开发与利用,促进图书馆知识交流。  相似文献   

社会信息环境的变化给图书馆发展带来了新机遇与新挑战,为了应对新环境,保持图书馆的传统价值,转型发展已经成为全球图书馆的共同趋势。在图书馆转型实践中广泛存在转型效率、成本、效益、文化等一系列不确定性,而这些不确定性被有意无意地忽略了。本文将图书馆转型风险归纳为投资、运营、技术、政策和价值五个方面。图书馆转型风险具有普遍性、可预知与可演化等特征,建议通过环境前瞻、优化治理、业务创新、制度建设等措施迁移与规避图书馆转型过程中的风险,以协同推动我国图书馆事业的创新与可持续发展。参考文献87。  相似文献   

图书馆读者感知服务质量的影响因素及提升策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆海 《图书情报工作》2009,53(17):106-109
影响图书馆读者感知服务质量的因素主要有读者、图书馆和图书馆员等。图书馆要从研究读者需要、管理读者期望、技术/结果质量和功能/过程质量“两手抓”、提高馆员服务素质和服务接触能力、加强制度建设和公布服务质量标准等方面来提高读者对图书馆服务质量的感知。  相似文献   

As part of the ongoing debates over the best methods for teaching information literacy, some librarians have argued for a “teach the teachers” strategy. In this approach, librarians concentrate some of their instructional energies on teaching disciplinary faculty to teach information literacy. In this paper, multiple examples of “teach the teachers” efforts are reviewed, in order to provide insight into the impact that taking this approach might have on librarians, faculty, and students. Results indicate that the “teach the teachers” approach shows promise as one method by which librarians can support the integration of information literacy into the curriculum, but that more assessment is needed to determine the long-term impact of such initiatives on faculty teaching practices and students' information literacy development.  相似文献   

分析高校科研人员社交网络学术信息交流行为影响因素,有助于提高高校科研人员社交网络学术信息交流行为活跃度,拓宽群体知识面,实现组织内部工作模式创新。文章首先借鉴卢因行为理论构建高校科研人员社交网络学术信息交流行为影响因素模型,结合理性行为理论、顾客感知价值理论等提出八个假设,并采用问卷调查方法收集数据;然后对测量指标进行信度和效度检验,借助结构方程模型分析影响因素并验证假设;最后根据分析结论提出相应建议。通过分析得出行为意向、机会和激励对学术信息交流行为具有正向影响,并从学术社交平台建设、组织内部支持、加强个体学术信息交流意识等方面提出建议。  相似文献   

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