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This article examines the theoretical assumptions generally used in communication and information policy studies, and suggests that more attention to the institutional determinants of public policies is needed. The first part discusses three alternative theoretical approaches: the interest-group approach, the ideological approach, and the technology-centered approach. The second part outlines the conceptual tools of the new institutionalism approach and discusses its application for the study of regime change in telecoms and media. The third part presents an abbreviated example of such application to the case of U.S. spectrum policies and the licensing of digital broadcasting. The conclusion suggests new directions for research aimed at broadening the set of social actors participating in the global governance of new technologies.  相似文献   

The main goal of this paper is to analyse the single and joint impact of regulation policies and research network policies on environmental innovation. Our theoretical framework combines the open eco-innovation mode approach with the Porter Hypothesis, by adapting them to the knowledge production function where green patents are the dependent variable. We focus on the factors that influence the production of green patents as a proxy of new “environmental” knowledge for a panel of European countries over time. We find that both marked-based regulation policies and participation in green European research networks (in particular with universities and public research centres) positively affect environmental innovation. Moreover, the two policy tools have a complementary effect. This suggests that the effectiveness of environmental regulation policies can be increased by combining them with appropriate innovation policies.  相似文献   

发展生物能源是当前世界许多国家解决能源安全问题的普遍趋势,也是解决我国日益严峻的能源供需矛盾的重要途径之一。本文分析了生物能源在新能源产业中的角色、生物能源对环境的影响、生物能源在生态可持续发展中的利弊以及生物能源产业与社会经济发展之间的相互作用,并在此基础上提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

政府补贴和税收优惠既是推动创新的重要政策工具,也是世界各国扶持幼稚产业的重要手段。本文选取2010—2018年中国新能源汽车产业上市公司数据,在考察两种财税政策对专利质量影响的基础上,构建面板门槛模型,从政策工具组合使用绩效分析的视角,检验政府补贴和税收优惠组合使用时对专利质量的门槛效应。研究发现:第一,两种政策均对专利质量产生了正向的激励作用,且政府补贴的激励效果更胜一筹;第二,补贴并非越多越好,而是存在一定阈值,在该阈值范围内时,税收优惠作用最佳;第三,同样,税收优惠也存在相应的阈值,当优惠超过该值时,更有利于显现政府补贴的作用,识别并充分利用该阈值,才能实现两种政策工具的最优组合。  相似文献   

试论国兴科教   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文比较全面、系统地回答了“科教兴国,谁兴科教”的问题,对于提高“国兴科教”的认识,推进科教兴国战略的实施,有重要的现实意义。该文第一部分,阐明了国兴科教的由来和基本内涵;第二部分,从理论、历史、现实及未来的角度论述了国兴科教的理论、实践及其意义;第三部分,从观念、体制、投入、人才四个方面,分析了国兴科教的难点,最后提出了“有计划、有步骤地综合予以解决”的四项对策。  相似文献   

The paper discusses the notion of steps in indexing and reveals that the document-centered approach to indexing is prevalent and argues that the document-centered approach is problematic because it blocks out context-dependent factors in the indexing process. A domain-centered approach to indexing is presented as an alternative and the paper discusses how this approach includes a broader range of analyses and how it requires a new set of actions from using this approach; analysis of the domain, users and indexers. The paper concludes that the two-step procedure to indexing is insufficient to explain the indexing process and suggests that the domain-centered approach offers a guide for indexers that can help them manage the complexity of indexing.  相似文献   

本文从理论和经验两方面概括性地介绍了西方经济学者关于经济全球化条件下国家技术政策的研究 ,揭示了西方国家技术政策的演进趋势。  相似文献   

The climate crisis and the global economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis occur against a background of slowing growth and widening inequalities, which together imply an urgent need for a new environmentally sustainable and inclusive approach to growth. Investments in “clean” innovation and its diffusion are key to shaping this, accompanied by investments in complementary assets including sustainable infrastructure, and human, natural and social capital which will not only help achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, but will also improve productivity, living standards and the prospects of individuals. In this article, we draw on the theoretical and empirical evidence on the opportunities, drivers and policies for innovation-led sustainable growth. We highlight the importance of a coordinated set of long-term policies and institutions that can enable and foster private sector investments in clean innovation and assets quickly and at scale. In doing so, we draw inspiration from Chris Freeman's work on the system-wide drivers of innovation, and his early vision of achieving environmental sustainability by reorienting growth.  相似文献   

The author argues that advances in instrumentation and experimental techniques - what he calls instrumentalities - have been of major importance in stimulating and enabling both radical theoretical advances in fundamental science, and radical innovations in practical application. He supports his argument with historical examples, and concludes that explicit policies should be developed for the financial support of instrumentation.  相似文献   

突破关键核心技术是"十四五"规划中科技自立自强的重要部署,是2035年远景目标的重要规划,关系着我国能否如期进入创新型国家前列、建成世界科技强国。在该领域进行初步的理论探索,首先对关键核心技术进行概念界定与内涵阐释,进而描述关键核心技术的主要特征,最后以产学研为攻关主体,从"突破路径"和"助力渠道"两个维度探析出关键核心技术的7个主要突破因素:技术打压认知与需求导向、国际科技合作与开放创新、产学研深度融合、长期充足研发资金投入、领军人才及其团队、技术链与产业链以及政府政策与体制机制等。结论可为后续研究与实践提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

曾琦 《科教文汇》2020,(15):164-165
中国传统绘画元素是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,它不仅能够显示出我国深厚的民族文化底蕴,同时也深刻影响着整个东方乃至世界的审美情趣。将中国传统绘画元素应用到广告设计中,能够使其形成一种意境之美和含蓄之美。本文以中国传统绘画元素的概念及其在广告设计中的应用为切入点,对此主题进行初探,希望能为现代广告设计的研究提供一个具有价值的线索资料,从而为广告设计的发展提供理论支持。全文共分为四个部分。第一部分为第一章,主要阐述了中国传统绘画元素的概念与其历史发展;第二部分即第二章,主要阐述了中国传统绘画元素在广告设计中具体的应用;第三部分即第三章,主要论述了在广告设计中应用到中国传统绘画元素的意义;第四部分即结语。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]人工智能已成为推动新一轮科技革命和产业变革的重要技术力量,世界各国加紧出台了相关政策。通过对当前研究进行及时梳理,可为今后国内人工智能政策的理论推进及政策出台和完善等提供指导。[方法/过程]以国外SSCI和国内CSSCI期刊数据库收录的395篇研究论文为样本,采用文献计量分析和比较研究法对中外人工智能政策研究的高共被引文献、热点主题及演进趋势等进行深入探索。[结果/结论]与国外相比,国内研究起步较晚但势头迅猛;高共被引文献反映了人工智能领域存在的问题和风险、应用前景、技术革新及对社会的影响;国外研究热点涵盖了知识管理等十二类主题,而国内研究热点则包括国家治理背景下人工智能政策发展路径等三类主题;国外研究的演进特征体现在三个方面,而国内研究则体现在两个方面。最后,从加快形成和构建人工智能政策研究的理论框架体系等三个方面提出对国内研究的启示。  相似文献   

陈艳芹 《科教文汇》2013,(36):160-161
在科学课程中,生物学内容占有重要地位。本文立足国际视野,以欧美等发达国家的生物课程改革为基础,深入探讨了我国当前中学生物新课程教学的理性途径,主要包括:建立新型的课程观、教师观和学生观,落实科学、技术、社会(STS)相互关系的教育,实施新型的教学要求,旨在为加强中学生综合素养,推进中学生物新课程教学提供理论参考。  相似文献   

自2011年以来,国际货币组织已经组织了三次关于宏观政策的讨论,探讨了最新的宏观政策的进展。随着时间的推移与各国实际实践中情况的发展,财政政策、金融稳定与资本、外汇管理的理论与实践的研究都有了新的进展。本文整理了关于财政政策、金融稳定与资本、外汇管理的文献的最新进展情况,并按照不同的研究方向将其进行归纳、分类,并且重点比较了在这几方面传统观点遭遇到的挑战,以及新的观点与它们所产生的差异。  相似文献   

Demand is a major potential source of innovation, yet the critical role of demand as a key driver of innovation has still to be recognised in government policy. This article discusses public procurement as one of the key elements of a demand-oriented innovation policy. The paper starts by signaling the new significance of public procurement for innovation policy strategies at the EU level and in a range of European countries. It then defines the concept of public procurement and embeds this concept within a taxonomy of innovation policies. The rationales and justifications of public procurement policies to spur innovation are discussed, followed by a consideration of the challenges and potential pitfalls as well as appropriate institutional arrangements and strategies, including some recent empirical examples of good practice. It concludes by confronting the public procurement approach with two of the most common objections to it and by considering future prospects.  相似文献   

随着党的二十大以后我国进入新发展时代,数智技术的快速发展和广泛应用激活了新一轮经济发展潜力,也给经济社会发展带来了新的安全挑战。文章首先分析了国际与国内新形势下新发展格局的特点,剖析了新发展格局下数智安全风险挑战,涉及微观层面的技术安全、个人安全,以及宏观层面的经济安全、社会安全、文化安全。在此基础之上,文章提出了构建数智安全新格局的基本方法论,给出了一个涵盖数智技术自身安全、保障数智安全的数智技术、数智安全法律法规和政策3个方面数智安全新格局的基本架构。最后,文章探讨了数智安全新格局和新发展格局之间的辩证与螺旋式协同演进关系,为在新的时代保证经济社会的康持续发展提供指导。  相似文献   

苗蔚 《科技广场》2006,(11):50-52
WAP不但使现有移动网络的许多应用得到了迅速发展,同时也催生出许多全新的增值业务。J2EE平台为企业应用的设计、开发、集成以及部署提供了一条基于组件的实现途径。本文介绍了如何在J2EE平台上采用MVC模式进行WAP业务的开发,并给出了应用实例。  相似文献   

基于可持续转型的我国新能源汽车政策文本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用基于可持续转型的分析框架对近年来我国出台的新能源汽车政策文件进行了政策文本分析。研究表明,政策工具多着眼于对转型的直接支持,需进一步使用破坏性政策倒逼转型;要通过政策不断调整地方政府、国有车企等体制主体,使其与新能源汽车发展相适应;应放宽在生产、营销和售后等互补性资产上对新入企业的高门槛,政策应能突出拥有核心技术企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

Departing from a number of theoretical perspectives from which rationales for science, technology and innovation (STI) policy can be extracted, this paper discusses three questions. First, what rationales for public intervention can be derived from different economic theories, including theories usually associated with spatial dynamics and territorial relationships? Second, what policy instruments or policy-mixes can be associated with the various rationales? Third, what do these theories and associated rationales tell us about the territorial level or levels at which STI policies can usefully be designed and implemented?  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业发展意味着对传统技术轨道的替代,其创新过程会遭遇"失灵"问题,在完全市场机制下,替代无法自动实现,需要政策干预。本文基于针对新能源汽车产业创新政策的实证研究提出:战略性新兴产业发展各阶段的失灵机理和表现不同,政策干预的目标和工具选择也应动态调整;产业创新政策研究和制定应遵循"发展阶段-失灵机理-政策目标-政策工具"的理论框架;NEVI产业的阶段性政策目标未达成的原因包括政策激励的着力点偏差、政策对象不全面和政策工具出台不及时等。本研究具有开拓性,有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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