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This paper is a brief review of the concept of social exclusion and its evolution. I address which individuals are excluded from sport and physical activity and how; link inclusion policies to the ‘cross-cutting issues’ and the idea of social capital; and outline the intervention policies being adopted in the new sport strategy ‘Game Plan’ (Department of Culture, Media and Sport, ). I address the link between transport, exercise and health in a case study. Since these policies are new, research and evaluation has been short term and scattered, and outcome measurements have not yet received academic or professional consensus, it is too soon to say for sure what works or even to confirm what is best practice.  相似文献   

Maria Lenk is widely recognized as an exceptional athlete who participated in women's sport from around 1930 until 1950. In 1932, at the age of seventeen, she was the first woman to be included in a Latin American delegation to the Olympic Games. As a swimmer, she still sets world records at the age of eighty-six. This super-champion's sporting achievements and her persistent dedication to the advancement of sport still impress and surprise todays professional swimmers and researchers. Contextualised in the male-dominated society of Brazil during the first half of the twentieth century, this chapter traces the achievement, and rise to international fame, of Maria Lenk. It examines the factors that enabled her to emerge not only as an important figure in sport but also as an icon of female emancipation in Brazilian and Latin American society. The focus is on Lenk's influence on the issues which affected the development of women's sport in Latin America. It also highlights the significance of Lenk's contribution to the changing place of women in Brazilian and South American society.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to understand how professional sport organizations might influence consumer voluntary behavior through their corporate social marketing (CSM) initiatives by focusing on the role of corporate credibility. The study examined consumer responses to environmental initiatives by two professional sport teams, and showed that organizational and program characteristics were associated with the corporate credibility of the teams in supporting environmental protection (i.e., environmental credibility). Environmental credibility, in turn, was found to have a positive association with consumer pro-environmental behavior measured by daily recycling involvement and recycling intentions during the teams’ home games. The results further revealed that environmental credibility was more strongly associated with recycling intentions during games for respondents who were less involved in environmental issues. Together, these findings suggest that professional sport organizations can be an effective vehicle for socially beneficial behavior by increasing their credibility in CSM involvement.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed increased interest in the visual search behaviour of athletes. Little is known, however, about the relationship between anxiety and eye movements in sport performers or about the extent to which athletes' planned and actual visual search strategies correspond. To address these issues, we conducted two studies. In Study 1, eight expert female gymnasts were presented with three digital slides of a model performing a skill that is known to be anxiety-provoking in this sport - namely, the 'back flip' on the beam. By varying the height of the beam and the presence or absence of safety mats, the slides differed in the amount of anxiety that they elicited vicariously in the viewer. In the study, the gymnasts were asked to imagine themselves in the position of the depicted model and to describe the anxiety that they felt. As they viewed the slides, their eye movements were recorded. As predicted, anxiety was associated with an increase in the number of fixations to peripheral areas. In addition, the more 'threatening' slides elicited significantly more fixations than the less feared images. In Study 2, the plans of 15 equestrian performers (5 expert, 5 intermediate and 5 novice) were elicited as they engaged in a virtual 'walk' around a computerized show-jumping course. Contrary to expectations, the congruence between intended and actual search behaviour was not significantly greater for expert riders than for the less skilled groups. Also, the fact that the top riders allocated more fixations to slides than the less skilled performers challenged the prediction that expertise would be associated with economy of visual search. Finally, as expected, the expert riders were significantly less dependent on the overall 'course plan' than the intermediate and novice equestrian performers when inspecting the fences.  相似文献   

This case study provides insight into a current issue faced by sporting leagues—the movement of professional players to different sports. As the case illustrates, the movement of professional players across sport codes can have a profound impact on the management of sport development, the management of player contracts, and legal issues in restraint of trade.  相似文献   

Hegemonic masculinity would suggest that sport fandom is the exclusive domain of men and women are subordinate. Yet, it is apparent that women make up a significant portion of the professional sport spectator market. As such, it is important to systematically examine the role of hegemonic masculinity in the female sport fan experience. The purpose of this paper was to document, explore, and reflect upon personal experiences of female sport fans using a collaborative self-ethnography approach. Over a period of 3 months, we documented our experiences attending professional sport events (e.g., Major League Baseball, Canadian Football League) in the United States and Canada. Analysis of the data occurred through a process of sharing and critical reflection of our narratives. We identified three common themes that defined our experiences as female sport fans: (a) negotiating our definition of being a sport fan, (b) female sport fan as “the outsider”, and (c) marginalisation of other women. Our work provides some insight into the lived experiences of female sport fans. Discussion of the findings is intended to shed light on the conversation regarding hegemonic masculinity within the sport fan literature.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed increased interest in the visual search behaviour of athletes. Little is known, however, about the relationship between anxiety and eye movements in sport performers or about the extent to which athletes' planned and actual visual search strategies correspond. To address these issues, we conducted two studies. In Study 1, eight expert female gymnasts were presented with three digital slides of a model performing a skill that is known to be anxiety-provoking in this sport--namely, the 'back flip' on the beam. By varying the height of the beam and the presence or absence of safety mats, the slides differed in the amount of anxiety that they elicited vicariously in the viewer. In the study, the gymnasts were asked to imagine themselves in the position of the depicted model and to describe the anxiety that they felt. As they viewed the slides, their eye movements were recorded. As predicted, anxiety was associated with an increase in the number of fixations to peripheral areas. In addition, the more 'threatening' slides elicited significantly more fixations than the less feared images. In Study 2, the plans of 15 equestrian performers (5 expert, 5 intermediate and 5 novice) were elicited as they engaged in a virtual 'walk' around a computerized show-jumping course. Contrary to expectations, the congruence between intended and actual search behaviour was not significantly greater for expert riders than for the less skilled groups. Also, the fact that the top riders allocated more fixations to slides than the less skilled performers challenged the prediction that expertise would be associated with economy of visual search. Finally, as expected, the expert riders were significantly less dependent on the overall 'course plan' than the intermediate and novice equestrian performers when inspecting the fences.  相似文献   


Since the emergence of the ‘experience economy’, the adventure sport industry in Scotland has enjoyed significant economic growth. Participant increase has been predominately male, and although female participant numbers have increased also, there is little to indicate narrowing of inequality. The established debate about strength, risk perception, and family choices for females is ongoing. However, studies specifically focusing on deeper, lived experiences of female participants are in the emergent phases, with little documented on how these unexplored factors might inform the debate. Taking a qualitative approach, this study explores motivations and barriers for female participants, identifies issues, and offers suggestions that could address these. An auto-ethnographic methodology was implemented using the researchers own experiences of participating with male and female participants, and interviews were conducted with female participants. Five key themes were identified: i) participation cost; ii) lack of reliable information; iii) support of others; iv) general perception that adventure sport is largely unachievable; and, v) the importance of being part of the adventure sport community. Overlap between themes was observed and noted.  相似文献   


Although it is acknowledged that appropriate breast support during exercise is important, no published literature has assessed breast support usage in a cohort of female marathon runners. This study aimed to identify sport bra use and perceived importance of sports bra use in female marathon runners. Bra satisfaction, incidence of bra related issues and factors that influence the appropriateness of sports bras were also investigated. A 4-part, 30-question survey was administered to 1397 female runners at the 2012 London marathon registration and via an online survey. In total 1285 surveys were completed. Sports bra use and its perceived importance was high, however was lower in moderate compared to vigorous activity, and lower in participants with smaller breasts. Seventy-five per cent of participants reported bra fit issues. The most common issues were chaffing and shoulder straps digging in, with a higher incidence of issues reported by participants with larger breasts. Use of professional bra fitting was low, and perceived knowledge of breast health was poor. Engagement with sports bra use is high although sports bra design could be improved to alleviate bra fit issues experienced by female runners. Educational initiatives are needed to ensure females are informed regarding the importance of breast support and appropriate bra fit during activity.  相似文献   

《体育法》的理论基础探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张洪潭 《体育与科学》2005,26(3):15-19,24
本文认为<体育法>的理论基础相当陈旧混乱,<体育法>的分类用语不合逻辑,<体育法>的立法目的未能表达应然之意,<体育法>的诸多条款更是存在明显疑义,在体制、体育产业、博彩以及三大体育单元领域的说法上都有拨乱反正之急需.  相似文献   

体育仲裁由于具有专业性、自律性、中立性等特点,已成为解决体育纠纷最有效的方式之一。美国作为世界职业体育运动高度发达的国家,经过多年的发展与积累,已建立了较为健全的体育仲裁制度,为其竞技体育的健康、良性发展奠定了扎实的基础。在我国,随着体育纠纷的日益增多与北京2008奥运会的日益临近,建立和完善体育仲裁制度,运用法律手段解决纠纷已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   


The importance of female and male pioneers in the development of women’s football in Scandinavia is in focus, where some of the female pioneers’ experiences presented. Sif Kalvø from Western Norway was the first known Scandinavian female football player who played abroad in Italy in 1971, and she was one of the pioneers. She was dependent on door openers in Norway and abroad. The door openers role, in making professional football possible; how the professional contracts came through; and why the Scandinavian female footballers went global in the early phases, discussed. To study this the Norwegian Mother of Women’s football, Målfrid Kuvås, and other female pioneer footballers are in-depth interviewed. Kuvås’ large collection of scrapbooks with media coverage, letters and other correspondence from the 1960s to 2000s are also studied. Qualitative in-depth interviews carried out, with five of the early professionals and five of the leaders involved in the migration processes. Secondary sources are academic literature and sport media. The dream about playing professional football, and to be able to live from football brought female players across the globe. Due to this, migration research is of interest when studying women’s football, and ‘push’- and ‘pull’- factors in migration are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief review of the concept of social exclusion and its evolution. I address which individuals are excluded from sport and physical activity and how; link inclusion policies to the 'cross-cutting issues' and the idea of social capital; and outline the intervention policies being adopted in the new sport strategy 'Game Plan' (). I address the link between transport, exercise and health in a case study. Since these policies are new, research and evaluation has been short term and scattered, and outcome measurements have not yet received academic or professional consensus, it is too soon to say for sure what works or even to confirm what is best practice.  相似文献   

徐士韦 《体育科研》2010,31(5):23-26,30
通过对体育纠纷内涵、类型的分析,提出职业体育保险纠纷的含义和性质,并通过对体育纠纷解决机制的比较分析论证了仲裁解决体育纠纷的优越性。同时对职业体育保险纠纷的可仲裁性、法源、必要性、可行性、仲裁庭的组建、规范等理论问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

我国职业体育俱乐部利用商业信用融资研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国职业体育俱乐部可利用的商业信用融资方式及目前存在的问题进行分析,认为应付费用的延期支付、应付账款、分期付款和出售套票等方式是当前俱乐部可利用的融资方式,但上述方式在实践中还存在诸如社会整体信用状况不佳、俱乐部商业信用意识差和经营不稳定等问题,限制了俱乐部对商业信用融资方式的运用。针对存在问题提出相应的发展建议,为俱乐部利用商业信用融资提供理论指导。  相似文献   

In this study, we explore institutional forces affecting environmental sustainability in professional sport teams and leagues in North America. Interviews with sport executives and executives from partner groups, 122 websites and organizational documents, and 56 media reports were examined. Data revealed how environmental management practices are being diffused in professional sport organizations. Evidence indicated associative behavior among sport organizations with respect to environmental management. Data also illustrated that media played a role in driving and defining the type and extent of involvement in professional sport teams’ environmental sustainability efforts. We discuss environmental sustainability as it affects a team's or league's CSR related initiatives (i.e., averting legal recourse, saving money, as well as building stronger relationships with stakeholders (e.g., customers, fans, local communities, federal governments and corporate partners)), and speculate how these efforts might evolve and inform the development of environmental sustainability in organizations in the sport, service and entertainment sectors.  相似文献   

随着美国体育产业的蓬勃发展,法律纠纷事件与日俱增。对于日趋增多的法律纠纷事件,人们逐渐希望通过司法程序来解决纠纷。章论述了美国体育管理法规的历史沿革、立法形式和司法程序,分析了纠纷双方的基本对策和解决方法,阐明了体育侵权行为的民事责任以及设法免遭因体育责任事故而被起诉的一般方法,剖析了我国体育法制建设中的主要问题,并提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

This essay describes a plan for investigating the cultural meanings of hockey in Canada by examining media narratives of high-level amateur and professional hockey during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In particular, this project analyzes English Canadian newspaper coverage of Stanley Cup games between 1894 and 1907, as well as the telegraph reconstructions that enabled fans to share a simultaneous experience of distant games. Media coverage of hockey brought Canadians into local and national communities of interest, while constructing narratives of manhood, regional rivalry, and civic pride. Hockey played a significant role in the construction of gender and class identities, and in debates about amateurism, professionalism, and community representation in sport. By exploring key issues related to media, gender, and community identities in early hockey, this research addresses important gaps in the study of sport history and the analysis of sport and Canadian popular culture.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper consists on the ideal of women in Spain during Franco's dictatorship (1939–1975) and how it was transmitted through women Physical Education and female sports, directed by the Women Section. The research focuses on the concepts and values from different fields (political, professional, cultural, religious, etc.) which described women and determined their life during this period, and which showed through physical and sport activities specific to this gender. The research is justified and put into context in the first part of the paper. In the second part of the paper, the female model as proposed by the ideology of the dictatorship is described, and how this model was reflected in female Physical Education – both in the initial training of female teachers and in the proposed practices for Spanish women. In the third part of the paper, some of the contradictions of the Women Section regarding the woman archetype are exposed, as well as the final conclusions of this investigation.  相似文献   

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