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"三喻文化"与成人教育探论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
米德从文化传递的不同方式出发,将人类文化分为后喻文化、同喻文化和前喻文化三种类型,并阐述了不同文化类型中相应的教育模式。具体就成人教育而言,后喻文化对应着后喻式成人教育,同喻文化对应着同喻式成人教育,前喻文化则对应着前喻式成人教育。人类个体发展以及社会发展的趋向都表明,在后喻式、同喻式和前喻式成人教育模式融合共存的前提下,前喻式成人教育的发展更值得我们关注和期待。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,老年闲暇教育的重要性越来越凸显。以"年轻一代向年长一代传授、年长一代向年轻一代学习"为特征的前喻文化有利于改变人们的传统观念、拓宽老年闲暇教育内容、丰富老年闲暇教育形式和开拓老年闲暇教育场所。在前喻文化视域下发展老年闲暇教育需要转变老年人观念,树立前喻式教育观;发挥大众媒介作用,营造良好的社会氛围;共建和谐的代际关系,创建良好的家庭环境;有效利用高校资源,发挥高校优势;采取多种措施,发挥社区的载体作用。  相似文献   

借鉴“三喻文化”对应后喻式培训和同喻式培训以及在培训中的实际操作,阐述这两种培训模式的操作方法以及后喻式培训的弊端、同喻式培训的可行性,分析前喻文化对培训的启示。在新课程改革的大背景下,融合这两种培训模式,提出以“年长者”——“同路人”——“年幼者”共同组成的培训互动统一体,并使研训一体化可持续发展的三循环培训模式新思路。  相似文献   

张静敏 《考试周刊》2008,(16):239-240
随着我国经济的发展,社会的进步,人们的思想观念也在不断更新和转变,代际间的冲突逐渐成为社会关注的焦点.本研究对家庭生活中父母与子女的代际冲突现象进行分析,借助社会工作中的个案工作方法,以典型个案为例.对家庭生活中代际冲突的表现形式、产生原因、发展趋势等进行分析,为如何解决代际冲突,推进代际间的沟通与交流寻找可行的方法和途径.  相似文献   

成人教育目的观是成人教育活动、成人教育理论乃至成人教育哲学中的重要问题之一,成人教育目的观不仅决定着成人教育的价值取向,而且框定着成人教育的目标、课程及方式等内容。目前,有关成人教育目的观有很多理论研究,也能够为我们转变成人教育理念、研究成人教育目的构成、形成正确的成人教育模式、推动成人教育发展等提供足够的理论依据和思想基础。但是,成人教育目的的明确除了依据一定的理论、遵循必要的规律,更多还要根据个体成长需要、国家战略需要、社会发展需要、经济建设需要甚至意识形态需要。而其中最核心的原则是基于成人视角来审视成人教育的目的,这是成人教育目的观内涵的重要构成部分之一。  相似文献   

总揽当代成人教育发展史,即可至言,中国成人教育发展方式的转变,总是与社会主义文化的发展与繁荣如影随形.在“发展方式转变”与“文化繁荣发展”的契合与互动中,不仅屹立了中国成人教育跨越发展的里程碑,更为社会主义文化的发展繁荣倾入了新的动源与活力.在此意义上,本文试图从推动社会主义文化的大发展大繁荣的视域下,清朗中国成人教育发展方式转变的文化脉络、文化动因、文化诉求,追索中国成人教育发展方式转变的文化蕴义、文化价值、文化路径,为当下中国成人教育发展方式转变的战略抉择提供益实参考.  相似文献   

经过广大农村成人教育工作者多年的辛勤忘我工作,农村成人教育取得了巨大的成绩,建立了职成教相沟通的县、乡、村三级职业成人教育培训网络,基本完成了扫除青壮年文盲的历史任务,开展了大规模的农民实用技术培训,对于发展农村经济、建设小康社会做出了突出贡献。但是,农村成人教育整体薄弱的状况还没有得到根本转变,农村成人教育队伍思想观念转变滞后,教育培训网络阵地建设不适应新形势新任务的需要,资金、项目、信息短缺等问题突出。必须深入研究分析农村经济和社会发展所提出的任务要求,树立新的发展观,做好新形势下的农村成人教育工作。…  相似文献   

目前,我国正处在计划经济向市场经济转轨时期,乡镇企业的改革正以势不可挡的潮流席卷农村。实现从传统计划经济向社会主义市场经济体制转变,从粗放型经济增长方式向集约型经济增长方式转变,标志着我国社会主义经济发展进入重要的历史转型期。在这个转型期,农村成人教育和职业教育,应抓住机遇,主动去迎接时代的挑战。笔者根据现实的形势和多年成职教工作的实践,认为,农村成人教育和职业教育如何沟通,首先必须摆正成教职教之间的位置,走以成带职,以职促成,相互沟通,协调发展之路。这是在新的形势下创出的一种职前职后教育相沟通…  相似文献   

网络技术的普及应用改变了信息传播方式,大量的网络信息改变了人们的沟通方式、沟通习惯以及沟通需求,这种改变也包含了学生与父母之间的代际沟通。本文将对"全民网课"时代背景下的学生与父母之间的代际沟通问题进行分析研究,包括对代际沟通冲突表现形式、产生原因等进行分析,并基于儿童心理学等理论提出代际冲突的解决策略,以期为网课背景下代际沟通冲突问题的有效解决提供新的思路。  相似文献   

论构建成教高素质人才培养模式与教学质量保障机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一在知识经济、网络经济悄然兴起,经济全球化的新形势下,普通高校成人教育培养出适应时代需要的高素质人才,既是增加人力资本、振兴中华民族的伟大需要,也是自身求生存谋发展的客观需要。我校成人教育五十年来始终坚持将培养人才、教书育人当作中心工作、首要工作来抓。始终将探索一个既符合社会发展需要、又体现我校成人教育特色的高素质人才培养模式当作一项重要任务、重要责任来抓。为了培养出德智体美全面发展,知识、能力、素质、人格协调互动,创新精神和实践能力齐头并进的高素质人才,经过几代成教人的理论探索和实践摸索,总结归纳出一…  相似文献   


Public awareness of demographic change is necessary to guide individual and national planning for retirement. For the first time in American history, older adults are forecast to soon outnumber children. Accordingly, expectations for retirement should be considered in a larger than personal context, a broad perspective that implicates relatives, the community, and government agencies. Shifts in attitudes and peer norms of retirees are explored that could enrich intergenerational relationships while contributing to learning, satisfaction, and sense of self-worth. The scope of adult education should include learning about strengthening families, productive aging, need for role reciprocity, importance of social interaction, and support for volunteerism. Participation in these opportunities can motivate greater maturity guided by a balanced schedule that reflects the time for self-interest activities and time to help younger generations attain their goals.  相似文献   

Demographic changes are leading to an altered population structure and subsequently to changes in the age structure of potential participants in educational training. Adult education has reacted to this by developing special provisions for older participants and a concept of intergenerational learning provision for different generations. Arranging such intentional intergenerational processes is indeed no small task for adult education. This contribution will look at this challenge more closely. To this aim, the orientations of professional and non-professional adult educators and participants in intergenerational learning processes will be reconstructed in a qualitative investigation. It can be shown that the andragogic skill of adult educators is a pre-requisite for the facilitation of learning processes, which are explicitly intergenerational.  相似文献   

Poverty persists across generations through the transmission of informal employment from one generation to the next. Education and earnings are considered important factors that transmit informal employment across generations. Considering education as one of the transmission mechanisms of sectoral employment and poverty, no studies have yet conducted any comparative analysis of educational persistence across generations of formally and informally employed parents. Therefore, the present study estimates the intergenerational persistence of education by considering the nature of parents’ employment through intergenerational elasticity and intergenerational correlation approaches of mobility measurement. Results show that intergenerational persistence is higher at the lower levels of education when the father is informally employed. On the contrary, when the father is formally employed, this persistence is higher at the higher levels of education. This result implies that labour market reforms are essential along with educational reforms to break this intergenerational persistence.  相似文献   

The revolution in communication technology has resulted in more age-segregated conversation among adolescents. In a similar way, older adults have increased online conversations with their peers. This article explores some obstacles that prevent the intergenerational connections needed for mutual understanding and care. Several research emphases are described that together define the complexity of intergenerational dialogue. The concerns provided for consideration include (a) age-segregated communication practices of adolescents and older adults, (b) willingness of older people to disclose personal opinions and feelings to younger people, (c) need for general adoption of the reciprocal learning concept to support harmony, (d) amount of time spent with adolescents as a predictor of parent and grandparent success, (e) learning expectations for later life that contribute to productive aging, and (f) recognition of the leadership role that adolescents should assume to reconnect the generations. Attitude and behavior change are recommended for older adults, adolescents, parents, educators, and school stakeholders.  相似文献   

The intergenerational connectedness that has traditionally bound members of the Deaf community to each other is changing amidst the current technological and cultural landscape. This study explores perceptions of Deaf retirees concerning their usefulness to younger generations and their need to stay connected to each other despite increasing isolation due to implications of aging. Factors such as communication networks, transportation availability, proximity to families and friends, technology, and vital connections to the local residential school for children who are deaf are discussed as emergent themes from two focus groups conducted with 14 Deaf retirees. This exploratory study sought to discover how the dynamics between the generations have evolved and the positive and negative impact of such changes. The voices of the retirees in this study shed light on the complicating issues surrounding communication as a lifeline between generations of Deaf people who are native users of American Sign Language. Additionally, the traditions of social connectedness upheld by the Deaf community are similar to those of other collectivist cultures that also may experience shifting social networks within their own communities.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen a dramatic expansion in the educational attainment and occupational opportunities of German women. Both the educational and occupational positions of the mothers and those of their daughters are continuously changing across cohorts. Our study aims to detect the probability of daughters to experience maternal-line intergenerational educational and occupational mobility. Using new data from the National Educational Panel Study of adult cohorts, we analyse successive cohorts of German women born between 1944 and 1984. We demonstrate that the relation between mothers’ and daughters’ educational and occupational career has changed over time. Maternal-line female mobility has decreased over cohorts. Our results also reveal that the relationship between educational careers and female job mobility has changed. The tertiary level of education has become more relevant across cohorts in preventing downward intergenerational mobility and it has become a prerequisite for taking part in the completion for upward intergenerational mobility.  相似文献   

杨雅  苏芳 《中华家教》2022,(1):25-32
媒介为我们认知外部世界的图景搭建了桥梁,而技术赋权也使得家庭媒介使用呈现出不同于以往社会的面貌.家庭是贯穿我们生活的重要空间和重要传播场域,是代际沟通的关键场景,也是媒介技术驯化的重要情境.在后喻文化时代,子代开始向亲代进行数字反哺,共同增强家庭传播中的代际沟通效果.这不仅成为家庭传播中的新现象,也给代际沟通带来新的挑...  相似文献   

Taika Waititi's recent film ‘Hunt for the Wilderpeople’ (2016) portrays the coming‐of‐age of a young boy, Ricky, in a world with few recognisably responsible adults. While the film does not engage explicitly with formal education, it raises several questions central for understanding education as formation, highlighting the generational aspects of educational relations and pointing to the importance of an adult world taking responsibility for the formation and upbringing of the younger generation. Departing from a discussion on the role of formation and intergenerational relations in Rousseau and Arendt, we will draw on the film's portrayal of an adult world in crisis in order to discuss some of its possible consequences for understanding education in terms of intergenerational relations and formation. This involves raising questions about the educational consequences of the absence of recognisably responsible adults and it involves investigating how this absence might impact our understanding of education as the formation and upbringing of educated human beings.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the attitudes towards reading in the home, handed down through the generations and experienced by the young children in four families of Pakistani and Indian origin. The children’s families originally arrived in the UK in the 1960s, and this paper unpicks the stories and attitudinal changes in relation to both English and the heritage language, throughout the generations. Adopting a sociocultural perspective through intergenerational family interviews, roles within the family in terms of literacy support, the families’ use of libraries, experiences, and understanding of the education system, and the impact the heritage language has on family support for reading in English, are explored. Through the dual linguistic lens of both English and the heritage language (Gujarati and Urdu), the study traces a generational arc which explores areas of concern and needs for support, seeking to inform both policy and practice in early childhood education.  相似文献   

美国、韩国、中国率先部署5G的商业运营,中美之间的贸易博弈实质是核心技术的竞争,尤其是5G主导权之争。随着5G技术的成熟和普及,未来2-3年内,人们的工作、学习将受到全面的冲击和全方位的影响。新时代,人们对教育的全方位需求与技术对人们学习支持的不充分和不平衡之间的矛盾也将愈发突出。5G+人工智能技术场景中数据的融合和学习技术的融合,使得基于5G智能技术的教育应用更加"以人为本"和"立体化",人们的多元教育需求将得到极大的满足。随着用户数据的大量增长和海量级的学习交互需求,大量的深度学习、跨界深度融合、多主体交互与协同以及智能主体的自主操作等智能教育生态需要在新的通讯技术环境中实现,教育在新一轮信息技术革命浪潮中迎来新的机遇与挑战。  相似文献   

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