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从近几年的中学考核情况发现,粤北地区中学生的实心球达标成绩普遍较差,不够理想。体育达标内容明确规定铅球与实心球两个项目中必须要考核一项,为了提高学生的力量素质,根据中学生身体、生理、心理各方面的特点,应选择综合性的小力量,小强度的素质练习来提高投掷实心球的成绩。  相似文献   

庞中 《体育教学》2010,(5):66-66
实心球投掷是中学及大学体育教学中作为全身协调及力量素质教学的重要内容。多年来许多地区将实心球投掷项目作为中考的必测项目,大学主要将此项目用于发展和提高学生的基本力量和全身协调素质。其基本技术是按照达标要求:原地站立(双脚平行或前后),双手握球上举由头后将球经头顶向前抛出,抛球时不能助跑和起跳。由于双手握球同时用力就使全身形成一个整体,  相似文献   

尹文兵 《精武》2013,(23):34-34,36
在体育教学实践中,投掷实心球运动是一项重要的项目,那么如何提高投掷实心球的成绩成为一项关键的教学任务。实心球运动项目是一项技术结构较复杂的运动,在投掷时需要身体本身的力量加一定的技术技巧,在投掷实心球测验时想要获得高分成绩,必须牢固的掌握实心球投掷时各个环节身体姿势及技巧的良好配合。本文对实心球投掷时的技术方法进行详细的论述,为相关教师提供借鉴,更好的教授学生投掷实心球的方式方法,使学生投掷实心球时可以获得良好的成绩。  相似文献   

<正>中考体育投掷实心球项目的评价手段最基本方法就是测量距离,如何让投掷实心球更稳、更远些,首先我们要让学生弄清楚投掷实心球的基本原理和一些投掷技巧。其次,如何提高投掷能力和水平,可以从投掷原理的基础出发,进行身体素质的强化巩固练习。一、中考体育投掷实心球的基本原理根据物体斜抛运动规律在不考虑空气阻力的作用下,决定实心球飞行远度的因素有三个,分别是实心球出手时的初速度、实心球出手角度和实心球出手时的高度。在这三个变量中,实心球的出手初速度是决定投掷远度的最重要因素。  相似文献   

谢涛 《体育风尚》2023,(7):110-112
在体育教学实践中,结合实心球投掷教学的需求积极开展投掷技巧的分析和训练模式的优化,能够全面提高学生对实心球投掷技巧的理解和掌握能力,提高学生实心球投掷训练方面的成绩,有效促进学生体育训练能力的高效化培养。鉴于此,本文将体育教学活动中实心球投掷技巧分析作为切入点,积极探索投掷技巧训练的策略和方法,旨在能通过科学的开展训练活动,全面提升体育教学活动的综合效果,使实心球投掷指导教学高效化开展。  相似文献   

实心球能发展学生的爆发力,锻炼上肢力量以及腰腹肌力量,充分提高投掷能力。在教学中如何提高投掷实心球的成绩呢?本人在教学实践中,经过反复实践发现,只要具备了以下三方面因素,实心球就不愁投不远。一、掌握投掷实心球的技术动作掌握投掷实心球的动作技术是投掷实心球的关键,在这里必须注意三点:1.投掷时,身体成反弓,形成一个鞭打动作。因实心球是一种原地投掷项目,要提高它的初速度,只有尽量加长实心球离手前的用力距离和加大鞭打力度,才能保证实心球投得远。当然,过度的身体后仰和抬头,也是错误的,不但不会投得远,而且…  相似文献   

掷实心球是中学生体育加试的一项重要内容,同时它在体育加试中也占有一定分数,对整体加试分数有相应影响。因此,本文对掷实心球技术展开详细探讨,总结出投掷实心球技术动作要领,同时提出投掷实心球中应该注意的事项,为今后中学生能够合理、准确地掌握动作并能够提高成绩提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

正面双手前抛实心球是当前中小学体育课的重要学习内容,是发展投掷能力的有效手段,是一项以力量为基础,以动作速度为核心的投掷项目。教学中要重视学习技术和提高专项素质齐头并进。 一、抓好技术动作  相似文献   

<正>实心球是一项技术性很强的投掷项目,在练习和检测中往往见到不少学生由于身体素质较弱,再加上没有正确掌握实心球投掷技巧,不会使劲和用不出力,实心球投不远。那么如何提高投掷实心球的成绩呢?我们在多年的教学、训练实践中摸索出一点体会,旨在抛砖引玉,与同行进行探讨。  相似文献   

通过对投掷实心球现状及技术动作进行浅析,认为在教学中要将投掷动作进行规范、细化,从而使学生正确掌握动作技术,并通过采用一些简单有效的方法,有针对性地加强学生的力量尤其是上肢力量的练习,能有效提高投掷实心球成绩。  相似文献   

姜明勇 《体育科技文献通报》2012,20(12):90+111-90,111
原地双手头上掷实心球是我省近年来体育中考和体育高考确立的一项重要检测项目,然而在教学过程中却一直没有形成一个科学的教学模式,本文通过对原地双手头上掷实心球的技术动作,常见错误及纠正方法的认真分析,旨在探索原地双手头上掷实心球的教学新模式。  相似文献   

对新疆克拉玛依五中76对男女学生的铅球和实心球测试中发现,初三女生掷实心球平均得分高于推铅球12.4分。 2000-2003年的中考体育,女生参加实心球的测试人数由59%增加到70%,而且还有增长的趋势。女生选测不同的投掷项目其结果差异显著。  相似文献   

以实心球投掷和乒乓球教学为例,说明在高校女生体育教学中培养学生的思维能力有利于激发学生的学习积极性,发挥学生在学习中的主导作用从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

以实心球投掷和乒乓球教学为例,说明在高校女生体育教学中培养学生的思维能力有利于激发学生的学习积极性,发挥学生在学习中的主导作用从而提高教学效果。  相似文献   

目的:探索广西少数民族传统体育大众化项目抛绣球、抢花炮、板鞋舞、跳竹杠、打铜鼓的健身价值。方法:检测抛绣球、抢花炮、板鞋舞、跳竹杠、打铜鼓项目选手及对照组各10名对象的身体形态指标、身体素质指标、生理机能指标和免疫指标。结果:抛绣球、抢花炮、板鞋舞、跳竹杠、打铜鼓项目选手的身体形态指标、身体素质指标、生理机能指标和免疫指标在不程度上优于对照组。结论:抛绣球、抢花炮、板鞋舞、跳竹杠、打铜鼓练习能有效促进人体健康,广西少数民族传统体育项目值得进一步开发其健身价值。  相似文献   

姚卫 《体育科研》2012,33(1):97-100
主要采用实验法、访谈法,对上海市杨浦区小学生50 m快速跑、实心球掷远和立定跳远成绩进行统一测试并统计分析。结果显示:(1)杨浦区小学生50 m快速跑、实心球掷远和立定跳远等运动成绩的增长均符合身体素质自然增长规律。(2)小学生的运动能力有下降趋势,尤其是五年级的学生最为明显。(3)小学体育课堂教学要在教学内容和方法上遵循身体生长发育的自然规律,以提高学生的运动技能和身体素质以及发展学生团结合作的精神作为教学效果的评估标准。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to (1) investigate the influence of general anthropometric variables, handball-specific anthropometric variables, and upper-limb power and strength on ball-throwing velocity in a standing position (ν(ball)), and (2) predict this velocity using multiple regression methods. Forty-two skilled male handball players (age 21.0?±?3.0 years; height?=?1.81?±?0.07?m; body mass?=?78.3?±?11.3?kg) participated in the study. We measured general anthropometric variables (height, body mass, lean mass, body mass index) and handball-specific anthropometric parameters (hand size, arm span). Upper-limb dynamic strength was assessed using a medicine ball (2?kg) throwing test, and power using a one-repetition maximum bench-press test. All the variables studied were correlated with ball velocity. Medicine ball throwing performance was the best predictor (r?=?0.80). General anthropometric variables were better predictors (r?=?0.55-0.70) than handball-specific anthropometric variables (r?=?0.35-0.51). The best multiple regression model accounted for 74% of the total variance and included body mass, medicine ball throwing performance, and power output in the 20-kg bench press. The equation formulated could help trainers, athletes, and professionals detect future talent and test athletes' current fitness.  相似文献   

We show how biomechanics can be used to accurately assess spin-bowling techniques (offspin, legspin and topspin) in cricket, under controlled conditions, when the player is suspected of throwing. A 50 Hz six-camera Vicon Motion Analysis system was used to record the movements of markers strategically placed on the upper limb during each of the above bowling actions. A kinematic model of the upper limb, created using Vicon BodyBuilder® software, enabled the movements of the upper arm and forearm to be described during each delivery. Selected physical characteristics of the upper limb were also measured. The present 'no ball' law in cricket with reference to throwing states that 'the arm should not be straightened in the part of the delivery that immediately precedes ball release'. The bowler, Mutiah Muralitharan, was shown to maintain a relatively constant elbow angle in the 0.06 s before ball release. Furthermore, this angle changed little from the time that the upper arm was angled vertically downward until ball release during the three spin-bowling actions.  相似文献   

The importance of proximal-to-distal sequencing in human performance throwing has been reported previously. However, a comprehensive comparison of the proximal-to-distal sequence in team-handball throwing in athletes with different training experience and competition is lacking. Therefore, the aim of the study was to compare the ball velocity and proximal-to-distal sequence in the team-handball standing throw with run-up of players of different skill (less experienced, experienced, and elite). Twenty-four male team-handball players (n = 8 for each group) performed five standing throws with run-up with maximal ball velocity and accuracy. Kinematics and ball trajectories were recorded with a Vicon motion capture system and joint movements were calculated. A specific proximal-to-distal sequence, where elbow flexion occurred before shoulder internal rotation, was found in all three groups. These results are in line with previous studies in team-handball. Furthermore, the results of the present study suggest that in the team-handball standing throw with run-up, increased playing experience is associated with an increase in ball velocity as well as a delayed start to trunk flexion.  相似文献   

Motor proficiency in childhood has been recently recognised as a public health determinant, having a potential impact on the physical activity level and possible sedentary behaviour of the child later in life. Among fundamental motor skills, ballistic skills assessment based on in-field quantitative observations is progressively needed in the motor development community. The aim of this study was to propose an in-field quantitative approach to identify different developmental levels in overarm throwing. Fifty-eight children aged 5–10 years performed an overarm throwing task while wearing three inertial sensors located at the wrist, trunk and pelvis level and were then categorised using a developmental sequence of overarm throwing. A set of biomechanical parameters were defined and analysed using multivariate statistics to evaluate whether they can be used as developmental indicators. Trunk and pelvis angular velocities and time durations before the ball release showed increasing/decreasing trends with increasing developmental level. Significant differences between developmental level pairs were observed for selected biomechanical parameters. The results support the suitability and feasibility of objective developmental measures in ecological learning contexts, suggesting their potential supportiveness to motor learning experiences in educational and youth sports training settings.  相似文献   

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