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运动引起的肌肉疼痛机制探讨上海金融高等专科学校王坚译任何人从事身体剧烈运动后都会感觉到劳累后的疼痛,人们非病理或非伤残的肌肉疼痛被分为3类:第一类:运动中或运动后即刻出现的疼痛或不适。第二类:延迟性肌肉疼痛(DOMS),通常在运动后次日或几天内发作。...  相似文献   

采取实验观察法观察冷敷疗法对大学生延迟性肌肉酸痛的影响,采用蛙跳方法诱发受试者产生延迟性肌肉酸痛,并分析冷敷疗法对延迟性肌肉酸痛的减轻和消除的效果,为延迟性肌肉酸痛的减轻和消除寻求有效方法.实验通过蛙跳诱发受试者在运动后24h产生的DOMS,采用主观六级疼痛评定法量化受试者的疼痛程度.可以得出结论大学生受试者产生DOMS后,冷敷对肌肉围度和肌肉状态没有影响,但能有效地缓解受试者DOMS的主观疼痛.  相似文献   

剧烈运动后出现肌肉疼痛,是十分常见的现象,这种酸痛往往不是运动后即刻出现,而是在24小时后出现,因此被称为"延迟性肌肉酸痛症"。通常情况下,运动后24~72小时酸痛达到顶点,5~7天后酸痛感基本消失。除酸痛症状外,还可能伴随出现肌肉僵硬的情况,轻者仅有压疼,重者肌肉肿胀,妨碍运动。下面就运动后肌肉酸痛产生的原因及如何进行有效的缓解,谈一些粗浅的看法,希望能对教练员和运动员有所帮助。一、运动后肌肉酸痛产生的原因(一)剧烈的肌肉活动,引起肌肉的张力和弹  相似文献   

鼠蹊部的形态结构基础及其与疼痛产生的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过尸体解剖观察和资料搜集的方法,研究了鼠蹊部的形态结构特征,用“四点、两缘、两隙”加以描述。并对其在运动中产生疼痛的原因进行了分析,认为运动中由肌肉主动发力所完成的运作、肌肉被动拉长的运作,韧带牵拉等动作都会使鼠蹊部的结构受到牵拉产生疼痛。为临床认识鼠蹊部疼痛提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

肌肉酸痛现象在学生运动员中非常普遍,大强度训练后,几乎所有运动员都会出现肌肉酸痛。一般来说,运动引起的肌肉酸痛可以分为急性和慢性两种。急性酸痛是指肌肉在运动中或运动结束后的一段相当短的时间内发生疼痛。急性酸痛的发生与肌肉用力时形成血流中断有关,由于缺血使得代谢产物无法清除,而堆积在肌肉中,进而刺激到痛觉感受器。急性肌肉酸痛在停止运动后的一分钟左右即完全恢复。慢性肌肉酸痛往往发生在训练后的24~48小时之间,我们称此为延迟性肌肉酸痛。相比之下,延迟性肌肉酸痛恢复起来更为困难,带来的危害也更大。如果不加注意,肌肉酸痛长期积累,容易引起肌肉的慢性损伤。在此,笔者主要谈谈慢性肌肉酸痛发生的原因和相应的运动营养对策。  相似文献   

延迟性肌肉酸痛的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机体大强度或不习惯的运动,尤其是离心运动,常常会引起肌肉的延迟性酸痛,并在运动后的2~3天达到高峰,伴有一系列的肌肉结构、组织学及生物化学的改变,严重时会影响到人们体育健身及运动训练的效果。有关延迟性肌肉酸痛的研究已有百年的历史,但其产生的病因、机制等至今仍不完全清楚,也没有找到真正有效地清除或减轻肌肉酸痛的方法。通过对国内外相关文献的归纳、分析和综合,对运动性延迟性疼痛的产生机制及防治进展等进行广泛探讨,为体育健身和运动训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

何叶 《中华武术》2006,(8):49-50
在进行田径运动时,运动员超负荷训练后都会发生肌肉酸痛,特别是平时训练不够的人,或者长时间中断了训练又重新开始的人,运动后,往往都会感到明显的肌肉酸痛。根据运动后肌肉酸痛出现的时间。可分为即刻痛和延迟痛。 即刻痛是指运动后很快就能感到的肌肉酸痛,一般可以很快自行消失;在锻炼后24小时后出现的肌肉酸痛在运动医学上称为“延迟性肌肉酸痛症”。锻炼后24~72小时酸痛达到顶点,5~7天后疼痛基本消失。除酸痛外,还有肌肉僵硬,轻者仅有压痛,重者肌肉肿胀,妨碍活动。  相似文献   

关于肌肉延迟疼痛的机理研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肌肉疼痛是运动中常见的现象,它既可能出现在运动后即刻,也可能发生在运动后的恢复期。运动即刻的肌肉疼痛主要是因为代谢终产物对自由神经末梢的影响(Asmussen,1956;Friden,1984)或局部肌肉缺血引起的暂时性缺氧症。这种疼痛持续时间短而且一旦停止运动后不久就消失了。与之相反,肌  相似文献   

疲劳性胫骨骨膜炎多发生于运动训练中,尤其是初参加运动训练的人,跑跳次数过多,常引起胫骨骨腹损伤。由于其起病缓慢,征象表现逐步加重,发病具有一定的隐避性,常常与初期训练产生的肌肉疼痛交织出现,往往被忽视,症状轻者,对训练并  相似文献   

陈春彦 《中华武术》2009,(10):55-56
一、何为肌肉延迟性酸痛 在田径运动训练与教学中,肌肉酸痛是常见的一种生理反应。根据持续时间与性质不同,肌肉酸痛可分为急性肌肉酸痛和延迟性肌肉酸痛,前者是训练中出现的肌肉反应,具有反应快、时间短、程度小等特点。后者是训练后一段时间内出现的肌肉反应(运动后8~24小时出现酸痛,2~3天酸痛达到高峰),具有延迟特性,  相似文献   

通过对1984年2月至2015年2月中国知网和PubMed数据库评定延迟性肌肉酸痛的生理与生化指标进行系统评述,寻找延迟性肌肉酸痛检测指标出现时间以及消失时间,为延迟性肌肉酸痛的预防及治疗提供可靠的理论依据。结果表明在生化指标中血清肌酸激酶( CK)、乳酸脱氢酶( LDH)与血清肌红蛋白( Mb)这三种指标对评定延迟性肌肉酸痛的出现时间、持续时间、不同时间的变化程度等较为灵敏且持续时间较长;在生理指标中细胞内钙离子的活度、巨噬细胞的副产物和肌肉的疼痛特征这三种指标对评定延迟性肌肉酸痛的出现原因及位置、运动后出现的时间及变化程度、持续时间等较其它指标更为明显且容易观测。  相似文献   


It has been suggested in the lay literature that static stretching and/or warm-up will prevent the occurrence of Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS). The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effects of static stretching and!or warm-up on the level of pain associated with DOMS. Sixty-two healthy male and female volunteers were randomly assigned to four groups: (a) subjects who statically stretched the quadriceps muscle group before a step, (b) subjects who only performed a stepping warm-up, (c) subjects who both stretched and performed a stepping warm-up prior to a step test, and (d) subjects who only performed a step test. The step test (Asmussen, 1956) required subjects to do concentric work with their right leg and eccentric work with their left leg to voluntary exhaustion. Subjects rated their muscle soreness on a ratio scale from zero to six at 24-hour intervals for 5 days following the step test. A 4×2×2 ANOVA with repeated measures on legs and Duncan's New Multiple Range post-hoc test found no difference in peak muscle soreness among the groups doing the step test or for gender (p > .05). There was the expected significant difference in peak muscle soreness between eccentrically and concentrically worked legs, with the eccentrically worked leg experiencing greater muscle soreness. We concluded that static stretching and!or warm-up does not prevent DOMS resulting from exhaustive exercise.  相似文献   

运动性延迟性肌肉酸痛是特指人体在大强度或不习惯性运动后一段时间内出现的肌肉酸痛,表现为酸痛的延迟性及发展过程的相对独立性,其机制主要有机械损伤、炎症反应等假说。  相似文献   

目的 观察联合抗氧化剂对运动员一次性大强度离心运动后不同时相下肢肌肉疼痛等级和血IL-6、CK、CK-MM、LDH的影响,探讨联合抗氧化剂减缓运动员运动延迟性肌肉酸痛(DOMS)的作用和机制.方法 运动员16名,随机均衡分为对照组(A组)和联合抗氧化剂组(B组),运动前2周至运动后2天每天分别口服安慰剂或VE、VC与Se组成的联合抗氧化剂.服药两周后进行一次大强度离心跑台运动,建立DOMS模型,在服药前、运动前和运动后即刻、24 h、48 h分别测定运动员肘正中静脉血IL-6、CK、CK-MM、LDH水平及运动后相应时相下肢肌肉酸痛程度.结果 (1)运动员运动后下肢肌肉酸痛程度逐日加重,B组运动后各时相酸痛程度均显著轻于A组.(2)B组血浆IL-6运动后各时项均低于A组同时项,其中运动后24 h呈非常显著性差异.(3)B组血清CK、CK-MM运动后各时相均低于A组,其中运动后48 h二指标活性显著低于A组.(4)B组血清LDH运动后各时相均低于A组.结论 联合抗氧化剂能有效减轻大强度离心运动导致的运动应激和炎症反应,保护肌细胞膜的完整性,减轻DOMS.  相似文献   

Delayed-onset muscle soreness refers to the skeletal muscle pain that is experienced following eccentric exercise. The aim of the present study was to examine the physiological effects of physical activity with or without ibuprofen on delayed onset muscle soreness. Forty-four non-athletic male volunteers (age 24.3?±?2.4 years) were randomly assigned to one of four groups: physical activity (n = 11), ibuprofen (n = 11), physical activity and ibuprofen (combination, n = 11), or control (n = 11). The physical activity programme comprised 5?min of walking and jogging, 10?min of static stretching of the hands and shoulder girdle, and 5?min of concentric movements with sub-maximal contractions. The total amount of ibuprofen consumed by a single individual was 2800?mg; this was taken from 1?h before the eccentric actions up to 48?h after it. Delayed onset muscle soreness was induced by performing 70 eccentric contractions of the biceps muscle of the non-dominant side on a modified arm curl machine. Perceived muscle soreness, maximal eccentric contraction, creatine kinase enzyme activity and elbow range of motion were assessed 1?h before and 1, 24 and 48?h after the eccentric actions. The results indicated that, after the eccentric actions, soreness increased (P?<?0.001) across time in all groups, with the highest values being recorded at 24?h. At 24 and 48?h, greater soreness (P <?0.001) was observed in the control group than in the physical activity and combination groups. After the eccentric actions, creatine kinase increased and was elevated (P?<?0.001) compared with baseline in all groups, with values returning to baseline in the physical activity and combination groups by 48?h. However, creatine kinase in the control and ibuprofen groups was still significantly higher than at baseline after 48?h. Creatine kinase was higher (P?<?0.001) in the control group than in physical activity and combination groups at 24 and 48?h. There was also a reduction (P?<?0.001) in elbow range of motion across time. This reduction in elbow range of motion was greater (P?<?0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity and combination groups at 1, 24 and 48?h. The reduction in maximum eccentric contraction was greater (P?<?0.001) in the control and ibuprofen groups than in the physical activity group at 24 and 48?h and the combination group at 48?h. In conclusion, the results add to our understanding of the effects of physical activity and the combination of physical activity and ibuprofen in reducing the severity of muscle soreness induced by eccentric exercise. Physical activity conducted before eccentric exercise alleviates muscle soreness. Our results indicate that physical activity with or without ibuprofen helps to prevent delayed-onset muscle soreness.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to examine the acute effect of interferential current on mechanical pain threshold and isometric peak torque after delayed onset muscle soreness induction in human hamstrings. Forty-one physically active healthy male volunteers aged 18?33 years were randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups: interferential current group (n = 21) or placebo group (n = 20). Both groups performed a bout of 100 isokinetic eccentric maximal voluntary contractions (10 sets of 10 repetitions) at an angular velocity of 1.05 rad · s?1 (60° · s?1) to induce muscle soreness. On the next day, volunteers received either an interferential current or a placebo application. Treatment was applied for 30 minutes (4 kHz frequency; 125 μs pulse duration; 80?150 Hz bursts). Mechanical pain threshold and isometric peak torque were measured at four different time intervals: prior to induction of muscle soreness, immediately following muscle soreness induction, on the next day after muscle soreness induction, and immediately after the interferential current and placebo application. Both groups showed a reduction in isometric torque (P < 0.001) and pain threshold (P < 0.001) after the eccentric exercise. After treatment, only the interferential current group showed a significant increase in pain threshold (P = 0.002) with no changes in isometric torque. The results indicate that interferential current was effective in increasing hamstrings mechanical pain threshold after eccentric exercise, with no effect on isometric peak torque after treatment.  相似文献   

血中乳酸浓度与迟发性肌肉酸痛的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
把15位3年级学生分成3组为研究对象,在离心收缩式运动前分别实施伸展操及热身运动,再以离心收缩式运动诱发迟性肌肉酸痛,并用High氏肌肉酸痛量表探讨辅助运动是否有助于减轻离心式运动所造成的迟发性肌肉酸痛.同时检查运动前后各种肌细胞内酶(如AST,LDH,CPK)释放的情形,以评估了心收缩式运动造成的肌肉伤害的程度以及肌肉伤害是否因运动前的辅助运动而减轻,同时还检查了血中乳酸和迟发性肌肉酸痛的关系及不同的辅助运动对运动后血中乳酸浓度的影响.  相似文献   

延迟性肌肉酸痛(delayed-onset muscle soreness,DOMS)是指机体进行大运动量后,特别是强度突然增加或进行新的不习惯的运动之后,一段时间所出现的肌肉酸痛现象。其产生机制有:机械性损伤学说、肌肉痉挛学说、炎症反应学说、缺血再灌注损伤假说。  相似文献   

顾敏芳 《体育科技》2003,24(4):50-52
采用问卷调查法 ,调查了职校女生在体育教学中出现的运动性肌肉酸痛的情况。分析了职校女生在体育教学中出现运动性肌肉酸痛的原因 ,并提出了预防和解决的方法 ,对提高职校女生的体育锻炼兴趣和体育锻炼效果有积极的意义。  相似文献   

Protease supplementation has been shown to attenuate soft tissue injury resulting from intense exercise. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of protease supplementation on muscle soreness and contractile performance after downhill running. Ten matched pairs of male participants ran at a ?10% grade for 30?min at 80% of their predicted maximal heart rate. The participants consumed two protease tablets (325?mg pancreatic enzymes, 75?mg trypsin, 50?mg papain, 50?mg bromelain, 10?mg amylase, 10?mg lipase, 10?mg lysozyme, 2?mg chymotrypisn) or a placebo four times a day beginning 1 day before exercise and lasting a total of 4 days. The participants were evaluated for perceived muscle soreness of the front and back of the dominant leg, pressure pain threshold by dolorimetry of the anterior medial, anterior lateral, posterior medial and posterior lateral quadrants of the thigh, and knee extension/flexion torque and power. The experimental group demonstrated superior recovery of contractile function and diminished effects of delayed-onset muscle soreness after downhill running when compared with the placebo group. Our results indicate that protease supplementation may attenuate muscle soreness after downhill running. Protease supplementation may also facilitate muscle healing and allow for faster restoration of contractile function after intense exercise.  相似文献   

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