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在中国上海的试点实施中,欧盟职业教育同行评议模式得到了评议学校和评议"同行"的普遍认可。实现其本土化需要在现有评估的价值取向、第三方的评估机构和评估服务的购买方式等方面进行改革。进一步完善同行评议模式须解决四个问题:如何处理其与行政评估、校内评估的关系,如何观察到学校内部难以发现的现象,如何选择"同行"确保观察水平与质量,以及如何满足学校多样化需求。  相似文献   

欧盟采用的职业教育同行评议是一种以促进职业教育质量的持续进步为目的职业教育和培训的外部评价方式,这种评议方式在上海四所高职院校试点中取得了阶段性成效。主要收获有以专业的视角发现教学的优点和问题,使结果可信高效;以描述的形式反馈观察结果,使学校易于接受;以评议的方式交流教学经验,能促进共同提高。进一步提升同行评议效果需解决四个问题:如何处理与行政评估、校内评估的关系;如何观察到学校内部难以发现的现象;如何选择“同行”确保观察水平与质量;以及如何满足学校多样化需求等  相似文献   

质量是职业教育可持续发展的基石,但是对于教学质量的评估与提升仍是实践与研究的薄弱环节。同行评议是一种以促进职业教育质量的持续改进为目的的职业教育和培训外部评价方式,在欧盟发展并在中国一部分高职院校试点实施,文章从其哲学追溯出发,探寻同行评议具有的特点和实施的过程,并提出在职业教育界开展这一项目的进一步思考,对我国现行的职业教育评估体系进行补充和发展。  相似文献   

同行评议:我国职业院校质量评估的重要补充   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,我国职业院校教学质量评估中存在着评估主体单一化、评估内容宽泛化、评估方式简单化和评估结果静态化等问题。欧盟职业教育同行评议是一种以促进职业教育质量的持续改进为目的职业教育和培训外部评价方式,具有评议机制民主、评议过程高效和评议结果有效等特点和优势,可以作为我国职业院校质量评估中的重要补充。但是,目前缺少组织机构、缺乏资金保证和缺失内源动力等条件,建议通过凸显以提升教学质量为评估目的的评估导向、设立以职业教育质量评估的第三方专门机构和以政府购买评估服务的方式等途径,构建满足同行评议的框架性条件。  相似文献   

用同行评议原则来决定科研资助分派和评价方式,成为各国共同之选,这是博弈理论发生作用的客观结果.理论层面,借助经济学分析来挖掘同行评议成为科研资助制度主导选择的获致过程以及同行评议优化的客观路径,对正确理解同行评议的实质十分必要.实践层面,与拥有相对成熟机制和先进理念的美国科研资助之同行评议实践进行比较,有利于我国同行评议准则的健康推进,为完善我国科研资助制度提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

学术共同体内外的权力博弈与同行评议制度   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在学术活动过程中,学者通常要面对来自个体的自主探究权力、源于学术共同体内部的集体权力(如专业或学科的权力)以及来自外部政府和机构的行政权力等相互间的冲突。在这三种基本的权力博弈中,同行评议似乎因其更能体现学术活动的内在逻辑而获得制度优势。但是,由于学术系统内部存在一个等级结构,少数精英往往主宰了学术认可和资源分配的过程。因此,它与其说是最优的路径选择,毋宁说是权宜之计。一个可供考虑的路径选择未必是废弃同行评议制度,而是如何在其制度设计中体现三种权力间结构性的平衡。  相似文献   

同行评议是研究型大学教师聘任中的一个重要程序,其结论对于教师是否能够得到聘任、职称能否得到晋升具有决定性意义。在我国研究型大学教师同行评议的过程中,内部评议与外部评议、资格审查与同行评议、量化评价与同行评议是尤其需要注意的三对矛盾关系。  相似文献   

美国国家科学基金会(NSD作为美国联邦政府支持高校基础研究的重要资助机构,在半个多世纪发展历史中,建立了一套规范、严谨和有效的同行评议系统,成为优化国家科研资源配置的重要方式。但是NSF同行评议的公正性一直存在着争议,主要表现为创造性研究非共识性与同行评议共识性矛盾、复杂的社会关系人情网以及学术权威主义影响,为此NSF构建各种形式的针对同行评议系统的监督与评估活动,为科研前沿追求提供卓越服务。  相似文献   

介绍了北京大学开展学科国际评估的做法,即,引入战略管理的相关方法,借鉴国内外经验,制定标准化评议方案并付诸实施,以常规化、制度化的方式对院系的学科发展、人才培养、科学研究、社会服务等进行全方位“诊断式”评估。在此基础上初步总结了国际同行评议的经验和效果,就建立常态化国际评估机制、保障评估过程独立性、关注人才培养、辩证看待和准确理解评估等方面提出了相关思考和讨论。  相似文献   

专业质量的保障是高等教育质量提升的基础。通过分析英、美等世界高等教育发达国家的专业质量保障模式可以看出,外部行业协会介入的专业认证和同行学术评价的专业保障相结合模式对高等教育专业质量保障起了重大作用。我国的专业评估自20世纪80年代开始实施以来,在实践方面取得了重要成效,对我国高等教育质量的保障与提高起了重要作用,尤其是工程教育类专业认证的成功经验也为我国专业评估的改革开辟了道路。但是我国的专业评估体制仍存在许多问题,举步维艰。借鉴英、美的经验及我国工程教育专业认证实践成功的范例,应建立我国的专业认证与同行学术评价相结合双轨并存的专业评估制度。  相似文献   

工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先通过梳理专业学位、工程博士专业学位及研究生教育质量保障体系三个概念,明确工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系的内涵;随后,对美国工程博士专业学位研究生教育的内部和外部质量保障体系分别进行阐述;最后,通过借鉴美国的质量保障经验,建构适应我国国情的工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系。  相似文献   

Peer review of teaching is a collegial process designed to help academics reflect on and improve their teaching practice. Considerable research supports the value of peer review of teaching. However, uptake of voluntary programs is typically low. Few studies have examined the predictors of engagement in voluntary peer review. This study surveyed 221 (106 female, 115 male) academics in the first year of implementation of a peer review of a teaching program at a large dual-sector university. Results supported the impact of four key variables on willingness to engage in peer review of teaching: the perceived benefits of the program, an individual's perceived need for support around teaching, perceived drawbacks of the program and career-related benefits. Level of teaching experience was related to willingness to engage: staff with moderate levels of teaching experience were most willing to participate in the program. Limitations of the study are noted and recommendations for peer-review programs are provided.  相似文献   

Wikis can be used to encourage and support collaborative constructivist learning. However, their effectiveness depends upon the use of scaffolding strategies to guide the students in their use. This action research investigated three scaffolding strategies for wiki‐based multicultural Japanese language learning: worked examples, grouping and peer assessment. It was found that the use of a template explaining the learning objectives and expected learning process was more effective than detailed worked examples. It was also found that heterogeneous grouping and internal and external peer review were important factors and that wiki‐based collaborative learning can be culture laden and in conflict with traditional teaching and learning.  相似文献   

当前高校教师绩效管理正在趋向于计件工资化。绩效工资起源于计件工资,但两者在价值基础、衡量指标和管理风格等多方面存在诸多差异。高校绩效管理计件工资化体现在过分追求短期量化产出,上下沟通缺乏以及考核结果应用单一等方面。计件工资化导致高校发展难以满足社会对大学知识创新、人才培养的需求。计件工资化的制度演化诱因主要在于高校教师工作绩效统计具有复杂性,行政权力主导了高校内部治理格局,学术同行评议机制不成熟且被虚化等。为此,高校需要依据科学的发展战略来确定教师绩效的合理目标,权力主体间需有效沟通以达成科学的绩效管理共识,绩效管理过程中应加强上下沟通和绩效辅导。除此之外,我国还应不断完善学术同行评议制度并强化外部评价机制。  相似文献   

Increasingly, student outcomes assessment is being viewed as a component of comprehensive academic program review. The Hong Kong peer review process is typical of program review in the United Kingdom and Europe. In the second article in this issue, Ruth Green describes a typical U.S. program review process. —Editor.  相似文献   

The NSF's practice of relying on scientifically qualified program directors, some of them rotators from university laboratories, to make grant-giving recommendations independent of external peer reviewers is a marked difference from the practice in Australia, the UK and Canada, and in other US agencies such as the National Institutes of Health. I will discuss the features of the NSF grants management practices in the context of the US Federal research system, with particular emphasis on the benefits and problems that arise from having relatively powerful program directors, and will appraise the practice begun in 1990 of permitting each program director to make a limited number of small grants for exploratory work with no external peer review.  相似文献   

Despite the effectiveness of peer-led health programs, few studies have been focused on the experiences of the peer mentors involved in such programs. The purpose of the current study was to explore the experiences of peer mentors involved in a peer-led physical activity program for students with mental health concerns, namely anxiety and depression. Participants were eight former peer mentors from a mid-size university who completed interviews regarding their motivation for serving as a peer mentor and the ways in which the program influenced them both during and after the program ended. Findings from an integrative analysis demonstrated that the mentors grew personally, professionally, and interpersonally from their participation. Further, mentors’ experiences could be explained by the self-determination theory.  相似文献   

Peer mentoring programs are an important component in the strategy to enhance the first year undergraduate experience. The operation of these programs needs to be informed by evidence as to their effectiveness. In this article we report on a six-year study of the development of a peer mentoring program in which feedback is used to improve program implementation. Evidence from surveys of participants in the program shows that this process has significantly enhanced their experiences and that the effects of these benefits have increased throughout the life of the program. Moreover, participation in the program enhanced the leadership, communication, and organizational skills of the peer mentors.  相似文献   

This study investigates how peer assessment contributes to enhancing student teachers' preparation during field experience. A semi-structured interview was conducted with 72 student teachers. The findings showed that the student teachers have positive beliefs about peer assessment. They think that it can be beneficial if some changes are made in the way it is employed in teacher education programs. In light of the study findings, the researchers put forth a number of suggestions and recommendations for employing peer assessment in teacher education programs in Jordan.  相似文献   

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