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从目前学科服务的发展和研究现状着手,基于实践工作,介绍了西北工业大学图书馆在开展学科服务方面的概况,并从基础学科服务体系和深层次学科服务体系两方面入手,具体分析介绍了西工大图书馆学科服务层级体系,并提炼出其学科服务的特色,指出存在的问题并提出对策,从而为图书馆学科服务的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文在总结"十一五"期间我国档案学科发展的重要成就、重要进展和重要成果以及主要问题的基础上,对"十二五"期间档案学科发展规划进行了初步设计,并就若干重要研究方向等进行了预测分析.  相似文献   

一级学科更名背景下,档案学科身处变革的风口,探讨档案学科发展应当何去何从具有重要意义。一级学科更名这一事件在为档案学科提供更强有力的支撑、拓展档案学科发展空间、优化档案学科人才培养体系的同时,也使档案学科地位被边缘化、独立性被削弱、课程消隐泛化、生源危机加重。由此,本文提出档案学科守正与创新的发展路径。一则,应守学科之本,不断优化档案学科建设。即担当使命,回应并引领社会需求;正本清源,聚焦档案学科研究根本;立足本土,促进档案学科自主创新。二则,应借更名之机,谋求档案学科新增长点。即融合发展,拓展档案学科研究视野;协同开放,培育更广范围的学科共同体;着力长远,探索学科教育的新布局。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以创新驱动战略为动力,提出发展优势学科,挖掘潜力学科的绩效评价方法和流程。[方法/过程]采用定标比超方法确定优势和潜力学科的定标标准,并利用ESI和SCIE数据库对河南省3所高校的优势学科和潜力学科发展趋势进行实证分析。[结果/结论]纵向对比得出优势学科的排名、相对位置及发展趋势;横向对比找出与重点高校的差距;与全球前1%学科基准线对比,确定潜力学科的相对位置。  相似文献   

概述我国学科馆员制度发展的脉络,总结我国学科馆员制度在发展环境、理论研究、实践成果、技术应用、队伍建设等方面的发展与变化,对我国学科馆员制度在新阶段的发展提出几点建议与想法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了食品安全学科的重要性,提出了食品安全标准化人才的培养是实现从农田到餐桌全过程标准化管理的重要举措,推出了学科馆员在让食品安全学科服务嵌入到用户课堂和网络教学平台的同时,也将标准化学院嵌入到图书馆空间进行嵌入式学科服务的一种贴近用户一线的新型服务模式,经过实践得出新的启示。  相似文献   

分析学科咨询的现状和维基与国内外主要几种网络开放问答的发展应用状况,认为学科咨询服务借鉴维基和网络开放问答模式在理论上和实际操作上皆具有可行性,并在此基础上从理念原则、基本框架、运行机制等方面提出建立学科咨询开放平台的初步构想。  相似文献   

嵌入式学科服务研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
指出嵌入式学科服务是图书馆服务发展的重要方向。通过梳理国内外图书馆嵌入式学科服务相关研究和实践成果,对嵌入式学科服务的背景和概念、嵌入式学科馆员制度的发展、嵌入式学科馆员的职责定位以及嵌入式学科服务的演变过程等方面进行归纳和总结,分析嵌入式学科服务发展的特点和经验,以期对未来我国图书馆嵌入式学科服务工作的开展提供参考。  相似文献   

情报学与信息管理学的比较分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文以解决情报学与信息管理学的学科定位问题为出发点,从学科元概念,学科分析,学科发展及学科定位等角度入手,对两门学科进行了对照分析,认为二者存在联系,但又具有各自不同的学科内涵和研究侧重点,并提出网络信息环境下情报学和信息管理学应突出自身的学科特色和方向,以保持学科的独立性。  相似文献   

档案学的第二个学科特点是实践性。“马克思主义认识论常识告诉我们,经验是客观世界得以进入人们意识的门户,理论知识要以经验为依据,或者说要以经验为背景。”档案学理论也只能发端于档案工作实践中的各种直接经验和间接经验,是对各种经验的概括、总结和提高。排斥了档案工作实践这一中介,档案学理论就会陷入无源之水、无根之……  相似文献   

边书京 《编辑学报》2008,20(2):157-158
结合我国社会主义新农村建设中存在的问题,主张使科技期刊智库、桥梁、转化器的社会功能达到进一步开发与拓展,在科技推广中扮演裁判、教练、媒人角色,当好“龙头”,培养新型农民,以技术链延伸产业链和价值链,形成资源节约型、环境友好型农村技术体,提升我国农业强国的地位。  相似文献   

王景周 《编辑学报》2019,31(1):26-29
融洽的编者和作者关系促进双方的心理平衡、尊重、理解和认同,彼此间起激励作用;心理契约遭到破坏,编者和作者间产生失望、挫折和欺凌感,影响编者工作积极性和作者信任,甚至产生懈怠、报复或不端行为。本文基于心理契约,从微观视角,探讨编者和作者信任关系的构建与承诺履行机制,分析彼此间心理期望的内容、心理契约违背的感知、违背的危害及基于心理契约的编者和作者关系优化策略。  相似文献   

The reference collection holds an important place within the library. The proper maintenance of this collection through weeding is a critical yet often overlooked aspect of collection management. This article offers a case study describing a reference collection weeding project, including the development of a reference collection policy, a review of standing orders, the goals and outcomes of the review, and a discussion of the benefits of the project.  相似文献   

This phenomenological study examines the unique perceptions of immigrant women concerning the public library as a meeting place, a support to integration into American culture, and a provider of programs for acquisition of the English language. The library offers a place for observing the culture of the new country from a distance to active participation; it is an arena for comfort and consolation in a difficult life situation as well as an arena for activity and participation. It provides support in developing friendships, acclimating to a new culture, learning a new language, and providing avenues to employment. Three mothers, who fulfilled the criteria for the study, were selected from an initial focus group. Women from Kurdistan, Mexico, and Indonesia were interviewed individually to gain an understanding on the issues brought forth in the focus group. They participated in interviews over the course of 6 months. These programs became a fortuitous blending of an established community with a group of families looking for a support community in a new country. This study has implications for institutions serving immigrants as they look to find a community of support, to learn English, and to acclimate to American culture as they create a comfortable identity that blends their home country with the new country.  相似文献   

Leadership, as a topic, has seen a lot of interest in academics as well as with practitioners. The search, however, has not yielded a concrete formula, though there are quite a few theories which have worked well in certain contexts. The context of special libraries is one such area which has a huge potential in discovering what leadership actions have worked well and what can be a framework for success in other special libraries, especially when the utility of special libraries is being questioned in a corporate environment. The dearth of leadership and leadership development literature in special libraries, from a practitioner's point of view, provides a good opportunity for sharing a small journey of success. The column builds upon the application of leadership actions deriving from diverse and merging fields like learning and development, organizational behavior, marketing, and human psychology of reading in making a case for the utility of corporate libraries in the development of employees.  相似文献   

The authors examine the effect the renovation and rebranding of a traditional reference department into a more modern Knowledge Commons has had on public services at a university. The authors also discuss how this physical transformation led to a philosophical shift in the service model and how that model continues to evolve. This article discusses the adoption of the Subject Librarian Initiative as a means toward creating a more proactive form of outreach that is more conducive to the environment of the Knowledge Commons. This case study examines the first year of a 5-year implementation plan and discusses how the remaining years of the plan will be implemented.  相似文献   

“编辑学者化”还是“学者编辑化”   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
谷德润 《编辑学报》2008,20(5):458-460
"编辑学者化"的提法含有对传统观念的太多妥协,因而变得似是而非,故应代之以"学者编辑化"的新提法,对"编辑"重新定位,倡导学者办刊的新理念.学者办刊是确保刊物学术水平的首要条件,也是因应学术期刊专业化的趋势以及编辑在现代期刊中主导作用的需要."学者编辑化"同时也是我国新一代编辑队伍的成长之路.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):230-244
The expansion of opinion is one of the key developments in the British press, as elsewhere. The article analyses the role of one of the most important types of commentator, newspaper political columnists, examining their credentials, sources, information society prospects, and putative impact. Using data from interviews with some of Britain's leading journalists, the study is able to corroborate findings from a wide-ranging literature review. In addition, it formulates some preliminary hypotheses: that the effectiveness of a so-called pundit is a function of his or her willingness to remain focused upon a theme; that there is a positive correlation between a columnist's political impact and the factual or informational content of the columns; and that a columnist is most powerful when complying with a broader newspaper campaign.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth in U.S.-China film coproductions and Chinese companies’ high-profile investment in Hollywood studios and U.S. cinemas signal a shift in global power relationships and a reshaping of the global media structure. Combining textual and document analysis with interviews of policy makers and film professionals in China and Hollywood, this article explores the implications of U.S.-China coproduction for global communication. The article proposes three ways of understanding coproductions: as a market-driven and profit-seeking partnership, as a policy and power negotiation, and as a brave experimental adventure. This article contends that the current state of U.S.-China coproduction manifests the contradiction between desire and reality. Although coproductions have the potential to create a space for a new global culture, to develop innovative communication models, and to achieve a China-U.S. consensus, the fulfillment of these potentials will require a steadfast effort and the commitment of more than one generation of filmmakers from both China and the U.S.A. Nevertheless, a global culture and a reshaping of the global media structure are in the making.  相似文献   

Faced with the growing number of case studies in contemporary art, philosophy provides conservators with a series of conceptual tools that allow to theorize their practice. The notion of intentionality and attentionality borrowed from Genette enables a better understanding of the problems that Dirty Corner by Anish Kapoor (a work vandalized on many occasions) poses. I will show that the conservator deals with the issue of the identity of a contemporary work in a different way from the art historian, and that philosophy is a practical tool to understand the specificity of the former's approach and intervention.  相似文献   

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