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陈丽萍 《教师教育研究》2007,19(1):49-52,35
第二次世界大战后的日本,荆棘遍地、百废待新。日本新宪法第23条“学问自由予以保障”的原则,奠定了日本大学教师学问自由、管理自治的法律基础。依据宪法精神,《教育基本法》、《学校教育法》、《教育公务员特例法》等与大学教师相关的系列法律相继出台,以此为基础确立了日本大学教师管理制度。中国改革开放以来,在教育立法方面,全国人大及其常委会先后通过了《教师法》、《教育法》、《高等教育法》等与大学教师管理相关的法律,使中国大学教师管理步入了有法可寻、有法可依的轨道。但是与日本等发达国家相比,中国的教育立法迟滞了30多年,大学教师内部管理制度的法律基础还相当薄弱。学习、借鉴日本等发达国家大学教师依法管理的先进经验,对于建设具有中国特色的大学教师管理制度的法律基础具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

The nature and value of “professionalism” has long been contested by both producers and consumers of policy. Most recently, governments have rewritten and redefined professionalism as compliance with externally imposed “standards.” This has been achieved by silencing the voices of those who inhabit the professional field of education. This article uses Foucauldian archaeology to excavate the enunciative field of professionalism by digging through the academic and institutional (political) archive, and in doing so identifies two key policy documents for further analysis. The excavation shows that while the voices of (academic) authority speak of competing discourses emerging, with professional standards promulgated as the mechanism to enhance professionalism, an alternative regime of truth identifies the privileged use of (managerial) voices from outside the field of education to create a discourse of compliance. There has long been a mismatch between the voices of authority on discourses around professionalism from the academic archive and those that count in contemporary and emerging Australian educational policy. In this article, we counter this mismatch and argue that reflexive educators’ regimes of truth are worthy of attention and should be heard and amplified.  相似文献   

Professor Jan Kluczynski is Director of the Institute of Science Policy and Higher Education in Warsaw. He also served as Secretary of the Committee of Experts which prepared the “Report on State of Education in Poland” (1973). We give below an article specially written for “Higher Education in Europe”, dealing with the development and future form of higher education.  相似文献   

构建"双元结构教师小组"教师模式,得到国家职业教育政策的强有力支持。《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出多措并举打造"双师型"教师队伍,给出重要的政策信号:探索组建高水平、结构化教师教学创新团队,教师分工协作进行模块化教学。教育部印发《全国职业院校教师教学创新团队建设方案》,评选认定了首批国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队。教育部等4部门印发的《深化新时代职业教育"双师型"教师队伍建设改革实施方案》提出了"‘双师型’教学团队"的概念和建设的具体举措。这些政策的出台,为职业院校"双元结构教师小组"构建的理论研究与实践探索提供了重要的政策支持。  相似文献   

面对教育改革面临的诸多社会挑战,包括新冠疫情对美国教师队伍的冲击以及美国中小学教师队伍离职率高、缺乏多样性等问题,美国联邦政府将教师教育改革纳入其“重建更好”一揽子改革计划的重要组成部分。“公平”价值转向、从“缺陷”到“优势”的政策话语转变和弗雷泽三维社会公正理论构成了美国联邦政府教师改革政策的重要理论基础。美国联邦政府采取的教师教育改革措施主要包括:修改大学和高等教育的教师教育援助计划;实施“培植你自己”教师教育项目;完善一年制教师驻校培养模式;加大对少数族裔学校的资助力度;提高教师工资与专业发展水平。美国联邦政府的教师教育改革凸显了社会公平与多元种族和谐相处的政策价值导向,其政策机制体现了联邦政府协调角色的不断增强和市场化教师教育改革方式的适度消退。  相似文献   

The 1977 edition of “Tableaux des Enseignements et de la Formation ‐ Edition 1977” has recently been published by the French Ministry of Education and French Secretary of State for Universities.

It includes thorough statistical data on the student population in the French education system during the academic year 1975‐1976. A supplement of this publication gives basic data on higher education in France as well as the student population for the academic year 1976‐1977. The information presented below is based on these data. Similar information concerning the academic year 1975‐1976 has been presented in N°1, Vol.II 1977 issue of “Higher Education in Europe”  相似文献   

教育劳动工具包括"人"和"物"两类。"人"以"教师"为典型,"物"以"教材"为代表。这两类‘工具’都应有利于确保和提升师生的精神自由,体现教育作为德性生活的意蕴。"教材"的德性主要表现为正确的、科学的且具有生长潜力的课程知识,学科逻辑与心理逻辑的统一和促进学习者意义建构的价值性特征三方面,"教师"的德性主要表现为适切的知识架构、积极的道德人格和自觉的审美追求三方面。通过发掘教育劳动工具的德性,有利于推进教育劳动成为道德性的活动。  相似文献   

“生活·实践”教育在继承杜威“教育即生活”、美欧新教育运动以及中国近现代教育理论本土化探索成果精髓的基础上,充分汲取陶行知生活教育学说和马克思主义实践哲学理论精华,紧密结合习近平总书记实践育人重要论述,具有深厚的历史渊源和坚实的理论基础。其对当下落实“双减”政策,推进劳动教育,促进个体全面发展,培养符合未来社会所需人才以及构建中国特色教育学术话语体系具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

Teacher education systems worldwide are confronted with the essential question of how to foster both future teachers’ theoretical and practical knowledge and to adequately enable future teachers to connect their theoretical and practical knowledge for teaching. This article investigates how future teachers acquire general pedagogical knowledge (GPK) as a central component of teacher knowledge during initial teacher education, exemplified by pre-service teachers in Germany, where initial teacher education is divided into a first phase with a heavy focus on theoretical, academic study, and a second phase where future teachers learn how to apply their theoretical knowledge in the classroom. Data from teacher knowledge studies Teacher Education and Development Study in Mathematics and Längsschnittliche Erhebung pädagogischer Kompetenzen von Lehramtsstudierenden/Longitudinal Survey of Student Teachers’ Pedagogical Competencies are used to compare future teachers’ GPK at different teacher education stages (the beginning, after 2 years, and end of training). Findings show the more advanced future teachers are in the course of their initial teacher education, the better they perform in the test measuring GPK. When analyzing subscales of the test measuring cognitive dimensions of GPK, as would be expected declarative-conceptual knowledge (measured by cognitive dimensions “recall” and “understand/analyze”) was gained predominantly during the theoretical study (first phase), whereas future teachers who had additionally passed through the practical second phase performed much better on the practical knowledge test subscale (measured by the cognitive dimension “generate”). Research findings are discussed with regard to the development of teacher expertise during initial teacher education, and recommendations for future policy directions with respect to teacher education are given.  相似文献   

This article explores the issue of language policy analysis for elementary school teachers in the Oceania region, that is Polynesian nations in the southern and eastern, Melanesian nations in the western and Micronesian nations in the northern parts of the Pacific Ocean region. It is grounded in an understanding that education policy work of any kind is contested and political but nevertheless an exercise that elementary school teachers need to engage in. The ideas examined in the article are timely given recent ‘re-thinking’ language policy work across the region initiated in early 2005 by the Institute of Education at the University of the South Pacific and the Pacific Regional Initiatives for the Delivery of [basic] Education (PRIDE), in Fiji. This article draws on a template for education policy analysis that enables teachers in particular to ask critical key questions around language policy context, text and consequences (Taylor et al., 1997). These questions offer teachers a language for examining language and language policy issues that concern them in their everyday work and thus a possible way of accessing and contributing to debates from which they are often excluded.  相似文献   

This article first examines the controversial revision of the Fundamental Law of Education (FLE) by situating it in the larger global context of neo‐liberal and neo‐conservative state‐restructuring and education reform. It then focuses on the domestic politics behind what seems to be the global convergence of education policy along neo‐liberal and neo‐conservative lines. Focusing on the political agency of the Ministry of Education (MOE) and tracing its shifting political interests in regards to the FLE amendment, the article illuminates the MOE’s strategic move to “become the Right” to secure its political legitimacy in the relentless neo‐liberal pressures for fiscal and administrative decentralisation.  相似文献   

新世纪,面临着国际社会的巨大竞争压力、自身复杂的民族问题、学生日益下滑的成绩以及社会环境的大改变等众多问题,加拿大对基础教育进行了改革,各省份颁布了众多权威性的法案保障改革的顺利进行,还成立了教育部长协会协调各省的教育思路,使改革朝着有利学生和社会的方向稳步进行。新世纪加拿大基础教育课程改革,“分权”和“统一”相结合,“统一”的趋势愈加明显;注重与社会的联系,增加科学课程和实用性课程;将信息技术与课程合理整合;同时体现出“多元文化”的特点。加拿大新世纪课程改革也存在一些问题,如课程内容混乱,缺乏省际交流;对教师的要求过高,改革操之过急,造成教师能力发展滞后;过分尊重学生的天性,不利于系统知识的传授等。加拿大基础教育课程改革的经验与教训启示我们:在进行基础教育课程改革时应确立学生为中心的原则;应适当下放教育权利;要改革科学技术课程中的不合理之处;要建设一批高素质的教师队伍,培养一批具有领导才能的教育管理人员;要增加教育经费投入,为课程改革提供财力支持等。  相似文献   

一个多世纪以来,“体育教育”这个富有争议的词语,为什么能够经常出现在日常话语、期刊杂志甚至各类政策文件之中?究其根源,在于缺乏术语规范意识和学术批判精神。文章在对“体育教育”一词使用状况及其受质疑状况进行考评的基础上,从传播学、语言学、术语学和教育学四个维度进行了重新解读和辨析,最后得出结论:“体育教育”之说确实具有明显的不合理性,不符合学术思想表达的一般规范,必须特别谨慎地使用,并自觉区分它在政策话语、实践话语和理论话语中的实际内涵。  相似文献   

姚远  赵善庆 《成人教育》2021,41(2):69-78
自学术界最早于1990年提出职业教育“双师”教师这一概念,国务院首次于1994年提出职业教育教师“双职称”以来,由于各方对“双师”教师资格认证标准理解不同,所以形成了称谓众多的“双师”教师说法和做法。只有弄清“双师”教师学术概念与政策概念及其标准演进路径,并针对“双师”教师资格认证标准中存在的理论逻辑不清、认证程序不一、操作标准各异、一次简单认证、兼职标准过低等问题,通过加强“双师”理论研究,促进内涵与形式相融合;强化“双师”制度设计,促进保障机制完善;各方参与同向发力,促进培养路径创新等途径,才能不断扩大“双师”教师队伍数量和提高“双师”教师队伍质量。  相似文献   

Sean Steel 《Interchange》2018,49(4):417-431
This article concerns the relationship between classroom assessments that are aligned with “competencies-based” teaching in Teacher Education programs on the one hand, and on the other hand, the challenge of offering authentic “philosophy of education,” “education theory,” or “education foundations” courses for student–teachers who are enrolled in a professional degree and on the way towards certification. Briefly, administrative and accreditation concerns with developing and demonstrating core “competencies” when teaching is considered strictly as a “profession” do not align with more ancient understandings of teaching as a “way of life”—especially when that life is led in some relation to philosophy, or “the pursuit of wisdom.” This article examines the disjunction between these two conceptualizations of teaching; it encourages readers to think about how this disjunction problematizes their pedagogy as “philosophers of education.”  相似文献   

教育现代化2035的目标,在很大程度上将取决于教师队伍建设改革的进程。而改革亟待法律支持。《教师法》颁布26年来,各方面情况发生翻天覆地的变化,修改《教师法》势在必行。《教师法》修改应体现时代性、前瞻性和解决问题的导向,将习近平总书记有关重要论述以及党和国家关于新时代教师队伍建设改革的部署要求固定为法律,将实践证明行之有效的改革经验上升为法律,将人民群众的强烈呼声体现到法律,找准教师队伍建设的突破口和着力点、针对体制机制性障碍制定法律。建议从理顺教师管理体制、确立教师的法律地位、完善强化教师资格准入制度、确立教师工资保障机制、改革强化教师队伍建设投入保障机制、改革进人用人机制、支持振兴师范教育、保障教师参与学校民主管理的权利、严格执行法定班额和教师编制标准、违法追责等方面进行重点修改。  相似文献   

In the context of higher education in Sweden, we see how major policy change is forming the field of Education Sciences. This change has promoted an increased focus on competitiveness, while reducing inefficiencies in mass-education. It has given legitimacy to specific recruitment strategies and career paths, but can also explain what determines how career capital is accumulated. The aim of the present study is to describe how academics experience recruitment and positioning processes in their career. How do academics gain career capital and symbolic value in career and use it to gain recognition? The results illustrate three career paths, identified as “the invited”, “the useful” or “the uninvited”. Thus, the present article describes a Matthew effect in recruitment, where young PhD students are positioned early on as either promising researchers, teachers, or as substitutes who are sorted out from both research and education.  相似文献   

Most people think of the last decade as one where there has been a lot of attention to sexism, gender and equal opportunity. This paper will analyse some recent policy, practice and theory to suggest that much of this apparent attention is illusory and that general policies and discussions of the period are often insensitive to issues of sexism. Examples to be discussed will be drawn from Ministerial and Education Department policy in Victoria; positions taken by teacher unions and “radicals”; and some academic work which attempts to deal with “class, sex and ethnicity” simultaneously.  相似文献   

An analysis of China’s existing Vocational Education Law finds that it does not focus entirely on human development or career advancement, nor does it fully reflect the special requirements of vocational education. It does not align the obligations, rights, and liabilities of vocational education stakeholders. The law does not specify the government agencies for its supervision and enforcement. Its terminology is neither standardized nor mandatory, resulting in language with uncertain connotations that lacks solemnity. Based on these observations, this article contains suggestions for amending the current Vocational Education Law, to place it on track with China’s guiding ideologies of “putting people first” and “improving the people’s livelihood.” Specific provisions should be included to reflect the special characteristics of vocational education, clarify the obligations, rights, and liabilities of vocational education stakeholders, specify the law’s supervision and enforcement agencies, and provide for an enforcement system. Available legislative technology should be used to make timely amendments to the Vocational Education Law.  相似文献   

This paper draws on facets of Foucault's theoretical resources to critique current education policy reform from within the Australian State of Victoria, namely the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development's (DEECD) discussion paper New directions for school leadership and the teaching profession. Implicit in the reform effort is decentralization, including penalties for “underperforming” classroom teachers and “ineffective” teacher education courses. Principals will hold a pre-eminent rank in the reforms proposed as they are charged with their oversight and implementation, including intervening in the education and preparation of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

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