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针对竞技体育的不断向前发展和日益激烈的比赛竞争使教练员的工作节奏不断加快,工作中承受更大压力的现实提出:良好的精神状态和身体条件是教练员更好地进行训练工作的前提,教练员合理地调整自己的工作压力、情绪、工作时间和身体健康情况,保持良好的工作状态是现代教练员所应具备的一种技能.  相似文献   

生命教育是一种哲学概念.所谓生命教育,就是在生命化的教学活动中授以学生生命意识,提升生命价值,培养生存能力的教育.生命教育应该是指向每一个人,尊重人的个性,教师应该是具有爱心,积极投入教学,看到生命力的教育工作者.  相似文献   


Youth coaches play a crucial role in the development of young athletes and their physical, psychological and social well-being. Therefore, it is important to foster and develop youth coaches’ ability to govern and act effectively in their coaching practices. Sports organisations facilitate the development of youth coaches through formal coach education. However, research has shown this to be with limited effect. The purpose of this action research study was to involve youth coaches in developing a new and more effective coach education practice.

The coaches developed their practices through both dialogue and reflection with each other. A shift in the mindset of the coaches resulted in a more reflective and analytical approach in their way of thinking and talking about their practices. The most effective tools for improving the coach educational practice was the active management of the relations between the participating coaches and assisting the coaches’ reflection and dialogue through the use of scaffolding. In order to engage coaches in the educational practice, alignment between coaches’ expectations and both course content and form was crucial. These findings provide further insight into how coaches can develop their practices and how sports organisations can develop more effective coach education practices.  相似文献   

目前在多数英语考试中都有听力测试,听力能力的提高不仅需要时间,还需要采用一些合理的方法途径进行针对性训练,方可避免盲目性,求得有限的时间内获得一定的效果。  相似文献   

小金属地掷球运动员在比赛中进行的是技能、智能、体能及意志品质、心理状态等方面综合能力的全方位较量。随着技战术的提高,对运动员在场上智能、意志品质、心理状态的因素越来越重,教练员要把心理训练方法贯彻到技术训练和比赛中的每个环节,实行心理和技术共同突破;培养运动员端正比赛心态,保持技术和心理的稳定,达到学会自我意识和独立思维,自我调控系统化,提高运动员的综合竞技能力。  相似文献   

带领中国国家队征战世界杯外围赛的主教练博拉·米卢蒂诺维奇有一个十分独特的人生座右铭:享受生活。循着这句话,他有了“快乐足球”的工作上的座右铭,并在十几年的执教生涯中,凭借自身的水平,以及一定的运气,先后带领哥斯达黎加、墨西哥、美国和尼日利亚闯入世界杯并大有作为。因此,他创造了足球史上的奇迹,并被誉为“神奇教练”。  相似文献   

There are few empirical studies that demonstrate how values are developed and how they are linked to coaching actions. There can be a discrepancy between the statement of coaches’ values and their actual coaching actions. In order to examine how coaching actions are influenced by values that are developed over a lifetime, the purpose of this article is to first describe a female hockey coach’s approach to coaching using five key coaching actions, then identify the underlying values that influenced those actions, and then explore how these values were developed in different experiences throughout her life. A time-oriented network analysis was conducted based on four semi-structured, in-depth interviews with the coach. The results present five key coaching actions: (a) organizing coach education programmes for athletes, (b) creating groups to help athletes bond, (c) bringing in experts from various domains, (d) asking athletes to reflect on attitudes and goals, and (e) giving athletes playing time based on hard work and effort. We identify the core values guiding these actions as: (a) equity, (b) connectedness, (c) holistic development, (d) respect, and (e) effort. Finally, we present a number of the coach’s experiences that demonstrate the complexity of developing these values throughout her life. The importance of reflecting on and discussing coaching actions, experiences, and the underlying learned values may help coaches develop coaching actions that are guided more explicitly by those values.  相似文献   

教练式教学是将教练技术与教学结合的一种新的教学方式。政治理论课实行教练式教学能够帮助学生理清思维方式,改善学生学习心态,促进学生长远发展,从而提高政治理论课教学的实效性。  相似文献   

本文认为教练员在指挥篮球比赛的全过程,能否择优决策,巧施智谋,与个体思维质量的好坏密切相关。篮球教练员思维能力的增强,必须拥有完整的知识和丰富的实践经验,必须掌握科学的思维方法,不断地加强自身思维品质的培奍。  相似文献   

教师评阅作文是英语写作教学中的重要环节。但传统的评阅方式存在教师任务重、效率低、主观性强、促进学生写作能力效果不明显等诸多问题。本文以过程写作理论为指导,阐述如何引导学生利用免费网络语料库及其检索方法自行修改英语作文,达到既减轻教师评阅负担,又提高学生写作能力的目的。  相似文献   

采用文献法、专家访谈法和逻辑分析法,研究“知彼知已”、“致人而不致于人”、“避实击虚”、“攻守兼用”、“兵之情主速”等战术思想.表明在散打比赛中正确灵活地这些战术思想,就可以获得预期的结果.教练员和运动员应理解和掌握《孙子兵法》中的精髓,借鉴它的基本谋略思想,能够提高散打技战术的运用能力,从而实现自已的战略目的。  相似文献   

教师口语是一门能力训练课。作为“教练”和“导演”的口语教师自身的示范、表率作用在培养学生普通活能力、朗读能力、一般口语交际能力以及教学教育口语能力等诸多方面,都会发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   

自学能力培养是“人才培养模式改革”的重要目标之一,实现其目标有赖于教师的学习方法指导。本文从教学资源构成、教育思想转变、教育对象特点等方面,论证了学法指导是教师的职责,分析了教育思想、教育角色和教学方式的转变对学法指导的意义,以及学法指导的基本原则和基本方法。  相似文献   

篮球教练员临场的观察与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教练员是篮球比赛中的灵魂,他临场的指挥直接影响整个比赛。因此,篮球教练员在临场指挥过程中,要有敏锐的观察能力,思维反应要敏捷,判断要果断、准确,从而在最短的时间里洞察攻守双方交锋的基本情况,准确地找出比赛双方在攻守方面存在的主要问题,分析攻守矛盾的焦点;同时,思考构建解决主要矛盾的办法和措施,及时调整布署战术配合方案,运用战术的变化,制约对方优势的发挥,并善用避实击虚、扬长避短、集中优势、攻其要害等战术打法,争取比赛胜利。  相似文献   

班主任工作与心理健康教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对学生的心理健康教育,是学校教育的基本含义。对此,学校、教师、班主任(辅导员)老师都有义不容辞的责任和义务。尤其是班主任(辅导员),由于其在学校教育中所处的特殊地位,使其成为影响学校心理健康教育的关键因素。所以,班主任(辅导员)科学地认识和把握心理健康教育的本质和特征,认真地履行职责,积极主动地开展心理健康教育实践活动,即班主任(辅导员)在其中的作用的充分发挥,就成为学校心理健康教育活动取得良好效果的基本保证。  相似文献   

青少年女子足球运动员基础训练应加强力量素质的训练,教练员应掌握女子生理特征,提高她们的技术水平,加速对战术意识的培养、风格的培养。  相似文献   

校长培训中专业教师的作用至关重要。培训具有培养学习气氛;激发学习愿望;创设多种形式;讲究交流互动;提升实战能力五大特征。专业教师认清自己的教师角色、教练角色、咨询角色、管理角色,才能使校长培训工作卓有成效。必要的行动策略是:分析培训需求、设计培训方案、开发培训课程、梳理办学问题、提炼实践经验、评估培训绩效。  相似文献   

Effective coaching is a mixture of pedagogy and principles of sciences, e.g., motor skill acquisition, sociology, and physiology, often referred to as the science of coaching. Instinctive or intuitive coaching has often been incorrectly viewed as the art of coaching. More important should be how coaches develop knowledge, how they access that knowledge at the appropriate times and how this affects their decision-making process. The study of expert coaches should allow inferences to be drawn from their development and applied to coach education. This article intends to clarify coaching expertise and examine the role of tacit knowledge within coaching. The lack of a clear development pathway for aspiring expert coaches is a clear indicator that the current coach education system needs review. Any effective education system should be based on knowledge and understanding rather than mimicry and the implications for the future of coach education are considered.  相似文献   

在体育教学中教练员与运动员的心理沟通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在体育教学中,如何引导队员在正确处理文化学习与体育训练关系的前提下积极投入课余训练,是教练(体育老师)组织训练必备的一课,其中了解学生情况,掌握学生心理状况,促进教练员与运动员心理沟通,则是提高运动成绩的重要前提。  相似文献   

In this article we describe coaching as an intervention for college students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Coaching college students with ADHD empowers individuals to organize and execute their responsibilities, both in academia and in everyday life. With the assistance of a coach, individuals with ADHD can create structure and execute change by identifying strategies that circumvent their deficits in executive functioning. We also present an example of a representative client to illustrate the methods used in coaching. Given the increased risks facing college students with ADHD, coaching is a useful complement to academic advising and intensive therapy. Our discussion includes obstacles to implementing and evaluating an ADHD coaching intervention. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 42: 647–656, 2005.  相似文献   

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