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通过文献资料法,对全纳教育的提出背景、定义和基本理念进行了研究.为了使学校体育能够融入全纳教育思想,应使学校体育得到进一步的重视,坚持"以人为本"的教育理念,加强体育课程建设和教师的培养,注重学生体育学习评价体系的建设,建立具有全纳理念的学校体育管理制度.  相似文献   

浦义俊 《体育科技》2012,33(3):152-154,157
运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对体育全纳教育进行了深入分析,指出了我国发展体育全纳教育的重要性,从多个层面分析了我国推广体育全纳教育的困境,提出应通过加快体育全纳教育改革与研究,提高体育全纳师资建设水平,加强对体育全纳教育的相关立法力度和加大体育教育排斥力量的挖掘与治理来推动我国体育全纳教育的发展。  相似文献   

全纳教育观念下北方高校体质弱势群体学生的体育教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林然 《冰雪运动》2014,(3):80-82
深化北方高校体育教育改革是全面贯彻和实施"以人为本""健康第一"教学指导思想的重要前提。将全纳教育观念实践于北方高校的体育教学之中,指出全纳教育观念的实施具有构建和谐社会的需要、教育公平的体现、区别对待教学原则的实施和合作意识的培养等现实意义;提出教学目标、教学方法、教学内容和教学评价等实施途径,为全面实施北方高校的教育教学改革,切实提高全体学生的身体素质和生命质量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在高职院校体育教学中融合思政内容是新时代发展形势的需要,是提高学生职业素养、增强大学生综合素质及职场竞争力,是提升体育课程教学内涵的重要途径。本文主要着眼于高职院校体育课程教学融合思政内容的重要性展开探讨,针对目前高职体育教学融合思政教育存在问题,提出了加强高职院校体育教学融合思政内容实施措施,包括理念认识、素质提升、课程创新及校园体育文化建设等等。  相似文献   

在新时代的大背景之下,我国的高职体育教学正处于不断的改革与发展中,很多教学内容涉及体育文化传播、体育日常锻炼项目等,另外,高职体育事业的发展中存在一些不足之处,本文对其进行充分研究,并分析了高职院校校园体育联赛的开设情况,对于高职体育教学带来的良性影响进行分析,结合时代发展的具体情况,形成了先进的校园体育教学理念,为我国高职体育教育改革带来了新的机会,并为完善教育教学模式、提高教育教学效果奠定基础。  相似文献   

开展全纳及创新教育理念下高校体质弱势群体体育教学模式的研究,对提高体质弱势群体体育教学质量,完善体质弱势群体体育教学体系,进而构建和谐的具有社会主义特色的教育体系,有着积极意义.模式创新的理论思想是:以体现以人为本的主体教育论为基础,充分尊重个体差异,尊重个性要求,具体问题具体对待.形式是:以契约式体育教学模式为基础,结合个别式、处方式以及合作式体育教学模式,构建出体质弱势群体综合式体育教学模式的理论与实践框架.  相似文献   

随着素质教育的发展,体育教学的地位日益提高。高职学校体育作为培养学生文化和身心健康的重要组成部分,仍未走出传统的达标与考核的教育模式,高职体育教学创新与改革之路有待延伸。本文从体育教学中不断总结经验,大胆尝试,积极从教学理念、教学手段、教学方式等方面探索,力求为高职体育教学改革提供参考建议。  相似文献   

残疾儿童体育游戏设计应贯彻玩耍、基础动作为主、全纳教育的理念,以提高健康为目标。其设计过程中应注意趣味性、自由性、竞争性、可变性、简易性。  相似文献   

体育教学是我国高等教育课程规划体系的重要组成部分,目前高职院校的体育教学在素质教育和职业教育导向下出现了一些新情况、新问题。本文在阐述了高职体育教学的地位作用和意义的基础上,着重指出了目前高职体育教学中存在的问题,即基础体育课向专项体育课过渡速度过慢、对于学生表现的成绩测定和评价指标体系比较单一,以及缺乏对于学生终身体育锻炼理念的培养,并针对这些问题提出了相应的建议和对策,最后对台州职业技术学院的体育教学改革的实践进行了分析。希望本文的分析研究有助于新时期下高职院校体育教学水平和质量的提高和改善。  相似文献   

高职院校体育教学整体改革起步较晚,体育教学方面还应进一步完善,随着高职院校办学理念的不断拓展,教育结构的不断调整,教育改革的不断深入,高职院校体育教学改革也在不断深化。高职体育教学注重素质教育、个性发展、运动兴趣、运动技能为体育教学改革提供了一个崭新视角,本文从改革背景、教学改革、课程改革、考核方法和教学评价等纬度,重新审视、构建、选择、改革体育教学,使高职院校体育教学在提高学生全面素质方面发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

This review article provides an overview of the state of research in the English and German languages on inclusive physical education lessons. Studies published in journals and collected works between 2005 and 2014 were included. A systematic literature search was carried out and articles were selected according to predetermined criteria. A total of 74 articles were included in this review and categorized into the 3 superordinate topics attitude, lessons and qualifications. The compact presentation of the results revealed a tendency towards a positive attitude on inclusive physical education lessons of all participants questioned; however, teaching staff were critical of the concrete implementation of inclusive lessons and admitted that they had been insufficiently prepared for this during training. Pupils also expressed positive as well as negative experiences for participation in inclusive physical education lessons; however, some study results indicated that the acceptance of children with disabilities as well as their effectiveness of learning and physical activity can be improved by special interventional approaches. A core topic of inclusive lessons is a cooperation between the various participants. In this way problems are revealed, which can partly be attributed to the sometimes less clearly defined task profile and to discipline-specific training deficits of some participants. Finally, based on a critically constructive discussion, recommendations on further research approaches on inclusive physical education lessons in German-speaking regions are presented.  相似文献   

Government Ministers, health care professionals and sporting organisations throughout the UK are presently engaged in the promotion of extending the length of time each school child spends participating in quality physical education. Agendas may differ from a crackdown on obesity and sedentary lifestyles to basking in reflected glory of British champions on the podium at the 2012 Olympic Games in London. However, a definition of what in fact constitutes good quality physical education is hard to find as it appears to be a much disputed territory. The growing tendency to equate ‘sport’ with ‘physical education’ has been prevalent in secondary schools for some time but it is beginning to cascade into primary schools where many young children may find themselves trailing in the wake of only a few who have the ability, talent and drive to be successful; competition is not an inclusive concept. Early-years pedagogy, on the other hand, is inclusive. This paper examines the apparent mis-match between the needs of children in their early years of compulsory schooling and the present philosophy of sports based physical education. The search for good quality physical education for our youngest school children leads to consideration of physical literacy, developmental movement and movement play with the emphasis on enjoyment, participation and building self esteem. In order for children in their early years to receive good quality physical education, there is a need to develop a new model which is inclusive, holistic and aligned with early-years pedagogy. Presently, the basis for physical education policy in the UK is largely uniformed rhetoric. Whilst this is the case and other conceptualisations of physical education remain on the sidelines, then “the possibilities of realising quality physical education remain slim” (Kirk, 2004, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 9(2), p. 194).  相似文献   

全纳教育背景下我国体育资源教师的专业化发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全纳教育思潮指引下,从我国特殊体育教育的发展现状和特殊体育本身的特性出发,在实地调研的基础上,提出:积极引导体育资源教师进行以教学反思为主的个体发展,建立集培养与培训一体化的高校为本的职前培养和校际联动发展下的职后教育培训体系,提供政策保障、经济支持、制度建立为一体的体育资源教师专业化发展思路,实现体育资源教师个体发展与体育资源教师教育发展的同步与持续。  相似文献   

Educators have a responsibility to provide safe space, but gay and lesbian youth face particularly hostile environments. This initial study surveyed physical education teachers (n = 82) and young adults (n = 77) about their perceptions of homophobic and heterosexist behaviors within physical education and teachers' use of inclusive behaviors. Most teachers and both gay and straight students witnessed heterosexist and homophobic behavior, and most lesbian and gay students had personally experienced homophobic behavior. These data indicate that homophobic and heterosexist behaviors are common in secondary schools, that teachers intend to provide a safe space, and that techers fail to confront heterosexist or homophobic behaviors and take proactive steps to create an inclusive environment.  相似文献   

立足世界背景和国际视野,以联合国教科文组织在世界范围推进高质量体育教育改革与发展的政策文本、话语和实践为考察对象,基于质量发展理论分析高质量体育教育政策表达内容,揭示其蕴含着公平的核心思想、包容的方法原则、安全的空间保障、层级化的供给标准和素养的整体发展等多重理论逻辑。通过梳理高质量体育教育政策的学习者、内容、过程、教师、环境、结果和关系等维度,阐释相应的质量发展要求,提出如下思考与启示:高质量体育教育的内涵不断拓展,质量政策立足学习者可持续发展需求,质量提升行动基于包容的政策环境营造,质量保障倚重多方利益相关者协同参与,质量监控与改进成为重要旨趣,质量发展多维立体推进成为共识。  相似文献   

身体素养是统领当代体育改革与发展的重要理念,但其在各国的实践过程中有着动态化、差异化和非线性的特点,如果只是单独研究个别国家和组织,将难以归纳出具有普遍性的规律。通过文献资料法和专家访谈法,跳出概念的束缚,对身体素养理念在相关国际组织和发达国家的发展现状和路径进行了梳理归纳。国际上身体素养理念的广泛传播得益于其多元与包容的内涵品质,其发展正处于一个多元主义的快速兴起阶段,各国身体素养理念的发展是国际新理念与本土实践多元结合的结果,而哲学基础的一致性、开放包容的态度以及社会的广泛参与,形成了具有合理性和广泛社会适应性的包容性理念和规范,并在国际上广受关注和推崇。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to delineate the development of the Computerized Evaluation Protocol of Interactions in Physical Education, a data collection program for multiple interaction behavior measures in elementary inclusive physical education settings. The theoretical and empirical base for the Computerized Evaluation Protocol of Interactions in Physical Education is described in a three-phase study presenting (1) development of 25 multi-component interaction behavior items from presented literature, (2) content related evidence of validity evaluated by international adapted physical education experts, and (3) strong evidence of convergent validity of the Computerized Evaluation Protocol of Interactions in Physical Education. Overall, the outcomes of multiple studies indicated that the Computerized Evaluation Protocol of Interactions in Physical Education demonstrates promise for the adapted physical education research and assessment by documenting interaction behaviors in elementary physical education environments.  相似文献   

陆清  陶志超 《体育科技文献通报》2012,20(11):69+103-69,103
学校体育是对学生进行思想品德教育的有效途径。学校体育应发挥和挖掘体育中的思想品德教育的效应和功能,寻找学校体育与德育工作的最佳结合点,达到学校体育与德育教育的和谐发展。  相似文献   

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