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运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对攻击行为发生的心理机制进行回顾,通过参考一般攻击行为模型的逻辑框架,在“健康中国”背景下,分析体育运动对攻击行为的影响。研究显示:引发攻击行为的因素包括内部因素:个体人格、认知、情绪、生理唤醒水平;外部因素:运动情景因素。体育运动能够改善个体攻击性的人格、认知和情绪,提高生理唤醒水平;参与低强度、低竞争性、低任务条件下的非接触性、娱乐活动和有组织、优良环境下的体育活动对于减少个人攻击行为水平更加帮助。在价值导向上,体育应回归其教育本质上,淡化功利与竞争意识;公共传媒应净化舆论环境,广泛宣传体育运动背后的精神价值及其人文理念,以促进公民身心与人格的全面健康发展。  相似文献   

本研究试图从洛伦兹的本能论对攻击性进行描述,并且从历史学角度对竞技体育的发展加以梳理,从而探索出攻击性与竞技体育之间的相关性关系;而后对竞技体育与攻击性的关系进行论述,最终目的是通过对二者的本质性认识,使科学工作者能够在理解二者本质的基础上做出进一步研究,为转移竞技体育攻击性行为提供必要的理论依据。  相似文献   

现代篮球运动中激烈的身体接触,导致了许多攻击性和暴力行为的发生,结合近些年的相关研究成果,初步地探索攻击性和暴力行为、产生攻击性和暴力行为的原因及如何采取有效防范措施减少或防止攻击性和暴力行为。  相似文献   

体育运动中应激-攻击行为的认知机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献资料法,提出体育运动中应激—攻击行为的认知模式。探讨体育运动中应激与攻击行为之间的关系及其产生机制,为运动中攻击行为的解释和调控提供理论依据。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(2):194-208
In the current study, the explored the moderating role of ageing in the relationship between team identification/fandom and fan aggression. The authors used an online panel-based survey that offered access to a realworld population of sports fans. Participants were 740 fans of Israeli professional basketball. Results from structural equation modelling demonstrated that older fans reported higher levels of mere sports fandom and lower levels of self-reported aggression and acceptance of aggression. Moreover, age moderated the relationships between team identification (or fandom) and self-reported aggression, such that team identification (or fandom) was more strongly associated with selfreported fan aggression among younger fans than among older fans. The moderating role of age in the relationships between team identification (or fandom) and perceptions of appropriateness of aggression was not supported. The findings contribute to our theoretical understanding of the role of ageing in the relationship between fan identification and fan aggression. Based on these findings, the authors assert that managers might particularly benefit from leveraging the potential, but often neglected, segment of senior fans, since older fans can play a key role in reducing the level of aggression during competitive sports events. Suggestions for future research are also discussed.  相似文献   

奥运会的正式竞赛项目跆拳道在作为竞技体育项目的发展道路上光彩夺目,同时关于跆拳道的学术研究也随之不断增加,其中,韩国跆拳道史学研究更成为了体育学界关注的焦点。为了进一步完善韩国跆拳道史学研究,运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法以及访谈法等研究方法,对韩国跆拳道史学研究的范式、研究方法的特征进行分析,并对日后跆拳道史学研究的方法提出建议。研究得出:迄今为止韩国的跆拳道史学研究在方法上存在片面性及合理性的问题。韩国跆拳道的史学研究可分为跆拳道的形成过程与发展过程两方面,对跆拳道形成过程方面的研究可采用考据、历史比较法、口述史方法对跆拳道第一代传习者以及最初的技术体系进行分析研究;对跆拳道发展过程方面的研究可采用历史比较法、统计法、马克思主义研究方法等,对跆拳道发展过程中的竞技化、海外传播等领域进行研究。  相似文献   

论竞技场上的侵犯行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任杰 《体育学刊》2001,(1):67-69
运用献分析和观察的方法,以国外有关社会心理学和侵犯理论为依据.运用“生物本能”理论、情景理论、精神分析理论、“本立而道生”理论、挫折、侵犯理论、社会学习理论等,对竞技场上所存在的不良侵犯行为进行了深刻地剖析。  相似文献   

侯捷  曹扬  宋牟晟 《体育科研》2021,42(4):75-84
为了迅速反映市民体育消费领域关注点、及时预测体育消费趋势,采用文献资料法、组合评价法,系统梳理和归纳体育消费热点的相关研究,设计了预测市民体育消费趋势的通用工具与方法。从网络舆情视角通过细分热流、定义热度、发现热点、追溯热源4个步骤对热点进行逐层推演,并以上海市某月的舆情大数据为例进行了实证研究;在发掘热点的基础上使用猎酷法总结热点特征、预测体育消费趋势,探讨了体育消费热点的具体应用。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈等研究方法,研究认为:大学生体育健身服务是全民健身服务体系的重要构成部分,主要依托于体育教学、课外体育活动与群体竞赛和运动训练等体育教育实践,以满足大学生的体育需要和全面提高大学生体质健康水平为最终目标,与阳光体育运动具有目标一致性,高校应把推广阳光体育运动和开展大学生体育健身服务紧密结合。通过对高校开展阳光体育运动的现状进行调查与分析,针对整体效果较差、大学生体育健身服务满意度较低等问题,从高校体育管理机制、组织运行、实时监督、实效性评价等方面构建了大学生体育健身服务的长效机制与坚实平台。  相似文献   

This article presents the results of two research projects on the emotions of men engaged in achievement outdoor sports. The conditions were analyzed under which emotions carry out positive functions. The question strikes us as a fundamental one, because it is of crucial importance when it comes to increasing sportspeople's success. The theoretical framework applied was that of microfunctionalism. The method, of a qualitative nature, was based on in-depth interviews, each lasting between 1.5 and 2 hr with a total of 14 sportspersons. The results show that in order for emotions to fulfill positive functions, three conditions must be met: (a) existence of passion, which, with its dialectical character of pleasure and suffering underlies all the other emotions and acts as a motor that pushes the sportsperson forward, despite all the contretemps he might meet on the way; (b) intense emotion work, which may be conducted only if accompanied by knowledge and experience of the natural environment acquired over the years; and (c) conciliation between emotion work and the feeling rules characteristic of each sport subculture. For those individuals who pursue achievement in outdoor sports, these results will provide more concrete indications regarding how to carry out the emotional preparation required for these sports.  相似文献   

李博  任晨儿  刘阳 《体育科学》2021,(1):89-96,F0003
科学研究方法的规范应用是确保研究结果科学、可靠的前提。德尔菲法是体育科学研究和实践中常用的方法。通过对近20年CSSCI收录的372篇体育类学术论文中德尔菲法应用规范性情况的分析发现:德尔菲法在我国体育科学研究中的应用逐渐增加,该方法最常用于指标体系建构类研究(67.7%)。德尔菲法在体育科学研究应用中存在较多不规范之处:1)方法误用;2)方法学报告不严谨,缺少必要指标的报告;3)方法学特征不清晰;4)判定和选取专家的依据模糊;5)专家意见的纳入和删除标准不清晰;6)体系建构研究中缺少“预先定义的问题表”和“应用研究”。鉴于此,基于经典德尔菲法解读和在研读文献的基础上对德尔菲法的适用条件、应用策略、注意事项和一般流程等进行分析,并列举了体育科学研究中德尔菲法应用实例,以提升德尔菲法在体育科学研究中的应用质量。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、数理统计、逻辑分析等方法,对2007~2009年内16种体育核心期刊上公开发表有关运动训练的259篇科研论文进行分析,发现:三年来发表的论文数量总体基本呈上升趋势,而且基金项目较多;研究内容多样化,主要集中在运动员的生理、生化、运动训练理论与方法方面的研究,而选材和场地、器材的开发、运动员的心理、运动损伤方面研究较少;大部分论文采用的研究方法单调,主要是实验方法,但采用的仪器较为先进;作者单位主要集中在高校和体科所,副高级职称的和中级职称是我国乒乓球科研的主力军。  相似文献   

体育经纪人在体育市场活动中扮演着重要角色,是近年来体育界一直关注的热点问题.运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法对我国体育经纪人服务效能跃迁进行研究.研究发现:我国体育经纪人服务效能跃迁存在制度管理、法律监管、人力资源等困境;并提出应对之策:健全体育经纪人法律制度;严格体育经纪人认定资格;完善体育经纪人培养体系等.以此来实现我国...  相似文献   

Purpose: Despite the strong belief in sports programs as a setting in which socially vulnerable youth can develop life skills, no overview exists of life skill development in sports programs serving this youth group. Therefore, the present systematic review provides an overview of the evidence on life skill development in sports programs serving socially vulnerable youth and, insofar as it was investigated in the included studies, of the conditions conducive to life skill development in these sports programs. Method: Potentially relevant studies published during 1990 to 2014 were identified by a search in 7 electronic databases. The search combined terms relating to (a) sport, (b) youth AND socially vulnerable, and (c) life skills. Eighteen of the 2,076 unique studies met the inclusion criteria. Results: Each included study reported that at least 1 life skill improved in youth who participated in the studied sports program. Improvements in cognitive and social life skills were more frequently reported than were improvements in emotional life skills. Only a few of the included studies investigated the conditions in the studied sports programs that made these programs conducive to life skill development. Conclusions: Sports programs have the potential to make a difference in the life skill development of socially vulnerable youth. This conclusion needs to be treated with some caution, because the studies experienced many challenges in reducing the risk for bias. Several alternative research strategies are suggested for future studies in this field.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析、历史比较等研究方法深入剖析红色体育历史演变,探寻不同时代群众体育对红色体育的传承,进而探讨红色体育的当代价值。研究发现:(1)红色体育思想萌芽于毛泽东的《体育之研究》,实践于苏区,发展壮大于战火纷飞的抗日和解放战争时期,具有重要历史意义;(2)红色体育是当代群众体育的根基,与体质健康时代、全民健身时代、健康中国时代的群众体育一脉相承;(3)红色体育具有塑造全民爱国情怀,建设中国特色体育文化,丰富群众体育内涵的时代价值。基于此,提出红色体育助力群众体育实现路径:(1)立德树人,教育为本,将红色体育精神凝聚为群众体育发展的内生动力;(2)与时俱进,改革创新,将红色体育文化外化为群众体育文化建设的优势资源;(3)因地制宜,脚踏实地,将红色体育元素内化为群众体育发展的常态内容。  相似文献   

我国冬季运动项目心理技能训练的研究综述   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
阐述了心理技能训练的定义与效果。我国冬季运动项目心理技能训练的研究现状表现为:研究课题主要集中在体育教育和竞技体育领域;所用心理技能训练方法主要为表象训练、放松训练、生物反馈训练和目标设置训练;研究方法主要采用实验法、心理测量法和文献资料法等。针对冬季运动项目的心理技能训练研究论文数量偏少,所涉及的心理技能训练方法、研究方法和评价指标较少,研究缺乏理论导向是存在的主要问题。研究领域的拓展,心理技能训练方法的创新,研究方法、设计和评价指标的丰富以及自身理论的建立是研究的发展方向。  相似文献   

Contrasting views and data are available on the issue of whether combative sports facilitate or reduce aggression. In the present study levels of hostility were assessed in two groups of martial arts students using the Buss-Durkee Inventory. Levels of hostility on a variety of the sub-scales were compared with scores from similar samples of participants in a body contact, aggressive but non-combative sport (rugby football) and a competitive sport with no body contact or direct aggression (badminton). When the effects of age and length of training were controlled by use of partial correlation there was no evidence to support group differences in either the combined score from the varied sub-scales of the inventory or the more specific assaultive sub-scale. However, there was evidence to suggest a significant effect of length of training on hostility levels in martial artists. Beginners attracted to the martial arts were more hostile but the hostility declined with the duration of training. No difference was apparent in this respect for students participating in either jui jitsu or karate. It is suggested that such differential effects with respect to length of training may lead to the overall absence of the between-sport differences. The results provide tentative support for the notion that the discipline of the martial arts may reduce assaultive hostility rather than serve as a model for such behaviour, yet support the need for prospective longitudinal studies on intra-individual hostility.  相似文献   

分析了个案研究在体育社会问题研究中应用的相关理论问题.体育社会问题总体边界的模糊性导致个案研究的运用具有理论上的必要性;个案研究具有深入剖析与积极应对体育社会问题的效果,有助于体育社会问题理论的建构与重构;体育社会问题个案的选取应该遵循典型性、分层抽取以及重点突出的原则;体育社会问题个案研究中可以综合运用文献法、观察法和访问法;研究者在体育社会问题个案研究中需要具有理论勇气,并保持价值中立.  相似文献   

体育价值观与体育本质、功能、目的之间关系密切,是以体育应然作为问题研究主线。目前我国体育价值观理论研究缺乏系统性梳理,故通过文献资料法,对体育价值观的内涵层次、领域体系、特征分析三大方面进行梳理。认为:(1)体育价值观内涵探讨主要围绕主体和主客体两个层面,从功能论角度定义体育价值观为一种社会效应或道德情感;(2)体育价值观的领域体系研究在宏观层面表现为"工具与手段"的理性探讨,在微观层面表现为体育价值观的多元与复合及多维与统合;(3)体育价值观特征具有选择性和导向性、相对稳定性和历史流变性、中西方体育价值观特征的个性和共性及逻辑系统性。  相似文献   


To date, little is known about overreaching (OR) and the overtraining syndrome (OTS) in strength sports and resistance training (RT) populations. However, the available literature may elucidate the occurrence of both conditions in these populations. A scoping review was conducted. SPORTDiscus, Scopus and Web of Science were searched in a robust and systematic manner, with relevant articles analysed. 1170 records were retrieved during an initial search, with a total of 47 included in the review. Two broad themes were identified during data extraction: 1) overreaching in strength sports; 2) overreaching and overtraining syndrome in RT. Short-term periods of OR achieved with either high-volume or high-intensity RT can elicit functional OR (FOR) but there is also evidence that chronic high-volume and/or intensity RT can lead to non-functional overreaching (NFOR). There is minimal evidence to suggest that true OTS has occurred in strength sports or RT based on the studies entered during this review. More research is needed to develop robust guiding principles for practitioners. Additionally, due to the heterogeneous nature of the existing literature, future research would benefit from the development of practical tools to identify and diagnose the transition from FOR to NFOR, and subsequently OTS in strength athletes and RT populations.  相似文献   

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