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体育科研团队数据监护平台主要包括数据收集模块和数据处理模块以及数据检索模块等,体育科研团队利用数据监护平台,可以使自身的数据收集和数据利用能力得到提升,保障体育科研团队的有效性,提升体育科研团队的研究水平。本文分析了体育科研团队数据监护平台,促进体育科研团队数据监护平台更好的发展,可以利用数据监护平台为体育科研团队的工作提供更多的便利。  相似文献   

分析了体育科研评价的动因,并从计量评价的特殊性及计量评价应遵循的原则,计量评价过程中应注意的问题等方面,阐述了高校实施体育科研计量评价的现实性、合理性和可行性。只有逐步开展和完善计量评价工作,才能更有效地发挥广大教师积极投身科研工作的积极性和创造性,努力提高高校体育科研水平。  相似文献   

2019年国务院办公厅发布《体育强国建设纲要》,提出建设国家队训练大数据管理系统。基于体育科研数据管理的发展需求,以排球项目为例,构建了大数据模式的“互联网+体育科研”排球项目数据管理平台,形成数据共享与分析决策体系,实现体育科研数据全覆盖,助力科学训练。该系统整合涉及排球项目运动员基本信息、训练数据、体能数据、机能数据、营养数据、心理数据和比赛数据七大数据模块资源,通过体育科研数据管理平台的设计与实施,打造了基础设施层、数据中心层和展现层3个层次的总体架构,并针对体育科研项目数据中心和平台功能建设过程中的关键技术及难点问题,提出切实可行的建设方案。平台可实现数据查询、汇总分析、竞技状态报告、智能预测、项目制胜规律探究和精准选材等功能,为中国体育科研数据管理提供了有价值的参考,更是践行国家“互联网+”行动计划和《体育强国建设纲要》的重要举措。  相似文献   

智能体育高质量发展已然成为体育信息化和体育事业融合发展的战略选择。本文运用文献资料法等研究方法,通过系统梳理与分析国内外智能体育的发展,从多角度阐释了智能体育高质量发展的特征、困境和对策。研究认为,智能体育高质量发展呈现出智能化、泛在性以及即时性特征;其发展面临相关认识模糊、技术开发与升级不足、数据泄漏危机以及相关科研人才与创新不足等困境。建议:政策层面,完善智能体育的相关政策,拓宽科研融资渠道;技术层面,构建智能体育“大数据库”,充分挖掘数据的内在潜力;市场层面,挖掘体育市场新消费,带动智能体育产业良性发展。  相似文献   

未来中学体育教师的知识结构   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
未来中学体育教师合理的知识结构应包括普通基础知识、体育学科专业知识和体育专业教育知识等3类6个方面的60门知识构成。第一类知识是结构的基础,是形成教师教学能力和学习另两类知识的基础知识;第二类知识是结构的核心,制约体育教师教学、训练、科研、保健和社会活动等能力;第三类知识是结构的支架,对教师能力起决定的作用。  相似文献   

对体育科研方法总体特征的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导,运用科学学的基本原理和方法,对体育科学和体育科研方法,以及体育科研方法的总体特征作了初步探讨。本文认为,体育科学是人们对体育的认识的结果,体育科研方法是人们认识体育的手段。体育科研方法的总体特征表现在体育科研方法形成的移植化,发展的两极化,种类的多样化和应用的综合化。  相似文献   

谢雪峰 《体育科学》2004,24(9):1-3,18
体育分为竞技体育、社会体育、学校体育的模式存在不少可质疑之处。其主要问题在于:体育的核心部分是体育活动,而将体育分为这三类缺乏核心区分要素和标准。因而就其本质而言,体育三类模式不应是体育。尤其是体育活动的划分,之前所认为的三种类型体育实质是三种不同的体育理念。目前的体育三类模式将逐渐且必然走向“大体育”的整合,因为“大体育”是终身教育和终身体育的深切呼唤。是社会转型和体制转型的必然选择。也是匡正体育三分模式的实际需要。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和进步,体育应有其社会地位和学校地位。体育的服务对象不仅是专业运动员,更重要的是要为全人类的健康服务。体育科研也应深层次地研究人体运动规律,为提高运动训练的实效作严谨深入的探索。当前是体育科研发展的一个转折点,应该使体育科研由为了突破人体能力的极限为主要目的,转变为以探索人体运动规律,调动、指导所有从事体育锻炼的人们有效地锻炼。未来的体育科研是人体科学的一个重要部分,应为全人类健康服务。它具有尖端性、合作性和创造性的特征。  相似文献   

我国高校体育科研现状的审度与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对2003年国内13种体育核心期刊中高校教师发表的2633篇论文进行项群统计,结果显示:高校教师是体育科研领域的主要力量。研究领域涉及面广,然发展不平衡。研究方法集中于2种、3种、4种,具有较强的侧重性,有待于进一步提高。在作者群中,高校男性教师多于女性;中高级职称的教师是体育科研队伍的主体;高学历教师是体育科研队伍的重要力量;中年教师是体育科研的骨干。广东高校体育科研活动开展的较活跃;经济发达和较发达地区以及核心期刊所在地区进行体育科研的高校较多,教师发表的论文也较多,反之较少,具有明显的区域性特征。我国体育科研主要集中于体育院、系,高校非体育教师参与体育研究的较少。有引文与参考文献的论文占总数97.oo%,平均引文量6.91条/篇。期刊、图书是文献的主要来源,报纸、网络、科技报告以及内部资料利用率过低。引文涉及中、英、日、俄、法、德、韩、西班牙、葡萄牙9种语种,个人研究仍是我国体育科研的主要方式。  相似文献   

我国体育核心期刊高校作者项群统计分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2003年国内13种体育核心期刊中2633篇论文的高校教师进行项群统计,结果显示:高校教师是体育科研领域的主要力量。在作者群中,高校男性教师多于女性;中高级职称的教师是体育科研队伍的主体;高学历教师是体育科研队伍的重要力量;中年教师是体育科研的骨干。广东高校体育科研活动开展的较活跃;经济发达和较发达地区以及核心期刊所在地区进行体育科研的高校较多,教师发表的论文也较多,反之较少,具有明显的区域性特征。我国体育科研主要集中于体育院、系,高校非体育教师参与体育研究的较少。个人研究仍是我国体育科研的主要方式。  相似文献   


There is a positive association between motor competence and physical activity in child populations. Little is known about the relative variance explained in physical activity when process- versus product-oriented approaches are used for evaluating motor competence. This study aimed to examine associations between product- and process-oriented motor competence assessments and their capability to explain variance in physical activity. Participants included 167 children between the ages of 6–9 years. The run, jump, throw and kick were assessed using process-oriented (Test of Gross Motor Development-2nd edition) and product-oriented (run time, jump distance, throw and kick speed) assessments. Physical activity was assessed via Yamax Digi-walker NL2000 pedometers. Weak to strong correlations between process and product assessments were found (range: r = ± 0.01 to ±0.81). Statistically significant correlations between process and product scores were more frequent for the kick and throw. Both product- and process-oriented assessments were poor at explaining variance in pedometer assessed physical activity. No more than 4% of variance in physical activity could be explained by a single skill, regardless of whether product or process scores were used. Continued examination of associations between process- and product-oriented assessments may provide a more holistic understanding of motor competence across developmental time.  相似文献   


This paper discusses the use of generalizability theory, a flexible intraclass approach, for estimating the reliability of a motor performance task. The generalizability technique provides variance component estimates for each factor of an analysis of variance design. These variance estimates can be utilized to define a number of reliability coefficients which are dependent upon the logical or theoretical rationale for assigning variance component estimates as true score or error score variance. The second section of this paper presents a study illustrating the use of generalizability theory in estimating the reliability of a motor performance task. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of first-ball scores for beginning college bowlers. The facets of the generalizability study were identified as sex of the bowler, trials, and days. Three reliability coefficients, R 1 (.93), R 2 (.92), and R 3 (.84), were computed by assigning the different factors to either true score or error score variance. The performance of beginning college bowlers as measured by first-ball scores is reliable. While the information might be useful for the teacher or researcher who is interested in detecting between-subject differences in coeducational bowling classes, the primary purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the use of generalizability theory to estimate reliability coefficients for a set of motor performance test scores.  相似文献   


The effects of practice and the passage of time on individual differences (true-score variance) and intra-individual variation were investigated. One hundred and twenty male university students were tested on a Koerth type pursuit rotor. One group was tested on six days spaced over a three-week period. Another group performed the same motor task two days only—test and retest being separated by an interval of three weeks. Each day of practice was the same for both groups—sixty 15-second trials separated by a 10-second intertrial rest. It was concluded that true-score variance as well as intra-individual variance tend to parallel the initial increases in performance and then stabilize in later practice. Since the true-score variance increased greatly as compared with intra-individual variance in early performance, the correlation between adjacent trials increased. The effect of the lay-off was to increase both individual differences and intra-individual variance to a substantial and statistically significant degree.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the utility of self-determination theory (Ryan & Deci, 2002) as a framework for understanding the antecedents of athlete burnout in elite New Zealand rugby union players (n=133). Perceptions of competence, autonomy, and relatedness (i.e. basic psychological needs) were hypothesized to be negatively related to burnout scores, while players classified as "high-burnouts" were predicted to report lower needs fulfilment than players with low burnout. Canonical correlation analysis indicated that relatedness was a low to moderate predictor of burnout, but players' competence and autonomy accounted for substantial portions of variance in two athlete burnout symptoms: reduced accomplishment and sport devaluation. The proportion of variance accounted for in the exhaustion dimension of athlete burnout was not substantive. Multivariate analysis of variance supported these results, as "high-burnout" players had lower competence and autonomy scores than athletes reporting low burnout symptoms. The two groups did not report significantly different relatedness scores. Implications of these results for researchers and practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   

方差分析在理论上比较抽象、复杂,应用中又灵活多样,难以掌握。在体育统计教科书中,仅限于介绍方差分析的计算步骤,掩盖了方差分析的思想,局限了其应用范围,以致于方差分析不能广泛地运用于体育科研。本文运用数理统计中的理论结果,从应用的角度阐述了方差分析的真正思想,揭示了其实质,指出方差分析是按指定来源分解变异的一种技巧,并就如何运用方差分析的问题,提出了具体看法。  相似文献   

我国少数民族传统体育的起源、历史变迁与现实发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对我国少数民族传统体育的起源、历史变迁的分析表明:少数民族传统体育项目是特定历史阶段的产物,它与少数民族人民生活的社会历史状况相适应,其历史变迁正是这种适应的具体反映;理性地分析与认识少数民族传统体育的起源与历史变迁,有助于客观地理解和面对我国少数民族传统体育在高速发展的社会历史条件下的现实发展。  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify correlates of change in walking for exercise. Respondents to a random sample mailed exercise survey were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire 24 months after the first. Responses were obtained from 1,739 adults, reflecting an 86.6% return rate. Nonrespondents did not differ from respondents for baseline level of walking for exercise. Respondents overrepresented Caucasian and middle to high education (or income) adults. Residualized measures of change in walking for exercise served as the dependent variable, adjusted for baseline walking. Similarly, key independent variables, subject to change over time, were included after residualization. At both baseline and 24 months follow-up, adults walked for exercise an average of just under 1 hour per week, and 23.5% of the initially active adults ceased walking for exercise at 2 years. Multiple regression analyses explained more variance in walking for exercise among women than men. Change in dynamic variables such as friend's support and vigorous physical activity accounted for most of the explained variance. Results suggest that dynamic variables may need to be sustained to maintain walking for exercise. The limited explained variance suggests that more precise measures and additional determinants of walking for exercise need to be identified.  相似文献   


This study was designed to identify correlates of change in walking for exercise. Respondents to a random sample mailed exercise survey were asked to complete a follow-up questionnaire 24 months after the first. Responses were obtained from 1,739 adults, reflecting an 86.6% return rate. Nonrespondents did not differ from respondents for baseline level of walking for exercise. Respondents overrepresented Caucasian and middle to high education (or income) adults. Residualized measures of change in walking for exercise served as the dependent variable, adjusted for baseline walking. Similarly, key independent variables, subject to change over time, were included after residualization. At both baseline and 24 months follow-up, adults walked for exercise an average of just under 1 hour per week, and 23.5% of the initially active adults ceased walking for exercise at 2 years. Multiple regression analyses explained more variance in walking for exercise among women than men. Change in dynamic variables such as friend's support and vigorous physical activity accounted for most of the explained variance. Results suggest that dynamic variables may need to be sustained to maintain walking for exercise. The limited explained variance suggests that more precise measures and additional determinants of walking for exercise need to be identified.  相似文献   

The generalizability of bioimpedance measures was studied for the lying and standing postures, using generalizability theory. The test instrument was a Xitron Hydra ECF/ICF Bio-Impedance Analyzer System Model 4200 (Xitron Technologies, San Diego, CA): 50 healthy men and 50 healthy women volunteered as participants. A 2-facet, person-by-trial, completely crossed design was used, and all facets were treated as random. Data on each body posture, each fluid measurement, and each sex group were independently analyzed. The lying-posture data showed that the trial facet accounted for less than 0.03% of the total variance for extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF). The residual accounted for less than 0.02% of the total variance for ECF and for 9.5% for males and 13.6% for females of the total variance for ICF. The standing-posture data showed that the trial facet accounted for less than 0.02% of the total variance for ECF and ICF. The residual accounted for less than 0.05% of the total variance for ECF and for 10.5% for males and 20.4% for females of the total variance for ICF. Overall, the lying posture produced more stable ECF and ICF measures, compared to the standing posture for male and female groups.  相似文献   

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