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家庭对儿童情感的发展起决定性作用,家长在促进家庭幼儿情感教育方面具有主导作用。家长应该学会理智地爱孩子,教育孩子关爱他人,关注孩子的情绪。  相似文献   

成功的情感教育需要家庭的积极参与,特别是必须紧密配合儿童的成长阶段。根据Salovey 与Mayer的观点,情绪智力包含的能力始于家庭中的父母与儿童的良好的交互作用。在儿童早期,父母帮助儿童识别情绪并给情绪贴上标签,教导儿童学会尊重自身情感,并且帮助孩子将情绪与社会情景联系起来,对每一个家庭来讲,可能存在差异。  相似文献   

吴妙华 《考试周刊》2009,(14):234-234
家庭是儿童心理发展的一个重要因素,孩子健康成长离不开良好的家庭教育。家对孩子的一生产生重大的影响.家是孩子了解自己和学会做人的地方。生长在离异家庭的儿童是不幸的,但只要家长能注意教育方法.及时地和孩子进行交流.离异家庭儿童就能感受到幸福,健康地成长.  相似文献   

题记父母面对生活、事业的压力,有时会透不过气来。父母首先要学会调整自己的情绪,去积极解决问题,父母的情绪,家庭的氛围都会影响孩子的性格、情绪等。当孩子向父母抱怨时,父母要让孩子学会坦然地接受现实。父母注重对孩子兴趣、性格的培养,会使孩子更健康、更成功。  相似文献   

教育部首设儿童成长标准 10月15日,教育部网站公布《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》。该指南为学前孩子的健康、语言、社会、科学、艺术五个领域的成长设定"阶梯"状的标准,比如,孩子3岁学会不跟陌生人走,4岁学会体谅父母辛劳,5岁学会说出家庭住址,6岁学会接受不同意见等等。  相似文献   

心理学家阿德勒认为,假如一个儿童没有学会合群之道,他必定会走向孤僻,并产生牢固的自卑情绪,严重影响他一生的发展。0岁 ̄6岁是儿童同伴关系发展的关键期,父母要准确把握自己的角色定位,促进孩子的健康发展。  相似文献   

龙兰 《考试周刊》2013,(43):175-176
情绪管理,就是用对的方法,用正确的方式,探索自己的情绪,然后调整自己的情绪,理解自己的情绪,放松自己的情绪。儿童情绪管理的能力也就是通常所说的要让孩子做情绪的主人。"情绪管理"是时下最流行的教育方式之一,即通过情绪管理教育,让孩子学会倾诉和表达快乐、悲伤、紧张、胆小等各种情绪。同时,教育孩子学会聆听别人的谈话、欣赏别人的优点、对待生活中的得失等。儿童期健康情绪的发展对幼儿的个性形成有至关重要的作用,关系到一个人一生的成长。因此,儿童期的情绪管理非常重要。  相似文献   

江琳 《家庭教育》2005,(8B):56-56
心理学家阿德勒认为,假如一个儿童没有学会合群之道,他必定会走向孤僻,并产生牢固的自卑情绪,严重影响他一生的发展。0岁~6岁是儿童同伴关系发展的关键期,父母要准确把握自己的角色定位,促进孩子的健康发展。  相似文献   

让孩子“发牢骚” 有的父母在孩子闹情绪时,常用打骂、训斥的方法制止,这是不科学、不正确的。作为父母,应该正确引导孩子释放不满情绪,才能求得孩子的心理平衡。 一是以身作则,为孩子树立一个表达情绪的榜样。父母一般不宜在家庭、在孩子面前,过分抑制自己的情绪。正确的做法是经常自由自在地表达自己的喜怒哀乐,而又不迁怒于别人,给孩子树立一个敢于表露情绪的榜样。  相似文献   

为探讨青少年述情障碍的影响因素及其产生机制,使用多伦多述情障碍量表、父母低头行为量表、消极家庭情绪表露问卷以及特拉华社会情绪能力量表对1 920名青少年进行问卷调查.结果发现:(1)父母低头行为分别与述情障碍和消极家庭情绪表露呈显著正相关,与社会情绪能力呈显著负相关.(2)消极家庭情绪表露与社会情绪能力在父母低头行为与青少年述情障碍之间均起部分中介作用.(3)消极家庭情绪表露与社会情绪能力在父母低头行为和青少年述情障碍之间构成链式中介.这一结果为预防和干预青少年述情障碍提供实证依据.  相似文献   

音乐教育有利于儿童健康人格的全面发展,有助于启发儿童的创造性思维,有助于培养儿童的规则意识,有助于儿童的语言和良好情感的发展,并对儿童成长具有一定的社会效应和现实意义。每个教师都应该重视儿童音乐教育的功能性特征,有意识地满足当今儿童对音乐教育的需求,强化音乐教育的社会化功能,促进儿童的社会化进程。  相似文献   

Child Care Teachers' Response to Children's Emotional Expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This observational study examined practices through which child care teachers socialize children's emotion. A specific aim was to describe strategies of teacher intervention in response to emotion displayed by children in child care centers, and to answer the question of differential interactions based on children's age and gender.

The results of this study were as follows: (a) toddler teachers matched and encouraged children's positive emotion expression more often than did preschool teachers; (b) in response to children's negative emotion, toddler teachers used physical comfort and distraction more often than did preschool teachers who relied more on verbal mediation; (c) in response to girls' negative emotional expressions, teachers provided more physical comfort and distraction whereas they were more likely to provide boys with constructive ways to express negative emotion.

The results of this study also revealed relatively infrequent teaching about constructive ways of expressing negative emotion and very few occurrences of teacher's empathy, two developmentally appropriate methods for socializing emotion. Teachers may benefit from a training program focusing on facilitating emotional competence.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that through the medium of “emotion talk”, American, middle-class parents socialize daughters to express emotion more and to focus on sadness and socialize sons to express emotion less and to focus on anger. However, little is known about peer emotion socialization. The present study utilizes a notion of “emotion talk” expanded from previous studies and follows its use among preschool peers using a longitudinal design. Two friendships groups in a mixed-age preschool classroom of 3-and 4-year-old children at a university-based children's center were identified and videotaped in different contexts at different time points in the academic year. The boys' friendship group evolved norms over time against the expression of scaredness simultaneously with norms downgrading girl characteristics. Both the boys' and girls' friendship groups showed contextual fluidity in the expression of emotion and emotion talk that argue against an essentialist model of emotion socialization and development. This study's findings of contextual fluidity in emotion talk suggest policy implications for the promotion of gender equity. Mixed-age classrooms that provide children with a range of opportunities to engage in activities that cross gender boundaries may minimize gender polarization and maximize gender equity.  相似文献   

儿童对混合情绪的理解是衡量儿童情绪理解能力发展的重要内容。综述了当前对儿童混合情绪理解的相关研究,包括发展特点、影响因素、研究范式等。同时,从研究方法和研究内容两个方面提出了当前研究的不足之处,并据此对未来的相关研究提出一些建议。  相似文献   

交往对儿童的社会化成长具有重要价值,主要体现在儿童自我意识的发展,儿童社会性认知的发展及儿童情绪情感的发展。儿童交往的现状应引起我们的深刻反思。  相似文献   

学龄期儿童情绪能力的发展特点概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着生活环境、人际关系、认知以及社会技能等方面的重大变化,学龄期的儿童在心理、情绪能力的发展上出现了一个重要转折。在学龄期,儿童情绪理解能力、情绪表达能力有了很大发展,对情绪的表达规则逐渐掌握并趋于娴熟,情绪的调节能力增强并出现了高级的调节策略———情绪伪装。研究发现,儿童情绪能力的发展受家庭和社会文化的影响甚大。  相似文献   

The present research evaluated a conceptual model that links temperament, emotional knowledge, and family expressiveness to preschoolers' emotion regulation ability. The emotional understanding of 82 preschoolers was assessed with 2 separate tasks. After the second emotional knowledge task, the children were presented a "disappointing" prize, and their facial displays of positive and negative affect were recorded. The children and their mothers also participated in a game designed to elicit maternal expressive behavior. Mothers provided information about the preschoolers' temperament and about the frequency of positive and negative affect expressed within their families Results indicated that children's positive displays when presented the "disappointing" prize were inversely related to the temperamental dimension of emotional intensity and positively associated with children's understanding of emotion. Maternal reports of sadness within the family were inversely related to children's positive affective displays. Children's negative emotional displays in the disappointment situation were inversely related to observed maternal positive emotion. The findings from this study give greater specification to the unique and joint contributions of temperament, emotional knowledge, and family expressiveness in predicting preschoolers' expressive control of emotion.  相似文献   

尹秀芳 《成才之路》2021,(13):143-144
儿童在学前教育阶段所习得的行为习惯与思维方式将决定儿童的道德品质与智力发展。文章简述学前教育中培养幼儿行为习惯的意义,并针对幼儿去中心化、情绪支配行为、情绪感知能力强、好奇心强等生理和心理特征提出培养幼儿行为习惯的建议。要培养幼儿的道德观念与文明素养,发挥家长的教育与监督作用,培养幼儿的逆商。  相似文献   

教师在课堂上构建起一个浓郁的情感场,教师主导着情感力量,学生在其间激荡、孕育、张扬、放飞情感,在情境中学语言,用语言,自然地真实地流畅地表达自己的情感,学会热爱生活,感受生命的意义,为学生的生命增色。  相似文献   

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