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顾军 《体育博览》2011,(7X):219-220
足球裁判员是足球比赛的有机组成部分,没有高水平的裁判员就不能很好的进行高水平的足球赛。在业余足球比赛中,裁判员要有积极合理、机动灵活的跑位和合理地运用竞赛规则能力,不断提高控制比赛的能力和判罚的准确性,灵活的运用规则掌握判罚尺度,对有异议的判罚做出简短的规则解释,以促进银川市业余足球联赛的健康发展,为银川打造"西部运动休闲之都"贡献应有的力量。  相似文献   

马琳  李秀馥 《精武》2012,(26):89-89,91
本文主要运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,对沈阳市业余足球联赛进行调查研究,通过研究发现,沈阳业余足球联赛有了相当大的规模,参赛队伍多、社会影响大,取得了很好的成绩。但是也存在着一些问题,如球队管理不正规、裁判员水平低、球队经费不足、足球暴力增多等问题,本文主要针对这些问题提出了一些合理化建议,希望为促进沈阳市业余足球联赛的发展提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

随着世界和我国女子足球运动的发展,女子足球裁判员也应运而生。目前,女子足球运动水平提高很快,发展 迅速。因此,探讨女子足球比赛特点,对进一步全面提高女子足球裁判员自身素质和执法水平大有裨益。通过第九届全 运会和第四届世界女足锦标赛的分析,我们对当今女子足球比赛特点进行了研究,旨在为培养和提高女子足球裁判员执 法水平提供参考。  相似文献   

于波 《精武》2012,(33):87-88
足球裁判受是足球比赛场上的组织者和法官,是一场精彩足球比赛不可缺少的一部分,裁判受的执法水平,会直接影响着足球比赛的质量所以对提高裁判的业务水平是很重要的。本文运用文献资料法、调查问卷法、访谈法、文理统计法等方法对影响辽宁省足球裁判员判罚诸多因素的分析,找出不利裁判员准确判罚的重要因素加以研究,旨在找出如何提高裁判员的判罚水平,以期为中国足球全面发展提供有益的借鉴与理论依据。  相似文献   

通过对聋人足球比赛特点的分析以及竞赛规则与FIFA不同之处的研究,提出提高聋人足球裁判员执法能力的对策,为培养和提高聋人足球裁判员执法水平提供参考.  相似文献   

从足球意识、判罚能力、跑位选位、运用规则、心理适应能力等方面阐述了裁判员的业务能力对提高足球裁判员执法水平的重要作用及对足球比赛的重要影响  相似文献   

现代足球比赛是快速、富于竞争、充满激情的竞赛,为了取胜夺标,比赛双方在身体、技术、作风、心理、战术思想的对抗越演越激烈,对抗性已成为现代足球运动发展趋势。同时,对足球裁判员的要求也越来越高,足球裁判员在比赛中判罚的准确性对比赛的顺利进行至关重要。足球裁判员是足球场上的组织者和法官。裁判员的水平直接影响着足球比赛的质量,对犯规准确性的判罚是衡量裁判员水平的标准。本文采用调查访问及问卷调查法,对初级裁判员临场执法的错漏判因素进行探讨。结果发现存在理论与实际判罚脱离、判罚降格处理、红黄牌亮出等等问题。找出不利裁判员准确判罚的因素加以研究,对提高足球裁判员水平有着重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

足球裁判员业务能力构成因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从足球意识、判罚能力、跑位选位、运用规则、心理适应能力等方面阐述了裁判员的业务能力对提高足球裁判员执法水平的重要作用及对足球比赛的重要影响。  相似文献   

试论我国职业足球联赛比赛质量的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1问题的提出足球比赛质量是提高足球观赏性,增加联赛上座率的一个重要因素。但目前国内学术界对有关比赛质量的研究成果还很少。本文通过对高质量足球比赛的特性、影响我国足球比赛质量的因素、如何改进足球比赛质量等问题的研究,旨在促进我国职业足球联赛的比赛质量能够满足  相似文献   

对当前中国职业足球联赛中出现的裁判员群体被广泛地不信任现象进行分析,结合目前我国足球裁判员培养目标与形势,总结了开设体育专业的高等院校在基层足球裁判员培养和输送体系中具有重要作用和优势,同时探讨了高等院校体育院系在学生足球裁判员培养过程中的薄弱环节,并制定合理的培养方法与途径,以期为我国的足球裁判员培养提供参考.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 - 6 years (mean - s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 and 77.04 per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 +/- 6 years (mean +/- s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 pounds and 77.04 pound per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   

球员呼唤公平——对我国足球转会制度的透析与思考   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
龚智敏 《体育与科学》2000,21(3):37-39,62
对中国职业联赛特有的转会制度——摘牌制的实施情况进行分析研究,对球员在转会过程中的无奈提出新的建议,以期中国的职业联赛更加激烈、精彩。  相似文献   

本文统计和分析了第14届世界杯足球赛裁判员的判罚情况,从中了解当今世界足坛高水平裁判员的执法特点,探索提高我国足球裁判水平的途径。  相似文献   

从司法介入中国足球职业联赛"假、赌、黑"案回顾入手,运用利益相关者理论分析了足球职业联赛"假、赌、黑"案件中涉及的利益群体——足协、俱乐部、运动员、教练员、裁判员、投资方、媒体和观众之间的利益冲突和博弈策略,认为完善职业足球管理体制和运行机制,实现联赛不同利益相关者之间的协同管理,有利于职业足球健康和谐发展。  相似文献   

运用犯罪社会学中的默顿的失范理论和社会控制理论对我国职业足球联赛从业人员违规行为进行研究。研究发现:我国职业足球联赛从业人员的目标的不一致、职业规范的混乱以及诸如职业运动员工会、裁判员工会等职业团体的缺失,导致我国职业足球联赛从业人员违规行为的主要原因。  相似文献   

To determine the movement patterns and physiological demands of top-class soccer assistant referees, we performed computerized time-motion analysis and measured heart rate and blood lactate concentration in 15 assistant referees during 22 competitive matches in the top Danish league. To relate match performance to the physical capability of the assistant referees, they performed a 3 x 30 m sprint protocol before and after matches and a laboratory treadmill test within 3 weeks of the games. The mean total distance covered by the top-class assistant referees was 7.28 (range 5.78-8.16) km, of which 1.15 (0.86-1.44) km was high-intensity running and 1.16 (0.12-2.34) km was sideways running. The amount of high-intensity running during a game was correlated with performance of repeated sprints (r = 0.80, P < 0.05). Mean heart rate was 137 (117-159) beats x min(-1), corresponding to 73% (60-88%) of maximal heart rate and 65% (53-80%) of maximal oxygen uptake. Blood lactate concentration was 4.7 (1.6-11.0) and 4.8 (1.1-13.7) mmol x 1(-1) after the first and second half, respectively. Sprinting performance was poorer (P < 0.05) after than before the games. The peak distance to the offside line was greater (P < 0.05) in the second than the first half (7 +/- 1 vs 5 +/- 0 m). Our results show that: (1) top-class assistant soccer refereeing is characterized by brief intense bouts of forward and sideways running interspersed with long periods of low activity; (2) top-class soccer assistant referees have moderate aerobic energy production during games with episodes of high aerobic and anaerobic energy turnover; (3) assistant referees' performance of repeated sprints correlates with the amount of high-intensity running performed in a game; and (4) sprint performance decreases towards the end of a game, which appears to affect assistant referees' ability to keep up with play.  相似文献   

To determine the movement patterns and physiological demands of top-class soccer assistant referees, we performed computerized time-motion analysis and measured heart rate and blood lactate concentration in 15 assistant referees during 22 competitive matches in the top Danish league. To relate match performance to the physical capability of the assistant referees, they performed a 3 2 30 m sprint protocol before and after matches and a laboratory treadmill test within 3 weeks of the games. The mean total distance covered by the top-class assistant referees was 7.28 (range 5.78-8.16) km, of which 1.15 (0.86-1.44) km was high-intensity running and 1.16 (0.12-2.34) km was sideways running. The amount of high-intensity running during a game was correlated with performance of repeated sprints (r = 0.80, P ? 0.05). Mean heart rate was 137 (117-159) beats · min-1 , corresponding to 73% (60-88%) of maximal heart rate and 65% (53-80%) of maximal oxygen uptake. Blood lactate concentration was 4.7 (1.6-11.0) and 4.8 (1.1-13.7) mmol · l -1 after the first and second half, respectively. Sprinting performance was poorer (P ? 0.05) after than before the games. The peak distance to the offside line was greater (P ? 0.05) in the second than the first half (7 - 1 vs 5 - 0 m). Our results show that: (1) top-class assistant soccer refereeing is characterized by brief intense bouts of forward and sideways running interspersed with long periods of low activity; (2) top-class soccer assistant referees have moderate aerobic energy production during games with episodes of high aerobic and anaerobic energy turnover; (3) assistant referees' performance of repeated sprints correlates with the amount of high-intensity running performed in a game; and (4) sprint performance decreases towards the end of a game, which appears to affect assistant referees' ability to keep up with play.  相似文献   

Current trends suggest professional soccer is becoming less aggressive, with England often argued to have the most aggressive of the top European leagues. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in fouls and cards as indicators of aggressive play in the first divisions of England, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain over the past decade. Number of fouls per match and per yellow card has decreased in all leagues since 2007/08, though attempted tackles per foul has not changed or has increased. A lack of substantial rule changes suggests players have become less aggressive in tackling as opposed to referees becoming more lenient. Total number of fouls and cards per match were consistently lower in the English Premier League, however attempted tackles per foul was higher. The data also demonstrate the notions of home advantage and potentially referee bias, since referees tended to call more fouls and award more cards to away teams. Lastly, number of attempted tackles per foul and yellow cards received exhibited the strongest correlations with final league position across the leagues. In conclusion, our data support that elite European soccer has become less aggressive and the English Premier League is the most aggressive league.  相似文献   

足球比赛中裁判员的角色至关重要,是足球运动不可或缺的组成部分,对足球运动的普及和发展起着不可或缺的作用。贵州省足球运动起步较晚,足球裁判队伍的建设严重不足、存在执法裁判人数较少、素质较低、水平较差等诸多问题,已成为当前阻碍我省足球运动发展的重要因素。文章对贵州省足球裁判队伍的管理现状进行分析,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

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