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专项力量素质是发展体操难度动作的基础,也是高水平体操运动员的核心素质。尤其是少儿女子体操运动员,其力量素质相对较差,专项力量素质薄弱。本文就如何提高少年女子体操运动员专项力量素质进行探讨,为女子少儿体操力量素质的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

多年来,我在从事女子体操普修技术课教学实践中认识到,对球类班高个女生体操普修技术教学,除贯彻体操教学原则之外,还需要采用“因人而异”的教学方法。体育系82级女生篮球专业班19人,平均身高为1.74米,平均体重为130斤。这是我院建院以来,女生篮球专业班中身材高体重最突出的班,其中最高达1.81米。体育系普修女子体操大纲,所规定的动作已接近三级体操运动员等级大纲水平。该班要在两年学习中,完成体操普修课大纲所规定技术、素质要求,是有其相当难度。另外,该班大部分学生从未接受过体操练习,体操基础差。在普修女子体操大纲规定的“手倒立”,除2人能完成,  相似文献   

体操运动员在训练和比赛中,都必须协调地运用自身的力量来完成各种跳跃、支撑、悬垂等动作,可以说力量素质是掌握体操技术的基础,是身体素质中最基本最重要的素质,同时更是训练必不可少的组成部分。根据体操运动的特点和要求,在少儿体操运动员的身体素质训练过程中进行一定的力量素质训练,  相似文献   

本文根据世界体操发展的趋势,结合我国国家体操队的实际情况,在训练工作中,提出了以“力、稳、美、难、新”为目标的“五字”训练方针,并把“力”放在突出的位置,从而促进了我国体操运动员运动能力的提高,为我国体操技术的发展奠定了重要的物质基础。本文对国家体操队近年来关于力量素质训练的情况进行访问、调查、统计,指出了高水平体操运动员需要怎样的力量素质;哪些力量素质是必须的,何时训练为好;又是如何安排和个别对待的等问题进行了探究和论证。我国女子体操队的力量训练在长期的实践中已形成独自的特点,并有一整套的训练方法和手段,针对性强,实效明显。但作为我国女子自由体操项目相对落后的现实,指出了如何克服空翻起跳中“疲”、“软”、“不脆”等问题,并对力量训练提出八点有益的建议。  相似文献   

王丽 《体育世界》2008,(7):47-49
运用文献资料法和分析法,对少儿体操运动员所面临的基础,选材做进一步分析。提出了适合少儿体操力量素质选材的项目。飞速发展的现代竞技体操对运动员自身条件提出了新的要求,要把力量素质放在首位,由于体操规则的不断修改,对体操动作的难度要求越来越高,体操运动员的训练面临着严峻的挑战,在比赛中没有高难、创新动作是很难取得优异成绩的,而发展难度动作,除了科学的训练方法和手段外,关键在于运动员本身要具备发展难度动作的运动能力,由此,力量素质将成为少儿体操运动员选材的焦点。  相似文献   

女子体操运动员下肢肌群力量素质现状与发展对策的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何全面发展和提高女子体操运动员下肢肌群力量素质,并使其在做起跳动作瞬间达到高度同步性发力,已是急待解决的重要课题.为此,本文采用美国产CYBEXⅡ+型等动测力系统对国家集训队的部分女子体操运动员下肢肌群力量素质进行了较为全面的测试,并做了量化分析,旨在为女子体操运动员下肢肌群力量素质训练提供一些理论依据和发展对策。  相似文献   

进入90年代以来,体操动作的难度和复杂性增加,竟争更加激烈.对体操运动员力量素质提出了更高的要求.高度发展力量素质不仅有助于各项目成绩的提高,也可减少慢性损伤的发生,还有利于训练和比赛的心理稳定.可见,有效的力量训练是掌握体操技术的前提与基础.一、力量训练的方式(一)力量练习与专项动作结合体操力量练习中,应尽可能采用在动作结构、肌肉用力方式、时空感觉等方面与专项技术动作比较相似或相同的动作进行训练.也就是说,要结合体操动作,特别是接近比赛的动作,进行反复练习,这除了能使用力的肌肉群一致以外,更主要的是形成正确的动力定型.这种方法有利于转化为完成某一难度动作的能力  相似文献   

我国女子跳马技术现状与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对39、40届世界体操锦标赛,雅典、北京奥运会女子跳马决赛运动员动作的类型、难度、完成质量与成绩关系的研究和对北京奥运会中、美女子跳马相关数据的对比分析,认为中国运动员选用的动作单一,整体难度和完成动作的质量上还与美国队存在差距。提出了转变训练思想、加强基础体能训练并力求创新等对策,如把“以强带弱”改为“以弱促强”;充分利用规则和器械特点找准技术突破口;加强速度和力量素质训练;发展适合我国运动员身体特点的动作,提高动作起评分等。  相似文献   

在体操发展的历史上,体操规则总是对裁判员、教练员、运动员起着导向和制约作用。规则既是裁判员评分的依据,也是教练员创编动作的依据,并很大程度上影响着体操运动的发展方向。每次的奥运周期以后,体操规则为了能适应国际体操运动的变化和发展,都要进行不断地变动、修改和更新,修改后的《1997~2000》年国际体操联合会女子竞技体操规则》将引导女子体操技术朝着“高难、高质、多变、优美”的方向发展,同时对各项动作及创编提出了更高要求,从第1种到第皿种比赛,从创新动作的加分,到连接技术的加分和难度组别要求以及技术动作规格…  相似文献   

文章在文献资料的基础上,从儿童女子体操运动员速度力量训练内涵与外延的基础理论入手,多角度地诠释了速度力量的特殊性。对儿童女子体操运动员速度力量训练特征、体操速度力量训练种类的划分、儿童女子体操生理负荷特征、速度力量训练与动作结构、时间、空间特征进行了研究。总结、归纳、提出了儿童女子体操速度力量训练方法的创新,运用悬吊训练法对体操速度力量训练具有重要的作用。旨在为深入研究儿童女子体操运动员速度力量训练提供有意义的参考意见。  相似文献   

为提高女子少儿体操运动员选材效果 ,科学地制订运动训练计划以及有效地控制训练的过程 ,对山东省连续两年获得女子 6~ 7岁组团体冠军的新泰体操运动学校 8名优秀运动员 ,进行了身体形态、素质、基本技术等因素各指标的测试 ,用因素分析法探讨了各因素对竞技能力的关联程度。结果表明 ,身体形态匀称即四肢长、手大、髋小、肩宽、体重轻等的女子少儿是较理想的体形 ;素质训练过程中 ,应着重注意增强腹背力量、爆发力和上肢力量 (尤其是支撑力量 ) ;基本技术训练过程中 ,应偏重于自由操翻腾技术的训练 ,这样对其他三项的翻腾技术起到正诱导和促进作用 ,能进一步提高竞技能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether any differences exist in the cognitive and behavioural strategies of gymnasts competing at different elite levels. Thirty-eight male gymnasts competing at different competitive levels in an Australian gymnastic championship completed a standardized questionnaire prior to the first day of the competition. The questionnaire focused on a number of psychological factors that may affect both training and competition. Using both t-tests and simple discriminant function analysis, it was revealed that gymnasts competing at different elite levels could be distinguished on the basis of two psychological factors, psychological recovery and self-confidence, as well as the behavioural measure, training hours. Specifically, gymnasts competing at higher elite levels versus those at lower elite levels, were better able to recover from their competitive mistakes, were more confident and trained longer per week.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether any differences exist in the cognitive and behavioural strategies of gymnasts competing at different elite levels. Thirty‐eight male gymnasts competing at different competitive levels in an Australian gymnastic championship completed a standardized questionnaire prior to the first day of the competition. The questionnaire focused on a number of psychological factors that may affect both training and competition. Using both t‐tests and simple discriminant function analysis, it was revealed that gymnasts competing at different elite levels could be distinguished on the basis of two psychological factors, psychological recovery and self‐confidence, as well as the behavioural measure, training hours. Specifically, gymnasts competing at higher elite levels versus those at lower elite levels, were better able to recover from their competitive mistakes, were more confident and trained longer per week.  相似文献   

第37届世界体操锦标赛我国男子团体和全能比赛实力分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对第37届世界体操锦标赛男子团体和个人全能前8名选手的比赛成绩和完成情况进行统计,系统分析中国男子体操队的优势与不足。结果表明,中国男子竞技体操的团体实力处于世界领先地位,跳马、鞍马和双杠项目具有优势,男子全能比赛中国队有冲击金牌的实力,个别项目难度动作连接及完成质量有待提高,心理素质和成套动作的稳定发挥在体操比赛中的作用将越来越重要。  相似文献   

山西省竞技体操现状及发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西省竞技体操从1956年建队至今,为国家队输送过不少优秀运动员,并且取得过较好的成绩。但是,近几年山西省竞技体操发展速度较慢,竞争水平呈下降趋势。针对这一情况,通过收集文献资料、问卷调查、专家访谈和数理统计等方法,对一、二、三线运动员、教练员、场地器材、训练方法及竞赛管理等进行调查研究。认为,只有更新观念,确定发展目标,提高培养后备人才的科学化水平,加强教练员队伍建设,改革完善管理制度,才能推动山西省竞技体操运动的发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate competitive anxiety during balance beam performance in gymnasts. Competitive anxiety was assessed continuously by heart rate monitoring and by retrospective self-report of nervousness in eight female national level gymnasts during their balance beam routine during one competition and two training sessions. A significant negative correlation was found between the score of the retrospective self-report of nervousness and performance during the routine. There were no significant differences in performance score by the judges between the three test sessions. There were also no differences in the retrospective self-report of nervousness. However, heart rate was significantly higher during the competition session than during the training sessions. The potential value of the retrospective report of nervousness for the study of critical events during gymnastic performance is illustrated. The results are discussed in the light of catastrophe theory.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to investigate competitive anxiety during balance beam performance in gymnasts. Competitive anxiety was assessed continuously by heart rate monitoring and by retrospective self-report of nervousness in eight female national level gymnasts during their balance beam routine during one competition and two training sessions. A significant negative correlation was found between the score of the retrospective self-report of nervousness and performance during the routine. There were no significant differences in performance score by the judges between the three test sessions. There were also no differences in the retrospective self-report of nervousness. However, heart rate was significantly higher during the competition session than during the training sessions. The potential value of the retrospective report of nervousness for the study of critical events during gymnastic performance is illustrated. The results are discussed in the light of catastrophe theory.  相似文献   

依据1997年~2000年男子体操新规则精神,对我国男子优秀后备体操运动员与世界级运动员在动作难度和连接加分、动作重复、特殊要求以及成套动作的起评分诸方面进行了对比,并提出相应的训练建议,以期为奥运新周期男子体操训练提供有益的参考  相似文献   

应用生理学与生物化学的检测方法,对国家艺术体操10名一线运动员在第25、26届世界体操锦标赛和第14届亚运会前的大运动量集训期,进行了较为全面的生理、生化指标测试。研究结果表明,我国艺术体操运动员的血红蛋白、血睾酮值偏低,提示,艺术体操运动员在大赛前要加强营养科学膳食;大运动量训练后心率、血压,血尿素、血睾酮、尿蛋白等变化幅度不大,说明运动员尚有一定的负荷潜力。  相似文献   

National and state representative female gymnasts (n = 37), aged initially between 10 and 12 years, completed a mixed longitudinal study over 3.3 years, to investigate the effect of body size on gymnastic performance. Subjects were tested at four-monthly intervals on a battery of measures including structural growth, strength and gymnastic performance. The group were divided into 'high growers' and 'low growers' based on height (> 18 cm or < 14 cm/37 months, respectively) and body mass (> 15 kg or < 12 kg/37 months, respectively) for comparative purposes. Development of gymnastic performance was assessed through generic skills (front and back rotations, a twisting jump and a V-sit action) and a vertical jump for maximum height. The results show that the smaller gymnast, with a high strength to mass ratio, has greater potential for performing skills involving whole-body rotations. Larger gymnasts, while able to produce more power and greater angular momentum, could not match the performance of the smaller ones. The magnitude of growth experienced by the gymnast over this period has a varying effect on performance. While some activities were greatly influenced by rapid increases in whole-body moment of inertia (e.g. back rotation), performance on others like the front rotation and vertical jump, appeared partly immune to the physical and mechanical changes associated with growth.  相似文献   

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