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Leg power is an essential component for success in sports and athletic performance. Therefore, the leg power measurement may help athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and rehabilitation specialists in selecting, treating, and training athletes for a specific sport. Using a conventional 'jump and reach' test, one can accurately predict the leg power and success in anaerobic-type sports. Nineteen untrained male subjects performed 'jump and reach' vertical jumps on a force platform. Power values were calculated from the force versus time data obtained from the force platform. A regression equation was obtained to predict the power values using the weight of an individual and the 'jump and reach' height as independent variables. The regression equation is given by p = -666.3 + 14.74 [Mass (kg)] + 1925.72 [Height (m)]; [R-square = 0.69, p < 0.05].  相似文献   

为分析我国优秀男子跳远优势和不足,采用文献资料法、对比分析法、数理统计法等方法,对中外优秀男子跳远运动员运动参数进行分析,结果表明:(1)我国优秀运动员在腾起初速度、水平速度和起跳时间与国外优秀运动员相比没有显著性差异,表明我国优秀运动员在这三方面运动能力是较强的。(2)我国优秀运动员腾起角度、垂直速度和运动成绩与国外运动员存在显著性差异,我国优秀运动员腾起角度和垂直速度都小于国外运动员可能导致跳远成绩小于国外运动员。(3)我国优秀运动员腾起角与垂直速度都小于国外优秀运动员原因:①是运动员起跳腿缓冲和蹬伸能力不足;②是摆动腿和手臂的摆动速度慢;③是髋关节和骨盆运动原因;④是运动员最后3步积极加速上板意识不足。  相似文献   

采用技术动作录像与分析等研究方法,对中国部分优秀女子跳高运动员起跳摆动技术分别从摆动方式、两臂和摆动腿的空间变化等方面进行运动学分析,旨在改进、完善跳高专项技术,尽快提高中国女子跳高运动技术水平。  相似文献   

常芸 《体育科研》2012,33(4):11-16
运动心脏作为运动员所特有的"高功能,高储备,大心脏"一直被认为是运动员良好体能状态的重要保障,但在运动训练监控中我们发现一些运动员或多或少存在某些心脏结构改变和心律失常现象,往往影响运动员的系统训练和竞技水平的提高,常常困扰着运动员和教练员。运动医学研究也显示,在大运动量训练与反复大强度运动后运动心脏细胞与亚细胞的形态结构与功能代谢发生了某些失代偿性改变,引起运动性心肌微损伤,而且,右心房、右心室及内膜下心肌组织是运动心脏对大运动量训练与反复大强度运动的敏感区域,又称易损部位。尽管目前运动性心肌微损伤现象已为人所知,且运动性心律失常发生也与运动性心肌微损伤有关,但其病因、病理及发病机制尚不十分明了,运动员心肌微损伤与运动性心脏意外的发生很难早期诊断、预测和防治。针对优秀运动员潜在心脏隐患的调研也证实优秀运动员存在较高的心律失常风险,且专项训练年限长的运动员更为常见,一些运动员因此而退赛,甚至退役。运动性心律失常已经成为影响运动员体能、健康以及正常训练比赛的重要原因之一,制约了部分优秀运动员竞技水平和比赛成绩的提高。部分退役运动员留下了永久性的心律失常。本文主要针对运动性心律失常的常见类型以及病理变化与发生机制进行了综述与探讨,并对未来研究前景进行了展望,希望开展运动性心律失常电生和分子病理的研究,规避运动场上心血管意外的发生,保障运动员健康、延长运动寿命。  相似文献   

对中外男子优秀十项全能运动员运动成绩之差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅并整理中外男子优秀十项全能运动员10年来的运动成绩,笔者运用文献资料法、比较研究法、数理统计法,对运动成绩进行对比研究,结果表明我国男子十项全能运动整体水平和个体最好成绩与世界存在一定的差距,根据我国运动员的身体素质和运动技术水平的实际情况,提高我国全能运动整体水平在1 500m、400m和撑杆跳高单项上应加强训练,以提高其耐力素质.全国个人全能记录保持者龚国华在110m栏、100m和跳远单项上应加强速度素质训练,以提高个人运动速度.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法,对我国17名优秀男子铁饼运动员的身体素质、专项能力与运动成绩进行了研究。主要结果与结论:1.身体素质、专项能力与铁运动成绩的回归方程是:铁饼成绩=30.297-0.101*抓举 2.125*立定三级跳远+0.423*原地掷饼。2.身体素质、专项能力对铁饼运动成绩的影响程度及权重依次为;专项能力(56.7%),速度力量(40.1%),最大力量(3.1%)。3.身体素质与专项能力定量分析结果显示,运动员躯干肌群的爆发力与专项能力密切相关,这与专家的定性分析结果相符。4.我国男子铁饼运动员专项能力较差,是影响其运动成绩提高的主要问题。导致这一问题的内在原因,除专项技术上的问题外,在身体素质方面,主要表现为运动员躯干肌群的爆发力水平较低。  相似文献   

收集相关资料并结合训练实践经验,以综述方式对跳远的快速起跳技术进行阐述和分析。发现速度力量即运动员产生爆发力的能力,是跳远运动员应具备的最基本素质之一,同时,跳远是速度与力量紧密结合的运动项目,其成绩的好坏主要是取决于起跳离地瞬间的初速度及腾起角度。  相似文献   

A 30‐s ‘all‐out’ power protocol was studied in four groups of racing cyclists including internationals (n = 8), Category 1 (n = 10), Category 2 (n = 15) and Category 3 (n = 11). Following warm‐up each subject completed five trials interspersed by 3 min of low intensity exercise on an ergowheel racing cycle ergometry system at a power output of 15 W kg–1 body weight, generated at 130 rev min–1. Temporal indices of performance included delay time (DT) to achieve the power criterion, total time (TT) of the maintenance of the power criterion and the ratio of TT/DT. ‘Explosive’ leg strength was assessed from a vertical jump. The results indicated that international and Category 1 cyclists had lower DT (2.2 ± 0.1s and 2.1 +0.0s, respectively; P<0.05), higher TT (28.1 ±0.7s and 27.0+0.7s, respectively; P<0.05) and elevated TT/DT (12.8 and 12.9, respectively; P<0.01). ‘Explosive’ leg strength was also higher (P<0.05) in the internationals than in the other groups of cyclists. The protocol provides a sport‐related method for the assessment of short term endurance performance ability in racing cyclists which may be of value in identifying the anaerobic capability of individual cyclists.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、特尔菲法、运动生物力学测量法和数理统计法,对男子跳远运动员起跳力量训练方法进行定量研究。结果表明:8步助跑跳远、4步助跑5级单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳、起跳腿跳深摸高、起跳腿跳深跳远等5项练习被公认为发展跳远起跳力量的方法;8步助跑跳远、4步助跑单足跳、4步助跑5级跨步跳是与跳远专项非常接近的专项力量训练方法;跳深跳远练习可以促进运动员提高积极着板起跳技术。  相似文献   

Change of direction speed (CODS) underpins performance in a wide range of sports but little is known about how stiffness and asymmetries affect CODS. Eighteen healthy males performed unilateral drop jumps to determine vertical, ankle, knee and hip stiffness, and a CODS test to evaluate left and right leg cutting performance during which ground reaction force data were sampled. A step-wise regression analysis was performed to ascertain the determinants of CODS time. A two-variable regression model explained 63% (R2 = 0.63; P = 0.001) of CODS performance. The model included the mean vertical stiffness and jump height asymmetry determined during the drop jump. Faster athletes (n = 9) exhibited greater vertical stiffness (F = 12.40; P = 0.001) and less asymmetry in drop jump height (F = 6.02; P = 0.026) than slower athletes (n = 9); effect sizes were both “large” in magnitude. Results suggest that overall vertical stiffness and drop jump height asymmetry are the strongest predictors of CODS in a healthy, non-athletic population.  相似文献   

For activities such as squash, badminton and fencing, the ability to quickly complete a lunge and return to the start or move off in another direction is critical for success. Determining which strength qualities are important predictors of lunge performance was the focus of this study. Thirty-one male athletes performed: (1) a unilateral maximal squat (one-repetition maximum, 1-RM) and unilateral jump squat (50% 1-RM) on an instrumented supine squat machine, and (2) a forward lunge while attached to a linear transducer. We performed stepwise multiple regression analysis with lunge performance as the dependent variable and various strength, flexibility and anthropometric measures as the independent variables. From the many strength and power measures calculated, time to peak force was the best single predictor of lunge performance, which accounted for 55% of the explained variance. The best three-variable model for predicting lunge performance accounted for 76-85% of the explained variance. The models differed, however, according to whether lunge performance was expressed relative to body mass (time to peak force, mean power and relative strength = 76%) or taken as an absolute value (time to peak force, leg length and flexibility = 85%). We conclude that one to two trials were reliable for strength diagnosis and that one strength measure cannot accurately explain functional performance because other factors, such as body mass, flexibility and leg length, have diverse effects on the statistical models.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the concurrent validity and test-retest repeatability of torso-worn IMU-derived power and jump height in a counter-movement jump test. Twenty-seven healthy recreationally active males (age, 21.9 [SD 2.0] y, height, 1.76 [0.7] m, mass, 73.7 [10.3] kg) wore an IMU and completed three counter-movement jumps a week apart. A force platform and a 3D motion analysis system were used to concurrently measure the jumps and subsequently derive power and jump height (based on take-off velocity and flight time). The IMU significantly overestimated power (mean difference = 7.3 W/kg; P < 0.001) compared to force-platform-derived power but good correspondence between methods was observed (Intra-class correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.69). IMU-derived power exhibited good reliability (ICC = 0.67). Velocity-derived jump heights exhibited poorer concurrent validity (ICC = 0.72 to 0.78) and repeatability (ICC = 0.68) than flight-time-derived jump heights, which exhibited excellent validity (ICC = 0.93 to 0.96) and reliability (ICC = 0.91). Since jump height and power are closely related, and flight-time-derived jump height exhibits excellent concurrent validity and reliability, flight-time-derived jump height could provide a more desirable measure compared to power when assessing athletic performance in a counter-movement jump with IMUs.  相似文献   

张宇 《冰雪运动》2012,(2):56-59
高水平冰雪项目竞技体育运动员的综合素养水平的高低是影响我国冰雪竞技体育水平的重要因素之一.对高水平冰雪项目竞技体育运动员综合素养进行深入探讨和研究,指出高水平冰雪项目竞技体育运动员的综合素养由政治思想素养、职业道德素养和人文素养等构成;提出进行爱国主义教育,树立正确的人生观、价值观;强化思想道德建设,提高运动员职业道德修养;树立学习意识,全方位提升运动员的人文素养等培养我国高水平冰雪项目竞技体育运动员综合素养的有效途径,为保证运动员拥有良好的竞技状态、延长运动寿命和冰雪竞技体育运动的可持续发展提供有力支持  相似文献   

本研究通过探讨静力性诱导方式下PAP对三级跳远运动员单足跳的运动学影响,分析干预前后摆动腿与起跳腿之间运动学的影响差异。研究方法:选取国家二级三级跳远运动员,以肌肉等长收缩后激活增强效应的诱导方式,1次5秒的超负荷静力性半蹲为干预方式诱导PAP,利用红外高速运动捕捉系统,测力台,采集起跳腿与摆动腿单足跳在不同恢复时间下单足跳高度的、运动学和动力学数据变化特征。研究结果:经过1次超负荷5秒MVIC半蹲的PAP诱导刺激过后,即刻15s时段下显著性极高,起跳腿的增长幅度达到17.52%,摆动腿达到16.35%。研究结论:在PAP诱导刺激过后,有效时段为即刻15s-8min之内,且即刻15s时段到达峰值,主要体现于单足跳高度,峰值地面垂直反作用力,峰值功率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨ACTN3 R577X多态性与青少年运动员爆发力素质及其表型指标的关联性,并检验ACTN3 R577X作为分子标记在青少年运动员科学选材中应用的可行性。方法:选取上海地区青少年业余体校青少年运动员96名,其中男运动员58名,女运动员38名,根据项目特点分为爆发力组和耐力组;利用SNaPshot SNP分型技术对采集的DNA样本进行基因分型。爆发力组运动员进行立定跳远、原地纵跳指标的测试。结果:青少年爆发力组运动员ACTN3 R577X基因型分布与青少年耐力组运动员(x2=7.289,P<0.05)和对照组人群(x2=6.831,P<0.05)均存在显著性差异;青少年爆发力组运动员的ACTN3 R577X等位基因频率与青少年耐力组运动员(x2=7.498,P<0.01)和对照组人群(x2=7.923,P<0.01)均存在显著性差异。在青少年爆发力组男、女运动员中,RR、RX基因型运动员的立定跳远和原地纵跳成绩都要显著性高于XX基因型的运动员(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论 ACTN3基因 R577X多态性与上海地区青少年运动员爆发力素质存在关联,ACTN3基因 R577X多态性与立定跳远、原地纵跳等爆发力素质表型指标存在关联,ACTN3 基因R577X多态性可以作为青少年速度力量型运动员选材的分子标记。  相似文献   

Benefits of bilateral practice both for the non-dominant and for the dominant body side have been shown in several studies. Thereby, most of the studies included movement tasks of the upper extremity or investigated sports games in which the ability of acting bilaterally is an essential basis for success and, thus, a bilateral practice is reasonable anyway. Individual unilaterally performed sports including movement tasks of the lower extremity are rarely investigated. Therefore, the aim of our study was to test if contralateral transfer due to bilateral practice can be found in an unilaterally performed sport including the lower extremity. We trained and tested 61 adolescent athletes in long jump to compare the jumping performance of the dominant leg after a 12-week practice period between two groups: a bilateral practice group that practiced specific long jump exercises with both the dominant and non-dominant leg and an unilateral practice group that practiced specific long jump exercises only with the dominant leg. Results showed a superior effect of bilateral practice compared to unilateral practice regarding the jumping performance of the dominant leg. The performance increase at post-test and retention-test for the dominant limb was significantly higher for the bilateral practice group (pre-to-post: 5.2%, pre-to-retention: 7.4%) compared to the unilateral practice group (pre-to-post: 3.4%, pre-to-retention: 4.5%). Thus, bilateral practice should be established in the early practice programmes of track and field athletes to improve the performance of the dominant take-off leg.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of two long jump tasks and their ability to predict 10 m sprint performance in elite adolescent female athletes. Eight junior national-level female track and field athletes completed three standing (SLJ) and reactive long jumps (RLJ) on portable force plates, followed by three 10 m sprints. Intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) and coefficients of variation (CV) were calculated to examine reliability. Linear regression results identified the best predictor of average and best 10 m sprint time from the jump kinematic and kinetic measures. The ICCs and CVs indicated good reliability for the majority of kinetic measures however, better reliability was reported for the SLJ. The SLJ was a good predictor of best and average 10 m sprint time, with average horizontal power the best predictor of performance (best; R2 = 0.751, p = 0.003, Standard Error of Estimate (SEE)% = 2.2 average; R2 = 0.708, p = 0.005, SEE% = 2.5).  相似文献   

Coaches and athletes have been increasingly inundated with power related ‘truths’ about their bodies, health and performance as they construct their subjectivities. Over the last couple of decades in New Zealand, schools have initiated elite athlete programmes (EAPs) for a select few students based primarily on their athletic ability and fitness levels. Drawing on Gore's techniques of power, my study investigated how healthism and the cult of the body discourses were (re)produced, negotiated and resisted by coaches and elite athletes and how body pedagogies defined and shaped bodies in two high school EAPs. My analysis suggested that ‘toned and fit’ bodies signified responsible athletes compared to ‘fat’ bodies and that elite athletes disciplined their bodies to overcome pain to remain productive. In both EAPs, power circulated at the micro-level of pedagogical practice to normalise and monitor the athletes’ diet, body weight and shape, and reinforced tensions between prudentialism and hedonism.  相似文献   

文章运用实验法分析我国青年男篮运动员身体形态、素质与运动技术的相关性,建立线性回归方程,为优秀篮球运动员的选材提供参考。结果显示,我国青年男篮运动员整体状况一般,但处于生长发育期,仍有发展空间;克托莱指数与身高、体重、伸臂高均呈正相关,而体质指数与体重显著相关,与身高无线性关系;伸臂高与运动技术水平正相关,身高、体重与三角移动负相关,与下肢爆发力、力量素质及速度素质正相关,纵跳、摸高与伸臂高正相关,而与投篮、运球、脚步移动等技术呈负相关,且大部分运动技术与身体素质间无线性相关。  相似文献   

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