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关于测验频率对学习效果的影响,人们已经就好几个方面的题材进行了研究。其中大量的研究认为,学生成绩的提高是测验次数增加的结果。作为最早的研究者之一,特利(1931)曾经断定,测验频率影响着学生的学习成绩。特利发现,在某学院的一个心理学班  相似文献   

测验法是运用测验对幼儿的发展与教育进行数量化的测定,然后将测定的数据与一定的标准加以比较,从而确定幼儿的发展水平或学习成绩。测验的类型很多,根据测验的性质划分,有人格测验、智能测验、兴趣测验、能力倾向测验、学习成绩测验等;根据测验实施的对象划分,有个别测验和团体测验两种。尽管测验种类繁多,但在教育研究中,用得较多的主要是智能测验和学习成绩测验。智能测验用来测量幼儿智能发展水平,一般采用个别测验的方式实施。这种测验由有关专家编制,  相似文献   

教育研究的过程中常常需要了解评价学生的学习成绩或智能发展水平,为此需要设计一些专门的测验来收集研究资料。测验所涉及的理论及实践问题很多,不可能在这里一一介绍。有兴趣的教师可另行阅读教育测量学的专著,如桑代克等著、叶佩华等译的《心理与教育的测量和评价》。这里只准备介绍测验的基本方法。一、两种常用的测验教育研究中常用的测验有两种:一种为成绩测验,一种为学能(智力)测验。成绩测验的目的在于了解或评价学生的学业情况,主要是对知识的记忆、理  相似文献   

教育研究的过程中常常需要了解评价学生的学习成绩或智能发展水平,为此需要设计一些专门的测验来收集研究资料。测验所涉及的理论及实践问题很多,不可能在这里一一介绍。有兴趣的教师可另行阅读教育测量学的专著,如桑代克等著、叶佩华等译的《心理与教育的测量和评价》。这里只准备介绍测验的基本方法。一、两种常用的测验教育研究中常用的测验有两种:一种为成绩测验,一种为学能(智力)测验。成绩测验的目的在于了解或评价学生的学业情况,主要是对知识的记忆、理  相似文献   

本文应用数据挖掘软件Weka,对北京大学2015年在Coursera平台上线的一门课程中学员的网上学习行为数据进行了相关分析。对全体学员和有学习成绩的学员的学习行为分析结果均表明:学员的学习成绩与课程网页浏览次数、平时测验总成绩、论坛发帖数、论坛回帖得票呈正相关关系。对无学习成绩的学员学习行为分析结果表明:他们的论坛讨论参与度不高,不重视平时测验。出现这个现象的原因可能是他们不关注考试成绩和证书,只关注学习过程。基于以上数据挖掘结果,为了取得较好的教学效果,我们建议MOOC课程应该积极引导学生参与论坛的发帖,重视课程网页和课件的设计,同时可考虑改进平时测验的内容和方式,关注学习者的需求,以便引起学员注意,让学员积极主动地完成测验。  相似文献   

数学测验历来是检验学生学习成绩的主要渠道和有效途径.对数学测验的评价主要包括两个方面:一是对学生测验成绩准确性的评价,二是对测验成绩的解释,也即以测验结果为基础,对学生学习状况的评价.对主观问题解答的评价要做到客观化和解答过程标准精细化与全面化.通过测验分数对学生学习状况评价的实质是对学生测试成绩的解释,包括两个侧面:学生对知识的掌握情况和学生在一定范围内的位置.  相似文献   

所谓“三点”,是指教材内容的重点、难点和弱点。“三点”教学是教学的精髓,它体现教师的教学思想,反映教师的教学水平,决定教学效果的好坏,影响学生学习成绩的优劣。它贯穿于整个教学过程之中,包括在上课、实验、布置作业及检查测验等教学环节中。“三点”之间,既有区别,又有联系。突出重点,是为了达到教学目的而采取的教学  相似文献   

教师采取什么方式去考核学生学习文化知识的成绩,这关系着学生的学习和教师的教学,特别值得我们重视和研究。考核学生学习成绩的方式有哪一些?通常有两种方式。一是利用做文章的考试(theessay examination)方式来进行,一是利用简短回答的测验(the short—answertest)方式来进行。所谓做文章的考试就是指学生用一整句或一系列句子来回答试题的考试,即通常所谓的考试,这是大家所熟悉的。所谓简短回答的测验,就是指学生用一  相似文献   

"升学与就业指导测验"是教育部考试中心推出的针对高中阶段学生设计的一种心理测验。本测验通过心理测评手段对学生兴趣和能力倾向进行测查,帮助学生更加清楚地了解自己的兴趣爱好和具体的职业能力倾向,并对学生适合的专业和职业提出参考意见。学生可以根据测验结果报告结合自己的学习成绩,参考测验提供的相关信息,选择自己最感兴趣、最合适发展的专业。  相似文献   

教学测验是用来鉴别教学效果、学生知识水平和学习能力的一种手段,数字化教学测验则是借助于教学测验软件而进行的教学测验,是将信息技术和教学测验相结合、教学和技术相结合、应日常教学需要的一种信息化教学手段和教学支持工具。本文从数字化教学测验的作用机理、实施应用、效果等方面对数字化教学测验进行探讨,并总结了数字化教学测验在教学中实际操作的经验体会、策略建议。  相似文献   

成人英语课堂管理模式在成人英语教学中占有重要的一席之地,它直接影响学习者的学习能力和学习效果。传统的成人英语课堂管理模式已经不适应时代的要求。要将英语课堂作为一个培养高素质人才的阵地,最大限度地利用有限的空间和时间,为语言学习创造好氛围,有必要更新成人英语教学理念,改变成人英语教学模式,重新审视成人英语教师的角色定位。  相似文献   

In this paper I begin by outlining the key characteristics of a view of learning that has been pre‐eminent in the past 30 years in the United Kingdom. The focus of this discourse has been less upon understanding the processes and practices of learning as a complex process and more upon improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the curriculum and of teaching to meet taken‐for‐granted needs. Making use of two case studies, I exemplify a connective approach, as a transaction with the environment, which acknowledges both the contextual and incremental character of knowledge‐making, and the interplay between different cultural factors and influences, including discourse and identity, that play‐upon learning. This recognises the importance of all the different learning opportunities available to young people while lending support to claims for approaches to both the design of the curriculum and teaching that allow young people to learn in formal and informal contexts.  相似文献   

"Backwash"refers to the influence of language tests on language teaching and learning.Researchers have conducted a vast number of theoretical and empirical researches on test backwash.The NMET has a significant effect on senior English teaching and learning.The author discusses NMET with the writing part of it as the focus.The purpose of this thesis is to figure out how the NMET affects senior English teaching and learning.  相似文献   

我国大学生学情状态与影响机制的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用整群分层抽样的方法,使用自编量表对全国23个省、直辖市和自治区52所高校的92122名大学生进行学习观、课堂体验、学习方式和学习收获的调查。结果显示:我国大学生的学习观、课堂体验、学习方式和学习收获偏正面,但还存在着许多需要进一步改善的地方。大学生的学习观和课堂体验既直接影响学习收获,也通过学习方式间接影响到学习收获。学习观、课堂体验和学习方式对学习收获的影响在不同类型高校中存在差异。根据大学生学习情况调查与指标结构分析的结果,提出如下对策与建议:转变大学生学习观和学习方式,强化大学生的多维学习体验;进一步提升教师的教学能力,促进大学生多维途径的互动;深化高等学校课程教学改革,全面提高大学生的学习成效;实行分类管理,形成高校各自的办学理念和风格;建立全国高等学校分类教学质量评估系统,持续实施国家大学生分类教学质量监测。  相似文献   

Within US teacher preparation programs, critical pedagogy and a desire for social change can lead teacher educators to prioritize transformation of prospective teachers’ beliefs through self-reflection. In pursuit of effective critical pedagogies, teacher educators also need to examine their own practices and beliefs. This self-study, a manifestation of teaching as inquiry, reframes evaluations of teaching away from what students do toward what teachers do. Here I undertake a reflexive examination of my own recursive practice as a teacher educator in children’s literature. Drawing upon a complex notion of teaching and learning, I argue that student learning outcomes are unpredictable, and as a result, successful teacher education should model self-inquiry as a vital part of teaching. Findings show that teaching choices (and omissions) in response to students’ responses led to unintended outcomes that undermined my motivations. I conclude that teacher educators’ self-inquiry and reflection in broader social contexts offers access to critical ways of thinking that underlie their work toward developing similar capacities among their prospective teacher students.  相似文献   

This article takes as its focus the “and” in discourses of teaching and learning. Drawing upon the work of Deleuze and Guattari, I argue that the “and” signifies a complex, sticky relationship between teaching and learning, and that we can radicalise our conception of “and” to bring forward a range of different discourses. The argument suggests that those critiques of discourses of teaching and learning which argue for an alternative discourse of pedagogy can be supplemented by the radicalising of the “and”. I am therefore proposing the possibility for different forms of immanent and transcendental critique in relation to contemporary debates about teaching and learning. And that there is significance in the apparently insignificant?…
In real life people fumble their words and stare blankly off into space and don't listen properly to what people say. I find that kind of speech fascinating but it seems writers never write dialogue like that because it doesn't look good on the page. (Christopher Guest, Theatre Director)  相似文献   

为研究午睡对大学生午后学习效率的影响,选择26名在校大学生进行自身前后对照研究。结合正常教学工作,安排两次实验教学,每次4节实验课。第一次为不午睡,稍作休息后上课。两周后,进行第二次午睡后实验教学。在每次课程结束前,临时通知学生进行图片结构辨认测试,并安排5min时间专业英语词汇记忆测试。结果显示午睡后的图片结构辨认成绩明显好于未午睡时(P=0.01),午睡后的专业英语词汇记忆成绩与未午睡时无明显差异(P〉0.05)。说明午睡能够对午后的学习效率产生影响,但是对于任务简单、时间较短的学习无明显影响。  相似文献   

The unity of teaching, learning, and doing is our school's instructional policy. Our school's foundation stands upon this slogan, and there is no task more important than making this slogan crystal clear. But, strangely enough, I never gave a speech about this theme in my school, and my comrades never expressed serious questions about the slogan. Everyone seemingly believed this to be the daily diet at Hsiao-chuang School, and there was no point in wasting breath discussing it. But recently I ran across two things which made me feel that among our comrades there were some who really did not understand the meaning of our instructional policy. One occurred when I saw one instructor's notes. His activities were divided into three phases, called the teaching phase, the learning phase, and the doing phase. This is the separation of teaching, learning, and doing, not the unity of teaching, learning, and doing. The second occurred when I read an article by a colleague on Hsiaochuang School in Notes on Rural Education [Hsiang-chiao tzuhsün]. In it he says, "The extracurricular activities at Hsiaochuang School are the teaching, learning, and doing of agriculture." But, there is no term "extracurricular activities" in the dictionary of the school that unifies teaching, learning, and doing. "Extracurricular activities" is a declaration that life is divorced from curriculum and that teaching, learning, and doing are divorced from one another. This spring Mr. Shen Hung started an education unit for movie performers. On the enrollment announcement it said they used the "teaching," 'learning," and "doing" methods. When I saw the announcement, I felt that Mr. Hung had not completely understood the unity of teaching, learning, and doing. If he had really understood, he certainly would have written the "teaching, learning, and doing" method and certainly would not have written the "teaching," 'learning," and "doing" methods. His misunderstanding is of the same sort as the two misunderstandings mentioned above. Having experienced these two reminders in succession, I felt that unless I talked this matter over thoroughly with everyone beginning with the fundamentals, there might be a really great misunderstanding. If there is misunderstanding in thought, contradictions will inevitably arise when applying the thought. Therefore, it is imperative to discuss this matter at least once. When I came back to the country and saw that teachers here just concerned themselves with teaching and students just concerned themselves with receiving teaching, I knew for sure that there was need for reform. This situation was worse in the universities. The instructors were called professors [literally, transmitters of teaching], and everyone thought that to be called "professor" was an honor. Their methods were called pedagogy [literally, teaching transmission methods]. It was as if they were using knowledge as a rescue operation. It was at that time that I proposed replacing "teaching transmission" with "teaching and learning." At the Nanking Upper-Level Normal School discussion meeting on educational affairs, I stood at the podium for two hours but could not get it passed, and, as a result, I did not get the title Chairman of Educational Curriculum. But, in 1919, in response to an article in Shih Pao [a Shanghai newspaper] by Chiang Monlin, a leader of the new educational tide, I wrote an article on the unity of teaching and learning, advocating that teaching methods ought to be based on learning methods. At this time, the head of education in Soochow approved the use of the teaching-learning method. After the May Fourth Movement, our colleagues at Nanking Upper-Level Normal School became incomparably stronger, so I changed all of the "teaching methods" in the curriculum to "teaching-learning methods." This was the beginning of putting the unity of teaching and learning into practice. Later, when the new education system was promulgated, I went one step further and proposed that as things are done, so they are learned, and as they are learned, so they are taught. Therefore, teaching methods should be based on learning methods and learning methods on doing methods.  相似文献   

过去二十来年,语言测试反拨效应研究成果可观。理论研究涉及测试影响的属性、范围、层面和运行机制,还涉及其强度、长度、具体性、意图与性质,为实证研究提供了操作框架。实证研究反过来验证理论,主要发现有:反拨效应体现在教学的各个环节和层面,如教学内容、方法、教材编写等,正面负面影响兼而有之。相比之下,测试对学习效果的影响研究不多,两者之间的关系有待探明。此外,反拨效应的一些理论模型仍有欠缺,尚需完善,以增强解释力。  相似文献   

Teaching is a complex practice that requires teachers to draw upon their content knowledge, pedagogical approaches and strategies, and knowledge about learners in order to support learning. Integrating technology into the teaching and learning practice of a classroom is a strategy that many teachers are drawing upon. This article reports on the initial findings on information communication technology (ICT) implementation in Kenyan secondary schools and discusses factors affecting effective technology integration. The study used questionnaire and classroom observation data to examine what types of ICTs for education are available in secondary schools in Kenya and what training teachers have had in using ICTs for education; teachers’ perspectives regarding the role of ICT in teaching and learning; and what factors might influence ICT integration in teaching and learning in public secondary schools in Kenya. The study found that while few teachers are integrating ICT into their teaching and learning, many teachers are implementing ICT in their teaching.  相似文献   

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