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我国网络教育资源的共建机制及其运作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、建立网络教育资源共建机制的社会背景“网络教育”是“现代远程教育”的别称。德国著名学者奥托·彼德斯指出,“在远程教育中,教学是高度工业化的,学习也是高度工业化的”。这种工业化不仅要求网络教育资源能够像其他产品一样消费,而且能够像其他产品一样生产。显然,与一所高校单枪匹马打造资源相比,共建有助于资源的标准化和产业化。在此理念引导下,美国由全美53所知名高等学校提供所有课程,造就了“没有教师的大学”——美国国家技术大学(NTU)。我国网络教育目前采用“教育部→试点高校→网络教育学院→依托单位→校外教学中心(点)…  相似文献   

一、国外远程高等教育的管理体制远程教育的管理体制一般与本国的教育管理体制相适应,包括它的层次结构和组织形式,它既要适应远程教育自身的特点,又要符合各国的国情,各国远程高等教育在发展过程中逐渐形成一定的体系,这一体系主要有经政府批准独立设置的远程开放大学和各级各类公立或私立高等院校附属远程教育学院或机构。在具体实施教育的管理体制上,一般分为中央集权制、地方分权制和中央与地方合作制等三种类型。下面对远程教育较发达的英国、加拿大、日本等国独立设置远程大学及国外有关高等院校远程教育的管理体制作简要阐述。  相似文献   

远程教育的管理体制一般与本国的教育管理体制相适应,包括它的层次结构和组织形式,它既要适应远程教育自身的特点,又要符合各国的国情,各国远程高等教育在发展过程中逐渐形成一定的体系,这一体系主要有经政府批准独立设置的远程开放大学和各级各类公立或私立高等院校附属远程教育学院或机械,在具体实施教育的管理体制上,一般分为中央集权制、地方分权制和中央与地方合作制等三种类型,下面对远程教育较发达的英国、加拿大、日本等国独立设置远程大学及国外有关高等院校远程教育的管理体制作简要阐述。  相似文献   

现代远程高等教育教学模式的实践与探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本世纪80年代以来,由于以信息技术为核心的高科技的快速发展及其产业化进程的加速,人类社会开始步入知识经济时代,教育的社会需求激增,教育的学历层次要求提高,终身教育和终身学习理念已为人们广泛接受。同时,为适应社会需求,以现代信息技术为主要教育手段的现代远程教育迅速兴起,形成热潮。目前世界上独立建制的远程大学有近200所,其中在校生数超过10万的巨型远程大学有11所。普通高校、企业、公司等开展远程教育的积极性与日俱增。英国、加拿大、瑞士、美国等许多国家的多数普通高校都提供远程教育课程。远程教  相似文献   

美国国家技术大学(National Technological University——NTU),是一所利用卫星电视系统面向全美国开展工程师继续教育,为在职专业人员提供硕士学位的远距离大学,1984年建于科罗拉多州。通过Ku波段卫星系统的两个频道,向全美50多家大公司企业的近百个接收地区,传送来自24所美国著名理工科大学(它们都是美国利用媒体进行工程师继续教育协会的成员)的455门课程(1987—1988学年),卫星播课计7000多小时。开设课程的学科领  相似文献   

周霖 《世界教育信息》2002,(4):26-28,25
一、远程教育在美国发展很快美国的远程教育起步于20世纪80年代初,具有起步早、应用广泛、注重实用性且效率较高等特点。随着科学技术的发展,特别是卫星技术、数字通讯技术和因特网的广泛应用,更加推进了这项事业的迅速发展。美国的远程教育机构即 NTU(NationalTechnological University,可译为国际科技大学),成立于1984年,它是一个非营利的私营机  相似文献   

国内外远程开放教育质量保证研究概述   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
本文通过收集近年来国内外远程教育文献,分析远程开放教育质量保证体系的研究现状、主题和发展趋势。国外文献资料主要来自英国开放大学出版的“开放学习”杂志、澳大利亚南昆士兰大学远程教育中心出版的“远程教育”杂志、美国滨洲大学教育学院远程教育研究中心出版的“美国远程教育杂志”,以及国际远程教育协会网络资源库的电子资源。中文文献主要来自“中国远程教育”“中国电化教育”“开放教育研究”“现代远距离教育”等刊物发表的论文。  相似文献   

创办利用广播电视等现代教育手段,进行远程开放教育的广播电视大学,是邓小平二十二年前亲自作出的一个重要决策。原国家教委曾作过明确规定,电大是“进行远距离教学的开放性高等学校”,“现代远距离教育的开放大学”。著名远程教育专家、爱尔兰远程教育研究和应用中心主任德斯蒙德·基更博士认为:“在进入第三千纪时,两种远程教育结构:法国国家远程教育中心(CNED)和中国的广播电视大学……这两种模式有重大价值”,“在分析远程教育时不论及世界上最大系统是不科学的”。“在国家实施现代远程教育工程”,形成开放式教育网络,构建终身学习体系的进程中,电大系统应是现代远程教育的主力军。  相似文献   

随着美国远程教育课程的不断增多,学习的人数也不断增长.美国教育局教育技术办公室(OETDE)做了"公立中小学远程教育课程"的调查报告,报告通过收集、分析多方面数据,揭示了美国公立中小学远程教育课程的现状.远程教育课程在公立学校里盛行;远程教育的课程文科较受欢迎;大中地区更热衷于在线远程教育课程;较小学区及农村地区学生更倾向于远程教育中的AP课程或大学水平课程.美国公立中小学远程教育课程的成就和经验为我国发展远程教育提供了有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

开放大学学习支持系统的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当“终身教育”的观念越来越为社会大众所接受时,我们所面临的问题是如何满足人们日益高涨的教育需求。素来以“面广量大”为特色的远程教育发挥了积极的作用。如何利用现代通信手段和教学媒体为广大接受远程教育的学生提供高质量、个性化的学习支持成为大家所关注的一个问题。本文主要采用比较研究的方法对上海电视大学和世界上其它三所知名开放大学的学习支持系统进行了比较,指出了开放大学在学习支持系统建设上存在的问题,这一研究对我国远程开放大学学习支持系统的建设具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This study investigates possible relationships among motivational and learning variables (interest, self‐efficacy and self‐regulation) and three types of student engagement (behavioural engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement) in a distance education setting. Participants were 203 students enrolled in online classes in the fall semester of 2008 in the Schools of Gerontology and Engineering at a large research university in the south‐western USA, who completed an online survey assessing their levels of situational interest, computer self‐efficacy, self‐regulation and engagement in distance education. Situational interest and self‐regulation were found to be significantly correlated with three types of engagement (behavioural, emotional and cognitive), while computer self‐efficacy did not appear to be associated with any of those engagement variables. Results suggested that online activities and tools such as multimedia and discussion boards may increase emotional engagement in online learning, although they do not necessarily increase behavioural or cognitive engagement, that educators should identify students who are taking online courses for the first time and provide necessary technical help to increase their emotional engagement, and that it is important for educators to offer students strategies for increasing their self‐regulation in distance education environments.  相似文献   

本以石油企业电大为对象,分析了电大开发远程教育的优势。企业电大开发现代远程开放教育应以企业需求为目的,制订教学计划应突出实践技能的培养,教学中应着重完善质量控制方法。  相似文献   

A contemporaneous system of teaching university graduates is not able to prove, in practice, that the adaptation process has a positive influence on graduates. Analysis of such problems serves as a way to arrange a new education course oriented to robotics at the Department of Industrial Robotics, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Technical university in Kosice. The new course, proved by 3 years of practice, results from closer binding with professional practice providing pedagogical teaching in the preparation process of graduates. The model is derived from manufacturing, engineering, and technologists modification (introduced in the USA around 1985) in our present teaching process conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents how 'teaching and learning with technologies' may improve academic education and corporate training for engineering sciences. It particularly details examples of web-based learning tools for control and open distance learning experiments developed at the Grenoble National Polytechnic Institute (INPG, France). The paper describes the observed improvements brought by information and communication technologies in the academic context at different levels: the academic institution, the teacher and finally the user. Then it presents four significant approaches to web-based learning developed at the INPG. The first three approaches are intended to enrich and complete the traditional face-to-face teaching and learning in control with highly interactive, self-learning tools, including hypertext, exercise bases, simulations, and virtual and remote laboratories. The fourth approach is seen as a substitution for traditional face-toface teaching and learning, providing open distance learning in the context of continuing education. The benefits and limits of the four approaches are discussed. Prospective developments in university teacher status and staff evolution are explored and the role of university in the international context is discussed in a generic context. Finally, advantages of distance learning for industry are presented. Benefits of e.learning are shown from the point of view of the individual and the company.  相似文献   

大学语文课程担负着培养青年学生语言文化素质的重任,然而目前却面临日趋边缘化的困境.教学体制带来的无奈、社会环境的影响、教材不适应教学需要、教学方法模式化等是当前大学语文教育边缘化的原因.要从培养学生全面能力的角度,从实际情况出发,积极创造条件,推行教育改革:变革教学体制、营造重母语的环境、更新语文教材内容、改革语文教学方法,让大学生进一步掌握丰富的语文知识,提高他们对祖国优秀文化、文学精品的鉴赏水平和审美表达能力,培养他们的人文精神和高尚的品德,激发他们的爱国热情和创新精神.  相似文献   

远程教育机构知识管理的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用文献研究和调查研究方法,利用知识管理的基本原理和方法,对远程教育机构、普通教育机构和企业的开办宗旨、利润追求和运作目标进行比较,对远程教育机构知识管理的目标、意义、特点、任务及现状进行了梳理和分析,明确了其知识管理具体活动,总结出了我国远程教育机构知识管理的现实情况。  相似文献   

Some of the biggest debtors in the twenty-first century are not small business owners or first-time homeowners, but rather university students who take out massive debt in the belief that it is an investment in their future. Like housing loans before the Global Financial Crisis, student loan debt is today being packaged and re-packaged into exotic financial products called Student Loan Asset Backed Securities (SLABS). This article details the financialisation of higher education and the emergence of SLABS, primarily through a case study of Pine Capital, a wealth management company, that has successfully shorted the market. Using investment reports and Federal Reserve data from the USA, the article outlines the misaligned incentives and miscalculation of risk that allowed Pine Capital to profit. The article then argues that those who are shorting the education market reveal not only an investment opportunity but also a fundamental challenge to the commonplace thinking about education today: higher education is teaching future generations the practices of debt peonage, a key feature of financial capitalism.  相似文献   

Motivators and Inhibitors for University Faculty in Distance and e-learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reports on four United States studies of how rewards systems, extrinsic and intrinsic, could play an important role in providing incentives for university faculty to teach (or remain teaching) electronic and distance education courses. The first three studies conducted prior to 2003 reported faculty were inherently motivated to teach e-learning and distance education. The fourth study in 2003 reported key findings that differed from the earlier studies. Using a principal components analysis, the researchers found nine indicators of motivation to participate or not participate in electronic or distance education. The implications from the fourth study indicated that, while faculty members were inherently committed to helping students, faculty members wanted their basic physiological needs met by university administration through extrinsic motivators, such as salary increases and course releases.  相似文献   

Curriculum planning for the development of graphicacy capability has not been systematically included in general education to coincide with the graphicacy needs of human society. In higher education, graphicacy curricula have been developed to meet the needs of certain disciplines, for example medical and teacher training and engineering, among others. A framework for graphicacy curricula, anticipating the graphicacy needs in higher education, has yet to be strategically planned for general education. This is partly a result of lack of research effort in this area, but also a result of lack of systematic curriculum planning in general. This paper discusses these issues in the context of graphicacy curricula for engineering. The paper presents three broad individual case studies spanning Europe and the USA, brought together by the common denominator, graphicacy. The case studies are based on: an analysis of graphicacy within general education curricula, an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in Europe and an analysis of graphicacy for engineering education in the USA. These three papers were originally presented in a plenary session at the American Society for Engineering Education, Engineering Design Graphics Division at the University of Limerick in November 2012. The case studies demonstrate the potential for strategic curriculum planning in regard to the development of graphicacy in general education and an overview of a methodology to achieve that. It also offers further evidence towards the importance of the systematic classification of graphics capabilities in Engineering and how the lack of a developed theoretical framework in this area undermines the case for the importance of graphics within engineering education.  相似文献   

电大远程开放教育会计学专业旨在培养系统掌握会计专业理论和实践操作技能的高素质应用型人才,而实践教学是应用型人才培养目标得以实现的重要环节。但在电大电算化会计课程教学中,实践教学仍未得到充分重视,仍存在诸多问题。本文针对存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

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