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在计算机教学中学生知识和能力的迁移是一个极其重要环节,也是每个教师在每个知识点的教学中努力追求的。本文认为,在中职计算机应用基础课程教学中运用迁移教学法,可以从培养学习学期增强学习动机、强化对知识的理解与运用、加强学生迁移心向的培养等方面入手。  相似文献   

近年来,网络课程数量迅速增长,但质量令人担忧.我国现有的网络课程设计更多地考虑了网络课程的宏观方面,例如结构、模式、平台设计,在微观教学策略设计方面的研究还存在较大差距,网络课程的教学性尚有欠缺.文章着眼于教育界备受关注的“学习迁移”问题,由迁移产生的内在机制——“清晰辨别”入手探析网络课程中促进迁移的教学策略,提出促进清晰辨别的5项微观策略,即概括可用情境策略、发现学习策略、及时练习策略、多情境应用策略、改错策略,结合实际设计的一门“新编大学英语”课程实例进行了解释和说明.  相似文献   

以往的网络课程研究囿于对媒体呈现方式的研究,而((PhotoShop图像处理》网络课程的教学研究认为,有效的网络课程首先应该注意它的内容组织方式。研究以迁移学习论为指导,从学生迁移能力培养的角度,探索网络课程学习方式下的呈现方式,总结出支架式、抛锚式、随机进入式等多种促进学习迁移的网络课程内容组织方式并给出实例。  相似文献   

迁移机制及其对教学实践的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用现代认知心理学最新研究成果,深入剖析了迁移的机制,认为迁移的产生与编码,组织,辩别,心向有密切关系。在此基础上,提出了教学实践中实现“为迁移而教”应该注意的有关问题。  相似文献   

研究地理知识共同要素迁移的策略,会有效提高学生对新旧地理知识的认知。对此,本文从四个角度进行了有益的探讨,一是激发学生的迁移心向,二是类化地理规律,三是合理安排教学内容,四是以类比教学促进知识的迁移。  相似文献   

研究地理知识共同要素迁移的策略,会有效提高学生对新旧地理知识的认知。对此,本文从四个角度进行了有益的探讨,一是激发学生的迁移心向,二是类化地理规律,三是合理安排教学内容,四是以类比教学促进知识的迁移。  相似文献   

近年来,网络课程的数量迅猛增长,形成了相当的规模,但也存在着一些亟待解决的问题,其中,网络课程教学设计严重不足是当前日益受到关注的问题,特别是在微观教学策略的研究方面存在较大的缺失,影响着网络课程的教学质量.本文针对网络课程中"促进迁移的教学策略"的设计问题,从认知迁移理论出发,由迁移产生的内在机制--"合理组织"入手探析网络课程中促进迁移的教学策略,提出促进知识合理组织的6项微观策略,即提炼内核策略、替换策略、变式策略、比较策略、正反例策略、过度学习策略,辅之以"新编大学英语"课程实例进行了解释和说明.  相似文献   

一、教育游戏促进学习迁移的因素分析 教育游戏通过优化学习者的认知结构、心向,促进元认知的形成以及虚拟各种接近现实的学习情境.影响学习者在学习新知识、解决新问题时提取已有知识经验的速度和准确性,从而影响迁移的发生。  相似文献   

通过加强基础知识教学,发展学生的概括能力,发挥学生的主导作用,培养学生科学的学习心向,注重智力因素因材施教,为学生创造良好的条件等方面论述了知识迁移的过程.  相似文献   

迁移能力的培养受到学生认知结构和学习心向等因素的影响。积极的化学迁移能力有利于学生对学科知识的掌握、实践能力的提升、创新思维的培养和学科素养的提高。  相似文献   

在线课程的价值取向指引着课程建设的目标、内容、教学策略及评价,正确把握智能化时代开放大学在线课程的价值取向有利于提高开放大学的课程开发成效和人才培养的质量。立足智能化时代的知识观,提出开放大学在线课程的价值取向在于联通与融合,满足社会及学习者的需求,旨归在于培养成人学习者适应社会的职业能力、基于社群的联通能力以及面向未来的终身学习能力,转变对学习者的认知、变革在线课程开发模式以及创新技术支持是价值取向实现的路径。期望为开放大学在线课程的理论研究与实践提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

科学规范的教学质量认定标准,是高校在线开放课程引进的重要保障。该文从构建高校在线开放课程教学质量标准入手,按照"高校在线开放课程教学质量标准-高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准"的思维逻辑,以国家精品在线开放课程认定相关文件要求及影响课程引进的外部约束因素为依据,构建了包含"6+X"个维度、13个通用指标、"7+Y"个专属指标的高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准,研究表明,该标准具有较好的结构效度与内部一致性。最后阐述了基于高校在线开放课程教学质量认定标准的课程引进程序。  相似文献   

Using cluster analysis this study investigated the characteristics of learning strategies learners use in online courses with one-on-one mentoring. Three distinct approaches were identified: “Mastery oriented”, “Task focused” and “Minimalist in effort”. Despite the widespread concern that students will have difficulty managing their time in online courses with high level of student freedom, this study found that the vast majority of learners were very effective in their learning strategies. The findings speak well for the potential of distance education environments to provide high quality self-paced learning, accommodating different learning strategies, which is difficult to do in group-paced courses. We further explored how these approaches relate to and interact with, participants’ background and their levels of satisfaction and self reported learning.  相似文献   

Self-paced online courses meet flexibility and learning needs of many students, but skepticism persists regarding the quality and the tendency for students to procrastinate in self-paced courses. Research is needed to understand procrastination and delay patterns of students in online self-paced courses to predict successful completion and retention. This article examines three measures of delay in undergraduate online self-paced courses: the days between registration date and first date of assignment submission (Days to Start), the average days between assignment submissions (Days between Assignments), and total days between registration and completion (Days to Complete). The average length of time between assignment submissions was found to be most useful to predict final letter grade and withdrawal. Students’ consistency and regular work on a self-paced class may be the best strategy for success. Institutions offering self-paced courses should implement strategies to teach students self-regulating behaviors.  相似文献   

As online enrollments escalate, so does concern about student attrition rates. There is an abundance of literature addressing student success in online courses, particularly using constructivist learning theories to create engaging learning experiences. Also emerging from the literature is the Seven principles of good instructional practice by Checkering and Gamson as an accepted rubric for evaluating effective online instruction. This study focused on whether the use of instructional strategies as measured by the seven principles had an effect on student attrition rates in online courses. Full and part-time faculty at three community colleges in Virginia who taught online course(s) in the last three semesters completed an online survey to determine the extent to which they used instructional strategies reflecting the constructivist-based seven principles in their online courses. Scores from the survey were then compared to the attrition rates in their courses. Results indicated both groups strongly used instructional strategies reflecting the seven principles of good practice in their online courses with full-time faculty scores ranging a bit higher. When the results for the principles were examined individually rather than as a set, both groups scored lower on principles reflecting innovative instructional strategies. No relation between the extent to which faculty reported using those instructional strategies and student success as measured by attrition rates were found. However, a moderate relation was found with the third principle, “encourage active learning.” This indicated that faculty who made strides toward actively engaging students found some success in reducing student attrition.  相似文献   

As online education continues to grow, instructors from traditional classrooms are being asked to design online courses. In this study, data from interviews with thirty-three public four-year college and university instructors, who had experience designing online courses, were used to understand the instructor’s perspective on online course design. Using grounded theory, data were analyzed, sorted, and coded to uncover the strategies instructors use to design online courses. Results revealed instructors adapt to the online environment by using strategies to mimic elements of face-to-face courses: in essence, adaption comes through assimilation. Instructors expressed interest in helping students navigate online to encourage active participation in courses. They described using technology and learning management system (LMS) features (e.g., videos, discussion forums) to “hear” and “see” students, as a way to increase interaction and presence, familiar elements from face-to-face education. They spoke of creating authentic assignments to increase student engagement. The implications of this study include effective design and instructional strategies for online courses, as well as understanding the motivation of instructors who design online courses. The study results are relevant to a broad audience including online instructors, instructional designers, LMS organizations, and administrators.  相似文献   


There has recently been increased interest in the quality of online courses. Faculty from the School of Education at Marquette University suggest using social constructivist theories in the design and development of online courses and in the training and pedagogy of online instructors to ensure quality in online courses. Quality can be designed into online courses by focusing on complex tasks, using multiple perspectives, establishing a learning community, encouraging the social negotiation of meaning and providing assistance for learners at various levels. While good design can go a long way to ensure quality in online courses, the quality of the instructor is equally critical. Training instructors to establish a supportive climate, provide constructive feedback, and ask critical and probing questions leads to high quality online instruction.  相似文献   

基于学习者视角的网络教育精品课程调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前已评定的网络精品课程主要是从学者的立场筛选的。为了使网络课程的建设更适合网络学习的需要,有必要深入了解学习者对网络教育精品课程的看法。调查选取了北京地区6所试点网络教育学院的8门网络课程进行评价,网络教育学习者就相关问题完成了问卷和访谈。调查结果显示:在同类课程评价上,学习者意见与专家意见一致;从课程总体排序上,学习者意见与专家意见有差异:从学习者视角来看,学习者关注较多的是网络课程人机交互界面的灵活性、教学内容的适用性和资源的丰富程度。  相似文献   

评估和改进网络课程的可用性质量,需要有一种客观、统一和定量的衡量标准作为参照系。目前,国际上已有的网络课程评价标准,虽然对可用性的评价有所涉及,但不像教学设计、媒体设计等指标,对网络课程可用性质量的评价指标重视程度还不够,考虑得不够系统、全面和成熟,这和当前可用性在网络课程质量评价中的突显地位是不对称的,所以构建一份客观、统一和定量的网络课程可用性衡量标准是现实所需。本文在国际上已有的网络课程评价标准的基础上,构建了一份适于我国国情的网络课程建设质量检查表,以期为我国的网络课程建设及国家网络精品课程的评审提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Social presence is a popular construct used to describe how people socially interact in online courses. Online educators continue to try different ways to establish and maintain social presence in online courses. However, research to date has not identified which strategies, or types of strategies, are best for establishing social presence. We investigated student perceptions of various strategies of establishing and maintaining social presence using a mixed methods case study approach in two different fully online courses. Results suggest that students are more interested in connecting with their instructor than their peers; different students like different social presence strategies; and students have different overall social presence needs. Various strategies and implications for practice are addressed throughout.  相似文献   

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