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小学教师主观幸福感现状调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究目的是探讨小学教师的主观幸福感状况.结果表明:小学教师总体主观幸福感水平不高.已婚教师的正性情感显著高于未婚教师;在负性情感上,25岁以下的教师得分最低,46岁以上的教师得分最高;不同收入的教师在主观幸福感的各个维度上均无显著性差异;不同学历教师的主观幸福感存在极其显著的差异,学历越高负性情感越低,主观幸福感越高.小学教师的工作满意度与主观幸福感具有高相关.  相似文献   

采用自编调查问卷对湖南省高校172名教师和辅导员工作满意度进行研究。结果发现:高校教师和辅导员工作满意度在上级、工作环境、晋升三方面差异显著。同教师相比,男性辅导员在上级、工作环境、晋升方面满意度较低,女性辅导员在工作环境和晋升方面满意度较高;初级职称的辅导员在上级、工作环境、晋升上的满意度较低,而中高级职称的辅导员在上级与报酬方面的满意度较高。  相似文献   

通过对四川省5所师范院校本科生进行大学英语学习倦怠问卷调查发现,师范生已经出现不同程度的学习倦怠,被试男生比女生倦怠更严重,在倦怠整体得分及各个维度得分上均存在显著差异;大一年级学生比大二年级学生倦怠感弱,在倦怠整体得分及各维度得分上均具有显著差异;理科生比文科生倦怠感更强,但在成就感低维度两者不存在显著差异,在其他方面均呈现显著差异.教学环境和学生自身因素是导致学习倦怠产生的主要原因.因而,学校、教师和学生三方面应共同努力,改善师范生英语学习倦怠的现状.  相似文献   

为了解高校教师工作投入状况及工作资源对高校教师工作投入的影响作用机制,采用问卷调查法对浙江省9所高校287名教师进行了调查。结果表明:高校教师的工作投入水平较好,工作投入及活力和专注维度得分在教龄差异上显著,并呈现两头高、中间低的“U”型特征,工作投入及其三个维度得分在对收入满意程度上差异显著,并随着对收入满意程度的增高呈上升趋势;工作资源、心理资本对工作投入均具有显著的正向影响;心理资本在工作资源与工作投入之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

采用胥兴春编制的《教师工作价值观问卷》对369名幼儿教师进行调查,以了解当代幼儿教师工作价值观的现状及特点。结果发现:(1)幼儿教师工作价值观评价由高至低依次为利他奉献、物质报酬、组织管理、人际关系、声望地位、职业发展和安全稳定。(2)工作价值观各维度中,物质报酬和利他奉献两个维度存在显著的年龄差异,25岁及以下年龄段的幼儿教师评分最高且显著高于26~30岁年龄段者;工作价值观各维度都有显著的学历差异,除职业发展维度外均呈现学历越高评分越低的趋势,而职业发展维度上大专学历者得分最高;物质报酬、利他奉献和安全稳定存在显著的职位差异,教学教师评分显著高于行政人员和生活教师;不同规模幼儿园的教师工作价值观存在差异,幼儿园规模越大教师工作价值观评价越高;所有维度均没有教龄差异。研究得出的结论是不同年龄、学历、职位以及来自于不同规模幼儿园的幼儿教师,其工作价值观存在一定差异。  相似文献   

对河南省南阳市67名农村初中体育教师进行问卷和访谈调查,发现其工作满意度和幸福感状况为:得分总体不高;女体育教师得分显著或非常显著低于男体育教师;二者随着年龄增加而提高,但不同年龄段之间差异显著或极其显著;中学二级教师的分值最低;本科学历教师得分极其显著或显著低于大专及以下教师.由此建议同工同酬与倾斜性支持并用,着重提升女体育教师的工作满意度和幸福感;全面关照与特别关注相结合,提升不同年龄段教师的工作满意度和幸福感;专业发展和心理引导相结合,提升初级职称和高学历教师工作满意度和幸福感;营造和谐校园文化,为体育教师工作满意度和幸福感提升搭建平台.  相似文献   

为了解地方高师院校教师职业倦怠状况及影响因素,本研究采用教师职业倦怠量表(MBI)对江西省某地方师范院校500名教师进行调查.结果发现:地方高师院校教师普遍存在职业倦怠问题,但总体上倦怠程度并不严重;在情绪衰竭维度上,36-45岁组得分显著高于35岁以下教师,教龄在5-10年教师得分显著高于5年以下教师;在低个人成就感维度上,教龄5年以下教师得分显著低于教龄5-15年教师;资料员在去人性化方面显著低于其他教师.不同学历、职称、收入的教师在职业倦怠3个维度上的差异不显著.  相似文献   

通过对西藏区内242名高校教师进行的工作满意度问卷调查发现,西藏高校教师的工作满意度包含学校管理、薪酬福利、工作本身、人际关系、科研压力等影响因素,整体满意度水平较高;西藏高校教师的工作满意度在性别、民族、年龄、学历上不存在显著差异,在职称、周课时量上存在显著差异。想要提高西藏高校教师的工作满意度,建议要强化"以人为本"的管理模式,注重对教师的物质关怀和精神关怀,注重提高高年龄、低学历教师的工作满意度,不断提升教师的整体素质,将教师工作满意度调查常规化,关注和解决教师心理问题。  相似文献   

利用生活满意度问卷和体育生活方式问卷,以安徽省575名在职高校教师为调查对象,从体育需要、体育行为、体育锻炼场所、体育锻炼项目和体育消费等方面,对安徽省高校教师体育生活方式和生活满意度关系进行研究,结果表明,经常参加体育活动的高校教师生活满意度得分高于不经常参加体育活动的教师;在体育行为方面,不同体育锻炼频次和时间的教师总体生活满意度以及各个维度的生活满意度具有显著性的差异,且体育锻炼的频次和时间与生活满意度呈正相关;安徽省高校教师体育消费在500元以上的生活满意度最高,进一步说明了经济是生活满意度的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

中小学教师的工作满意度及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱从书 《教育探索》2006,(12):116-117
调查研究表明,我国中小学教师工作满意度较低,尤其是“保健”因素不足;不同学历的教师工作满意度存在差异,中专学历教师比本科和大专学历教师的满意度高;教师工作满意度有显著的年龄效应,随着年龄的增长,满意度呈“U”形变化趋势,26~35岁教师满意度最低,35岁以后,教师的工作满意度呈明显的上升趋势。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,海归人才已成为高校教师队伍中的重要组成部分。对不同年代归国教师的首聘期工作满意度及其变化趋势、影响因素进行分析,是对高校人才政策环境和海外引才效果的检验。课题组以全国48所研究型大学1979-2017年期间归国的541名教师为样本,开展问卷调查。研究发现,过去40年海归教师首聘期总体满意度水平不高。通过对四个时期多维度满意度的量化分析发现:薪酬待遇和文化适应等方面的满意度存在显著差异;随着时间的推移,工作自主性、压力和科研团队等方面的满意度呈现下降趋势;薪酬待遇满意度的平均水平最低,但近年来已略有提升。基于研究发现,提出增加海归教师工作自主性和职业认同感、提高基础薪资和建立稳定的薪酬增长机制等建议。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,查阅相关资料,了解上海市高校专职辅导员目前的工作满意度状况,从自我认同、社会认同、工作环境、工作效果四个维度,对不同性别、不同年龄、不同工作年限、带班学生人数不同进行调查分析。结果显示:辅导员总体满意度较高,但在各维度上的表现却有较大不同。不同性别的辅导员在工作环境、总体满足感上呈显著差异;不同年龄的辅导员社会认同呈显著性差异;带班学生人数差异,工作满意度在社会认同、工作环境、工作效果及总体满足感上均存在非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

Research on work life and job satisfaction of university professors is becoming an important research issue in the field of higher education. This study used questionnaires administered to 1 770 teachers from different levels, types, and academic fields of Chinese universities to investigate job satisfaction among university professors and the relationship between job satisfaction of university professors and the organizational characteristics of the university. The job satisfaction of Chinese university professors includes six dimensions: career development and school management, teaching and research services, salary, benefits and logistical services, professional reputation, teaching and research facilities, and the work itself. The overall job satisfaction levels are close to average, with salary and benefits receiving the lowest level of satisfaction. The organizational characteristics of universities, such as school type, school level, academic field, organizational climate, evaluation orientation, and school management, all have significant effects on the overall job satisfaction of university professors. The organizational climate and school level affect all six dimensions of job satisfaction among university professors.  相似文献   

This study attempted to explore Turkish headteachers’ and teachers’ burnout and job satisfaction relating to work status, gender and years work-experiences. The purpose of this study is to find out whether there is difference between headteachers’ and teachers’ burnout and job satisfaction in terms of work status, gender and years work-experiences. In this study, quantitative approach was used. A total of 290 subjects (80 headteachers and 210 teachers) responded to the survey. As research instruments, the Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), were used to measure dimensions of headteachers’ and teachers’ burnout. The study results indicated that headteachers have more job dissatisfaction and depersonalisation than teachers. Males have less emotional exhaustion but higher depersonalisation than their female counterparts. Subjects participated in this study seemed to be different on depersonalisation and personal accomplishment dimensions on the scale in relation to their work years. More experienced subjects have higher depersonalisation and less job satisfaction than their less experienced counterparts. In contrast, more experienced subjects have higher personal accomplishment than the others.  相似文献   

通过对300名公、私立幼儿教师工作满意度调查分析,公、私立幼儿教师普遍认为工作繁重;工作环境满意度较为一般、对工作考评满意度较高、工作认同感和工作积极性不高、参与幼儿园管理意愿较高、对幼儿园提供进修机会较少不满、集体荣誉感普遍较高,但对领导干涉工作不满;主要的差异有:公立幼儿教师在福利待遇、人际环境、工作稳定和工作成就感等满意度方面比私立幼儿教师高;私立幼儿教师在工作环境、教师晋升、参与幼儿园管理等满意度方面比公立幼儿教师高。针对这种差异,要有效进行幼儿园管理,应采取以下应对措施:坚持以人为本的激励策略、重视幼儿教师专业发展、提高私立幼儿教师待遇、改革公立幼儿教师晋升制度、改善工作环境等。  相似文献   

应用数据挖掘中的CHAID方法分析浙江省15所高校665位青年教师调查资料,来探讨高校青年教师职业幸福感人群细分状况及其影响因素。结果显示,高校青年教师的职称级别对其职业幸福感影响最为显著,在中级及以下职称级别的群体中,工作年限在6年以上的高校青年教师群体职业幸福感缺失严重,而6年工龄以下的硕士学历的教师群体幸福感更低;影响高校青年教师职业幸福感的主要因素来源于工作方面,中、高工作满意度的群体主要受到学习方面的影响;而低工作满意度的群体主要受到家庭方面的影响。  相似文献   


Assessing teacher job satisfaction is a recurrent theme in educational research. Given the forthcoming reform of the Croatian adult education system, a survey of teacher satisfaction in primary adult education was performed. Teachers exhibited two dimensions of satisfaction/dissatisfaction: one with the teaching programme and process, and the other with the attendees’ performance and support. Four clusters of teachers were identified with respect to their satisfaction levels regarding the two dimensions. Most teachers are dissatisfied with the teaching programme and process. This dissatisfaction is associated with higher experience, working only in adult education, delivering lessons based on periodical individual instruction, and having non-native speakers of Croatian in class. Satisfaction with attendees’ performance and support is more pronounced but is associated only with not having non-native speakers of Croatian in class. Existing theories explain the results well, considering the differences between the regular education system and that of adult education.  相似文献   

This study explores issues of burnout and job satisfaction among special school headteachers and teachers in Turkey. The purpose of the study is to determine whether there is a difference between headteachers' and teachers' burnout and job satisfaction in terms of work status, gender and work experiences, and to analyse the factors effecting their burnout and job satisfaction. In this paper, a quantitative approach has been used: 295 subjects (33 special school headteachers and 262 special school teachers) responded to the survey. As the research instruments, the Job Satisfaction Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to measure job satisfaction and burnout levels in terms of the dimensions of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishment. The study results indicated that special school headteachers felt less personal accomplishment than special school teachers. However, there were no significant differences between headteachers and teachers on two burnout dimensions, namely emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, and job satisfaction. In terms of gender, males have less emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment but higher depersonalization than their female counterparts. Females have higher job satisfaction than their male counterparts. In relation to their work experiences, more experienced subjects have higher emotional exhaustion and depersonalization than their less experienced colleagues, and also less job satisfaction than less experienced counterparts. However, more experienced subjects who participated in the study felt higher personal accomplishment than the others.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to examine the job satisfaction levels of Jordanian kindergarten teachers in relation to work-related dimensions and socio-demographic variables. The sample consisted of 264 randomly selected teachers working in private kindergartens in Amman. To meet the study’s objectives, a two part questionnaire was developed soliciting information about (1) teachers’ age, marital status, and level of education, and (2) level of satisfaction with the physical environment, school relations, working conditions, children’s behavior, and parent participation. The findings of this study revealed that Jordan’s kindergarten teachers experience an overall average level of job satisfaction. While teachers were highly satisfied with their kindergarten classroom physical environments and their relationships within the school, teachers reported average satisfaction levels with their working conditions, children’s social behaviors, and parent participation. Significant relations were found between teachers’ personal-related dimensions and job satisfaction. Several recommendations are made including a call for regulating the working conditions in the kindergarten private sector in accordance with existing international policies that promote teachers’ job satisfaction.  相似文献   

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