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以2008年诺贝尔化学奖为背景的命题 例1 水母体内有两种发光蛋白,一种是水母素,它在有钙离子的环境中就能发出蓝光;另一种是绿色荧光蛋白,它吸收了水母素发出的蓝光后。发出波长较长的绿色荧光。科学家可以对多种基因进行荧光标记,根据活体内的荧光颜色变化,判断生物活动进程。荧光标记不仅可以标记蛋白在哪里,还能标记活体内的生物事件。  相似文献   

荧光染料标记小鼠膜蛋白的方法与荧光染料标记人体膜蛋白的方法相似,都是找到主要组织相容性抗原系统,然后得到相应抗体,并将绿色荧光分子结合其上,最后将相应的抗原抗体特异性结合,小鼠细胞膜上相应蛋白标记上了绿色荧光蛋白,人体细胞膜上相应蛋白可以标记上红色荧光蛋白。膜蛋白质分子的运动情况并不是所有膜蛋白都能运动,有些膜蛋白被某些特殊的结构限定在细胞表面的某个区域,并且不同细胞的膜蛋白的流动情况也有差异。糖脂普遍存在于原核与真核细胞的细胞膜上,不同细胞中所含糖脂的种类不同,发挥的功能也各不相同。  相似文献   

<正>高中生物学中涉及的荧光,大体上可分为两种类型:一类是诱发荧光,是指物体(物质)经过荧光染料染色后,再经过紫外线照射发出的荧光,如用荧光染料标记的蛋白质、DNA分子等。另一类是自发荧光,如叶绿素、血红素等经过紫外线照射后发出红色的荧光。1诱发荧光现象1.1人鼠细胞膜的融合一以红色或绿色染料标记蛋白质产生的荧光细胞膜的主要成分是蛋白质分子和磷脂分子,用发绿色荧光的染料标记小鼠细胞表面的蛋白质,用发  相似文献   

正北大研究团队开发活细胞成像新技术北京大学生命科学院生物动态光学成像中心、工学院黄岩谊课题组与化学学院陈兴课题组合作开发了一种全新的活细胞成像技术,利用炔基标记手段并巧妙应用受激拉曼显微成像技术,成功实现了对活细胞的脂类、核酸、蛋白质和糖类等关键生物分子的特异性、低干扰的三维成像,突破了成像标记基团的尺寸极限。生物标记成像是生命科学及医学研究中的基本工具,但是现有的许多标记手段,例如荧光蛋白和小分子荧光标记等方法,往往对被标记分子的  相似文献   

分别利用两种不同的荧光染料Dio和DiI对细胞进行标记,使细胞膜可以发出绿色或红色荧光;然后选择合适的条件,使用细胞融合仪诱导2个细胞融合成为1个细胞;最后,通过荧光显微镜观察,成功融合的细胞可以同时观察到红色荧光和绿色荧光。该实验可以帮助学生掌握电击诱导细胞融合的原理和操作方法,培养学生的科研兴趣,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

为制备可视化的转移消失蛋白(MIM)的I-BAR结构域重组体,克隆了顺联绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)探针编码序列的MIM-I-BAR基因.在6xHis标签原核表达质粒上成功构建了DNA序列.同时,实现了未标记荧光探针基因的MIM-I-BAR质粒的构建以作实验对照.成功转染至BL21(DE3)大肠杆菌细胞后,GFP偶联的MIM-I-BAR(MIM-I-BAR-GFP)蛋白表现出很强的可视荧光,该表达产物可方便的通过目测、荧光显微镜、免疫印迹和紫外可见分光光度计等多种手段进行检测.此外,在考察不同条件下的蛋白表达效率过程中发现,带有GFP探针的MIM-I-BAR重组蛋白在温度为10℃时产率最高,而并非37℃.这一特征与非荧光标记的MIM-I-BAR明显不同.研究证实该最佳表达温度条件适用于重组蛋白产品中量制备.所开发的带有荧光探针的MIM-I-BAR蛋白产品及其制备工艺在科学研究、生物医学应用以及药物开发过程中均有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:探讨增强型绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein, EGFP)在中华仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO-DHFR)细胞中的作用。方法:将增强型绿色荧光蛋白基因的真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(+)-EGFP,转染至培养的中华仓鼠卵巢细胞(Chinese Hamster Ovary, CHO-DHFR^- )中。结果:成功表达并产生绿色荧光。结论:证明EGFP是一种良好的报告基因和筛选标志.为进一步研究应用最广泛的哺乳动物细胞表达系统一CHO细胞表达系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)在生物体内具有发射高效的荧光特性,故可作为无生物毒性的标记蛋白而被广泛应用于分子生物学、细胞生物学以及药学等领域,其发现和应用是科学研究领域的重要里程碑。GFP带来的技术革命主要源自于其内部发色团的神奇特性,因此研究发色团的激发态性质具有重要意义。该实验将科研成果转换为实验教学内容,设计了"绿色荧光蛋白发色团激发态动力学行为的研究性实验"。实验内容包括文献调研、模型构建、电子结构计算与动力学模拟以及数据处理与分析4部分。通过该教学实践,学生的实验方案设计能力、计算过程排错能力以及实验结果分析能力都得到了显著提高。使学生在科研论文的写作和大学生创新项目的申请中取得了突出的成绩。  相似文献   

以2008年诺贝尔化学奖为背景的命题例1水母体内有两种发光蛋白,一种是水母素,它在有钙离子的环境中就能发出蓝光;另一种是绿色荧光蛋白,它吸收了水母素发出的蓝光后,发出波长较长的绿色荧光。科学家可  相似文献   

据东方网2008年12月14日援引《科技日报》消息,美国加州理工学院科学家借助双光子激发荧光显微技术,用绿色荧光蛋白对果蝇胚胎处于“原肠胚形成”阶段的细胞作了标记,并对1500多个细胞的迁移动态作了长达2个小时的实时追踪,用录像动态记录了细胞的移动路径。科学家同时观察到,动物体内由成纤维细胞生长因子(FGF)突变所引发的异常——基因突变细胞不能在通常的目的地停止运动,而是进行无目标的游荡。科研人员认为,他们以后可以对FGF信号的功能作出结论,为研究基因突变对胚胎发育的影响指明方向。  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the transduction efficiency of a recombinant adenovirus carrying the gene for green fluorescent protein (Ad-GFP) into the primary cultures of fetal neural stem cells (NSCs) by the expression of GFP. Methods: The Ad-GFP was constructed by homologous recombination in bacteria with the AdEasy system; NSCs were isolated from rat fetal hippocampus and cultured as neurosphere suspensions. After infection with the recombinant Ad-GFP, NSCs were examined with a fluorescent microscopy and a flow cytometry for their expression of GFP. Results: After the viral infection, flow cytometry analysis revealed that the percentage of GFP-positive cells was as high as 97.05%. The infected NSCs sustained the GFP expression for above 4 weeks. After differentiated into astrocytes or neurons, they continued to express GFP efficiently. Conclusion: We have successfully constructed a viral vector Ad-GFP that can efficiently infect the primary NSCs. The reporter gene was showed fully and sustained expression in the infected cells as well as their differentiated progenies.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Because of its low molecular weight and ability to fluoresce independently (George, 1997), the new molecular tag, green fluorescent protein (GFP), has become more and more popular after Prasher et al.(1992) cloned its cDNA in 1992. There are many reports describing the co-expression of GFP and a specific antibody or cytokine gene, with the fusion protein expressing the fluorescent activity and bio-logical activity of the complement protein (Haraguchi et al., 1999; Mclean…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Soil-borne pathogens, including Pythium spp. and Fusarium spp., cause significant yield losses in horticulture and agriculture crops (Mao et al., 1997). Current practices for controlling plant diseases are based largely on disease resistant crops, cultivation management in fields and application of synthetic pesticides (Elizabeth and Emmert, 1999). Biological control using antagonistic microbes to reduce the use of chemical pesticides in a system of integrated plantdisease …  相似文献   

The peroxisomal matrix proteins involved in many important biological metabolism pathways in eukaryotic cells are encoded by nucleal genes, synthesized in the cytoplasm and then transported into the organelles. Targeting and import of these proteins depend on their two peroxisomal targeting signals (PTS1 and PTS2) in sequence as we have known so far. The vectors of the fluorescent fusions with PTS, i.e., green fluorescence protein (GFP)-PTSI, GFP-PTS2 and red fluorescence protein (RFP)-PTS1, were constructed and introduced into Magnaporthe oryzae Guy11 cells. Transformants containing these fusions emitted fluorescence in a punctate pattern, and the locations of the red and green fluorescence overlapped exactly in RFP-PTS1 and GFP-PTS2 co-transformed strains. These data indicated that both PTS 1 and PTS2 fusions were imported into peroxisomes. A probable higher efficiency of PTSI machinery was revealed by comparing the fluorescence backgrounds in GFP-PTS1 and GFP-PTS2 transformants. By introducing both RFP-PTS1 and GFP-PTS2 into △mgpex6 mutants, the involvement of MGPEX6 gene in both PTS1 and PTS2 pathways was proved. In addition, using these transformants, the inducement of peroxisomes and the dynamic of peroxisomal number during the pre-penetration processes were investigated as well. In summary, by the localization and co-localization of PTSI and PTS2, we provided a useful tool to evaluate the biological roles of the peroxisomes and the related genes.  相似文献   

Objective: To study the roles of different truncated hepatitis C virus (HCV) core proteins (CORE) in the pathogenesis of HCV persistent infection and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and to assess intracellular localization in transiently transfected cells. Methods: Seven truncated CORE-GFP (green fluorescent protein) fusion protein expression plasmids were constructed,which contained HCV CORE sequences derived from tumor tissues (BT) and non-tumor tissues (BNT) from one patient infected with HCV. Amino acid (aa) lengths were BT: 1-172 aa, 1-126 aa, 1-58 aa, 59-126 aa, 127-172 aa; BNT: 1-172 aa and C191:1-172 aa respectively. Subcellular localization of CORE-GFP was analyzed by con-focal laser scanning microscope. Apoptosis and necrosis were quantified by flow cytometry. Results: Different truncated CORE-GFP localized mainly in the cytoplasm, but nuclear staining was also observed. HCV CORE could induce apoptosis and necrosis, and different truncated COREs could induce cell apoptosis and necrosis at different levels. Among the same length 1-172 aa of BT, BNT and C191, the cell apoptosis and necrosis percentage of BT is highest, and C191 is the lowest (BT>BNT>C191). To the different fragment COREs of BT,N-terminal of CORE induced apoptosis and necrosis higher, compared with that of C-terminal (1-172 aa>1-126 aa>1-58aa> 127-172 aa>59-126 aa). Conclusion: These results suggest HCV CORE could induce apoptosis and necrosis of cells, which might play an important role in the pathogenesis of HCV persistent infection and HCC and the different CORE domains of different HCV quasi-species might have some difference in their pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused byFusarium graminearum is a devastating disease that results in extensive yield losses to wheat and barley. A green fluorescent protein (GFP) expressing plasmid pRP22-GFP was constructed for monitoring the colonization of two biocontrol agents,Brevibacillus brevis ZJY-116, on the spikes of barley and their effect on suppression of FHB. Survival and colonization of theBrevibacillus brevis ZJY-1 andBacillus subtilis ZJY-116 strains on spikes of barley were observed by tracking the bacterial transformants with GFP expression. Our field study revealed that plasmid pRP22-GFP was stably maintained in the bacterial strains without selective pressure. The retrieved GFP-tagged strains showed that the bacterial population fluctuation accorded with that of the rain events. Furthermore, both biocontrol strains gave significant protection against FHB on spikes of barley in fields. The greater suppression of barley FHB disease was resulted from the treatment of barley spikes with biocontrol agents before inoculation withF. graminearum. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30230250) and Science and Technology Committee of Zhejiang Province (No. 2003C22029), China  相似文献   

Embryogenic calli were induced from the seeds of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis palustris Huds.) cv. Regent and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis Tenuis Sibth. Fl. Oxen.) cv. Tiger. The embryogenic calli were precultured on fresh medium for 4-7 days and then co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens, LBA4404, which contains plasmid vector-pSBGM harboring bar coding region, synthetic green fluorescent protein (sGFP) coding region and matrix attachment region (MAR). After 3 days of co-cultivation, the calli were washed thoroughly and transferred to MS medium containing 2 mg/L of 2, 4-D, 12-15 mg/L phosphinothricin (PPT) and 250 mg/L of cefotaxime. After 2-3 months of selection, the actively growing calli of 'Regent' and 'Tiger' were transferred to MS medium with 12-15 mg/L PPT and 250 mg/L cefotaxime for regeneration. The putative transformants were maintained on MS medium with 3 mg/L PPT for long period but control died within 1 month. After establishing in greenhouse, the transformants also showed strong resistance to 0.4% of herbicide Basta but control plants died within 2 weeks. Under confocal microscope, both young leaves and roots showed significant GFP expression. PCR analysis revealed the presence of a DNA fragment of GFP gene at the expected size (380 bp) in the transformants and its absence in a randomly selected control plant.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONCreepingbentgrass (AgrostispalustrisHuds.)isanoutstandingcool seasonspeciesavailableforuseongolfcourseputtinggreens,tees,andcloselymowedfairways.Althoughco lonialbentgrass (AgrostistenuisSibth .Fl.Ox en .)isnotwelladaptedtotheverylowmowingheig…  相似文献   

增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA),也称周期蛋白或DNA聚合酶的辅助蛋白,是真核细胞合成所必需的核蛋白,在DNA复制中起重要作用。前期实验发现日本七鳃鳗肝脏cDNA文库的表达序列标签(Expressed Sequence Tag,EST)中存在与高等脊椎动物pcna基因同源的序列。提取日本七鳃鳗(Lampetra japonica)肝脏组织RNA,通过RT-PCR方法扩增七鳃鳗pcna基因,对其进行生物信息学分析,并将Lj-pcna基因成功构建到pGFP-N2真核表达载体上,重组质粒PGFP-N2-Lj-pcna转染人Hela细胞,荧光显微镜下观察有荧光蛋白的表达。日本七鳃鳗pcna基因的真核表达载体成功构建和转染,为探讨七鳃鳗pcna基因功能研究及其它七鳃鳗相关研究提供条件。  相似文献   

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