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Brian O'Toole 《Prospects》1995,25(2):311-319
Conclusion Few CBR programmes have developed beyond small-scale projects to large-scale innovations. Few governments have made any significant commitment to and investment in the development of national CBR services. Most CBR programmes are regarded as ‘additional programmes’. Moreover, the attempts that have been made to work within existing infrastructures have often meant the programmes become little more than a minor facet of existing service provision, to which no particular priority is given. However, despite these limitations, CBR has demonstrated, through several successful examples, what can be achieved. For relatively little money, CBR can create better opportunities for disabled children and engenders in parents a sense that they can play a significant role in the development process. Communities have become more aware of disabled persons in their midst and, at times, have played a major role in planning ways of meeting their needs. CBR offers a new approach to rehabilitation, policy makers, professionals, planners, community leaders and to the disabled persons themselves. Progress has been slow and uneven over the first decade of CBR. It is significant, however, that some of the most creative examples of parental-professional collaboration have come from some of the poorest nations. It may be time for the developed world to look towards the developing countries to find innovative approaches to meet the needs of disabled persons. It is quite clear that traditional approaches can do no more than scratch the surface. A radical reappraisal of our respective roles in the rehabilitation and education of disabled persons is required. CBR offers this new approach. If, however, the vision and courage to tread new paths are lacking, then the danger is that more conferences will be held, more declarations will be written, more slogans devised, and still 98% of the disabled population will remain totally unaware of the international concern being voiced on their behalf. Ph.D. An educational psychologist, O'Toole has been working in Guyana for the past sixteen years. He introduced the first training programme in special education at the University of Guyana, and has been the Director of the Guyana community-based rehabilitation programme. He has written widely on the issue of community-based rehabilitation and has co-edited a book with R. McConkey entitledInnovations in developing countries in disability. He has carried out consultancies for the World Health Organization and a number of non-governmental organizations.  相似文献   

健康产业是为人们提供预防、诊断、治疗、康复、保健等服务的产业。基于健康产业平台人才培养的情感教育,对于提高学生行业品德认知、培养行业品德情感、养成行业品德行为有着重要的作用。在专业培养的过程中应加强人文教育的渗透,把学生的品德、情感和专业的培养结合起来。重视建立适应时代发展的教师队伍,建立完善的健康产业学生情感教育体系,加强平台课程建设,注重实践的实效性,使学生成为尊重人类、尊重生命、有爱心的人类健康的守护者。  相似文献   

新时期培养适用于基层医疗卫生服务需求的卓越医生教育计划是推进地方医学院校临床医学教育综合改革、提高人才培养质量的有效途径。实施过程中树立整体的大卫生观,构建与卓越医生教育计划相适应的理论和实践教学体系,多元评价医学生的发展,全程贯穿医德教育,满足人才培养的终身教育要求,创新医学教育人才培养模式,主动适应国家医疗卫生改革发展方向,培养面向基层的初级医疗卫生保健人才。  相似文献   

In order to meet both in‐service and pre‐service training needs in gerontology, North Country Community College has developed an innovative one‐year certificate program. Under the assumption that persons working with the aged in a rural area must have a diverse group of skills to draw upon, the gerontology certificate stresses course work in: communication skills, culture variability, gerontology knowledge, management skills, and service skills. The curriculum approach taken is that of competency based education, with most of the skills courses put into a modular course format. After the first year of the certificate, 53% (N = 65) of the students in the certificate courses are adults or community professionals turning to this community college program to upgrade skills or acquire new ones. This certificate is beginning to meet the training needs in a rural area that were only previously addressed by occasional workshops for the human service practitioner.  相似文献   

This was a study to collect the views of Occupational Health Nurses (OHNs) working in the NHS in the West Midlands Region of the UK. It was a project to collect OHNs' perceptions about their education and training needs to meet the new public health agenda, using a focus group technique, Nominal Group Technique (NGT). There has been a series of public policy developments recently that have focused on the work/health dimension as an element of public health (Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 1998, Department of Health (DOH), 1998, National Health Service Executive (NHSE) 1998). These initiatives require the expertise and skill of occupational health professionals in the workplace to deliver care. In many organizations occupational health is not seen as a central or integral part of the organizational structure, rather a service to be used when things go dreadfully wrong. There is a clear need for management skills in this group, together with a much stronger grounding in law and the legislative framework. There is a need to take an evidence-based approach to occupational health, and to start sharing expert knowledge that can be applied to daily working in the NHS. It was identified that clarity around funding arrangements is necessary for this group of practitioners, which will be in line with all other NHS employees. Many of the participants wanted education and training opportunities, which were offered on an incremental basis, not all at specialist practitioner level.  相似文献   

Community colleges are in a unique position to meet the education and training needs of law enforcement and corrections personnel for the next century. The nature of the community college allows the proper blend of vocational and formal education in the design of a common curriculum to meet the needs of law enforcement. Location and cost also become factors as agencies attempt to stretch their training budgets. The community colleges have the flexibility and the resources to meet the needs of law enforcement for a practical, affordable, quality, and achievable education for employees in pre‐service, academy, and in‐service status.  相似文献   

发达国家的农民教育培训已经走过近三百年的历程。在农民教育培训的发展过程中,一些发达国家根据本国的具体情况建立了具有自己特色的培训模式,这些农民培训模式的建立与实施,不但满足了农民对培训的需求,提高了其科技素质,而且也对世界上其他国家农民培训体制的建立产生了重大影响。  相似文献   

教育服务是在教育发展过程中出现的,发达国家高等学校在服务社会过程中获得跨越式发展的启迪;全面建设小康社会对高等教育服务意识的要求;促进学生主体发展需要高等教育增强服务意识。我国高等教育必须更新思想,转变观念,树立自觉服务社会的意识,在发展速度、学科建设、专业设置、人才培养、科学研究等方面主动适应社会经济发展需要,才能拓宽自身的生存和发展空间。  相似文献   

进一步办好民族预科教育,培养更多的少数民族人才   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族预科教育是我国高等教育的一种特殊层次,是我国民族高等教育不可缺少的重要组成部分.为适应21世纪中国少数民族和民族地区对高等教育发展的需要,民族预科教育必须立足于西部大开发、突出自身特点、加快教育改革、全力提高其教育质量,为推动科技成果转化和人才培养提供服务.  相似文献   

传统的经典模型——刘易斯的产业转移模型和托达罗的反流动论揭示了农村剩余劳动力可采取两种转移方式。教育是影响农村劳动力转移的内在因素,对农村剩余劳动力的转移起决定性作用。必须加强对农村劳动力的教育和必要技能的训练。大力发展农村中、高等教育和职业培训是战略性的举措。可采取政府补贴的多元化办学,实行准入制度来引导农村青少年接受中、高等教育,可发展不同方式的教育来满足农村劳动力的不同层次的就业需求。  相似文献   

“订单培养”与高职商务英语教学创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“订单式”培养是实现工学结合和校企合作的重要途径。满足社会需求和发展专业特色是高职商务英语人才“弹性订单”培养模式构建的基础条件。积极探索体现高职教育特色的人才培养新思路、新方法,严格管理和规范运行机制,需要从政府、学校和企业三方面得到保障。该模式的长效机制建设还存在一些问题,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

This study documented the current status and determined the need for early childhood care and education in South Africa, including an assessment of the training needs of childminders and other individuals interested in working with young children in rural and urban areas of South Africa. The sample included 373 African men and women representing a range of occupations and different levels of education. The study employed primarily quantitative methodology, specifically a survey. The findings suggest that families and community members who have in the past responded to the needs of young children can no longer meet these needs due to social and economic dynamics. Respondents from both rural and urban settings perceived training, training centers, infrastructure, and the integration of African culture in early childhood education to be compelling needs. Programmatic and policy recommendations based on the interviews and observations are made.  相似文献   

This study documented the current status and determined the need for early childhood care and education in South Africa, including an assessment of the training needs of childminders and other individuals interested in working with young children in rural and urban areas of South Africa. The sample included 373 African men and women representing a range of occupations and different levels of education. The study employed primarily quantitative methodology, specifically a survey. The findings suggest that families and community members who have in the past responded to the needs of young children can no longer meet these needs due to social and economic dynamics. Respondents from both rural and urban settings perceived training, training centers, infrastructure, and the integration of African culture in early childhood education to be compelling needs. Programmatic and policy recommendations based on the interviews and observations are made.  相似文献   

农村地区养老服务社会工作者是为农村地区生活身处困境的老年人提供照顾的专业服务人群,对其进行培训有利于满足农村地区养老服务多元化的需求。本文在分析当前农村地区养老服务社会工作者培训面临的缺乏本土化、缺乏全面性、培训机制不健全、缺乏跟踪监督等问题的基础上,提出相应针对性的对策。  相似文献   

"订单式培养"模式的运作程序及其实现条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“订单式培养”模式是职业院校的发展方向。该文结合“订单式培养”模式在我国的具体实践,分析了其作为发展方向的必然性,并重点探讨了“订单式培养”模式的运作程序及其实现条件。  相似文献   

河南省沟通障碍儿童数量众多,类型多样,康复需求迫切,专业康复人员缺少,家长基本康复知识贫乏,社会支持力量不足。急需在法律政策、人员培养、康复教育、支持系统、科普宣传、组织建设等方面同时着手,构建满足沟通障碍康复需求的社会疗育体系。  相似文献   

高师特殊教育专业"复合性+应用型"人才培养模式研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
近年,我国高师特殊教育专业传统的人才培养模式在实践中已经暴露出很多问题,无法适应社会及相关的特殊教育机构的需要.为此,南京特殊教育职业技术学院率先开展了探索,根据社会需要,运用现代教育理念研究构建"复合性+应用型"特殊教育师范专业人才培养模式,经过三年的实践,在人才培养目标、规格的制定、课程体系的构建及人才培养模式实施的措施保障等方面形成了新的特点.  相似文献   

通过对我国25所高校工商管理学科硕士研究生进行问卷调查,分析当前该学科硕士研究生教育现状,剖析该学科硕士研究生培养存在的问题,提出要从培养理念更新、培养模式创新、培养机制改革等方面切实提高我国工商管理学科硕士研究生培养质量,以适应现代化建设对工商管理人才的多样化需求。  相似文献   

The numbers of aging and older persons with developmental disabilities are rapidly growing. Knowledge based on new and ongoing research is fast beginning to accumulate. Efforts to provide training, both preservice and in‐service, are beginning to be implemented. This article (a) reports on existing health‐care training materials, (b) discusses service providers’ training needs in the area of developmental disabilities and aging, and (c) provides recommendations for future training and curriculum development. The investigation included a search of library and archival records for existing information on health, aging, and developmental disabilities; semistructured interviews with 20 “expert” providers of health care to developmentally disabled elderly individuals; and a survey of 245 service providers for their perceptions of providers’ training needs in the area of health care for older adults with developmental disabilities.  相似文献   

Diversity is what makes a person unique, with the intersection of diversity characteristics potentially a strength or a barrier to accessing healthcare, and thereby affecting health and well-being outcomes. Many older people with diverse needs are not accessing appropriate services to meet their needs, leading to suboptimal health and well-being. Community aged care workers are at the frontline, working with diverse older people with complex needs; yet there is a dearth of training available in this sphere. This paper outlines the development and pilot evaluation of a diversity training workshop for managers and frontline community aged care workers. The aim of the workshop was to empower the workforce to support increased participation of older people with diverse needs in their own care, to ultimately lead to their improved health and well-being.

Workshop development was underpinned by sound education principles, a competency framework and research evidence. First iteration of the workshop underwent pilot testing with three groups, two in metropolitan Melbourne (n = 31) and one in regional Victoria (n = 10), Australia. Feedback was gathered via an independent observer (field notes), pre- and post-workshop surveys, and phone interviews with participants 3-month post-workshop. Pilot data and feedback informed changes to workshop content (type of knowledge, application of knowledge and skills), workshop structure and androgogical (adult learning) approach.

An evidence-informed diversity training workshop was developed through an iterative process, with the aim of enhancing knowledge, skills and attitudes of community aged care workers. This approach has developed a workshop that aims to better meet the needs of an aged care workforce, so that they may better support older people with diverse needs to increase engagement and participation in their care, optimizing their health and well-being.  相似文献   

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