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竞技体育的飞速发展,使得竞技体育后备人才的培养越来越受到人们的重视,“青少年运动员的培养”已经成为了研究的热点议题.虽然,我国成人田径运动比赛成绩不理想,但是已有文献研究表明,我国青少年田径运动员的比赛水平与世界青少年运动员的比赛水平差距较小.中国田径青少年运动员优秀选手人才辈出与成人优秀选手较少的鲜明对比,也形成了中国田径运动发展中奇特的现象.  相似文献   

吴刚 《中华武术》2018,(3):37-39
投掷运动员的比赛能力是指投掷运动员在比赛中,表现出最高专项成绩或战胜对手的能力。主要由运动员的训练水平、竞技状态和比赛中的自我控制能力、应变适应能力、身体状态的动员能力、以及心理状态等因素构成。中学生投掷运动员的比赛能力与职业投掷运动员相比差距明显,由于比赛的机会较少,临场比赛的经验较少,造成比赛经验缺乏,使很大一部分中学生投掷运动员在比赛中没有真正发挥出自己的应有水平。本文将就如何解决由于比赛次数减少而造成了比赛经验相对少,成绩没有提高等问题,通过一些模拟训练手段,提高训练的成果,丰富比赛的经验,提高运动成绩。本文还就引用模拟训练手段来提高中学生投掷运动员的比赛经验,以达到提高运动成绩的目的。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查、专家访谈和数理统计等研究方法,对我国普通高校赛艇运动的项目分布、组织管理、教练员、运动员、训练、学习和比赛的现状进行了深入调查.结果表明:我国高校赛艇运动队主要分布在经济发达省份的国家重点大学;管理主要以校方主导,体育部与运动员所在院系并行直接管理的二级管理模式;教练员主要来自于退役运动员;运动员的选拔主要通过体育特长生、校内选拔和与体校联合等方式;赛艇运动员的文化学习管理推行"体教结合"培养模式,目前其就业形势良好;我国高校赛艇队的比赛机会较少,比赛市场尚未形成.  相似文献   

张乐 《新体育》2011,(7):21-21
1国家扶持+明星效应 作为网球大国,俄罗斯的崛起得益于完善的青少年网球培养体系和成熟畅通的运动员输送通道。大批青少年球员在优秀的国内教练的培养下打下了良好的根基,而丰富的训练和比赛资源让他们得到迅速成长。  相似文献   

前言 为了使运动员适应瞬息万变的训练和比赛形式,在整个大脑控制系统中,形成巩固熟练的信息,培养运动员心理上自我控制能力,使运动员在关键时刻创造性地以消耗较少的心理能量,取得较大的成果,这便是心理训练的重要作用。  相似文献   

我国游泳在北京奥运会上的突破,墨尔本世锦赛的辉煌都跟对专项认识的提高有关。研究发现我国优秀游泳运动员年度比赛频率、每次比赛项次以及比赛兼项等一系列问题,相对于国外优秀运动员来说较少,比赛能力  相似文献   

三、培养田径运动员比赛能力的基本方法 培养田径运动员的比赛能力是训练的重要任务之一,应有目的、有计划地列入训练计划。 (一)发展训练水平、培养比赛能力 高度发展的训练水平,是运动员比赛能力形成和塑造的前提。训练水平的高低直接影响运动员比赛的信心、心理活动、机能发挥和应变、适应能力。努力提高训练水平,尤其是专项储备能力,是运动员比赛能力培养的基础工程。训练  相似文献   

优秀运动员的成才.是长期培养,基础积累,系统训练.逐渐提高的一个过程。过去几十年.上海贯彻执行“三级训练网”的业余训练体制,培养了许多优秀运动员,上海各项目运动队全国比赛基本名列前茅。然而,从90年代初开始,上海市区、县青少年业余体育学校逐渐萎缩,取而代之是各级各类,各种营运模式的单项运动学校,使原来培养输送和管理有序的训练体制发生了较大的变化。  相似文献   

通过现场观察2005年全国青少年体操锦标赛的比赛情况,采用数理统计法、专家访谈法、文献资料法,从青少年男子体操运动员的比赛成绩,分析我国青少年男子体操运动员的竞技实力,对进一步提高其运动成绩,为国家一线队伍输送优秀运动员,备战2008年奥运会,进行科学且有针对性的训练提供了有益的参考.  相似文献   

谈到培养青少年射击运动员,那么首先就要谈到如何选材,如何进行基础训练、基本技术训练。从初步的认知到培养成一名优秀的运动员,是一个系统工程,随着现代射击水平的飞速提高,尤其是近几年青少年比赛成绩已接近成年人比赛成绩,气步枪成绩更是接近满环或满环,那么就要求我们基层教练员必须要研究和探索新的选材方法,去挑选和培养能够适应高水平竞争的优秀苗子,为上一级专业队输送高质量的后备人材。下面谈一谈我在教学实践中的几点体会。  相似文献   

The success or failure of any team lies in the skills and abilities of the players that comprise the team. The process of player selection and team formation in multi-player sports is a complex multi-criteria problem where the ultimate success is determined by how the collection of individual players forms an effective team. In general, the selection of soccer players and formation of a team are judgments made by the coaches on the basis of the best available information. Very few structured and analytical models have been developed to support coaches in this effort. We propose a two-phase framework for player selection and team formation in soccer. The first phase evaluates the alternative players with a fuzzy ranking method and selects the top performers for inclusion in the team. The second phase evaluates the alternative combinations of the selected players with a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and selects the best combinations for team formation. A case study is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

We identified the perceptual–cognitive skills and player history variables that differentiate players selected or not selected into an elite youth football (i.e. soccer) programme in Australia. A sample of elite youth male football players (n?=?127) completed an adapted participation history questionnaire and video-based assessments of perceptual–cognitive skills. Following data collection, 22 of these players were offered a full-time scholarship for enrolment at an elite player residential programme. Participants selected for the scholarship programme recorded superior performance on the combined perceptual–cognitive skills tests compared to the non-selected group. There were no significant between group differences on the player history variables. Stepwise discriminant function analysis identified four predictor variables that resulted in the best categorization of selected and non-selected players (i.e. recent match-play performance, region, number of other sports participated, combined perceptual–cognitive performance). The effectiveness of the discriminant function is reflected by 93.7% of players being correctly classified, with the four variables accounting for 57.6% of the variance. Our discriminating model for selection may provide a greater understanding of the factors that influence elite youth talent selection and identification.  相似文献   

采用文献资料调研、数理统计和比较研究等方法,对我国和世界优秀排球运动员的年龄、身高、体重、克托莱指数和扣球高度进行了对比分析。我国男、女排与世界强队相比,体重与克托莱指数存在非常显著差异,说明我国排球运动员身体充实度和肌肉力量不如世界优秀运动员,建议制定我国排球运动员选材模式和评价标准。  相似文献   

Young adult soccer players often encounter difficulty progressing from youth competition to being regularly selected for high-level, open-age competition. In an attempt to increase the playing opportunities of semi-professional and amateur under-21 players in first teams, the Royal Belgian Football Association required national division teams to include at least two players younger than 21 in their match selection (under-21 rule). Over four seasons, the following variables were analysed across 2138 semi-professional and amateur soccer players aged 16?–?39 years: (1) the number of times a player was selected to be in the first team squad; (2) the number of times a player was selected to play in the starting line-up; and (3) the number of minutes played. Chi-square analysis demonstrated that second and third division teams had complied with the new selection regulations. However, two-way analysis of variance of individual player data revealed no increase in the number of playing minutes in the under-21 group. It would appear that many teams had complied with the new regulations by selecting young players as substitutes. The results highlight the difficulties that talented young soccer players experience progressing from youth to senior competition. We conclude that the rule imposed by the Royal Belgian Football Association has failed to improve the playing opportunities of young adult soccer players. Alternative strategies for increasing playing opportunities for young talented players are required.  相似文献   

我国大学高水平篮球队选材现状及对策研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过文献资料、调查访问和逻辑分析等方法 ,对我国大学高水平篮球队选材现状进行调查与分析。结果显示 ,目前我国大学高水平篮球队的运动员主要来自体工队 (少体校 )和中学篮球二级以上的运动员 ,其中 ,中学生篮球运动员占多数 ,具体选拔工作由主教练负责 ,招生法规还欠完善  相似文献   

CBA甲A与NBA队员身高体重模式的比较研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对’97-’98赛季NBA29支球队的411名队员、CBA甲A12支球队的140名队员的身高、体重、身高-体重指数指标作比较研究,以期找出CBA队员在身体形态上的差距,并对选材与体能的训练方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Young adult soccer players often encounter difficulty progressing from youth competition to being regularly selected for high-level, open-age competition. In an attempt to increase the playing opportunities of semi-professional and amateur under-21 players in first teams, the Royal Belgian Football Association required national division teams to include at least two players younger than 21 in their match selection (under-21 rule). Over four seasons, the following variables were analysed across 2138 semi-professional and amateur soccer players aged 16-39 years: (1) the number of times a player was selected to be in the first team squad; (2) the number of times a player was selected to play in the starting line-up; and (3) the number of minutes played. Chi-square analysis demonstrated that second and third division teams had complied with the new selection regulations. However, two-way analysis of variance of individual player data revealed no increase in the number of playing minutes in the under-21 group. It would appear that many teams had complied with the new regulations by selecting young players as substitutes. The results highlight the difficulties that talented young soccer players experience progressing from youth to senior competition. We conclude that the rule imposed by the Royal Belgian Football Association has failed to improve the playing opportunities of young adult soccer players. Alternative strategies for increasing playing opportunities for young talented players are required.  相似文献   

研究目的和方法:采用超声心动仪对比检测30名校园足球运动员和健康对照者的左心室功能,探讨足球运动训练对心脏形态功能的影响,为校园足球运动员的机能评定、选材和训练提供依据。研究结果和结论:与对照组相比,足球运动员的左心室壁厚度较大,为9.5±1.2 mm,对照组为8.2±1.3mm,其中有5名运动员的最大LVWT超过了预测值的上限,提示左心腔扩大(54.4±2.1mm;范围为52~60mm)。表明:与普通大学生相比,高校足球运动员在身体发育基本指标和心率、左心室结构和功能指标方面,均存在明显差异,而有训练的足球运动员学生的LVWT值更大,左心室腔扩大和泵血功能增强。长期有规律的足球训练对心脏形态功能具有一定的影响,这是运动员对足球专项训练特点良好适应的表现。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法、文献资料法对参加中国足协组织的青少年足球冬训营球员的地域流动性进行了调研。结果表明:现阶段球队招募球员受地理因素的限制越来越小;辽宁省的球员向外流动较多;不同的球员交流目的对本土球员培养的影响作用是不同的;大多数球队都很重视外籍球员在球队中的比例,过低或者过高的比例都不利于球队的发展。旨在为青少年足球人才交流的合理进行、青少年足球运动的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

WCBA与WNBA女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄特征比较研究   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
通过对2002-2003赛季WCBA和WNBA女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄比较分 析,发现WCBA运动员中锋和前锋身高低于WNBA运动员,体重和年龄小于WNBA运动员。 结果认为,应注意对我国女子篮球运动员选材,加强力量训练和对抗训练。  相似文献   

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