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电子注册是高校新生报到时一项重要的工作,其内容涉及到大量的数据处理,利用VFP开发和设计高校新生电子注册系统,在重点介绍该系统功能的同时,对注册学生信息的添加、查询、更新和输出打印等关键技术进行分析并解决,力求在实际工作中将人们从繁琐的手工统计中解脱出来,达到事倍功半的效果.  相似文献   

贫困生资助工作是当前高校学生工作的一项重要内容。贫困生认定缺乏合理机制、勤工助学岗位供不应求且工作时间难以保证、解困资金太少不能满足需要、银行“惜贷”使助学贷款困难重重等是当前贫困生资助中存在的主要问题。据此提出如下对策:优化资助模式,以助学贷款代替学费减免,增强大学生的责任心和社会责任感;以勤工助学代替困难补助,培养学生艰苦奋斗、自立自强的精神;设立“服务契约贷学金”;积极拓展助因资金来源渠道,从农村挟贫贷款中划拨教育挟贫,建立经营性勤工助学基地,实现资助资金再积累;调整国家助学贷款实施主体职责,改革国家助学贷款运行机制;实行弹性学分制,为勤工助学提供时间保证;加强信用立法建设,建立大学生个人信用制度;开展贫困生心理健康教育,做到。精神资助”与“物质资助”并举。  相似文献   

朱华 《闽江学院学报》2014,35(6):134-138
高校勤工助学工作对促进大学生综合素质的提升具有重要的意义.我国高校勤工助学工作自1992年推行以来,有了很大的变化与发展,但也存在着对思想政治教育重视不够、对心理健康教育认识不足、创新教育意识缺乏等问题.面对勤工助学工作的现状及时代需求,认真思考有利于勤工助学工作发展方案,寻求更好的途径,积极推进高校勤工助学工作势在必行.高校应从思想政治教育、心理健康教育、创新观念教育等方面着手,坚守勤工助学以“助”促“学”的本质,最大限度地发挥勤工助学资助、育人的功能.  相似文献   

彭军 《绵阳师范学院学报》2007,26(1):107-109,113
随着高校的扩招,高等教育大众化已经成为现实。但是,大众化教育导致生源情况发生巨大的变化,大学生素质也随之发生相应的变化。这一变化给高校学生管理工作带来了新的挑战与机遇。高校学生管理工作是培养社会需要的合格人才的重要保障。加强和改进高校学生管理工作,正确引导和帮助学生健康成长,将是新时期高校学生管理工作者的一项重任。  相似文献   

Almost 40% of Canadian youth who left postsecondary education in 1999 had returned two years later. This paper investigates the extent to which schooling discontinuities affect post-graduation starting wages and whether the latter are influenced by the reasons behind these discontinuities. We use data from the 2007 National Graduate Survey. We apply Lewbel’s (2012) generated instruments approach. The source of identification is a heteroscedastic covariance restriction of the error terms that is a feature of many models of endogeneity. We also perform two-stage quantile regressions. We find a positive effect on wages of temporary interruption for men who held a full-time job during their out-of-school spell(s). Both men and women witness a wage decrease if their interruption depends on health issues. Women bear a wage penalty if their interruption is due to a part-time job, to lack of money, or is caused by reasons other than health, work, and money.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to shed light on the following question: What kinds of four-year institutions of higher learning benefit the most from federal student financial aid programs? We address this question by investigating how institutional quality, institutional mission, and the student's average net cost of attendance covary with average Pell grant, SEOG grant, GSL loan, and college work-study financial aid awards. Our sample is comprised of 254 nonproprietary four-year public institutions of higher learning and 499 nonproprietary four-year private institutions of higher learning.  相似文献   

This paper presnts a data based marketing model of effective enrollment management based on the relationships between changes in the macro environment, changes in target market student preferences, changes in college marketing mix, and changes in enrollment. An enrollment pay off matrix illustrates how institutions have been able to offset, enhance, or neutralize the potential enrollment effects of changes in the job market for college graduates through appropriate changes in academic portfolio strategies focused on curriculum mix and admissions selectivity.  相似文献   

An objective of the federal student financial aid programs is to promote access to higher education, especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. During the past few years, concern has been expressed by diverse segments of the higher education community that this objective is not being met for black and Hispanic students. This article analyzes the effects of aid offers on enrollment decisions by college applicants from the classes of 1972, 1980, and 1982, and analyzes the effects the type of aid offered had on enrollment by minority students in the classes of 1980 and 1982. The principal findings from this analysis are that (1) all types of aid packages had a positive impact on enroliment decisions by college applicants in all three classes, and (2) all types of aid had a positive influence on enrollment by minority students.  相似文献   

大学生兼职的现状调查与职业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生从事兼职现已成为大学校园里的普遍现象,且越来越受到教育理论界的关注。兼职不仅是大学生参加社会实践活动和勤工俭学的一种有效途径,同时也是大学生思想政治教育的重要抓手。本文采取抽样调查的实证研究方法,从大学生兼职的群体、兼职时间的长短、兼职的目的和种类,以及兼职工作与大学生经济状况的关系等几个方面,分析在校大学生从事兼职工作的现状,探讨大学生从事兼职对其学业状况、能力发展和职业发展的关联性影响,研究高校、教育行政主管部门等如何从提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性出发,在切实引导和保障大学生顺利完成学业的前提下,达到兼职工作需求和发展意愿之间的平衡,实现大学生个人的成长成才。  相似文献   

Using detailed data from a unique survey of high school graduates in Germany, we document a gender gap in expected full-time earnings of more than 15%. We decompose this early gender gap and find that especially differences in coefficients help explain different expectations. In particular, the effects of having time for family as career motive and being first-generation college student are associated with large penalties in female wage expectations exclusively. This is especially true for higher expected career paths. Resulting expected returns to education are associated with college enrollment of women and could thus entrench subsequent gaps in realized earnings.  相似文献   

Attending college online has implications for students’ ability to make social connections and eventually obtain jobs by means of social capital. Previous academic work has tested employer callback rates to fictitious resumes treated by indications of either online or face-to-face college attendance but such methods overlook the networking aspect of job obtainment. This article uses data from a national survey to examine if online college attendance reduces the likelihood that a student uses a social connection to obtain his or her first job out of college. Using an instrumental variables approach to account for the nontraditional characteristics of online students, the author found that attending college exclusively online reduces the likelihood of obtaining a job through social connections, independent of personality and other relevant characteristics of the college setting.  相似文献   

国家提出的高职百万扩招令,主要招收退役军人、下岗工人和新型职业农民等人员。海南职业技术学院按照“标准不降、模式多元、学制灵活”原则开展培养工作,从人才培养模式、教学组织形式、专业教学资源建设、教学质量保障体系和教学管理制度五个方面,对人才培养工作进行了改革,为其他高职院校做好相关工作提供了思路。  相似文献   

Back-and-forth enrollment at different institutions—student swirl—and concurrent enrollment at two or more institutions—double-dipping—have become common experiences for students in the United States. However, empirical studies explaining student mobility are rather rare. This study examines how student departures from and returns to a single institution are affected by college attendance elsewhere. The model presented here demonstrates that departure rates are higher for students concurrently attending another college. Return rates, on the other hand, are substantially lower for those students who attend other colleges after departure from the study institution. The effect of multi-institutional attendance differs by college type, with the effect of 4-year out-of-state institution attendance being most pronounced. The simultaneous analysis of departures and returns provides the study institution with a more accurate and complete picture of student mobility.  相似文献   

Although studies have shown a significant wage gain associated with the possession of a college degree, few have considered at what age the degree was received to estimate this college wage premium. Given the recent increase in the enrollment of older students, this study examines how the size of the premium is affected by college timing while focusing on a possible gender difference. Results from fixed-effects models show that those who complete their degree at 25 or older receive a significantly lower premium than those who graduate at a younger age, while the penalty for late graduation is much smaller for women than men. A further analysis suggests that the late college penalty is partly due to the delayed onset of the cumulative benefits higher education provides, and that women are penalized less for late degree completion because they gain less from college education over the course of time to begin with.  相似文献   

高校的招生直接关系到学校生源的好坏,关系到学校的可持续发展问题.招生的宣传工作是高校招生工作的重要环节,是高校之间竞争的重要手段.本文从招生宣传现状出发,试析招生宣传中存在的一些主要问题,试探招生宣传更为有效的途径.  相似文献   

During the 1950s and 1960s, most colleges and universities enjoyed rapid student enrollment increases and liberally expanded their programs and physical facilities accordingly. But the economic, fiscal, and social developments of the 1970s have reduced income sources, increased costs, and diminished traditional student populations. Richard Freeman's work on the demand for higher education and the future worth of a college degree has become a major source of controversy among academicians. To establish a relationship between college attendance and the college job market, Freeman employed a three-equation model to analyze the causative supply and demand determinants. In this paper, we examine the viability of Freeman's Recursive Adjustment Model as a management tool for explaining and predicting enrollments and the job market using macro and micro cases.Presented at the Nineteenth Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, California, May 1979.  相似文献   


The record levels of youth unemployment experienced in recent years has led to a number of theories being advanced to explain this phenomena. Onesuch theory claims that youth labour is too expensive to employ; young people have priced the mselves out of a job. Young people are seen as unwilling to work for the wages employers can afford to pay. This note using data from two longitudinal surveys of the labour market experiences of young people seeks to challenge this view, and shows that the wages young people expect to earn and are prepared to work for in their first job are appreciably below actual earnings of young workers.


The use of dual credit has been expanding rapidly. Dual credit is a college course taken by a high school student for which both college and high school credit is given. Previous studies provided limited quantitative evidence that dual credit/dual enrollment is directly connected to positive student outcomes. In this study, predictive statistics were calculated using the generalized linear mixed model function in SPSS. For the final analysis, a two-level, propensity score weighted, multinomial logistic regression model was developed. Findings of this study are that even after controlling for selection bias, variation across high schools, and several education and socioeconomic status variables, dual credit/dual enrollment was significantly related to increased odds of enrolling at both four-year institutions and community colleges upon high school graduation. The opportunity presented by dual credit expansion and related policy recommendations are explored within the state and federal completion agenda context.  相似文献   

In this essay, Kip Kline and Kathleen Knight Abowitz use Walker Percy's novel The Moviegoer to examine the existential plight of young Americans today who, as they turn the broad and long corner from youth to adulthood, are engaged in a search for self-knowledge and identity construction. They are particularly interested in the young adult as “college student,” engaged in the work of postsecondary education, autonomous from but often still very closely connected to their family of origin in a culture saturated by late-capitalist consumerism and commercial media. Kline and Knight Abowitz interpret this novel in order to examine a malaise specific to our current historical moment that may characterize how young people experience institutions such as U.S. colleges and universities as well as the institution of the contemporary American family. They also wish to show that particular themes in existentialism, which can be teased out in novels such as The Moviegoer, can assist our analysis of the contemporary malaise of the college student and provide theorists, educators, and advocates with possible ways of responding to it.  相似文献   

In the wake of new federal and state mandates,community colleges are faced with demands to provideaccountability reports on student outcomes. With the useof the Employment Development Department Unemployment Insurance (EDD-UI) wage record data, along withthe California Community Colleges Chancellor's OfficeManagement Information System administrative database,this study sought to investigate the extent to which completing an associate degree andvocational certificate impacts the postcollege earningsof students. Based on information from 700,564 studentsfrom California community colleges during the 1992-93 academic year, the findings suggest thatstudents' gains from first year out of college to thirdyear out will differ by age group. Among economicallydisadvantaged students, a strong positive relationship exists between educational attainment andpostcollege gains. An important finding among vocationalstudents is that as women complete more education, theearnings gap closes between men and women. Finally, this study raises several policy implicationsand presents suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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