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This paper reports the results of preliminary research into how Portuguese academics and employers perceive the responsibility of different higher education stakeholders—students, teaching staff, higher education institutions, employers, and policy-makers—for developing graduate employability. The study was conducted 8 years after the implementation of the Bologna Process, the reform that placed employability firmly on the agenda of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Portugal. This paper aims to assess the extent to which higher education is held responsible for developing employability, and to characterize the activities undertaken by the two actors to achieve that end. In particular, with respect to academics, we characterize curricular and other changes to study programmes, and, with respect to employers, their participation in activities undertaken by HEIs meant to ease the transition of students to the labour market. The data comes from a survey responded to by 684 Portuguese academics and 64 employers. Academics and employers alike were found to attribute high responsibility for developing employability to higher education, suggesting that the political message of the Bologna Process regarding the relation between higher education and the labour market has been assimilated. However, the activities reported by both types of respondents indicate only an average commitment to developing employability. Here, the low participation of employers in internal institutional activities is noteworthy, suggesting that the recognition of employers as stakeholders in higher education, as advocated by policy-makers, has yet to happen in Portugal.  相似文献   

The quality assurance bodies for higher education in the United Kingdom, particularly HEFCE and QAA, have concluded that the information and communication technologies can serve as powerful stimuli for improving the three principal instructional functions in higher education institutions: teaching, learning, and assessment. Thus, quality ratings will increasingly be influenced by staff competence in the use of these technologies and, as a result, institutions must make efforts to generalize their use. HEFCE is setting up a Learning and Teaching Support Network and a Generic Learning and Teaching Centre intended to provide subject-based support for the sharing among higher education institutions of innovation and good practice. The Council is also proposing to set up an e-University that would operate commercially as a clearing-house, outsourcing many of its activities to a core of selected campus universities. Many view this proposal as a threat to traditional universities.  相似文献   

英国从1986年开始实行高校科研评估,四到五年进行一次,已经在1986、1989、1992、1996和2001年进行了5次,即将进行第6次评估。英国的高校科研评估从研究成果、研究环境、受同行尊重方面对高校的科研水平进行评估,评估结果与拨款直接挂钩。高校科研评估对英国高等教育发展产生了很大影响,既有正面的也有负面的。通过对英国高校科研评估提出的背景、内容、过程、指标和标准等方面进行较为全面的分析,研究揭示了英国高校科研评估的优缺点,以及对我国开展高校科研评估的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In recent decades, a growing body of literature has emerged to illustrate the strong pressure on higher education institutions to prepare graduates for the world of work. This paper examines studies that attempt to incorporate the concept of employability skills in the empirical analysis. It thus focuses on the conceptual discussion and methodological options to show how researchers cope empirically with the assumptions associated with employability skills. This literature survey offers a taxonomy of methods that distinguishes between direct and indirect, as well as supervised and unsupervised, methods for the collection of data on skills. Although the underlying premise of the available research is that higher education institutions and policymakers should be provided with information on employability skills, the studies examined in this paper suggest that the identification of those skills is an impossible endeavour. Agreement is only found on some cognitive, technical, and relational skills. More importantly, it is argued that the supply-side approach overlooks economic and social processes that might affect employability. The problem of graduates’ employability transcends higher education institutions’ provision of useful and matched skills.  相似文献   

National mechanisms for comparing the research profiles of higher education institutions (HEIs) have become increasingly common. Probably the best known of these is the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) conducted in the United Kingdom, and used as the basis for the allocation of research funding. Such exercises are expensive. They would have additional value if the data could be used by HEIs to inform the development of their research strategies. In this paper we use publicly available RAE outcome data to demonstrate this potential. We contrast the two units’ research profiles with other units of assessment within the HEI, with other like-units nationally, and finally we examine the relative performance of all the HEI’s units of assessment against their national counter-parts. Finally we discuss the kinds of insights these data may offer in the development of research strategy at the level of the institution, and at the level of the School or Department.  相似文献   

The modernisation of research evaluation: The case of the UK   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
The Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), first established by the UK University Grants Committee in 1985 has been an important instrument in the modernisation of higher education in the UK. It is a means of rationalising the stratification of universities and the concentration of research resources, and of maximising research output. At the same time, while its operation remains substantially under professional control, it has had profound implications for the academic profession. The article explores these through analysing the workings of the RAE and its consequences for higher education institutions, departments and individuals. It suggests that the RAE has triggered substantial changes in the management of the research function in universities and in the culture of university departments. It has disturbed the web of relationship between the individual academic, the discipline, the department and the institution. It has impacted on individual professional identities and concepts of research responsibilities.  相似文献   

运用访谈法和问卷法研究了广西师范大学生物学学科开展产学研合作研究生培养的现状。结果表明:该学科在采用多种产学研合作模式培养研究生上取得了较好的成绩;同时存在诸如合作单位性质比例失调、合作地域狭窄、合作培养规模小等问题。归其原因,政府支持力度不够是首要因素,其次为企业参与积极性、高校的主动意识和中介机构协调力等因素。在此基础上,提出了推动广西高校研究生产学研合作培养模式多样化的对策建议。  相似文献   

In an educational context characterised by globalisation, reputation constitutes a crucial issue for today’s higher education institutions. Internationalisation of higher education is often seen as a potential response to globalisation and, consequently, higher education has become increasingly internationalised during the past decade. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between internationalisation and reputation in top higher education institutions. Results reveal that internationalisation positively influences a university’s reputation but also moderates the relationship between the institution’s reputation and its institutional performance with regard to research quality, teaching quality and graduate employability.  相似文献   

以人工智能、大数据等技术为代表的新一轮技术革新,迫切需要对知识产权管理交叉学科研究生人才培养模式进行创新优化,这是推进国家创新驱动发展战略、知识产权强国战略实施的现实需要,亦是推进知识产权管理“新文科”内涵式发展的必经之路。新文科建设背景下,高校应以学生发展为根本、以社会需求为指引、以知识应用为导向,促进跨学科交叉、多主体协同,通过明确知识产权管理研究生人才培养定位,组建新时代高素质师资队伍,制定适应新形势需求教学体系,建设“资金+平台+基地”的教学资源,构建多元化教学质量评价体系等实施路径,探索新文科建设背景下知识产权管理交叉学科研究生人才“教—学—用—评”一体化培养模式,为国家、企业和社会输送复合型、应用型知识产权管理高素质人才。  相似文献   

At the core of higher education is the experience of students whose focus for learning is often directed towards their future employability. In this paper, we explore the intersections between two large international research projects involving over 500 students. Interviews with students yielded their conceptions of learning and work in specific discipline and professional areas. Analysis of the Swedish and Australian data sets showed the important interplay between students’ individual ideas about learning and future work with their workplace. A meta-analysis of the two projects highlights the utility of higher education for students’ future working life and suggests ways in which institutions and policy makers can critique current practice in a way that will incline curriculum and teaching development towards professional formation.  相似文献   

对考试质量进行“四度”分析,是人们普遍采用的一种考试质量分析方法。作者通过阐析“四度”分析方法及其理论基石——真分数假设,指出由于真分数假设仅能建立起真分数与人的心理特质之间一种粗略的正向关系,本身存在着严重依赖特定被试组和特定试题组的缺陷,作为真分数假设一种逻辑性展开及统计特性应用的“四度”分析方法,也因此存在着严重依赖特定被试组和特定试题组的局限性,强调人们只有在常模参照考试中才能正确有效地使用它。  相似文献   

The education of child‐centered early childhood practitioners involves issues of content, pedagogy, relationships and context. Recent insights on the nature of child‐centered teaching generated by collaborative research with teachers, has highlighted its complexity and suggests that new ways of thinking about teacher education are needed. But developing a more learner‐centered approach to early childhood teacher education will be difficult, given the instrumentalist orientation in many institutions and in societies at large. This paper discusses the broad issues surrounding the development of a more learner‐centered approach to early childhood teacher education and describes several initiatives the authors have been involved in, in Australia and the United States.  相似文献   

研究生自身因素中,研究兴趣、职业预期、科研经历和学术规范的感知4个因素对研究生的学术行为有着显著的影响,且影响程度由大到小依次排列为研究兴趣-学术规范的感知-科研经历-职业预期.只有做到思想教育与培养模式创新并重、学术知识学习与实践环节锻炼紧密结合,才可能从根本上杜绝研究生的学术不端行为,还应着力培养研究生的研究兴趣,完善学术规范体系度其功能,加强研究生培养模式创新,加强产学研的结合.  相似文献   

What constitutes graduate employability is discursively framed. In this paper we argue that whilst universities in the UK have long had an involvement in producing useful and productive citizens, the ongoing neoliberalisation of higher education has engendered a discursive shift in definitions of employability. Traditionally, universities regarded graduate employment as an aspect of institutions’ relationship with the labour market, and one where they enjoyed a significant degree of discretion. Now, employability is a performative function of universities, shaped and directed by the state, which is seeking to supplant labour markets. We argue that this has three profound implications. First, state intervention in labour markets adjusts power balances in favour of employers. Second, contrary to the legitimising rationale of enhancing social justice, pursuit of employability agendas may well be creating two tiers of universities – those that produce docile employees and those that produce employers/leaders. And third, employability discourses may be adversely affecting pedagogies and curricula, to the disbenefit of students, institutions, employers, social justice and civil society.  相似文献   

Ratings awarded to university departments in the UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2001 were analysed to determine whether they were influenced either by the status of the university (pre‐1992 or post‐1992) or by whether the university was represented on the panel that determined the ratings. There was little evidence that panel membership has any effect on ratings, but an analysis of covariance also showed that, among universities not on the panel, pre‐1992 universities were more favourably assessed, relative to post‐1992 universities, than would be expected on the basis of their ratings in the 1996 RAE. This finding, along with the preponderance of pre‐1992 universities on all panels (even those where the majority of the research is conducted by post‐1992 universities), is used to urge strongly that in future RAEs, panel membership should be made much more representative of higher education in general and of the institutions submitting the research considered by each panel in particular.  相似文献   

Increasing expectations are being placed on higher education institutions to ensure the economic relevance of research and knowledge creation as well as developing the skill needs of workers in modern knowledge‐based societies. In the UK, workplace learning has long been a feature of higher education in certain subject areas, and in the late 1990s the idea of work experience for all students re‐emerged as a significant issue. Various studies have considered the relationship between work placement experiences during higher education and students' subsequent transition into employment after graduation, but there has been less recent research exploring how the placement experience translates into academic development. This article presents some of the findings of a study on the effects, as perceived by undergraduates themselves, of work experience placements on aspects of learning as well as employability. The majority of placement students indicate personal and intellectual development and report increased levels of confidence and enhanced motivation towards study. However, national data show a continuing decline in the numbers of UK students taking up placements, and the study suggests that more general moves towards flexibility within undergraduate programmes may be contributing to this decline.  相似文献   

Recent policy developments in English Higher Education have resulted in employability placed in the spotlight, whereby the success of universities will be measured based on graduate employment. This represents the latest focus placed on employability in the sector, as universities are increasingly expected to provide employment-ready graduates to meet the demands of a global economy. In response universities have invested considerable energy into initiatives and services to enhance the employability outcomes of graduates. However, institutions have largely been UK-centric on their focus, with limited attention paid to the employability needs of international students. In this paper, we report the outcomes of a study centred on the largest group of non-EU domiciled international students in the UK, those from Mainland China. Drawing on survey data we examine Mainland Chinese students’ attitudes to their employability and the support they engage with through their UK University. We pay specific attention to the opportunities presented through the ‘international’ nature of the HE experience, and consider how these are utilised by both the students, and their institutions, to develop their future employability. We conclude by proposing recommendations for universities and institutions to enhance the support offered to this often overlooked, but significant group of students.  相似文献   

Peer observation has become a feature of university practice over the last decade, the primary impetus for its introduction being the political drive to raise teaching quality via the development and sharing of ‘good practice’. Peer observation within higher education (HE) involves observing colleagues in the classroom and has the further aim of supporting continuing professional development (CPD) through peer learning. This article is based upon a research study of a typical observation scheme as introduced within a new university prior to a quality review. It is underpinned by the deconstruction of the university's observation documentation and focuses upon the experience of a teaching observation trio taking part in this formal peer observation process over a 2‐year period, before and after a Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) subject review. The deconstruction of the university's documentation, combined with the actual experience of the observation trio studied, reveals issues of politics, power and pragmatics. A managerial discourse emerges with emphasis on compliance by lecturing staff and with an economic underpinning not actually supported by resources. Pre‐QAA, the observation trio complied with the management's requirements for record keeping but the process of peer observation opened up learning and development opportunities for them as individuals. Post‐QAA the trio members became focused primarily on their own objectives. Although management had sought control, the individuals involved developed and pursued their own, shared agenda of professional development.  相似文献   

教学内容改革是应用型研究生培养的关键因素。当前应用型研究生教学内容存在结构比例不平衡现象。要开展海军院校应用型研究生教学内容改革研究,必须正确理解应用型研究生教学内容改革的几种关系,如理论与实践、数字化生存能力训练、现实课堂与虚拟课堂的融合、通用教材和专业教材的互补互融等的关系,强化实践能力培养,建设实践环境,建立实践基地,建立合作导师机制,建立对抗、课题考核机制,切实面向部队军事训练和科研实践,改革应用型研究生教学内容,提高研究生培养质量。  相似文献   

Graduate employability has become an issue in Vietnam since many university students do not satisfy the needs of employers. Universities often receive the strongest criticism on the poor employability assets graduates possess. The ill-preparation of university graduates is considered the result of the out dated and irrelevant curriculum in the higher education system, of the traditional teaching methods and the absent of career guidance in most universities. This article, however, aims to challenge this common criticism that university is to blame for the ill-preparation for employment of its graduates. By conducting a qualitative research inviting the voices of both students and employers on the issue, this article wants to address a wider context and circumstance and also the related issues surrounding the transition from university to work of Vietnamese university graduates. It suggests that not only universities, but also students, employers and other related stakeholders (i.e. student’s family, government and educational policy makers) should acknowledge the changes in society, should be aware of the cultural features at work, and should see their responsibility in the process. They all should make an effort to create mutual understanding, to collaborate and to enhance the development of graduate employability in the Vietnamese context.  相似文献   

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