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随着社会居民生活水平提高、优质教育服务需求上升和教育成本增加,高校学费水平上涨已成为常态。文章以浙江省宁波市8所公办普通高校为研究对象,从社会居民生活水平和高等教育办学成本两个维度,构建学费调整指数,考察近年来地方公办普通高校学费调整状况。研究发现,学费占城镇居民生活水平、高等教育服务成本的比例不断下降,趋于理性;社会居民对大学学费表现出较强的负担能力,政府也投入了较大的财政力度。然而,学费调整过程中我们仍需重视不同类型高校学费差异性的体现,高校学费调整监督的加强及通过学费调整保障高等教育服务水平。  相似文献   

高等教育的学费差别定价作为一种平衡不同利益群体的价格歧视性制度,可以较好地兼顾到教育公平和效率,我国目前的学费差别定价主要体现在地区差别、学校类型差别和学科专业差别,但是现行的差别定价机制不能很好地体现与经济发展水平、居民收入状况、成本—收益相一致的政策要求,学费定价方式仍然存在简单化、统一化、弹性不足等问题,需要通过核算生均标准成本、实行浮动价格和采用价格听证等三种方式对我国的学费差别定价制度进行完善.  相似文献   

高等教育学费二元结构是公办和民办高校产权差异和学费制度差异的反映。公共财政不足造成了公办和民办高等教育的二元规制、市场的二元分割和市场功能定位的分化。这导致学费定价中政府与市场的边界不清、公办和民办高等教育学费标准的差异与质量的差异不对称、个人投资收益率的差异扩大、学费的资源配置功能弱化。“效率优先,兼顾公平”是其指导思想,其不利于先天禀赋不足的学生,其社会福利效应逐渐降低。在公共财政能力已经增强,高等教育已经大众化的背景下,应该取消对公办和民办高等教育的二元规制,加大民办高等教育的财政投入,提高民办高等教育的质量,加强民办高等教育的学生资助,消除高等教育学费二元结构的不利影响。  相似文献   

高校学费依据教育培养成本收取的悖论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前我国高校学费主要依据教育培养成本收取,但此举既缺乏理论依据,在实践操作中亦弊端百出。学费实质上是一种教育价格,学费收取的标准取决于高等教育价格的供求关系。即高等教育供给要求学费收取由政府定价为主逐步走向政府定价与学校自主定价相结合;高等教育需求要求学费价格应更多地考虑居民的经济承受能力。  相似文献   

由于计量目标差异,教育成本有两种不同形式:基于成本管理目的下的实际成本和基于学费定价目的下的标准成本。学费定价和教育成本有着必然的互动关系,生均教育成本是学费定价的重要基础,但学费定价应该以标准成本为基础。由于学费定价的复杂因素以及教育成本计量的困难,教育成本不能成为学费定价的唯一决定。  相似文献   

研究生教育是准公共产品,基于准公共产品第二种定义所提出的方案主张研究生学费定价和财政补贴可分立操作.研究生学费可首先单独建立在研究生教育是私人产品基础上,学费是学校根据学生需求和劳动力市场需求所确定的市场化价格,生均成本在市场中确定并且不高于学费;同时,针对不同学校、不同专业所产生的不同外部性,政府有针对性地单独用财政进行补贴以保证某种外部性的充足供给.竞争市场对私人收益和外部性的恰当反映成为确定学费与财政资助的依据.此方案将学费和生均成本决定权交给市场(学费等于生均成本),而将财政资助决定权保留给政府,财政资助成为对成本的分担.本文以比较的方法对美国华盛顿州正在实践中的宏观研究生学费定价政策进行了分析.  相似文献   

在总结研究生学费定价策略相关研究的基础上,从高等教育内部收益率的视角,可以揭示我国研究生学费差异化定价策略和政策含义。研究根据高校硕士研究生毕业去向,通过使用内部收益率法,测算不同高校和专业的硕士研究生教育内部收益率,并与社会平均投资收益率进行比较,从而形成了不同专业学费差异化定价策略。该策略使得学费定价主体能够更为方便地通过学费变化,调整不同专业的内部收益率,有助于缓解我国硕士研究生教育专业冷热不均的现状,也有助于形成我国高校更为科学合理的优势学科布局。进而,根据这一差异化定价策略,提出政府应针对具有不同内部收益率水平的专业,在学费定价主体和定价机制上进行差异化管理,可以分别采取高校自行定价、政府补贴和允许社会资本进入等更为灵活的管理办法和体制。  相似文献   

以浙江省公办普通高校作为研究对象,通过指数构建来研究学费调整机制,发现:学费上涨后,社会家庭呈现出较强的经济负担能力,学费水平在其可承受范围以内;政府对高等教育财政投入的增加一定程度上保障了高校的运营;毕业生收入水增加进一步印证了受教育者的个人教育收益率。但是,在新学费政策的实行中,也有一些问题需要注意和完善:要逐步建立以高校生均培养成本为主的学费调整机制;学费调整应该反映教育投资者的意愿和选择;学费调整应该加大不同学科专业的差异性。  相似文献   

民办高校学费水平过高会给学生及其家庭造成沉重的负担,加剧高等教育资源分配的不平等。通过对H省各类型民办高校的学费标准、在校学生数和教师薪酬进行分析,获得不同类型的民办高校直接人工费用占总成本的比例范围。研究结果能够从横向和纵向两方面评估民办高校学费标准和人工费用支出的合理性,为降低民办高校学费标准、减少非教学支出、优化民办高校师资队伍等政策制定提供实证基础。  相似文献   

通过对北京市属高校中较具代表性、财务管理水平较高、且本科招生规模基本相当的4所不同类型高校的生均培养成本分析,并将其与北京市高等教育财政生均综合定额进行比较,发现当前以生均综合定额为基础、学生人数为唯一因素的拨款方式过于简单,未能充分反映不同学科门类、办学层次、办学水平下的生均培养成本差异,其结果不利于提高教育资金的使用效率和效益,不利于促进特色办学.样本研究表明,不同学科门类、办学层次、办学水平的高校之间标准本科生的生均培养成本存在总体差异和结构性差异.  相似文献   

我国高等学校收费问题的成因与对策探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目前我国高等教育领域收费方面出现的问题有两方面原因。一方面,在高等教育跨越式发展的同时各方面的投入没有同步地予以保证,收费作为成本低廉的费用补偿方式对高校具有吸引力。另一方面,在高校内部就收费的决策过程中,存在着公益人和经济人的力量均衡,也存在着责任部门与非责任部门的力量均衡,力量均衡的结果可能使一些高校出现不规范的收费行为。从近期看,应该加强收费政策的合理性基础,严格管制收费行为做好学生经济资助;从长远看,还要保证政府投入,培育高校工作者的公益和非营利意识,使高校实现良性可持续发展。  相似文献   

In theory, not-for-profit organizations will be characterized by higher production costs per unit of output than for-profit producers of otherwise-identical goods/services, since profit maximization implies cost minimization per unit of output; breaking even does not imply cost minimization and, indeed, may imply inflated costs. We explore the empirical validity of this hypothesis in the context of higher education. Using 1996 data, we estimate multiproduct cost functions for 1,450 public, 1,316 private, not-for-profit, and 176 private, for-profit institutions of higher education in the United States. We fail to find a statistically significant difference between for-profit and not-for-profit private providers, but do find a statistically significant difference between private, not-for-profit institutions and public institutions.  相似文献   

It is widely acknowledged that the private costs of education occupy a substantial part of the overall education cost and thus they have implications for quality and equity in education. The case of Japan demonstrates that access to basic education at junior high school level is unequal and inequitable when considering private costs of education borne within and outside the school system. It was also found that household spending on supplementary education in public schools is likely to be determined by local implementation of education reforms. Current education reform with its absence of financial and technical support to schools under the guise of deregulation does not seem to generate good levels of choice nor does it seem to sustain quality and equity in education.  相似文献   

国家助学贷款对高等教育个人收益率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人力资本理论认为教育是一项能给个人带来收益的投资。借助学生贷款完成高等教育将改变个人的教育成本和收益,并影响借贷者的高等教育个人收益率。本文研究国家助学贷款政策对高等教育个人收益率的影响程度,以及不同的还款方案对高等教育个人收益率作用的大小。  相似文献   

从我国大众对学前教育资源的需求侧出发研判学前教育公共服务的供给现实,对于厘清当前学前教育资源的需求层次、提升学前教育公共服务供给质量具有关键意义。学前教育公共服务的目标应把握保基本和求发展的需求逻辑,从基本需求、差额需求和超额需求三个层次出发构建学前教育公共服务供给的差序格局。在明晰学前教育公共服务供给现实问题的基础上,提供公共性和共享性的普及化基本公共服务、公益性和分享性的普惠化补充性公共服务、私益性和独享性的个性化非公共服务,保证学前教育公共服务供给的可实现性和可获得性。对学前教育公共服务供给机制的设计探索,需积极构建责任共担与收益共享的供给制度,保证经费供给的可行性和可持续性,从参与主体、服务供给、成本分担、人员管理、监督管理五个维度设计供给路径。  相似文献   

The marketization of higher education in the 15 countries that were formally part of the USSR has established a system model that is distinctive within world higher education, the dual-track tuition system. The foundations of this model were established in the economic liberalization of late Soviet period which facilitated a common pattern in higher education across the post-Soviet countries. Although a private sector has been established, the primary mode of marketization has taken place within the public sector. This remains dominant but has been split into two heterogenous segments in terms of funding and student selection. National systems, and individual institutions, have become divided between state-subsidized higher scoring students, and fee-paying lower performing students, creating different valuations and behaviours for the two segments. National standardized testing is an important instrument of marketization, shaping student selection and institutional differentiation and legitimating the unequal social outcomes that result. Empirical comparison across the 15 countries demonstrates a high level of privatisation of costs, largely because of private funding within public sector. This system model, which is incoherent and fosters a large-scale commitment to non-excellence, reflects a larger duality within post-Soviet societies and polities which remains unresolved. Higher education is riven between the Soviet egalitarian legacy of higher education as a public good, and the post-Soviet moment of the late 1980s and 1990s in which policy shaped by Anglo-American neoliberal thinking set out to turn education into a consumer choice on the basis of an abstract formula of the ideal market.  相似文献   

Luke Akaguri 《Compare》2014,44(2):140-161
The paper uses data from a household survey of three rural communities and interviews in the Mfantseman Municipality in the Central Region of Ghana to investigate the costs incurred by households that choose either fee-free public schools or low-fee private schools. The paper shows that both provisions impose costs that place those with lower household incomes at a disadvantage since the poorest cannot afford the costs for several children. Although fee-free public education has led to the elimination of payments such as tuition, exams and extra classes fees, other direct costs such as feeding and school uniform consume a large part of the household expenditure on education for the poor. Low-fee for profit private schools remain out of reach and are not affordable by the poorest. The paper concludes that fee-free public schooling still leaves households with significant costs, which constitute a barrier to access for children from poor households. The findings indicate the need for the government of Ghana, and those other countries with similar circumstances, to develop and implement policies that are pro-poor and ensure that there are no costs to the poorest households since this is the only way all children will enjoy a full cycle of basic education as mandated by commitments to Education for All.  相似文献   

A sample of public universities and private colleges are compared in terms of their enrolments, costs, facilities and quality of provision. The purpose is to illuminate an important policy issue for Malaysia and to contribute to the general debate on the role of the private sector in the provision of higher education. The general findings are that public universities appear to be more efficient in satisfying public demand in terms of quality of provision.  相似文献   

美国四年制公立院校办学成本的递增折射出高校办学成本递增的一般特点,表现为办学成本的增长快于一般物价水平的增长,办学总成本的增幅快于生均教育成本的增幅,学生资助增幅快于教学费用增幅以及不同层次院校成本递增具有一定的差异性等方面。驱动办学成本递增的因素有入学规模、学术竞争、组织效率、教育产业属性、学生资助等。我国应加大高等教育投入、促进院校之间的适度办学竞争、加强学校成本管理、创新产权制度、完善学费和资助政策,以提高我国高等教育的质量和效率。  相似文献   

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