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Discourse practices play crucial roles in shaping the cultural environment of social events and, therefore, influence how they actually take place. Promotional materials and media advertisements are significant instances of such discourses through which understandings of social practices, including language education, are both reflected and shaped. In this study, I explore the advertisements of Iranian private language teaching institutes appearing in Hamshahri newspaper to uncover ideologies behind them and to examine the subtleties of how the advertisements represent and at the same time reproduce the ideological assumptions regarding “English language teaching” in Iran. A contextual investigation of ideological presuppositions underlying the discourse of these advertisements reveals that they tend to reproduce mystified instrumentalist images of language learning. From a critical view of language education, I discuss this simplistic ideological representation and the obligation of the profession of language education to address it.  相似文献   

文章通过问卷调查,对民族地区本科院校非英语专业学生英语学习的个人需求及社会需求进行调查和分析。结果显示,调查对象缺乏学习英语的兴趣和自信;同时由于缺少良好的语言学习环境,加上大学英语教学与就业环境较不符合,使得学生们对英语学习不够重视。  相似文献   

In this review, we explore the notion of teaching science to English language learners (ELLs) as a balancing act between simultaneously focusing on language and content development, on the one hand, and between structuring instruction and focusing on student learning processes, on the other hand. This exploration is conducted through the lens of a theoretical framework embedded in the Science Writing Heuristic approach, an approach exemplifying immersive orientation to argument-based inquiry. Three learning processes (learning through the language of science, learning about the language of science and living the language of science) and three classroom structures (collective zone of proximal development, symmetric power and trust relationships and teacher as decision-maker) are explored in relation to learning theories and empirical findings from second language acquisition and science, multicultural and teacher education bodies of work. Three themes – negotiation, embeddedness and non-threatening learning environments – to inform ELL science education emerged from the review.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化进程的不断加快和信息技术的迅猛发展,作为国际化交流语言的英语已经在中国教育体系中占有非常重要的位置。然而,对于我国少数民族地区的大学生来说英语学习还存在很多障碍。比如我国大多数少数民族地区地处边疆或山区、交通和信息交流十分不便;民族地区的英语教育起步较晚并且步伐也比较缓慢;学生对英语学习的目标不够明确,重视程度也不够等。但随着大学英语课堂教学改革的不断深入,多媒体辅助教学已经走进了课堂,用图、文、声、像合一的方式让英语教学变得更加形象、直观和生动。本文将针对我国少数民族地区的大学英语教学的实际情况,结合多媒体教学的特点与优势,探讨如何将其与民族地区的大学英语教学有机结合,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,提高少数民族地区的大学英语教学水平。  相似文献   


Although research on private tutoring has gained visibility in recent years, private tutoring in English (PT-E) has not received notable attention. This paper examines students’ perceptions of PT-E in Bangladesh in terms of its necessity and helpfulness, peer pressure in PT-E participation and ethicality of PT-E practice and government intervention. Our analysis of survey data (N?=?572) leads to characterising PT-E and explaining the reasons for its popularity. As a popular learning space beyond formal schooling, PT-E is available in various forms and quality catering to the purchasing power of different social groups. We argue that students may resort to PT-E not because of its proven effectiveness but because of their declining faith in school English teaching. The paper contributes to our understanding of the complex interactions between the curricular (school) and non-curricular (PT-E) settings and family socioeconomic resources in the teaching of English as a globally desired language.  相似文献   

David Gardner 《Compare》2019,49(2):192-210
Internationalisation of higher education greatly facilitates cross-border student mobility, which has been extensively researched. This comparative study focuses on the relatively under-explored field of intra-regional educational mobility. It compares attitudes towards learning and using English of M ainland Chinese students and Hong Kong Chinese students while studying side-by-side at an English-medium university in Hong Kong. Using a mixed methodology the study found that the two groups expressed a similarly strong need for, and acceptance of, English as an academic lingua franca but expressed significantly different attitudes, needs and desires in relation to the use of English for social intercourse. The weaker presence of a social lingua franca was accompanied by perceptions of a lack of inclusivity. If, as is suggested in the literature, both social and academic integration are integral to the university experience, the findings reveal a lacuna in the learning environment of this and potentially other similarly internationalised universities.  相似文献   

In research on gender and teaching in higher education, the experiences of male teachers as men, and of whiteness in a non-majority-white context have received little attention. As one step towards addressing this gap in the literature, this paper analyses interview accounts of white Western men working as English language teachers in Japanese higher education. The paper demonstrates, first, ways in which disembodied academic identities are constructed by erasing the men's racialised gender and sexuality. Second, it shows how favourable images of white Western male teachers are produced through a series of negative contrasts based on gender and race. Third, it suggests that men's homosocial networks may serve to facilitate male predominance in the Japanese university system. The analysis contributes to current understandings about the construction of white Western masculinities in academic institutions, in international education, and in English language teaching as a globalised industry.  相似文献   

Decades of theorisation and research on the teaching and learning of second-language writing have hardly created coherent theoretically profound and practically relevant understandings of writing instruction. This article discusses the possibilities and insights created by bringing personal meaningfulness into the realm of writing pedagogy. Briefly revisiting the mainstream landscape of second-language writing theory and, more specifically, addressing aspects of (im)personal academic writing and publishing, we present an overview of the notion of wor(l)d writing, which implies the intimate interconnection of writing and the writer’s individual and social identity. Recognising the role of linguistic forms, cognitive processes and socio-political situatedness of writing practices, such a perspective underscores the importance of balancing these elements and going beyond them by bringing the self of the writer into the writing practice. On this basis, we argue that language and literacy education may be enhanced by acknowledging the little-explored wonders of writing and understanding it as an act of composing and narrating the word-world of the self-other.  相似文献   

时代发展对大学英语教师的能力和素质提出新要求。大学英语教师的教育教学水平成为高校提高外语教学质量的关键。然而,外在原因、个体原因、教学任务重等诸多因素极大地限制了大学英语教师接受正式继续教育的机会。反思型教学能够成为大学英语教师保持与时代同步的有效方法。经常地反思改进就是一种学习。终生的反思与改进就是一种终身的学习。这种终身的学习将益己益人,益教育、益国家。  相似文献   

试论师范院校英语专业的职业技能课程设置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范院校英语专业的职业技能课程存在课程设置不太科学、课时分配不太合理、技能训练不太充分等问题。这无疑会影响教学质量和培养目标,因而必须尽快解决。为此,可在提高认识的基础上重点抓住增设与职业技能课程相关的边缘学科课程、增强“英语教学法”课程的教学功能、增加技能训练的教学活动等几个环节,使既有问题得以逐步解决,使课程设置形成科学系统,以保证教学目的和培养目标的实现。  相似文献   

重新思考和定位汉语言文学专业,积极改革更新其教学内容、模式和方法对一名从事汉语言文学教育的高校教师来说有着重要的意义。表达能力是汉语言文学的根本,表达能力主要包括两点:一是口头表达能力和交际能力,二是书面表达能力和写作能力,教师的教和学生的学都必须以此为立足点。植入课程《文学解读和论文写作:指南与范例》架起了汉语和英语的桥梁,既提高了专业能力,又加强了英语学习,起到了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

在二语习得领域里,学习策略是一项重要的研究内容,通过定量分析可以给大学英语教学带来重要的帮助。基于此,本文对青海师范大学中学生的英语学习策略进行实证研究以便对教学有所启示。  相似文献   

以人为本的教育理念就是把学生放在教学的首位,把育人作为教学的出发点和归宿点,关注学生的全面发展。以人为本的教学理念符合教育的宗旨和社会的需求,符合语言教学特点和高职英语教学实际。课堂教学是英语学习的主渠道,教师在教学中应尊重、理解、关爱每位学生;构建人性化课堂管理机制;尊重学生的个性差异,因材施教;营造愉快的学习氛围;构建科学的考核模式等教学策略,实施以人文本的教学理念。这样才能发展学生语言技能,培养学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

We live in ‘a world of clashing interests’ [Zinn, H. (1991). Declarations of independence: Cross-examining American ideology. Toronto: Harper Collins, p. xx]. In a grapple for survival, universities choose to spend less money and time on teaching and learning, less time on robust evaluation of student learning and concomitantly less active support for collaborative reflective practice. However, the situation is even more dire than that outlined above because university management seeks to portray its focus on teaching and learning as genuine and a priority. Considerable effort is spent on encouraging teachers to compete for teaching excellence awards at the same time as universities push academics harder and harder into ‘real research’, that is, research that is not about teaching and learning. This is further exacerbated by the use of teaching quality instruments which have been criticised as unreliable indicators of student learning. This paper argues that individual reflective practitioners collecting and collaborating together can advocate for teaching in the current higher education environment but the outreach of this advocacy is likely to be limited when the advocacy remains within ‘pockets of resistance’. To further promote change from within the institution and extend the breadth and depth of an individual's influence beyond the pockets of resistance, we suggest that individuals use collaborative reflective practice-based strategies aligned with each of the dimensions of the institution's ‘cultural web’. Collaborative reflective practice has the potential to advocate for teaching beyond small groups of enthusiasts because it taps into the often hidden but heart-felt passion and commitment to teaching held by many academics.  相似文献   

Communication is widely recognised as an important capability for university graduates [Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2013). OECD skills outlook 2013: First results from the survey of adult skills. Author. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264204256-en]. Yet, research suggests that it is often not adequately developed by Australian universities, remaining implicit in teaching and assessment. This is in part because Australian universities have historically conceptualised communication not as an outcome of disciplinary study, but as a generic, foundational competency or skill. It has therefore been managed outside the curriculum by establishing academic language and learning units that help students develop written and spoken communication through a range of student services. The services model of communication development is becoming untenable, however, given the increasing cultural and linguistic diversity of students and the recognised importance of communication as a graduate outcome. Whole-of-institution approaches are required to integrate communication into course curricula as a fundamental part of disciplinary learning, and develop the capacity of teaching staff to teach it. This paper explores Writing Across the Curriculum and Writing Inside the Disciplines, two complementary approaches used widely in the US for developing literacy in higher education. They emerged in the 1970s in response to the kind of student diversity now common in Australian universities, and offer institution-wide strategies for developing communication as an essential outcome of study in academic and professional disciplines.  相似文献   


Using the notion of structure of feeling by Raymond Williams, this article seeks to illuminate an ideological understanding of Korean English teachers’ anxiety and deep sense of insecurity in English language teaching (ELT). Through a discussion of how their anxiety is grounded deeply within unequal social relations and how they reframe their anxiety through critical reflection on the cultural and ideological bias of their own anxiety, it points out the intricate relationship between ideology and emotion; teachers’ emotions are shaped by dominant ideologies that constitute the social structures constraining their position as teachers, while their engagement with those emotions also enables their self-transformation towards gaining confidence as teachers. The results of the study emphasise the tension between social structure and agency in teachers’ emotional experiences and discuss implications for teacher education and development.  相似文献   


FIBER (Flipped Issue-Based Enquiry Ride) is a teacher-facilitated interactive pedagogic framework that the authors propose to integrate flipped learning into social humanities education. This paper reports a quasi-experimental study (with mixed methods) which examined the pedagogic effectiveness of FIBER in the authentic setting of formal curriculum learning and teaching. The study involved totally 611 Secondary-4 students from academically top, middle and bottom schools in Hong Kong. In comparison with the conventional issue-based enquiry learning approach, FIBER had different intensity of positive effects on the high, moderate, and low academic-achieving student participants. This paper provides researchers and educational practitioners with empirical evidence for supporting wider adoption of FIBER in social humanities education, as well as harnessing flipped learning in formal schooling. Apart from discussing the benefits, the authors also underline the challenges of FIBER and suggest future work.  相似文献   

在教育国际化背景下,大学英语教学目标应适时从培养学生的基本社会交往能力转到培养他们的认知学术语言能力。在大学英语环境中培养学生的学术英语能力可采用以学科内容为依托的语言教学模式,开发适合中国学生使用的教材进行。教学活动设计应考虑提高学生的英语语言水平、学科知识水平以及高层次思维能力。教学过程中应发挥教师的指导和帮助作用,也要充分发挥学生积极建构认知学术语言能力的作用。  相似文献   

英语等级考试制度以及其所反映的当前我国高校外语教学制度所存在的问题已成为高校教育教学研究的焦点之一。针对当前大学英语等级考试以及大学外语教育存在的弊端及其成因,提出未来外语教育发展的方向。  相似文献   

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