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塔加纳·萨莫连科(3号运动员)1961年 出生,身高1.66米,体重57公斤。前苏 联女子中长跑运动员。第24届奥运会3000 米金牌、1500米铜牌获得者,第2届世锦赛 1500米和3000米冠军。最好成绩1500米, 3分58秒;3000米,8分26秒53。本组图片是 她的800米途中跑和终点跑技术。 着地缓冲动作合理。脚着地前,大腿积极下压,小腿顺势前摆并做执地动作,着地腿的膝关节是弯曲的,几乎和足跟在一条直线上,这对完成缓冲动作有积极作用。脚的着地 点距身体重心投影点较近(优秀运动员为 20~3…  相似文献   

短距离快速跑在中小学各年级教材中都出现,是跑的重点教材,除跑的距离要求不同之外,技术要求可概括为一松.二大.三快.四平直,也就是动作轻松,步幅大,步频快,要平稳,直线性强。要达到上述要求,腿的后蹬前摆要快速充分有力,摆动腿用前脚掌积极着地缓冲。全身动作协调配合,但在不同年级的教学过程中应有所侧重。  相似文献   

跑是人体最基本的活动技能。短距离快速跑在小学各年级教材中都出现,是跑的重点项目。除跑的距离要求不同之外,技术要求可概括为一松,二大,三快,四平直,也就是动作轻松,步幅大,步频快,要平稳,直线性强。要达到上述要求,腿的后蹬前摆要快速充分有力,摆动腿用前脚掌积极着地缓冲。全身动作协调配合,但在不同年级的教学过程中应有所侧重。  相似文献   

小步跑是跑的专门性练习,是田径训练课中一种必不可少的手段。练小步跑的目的是为了解决前蹬的缓冲,而当前短跑技术的发展则要求摆动腿在结束前摆后,大腿积极下压,膝踝关节放松,在着地缓冲的同时膝踝关节随大腿向后“扒地”,动作轻快圆滑,而不是“打击式”的着地。为解决前蹬着地时的缓冲和“后扒”的技术问题,我的做法是:  相似文献   

主要对体育学院普修通用教材《田径》一书中的短跑途中跑支撑技术部分内容提出质疑。认为脚着地后,踝、膝、髋关节不应主动弯曲,做退让工作,而应主动支撑。并以这一动作环节为契机,探讨了跑的原理和现代跑的技术特点所形成的原因。认为支撑效果在短跑中仍起决定性作用。缩小腾空移动距离,相对增加支撑距离,是提高速度的根本所在。其中身体中轴肌群发力,摆动腿积极下压,小腿积极后扒一次完成整个支撑动作是跑的动作结构  相似文献   

张帅军 《中华武术》2009,(12):14-14
跑是支撑与腾空相互交替、蹬与摆相配合、动作连贯的周期运动,在跑步的过程中具体的分为:折叠前摆,下腿准备着地,着地缓冲和后蹬的四个过程。然而在现实生活中,由于有些人先天或后天的缘故,对跑步的动作技术没有掌握好或者根本就不了解,结果在跑步的过程中,出现了一种踢小腿跑的现象,这种情况多发生在女同学身上,  相似文献   

<正> 1.放松弹性跑 距离:站立式起跑40-60米 速度节奏:中速起动,中匀速跑。 动作要点:①动作放松;②足前掌着地,富有弹性;③步幅不宜过大。 主要作用:①体会放松技术;②体会踝关节的缓冲技术。  相似文献   

原因一:跑时全脚掌着地跑是单脚前脚掌着地支撑与腾空相互交替的周期性运动。教学时,许多教师往往忽视提醒学生跑时前脚掌着地支撑腾空的动作要点,大多数学生下意识地认为跑是走的一种加速运动。练习时采用全脚掌着地支撑,后蹬用力不够,身体重心前移不到位,脚后跟着地次数频繁,从而造成坐着跑。纠正方法:1.让学生理解、掌握跑的动作要领。2.让学生体会前脚掌前扒、后蹬用力、重心前移及手脚摆动等一系列动作的协调连贯性练习。3.原地做前脚掌蹬跳起向前的动作分解练习。原因二:(上)下肢摆动幅度小跑时,(上)下肢是一种协调而连…  相似文献   

<正>小步跑是跑的专门性练习,是田径教学课中一种必不可少的手段。练小步跑的目的是为了解决前蹬的缓冲,而当前短跑技术的发展则要求摆动腿在结束前摆后,大腿积极下压,膝踝关节放松,在着地缓冲的同时膝踝关节随大腿向后“扒地”,动作轻快圆滑,而不是“打击式”的着地。为解决前蹬着地时的缓冲和“后扒”的技术问题。我的做法是:1.在10-15米的距离内划出相隔  相似文献   

1.对途中跑摆动腿动作技术过程的分析1.1短跑途中跑中摆腿动作效果影响短跑时当支撑腿着地瞬间,摆腿动作有利于减小人体与地面的冲击作用。在缓冲阶段,摆动腿动作能使人体总重心迅速前移,有利于缩短缓冲时间和增加支撑腿内蹬地力量,当支撑腿进入蹲伸时,摆腿动作有利于提高支撑腿的蹲伸速度,途中跑中摆动腿动作的好坏对短跑的途中跑有着相当大的影响。  相似文献   

采用艾立尔系统、FAB系统和肌仪器系统,对竞技健美操C组跳跃类典型难度动作进行运动生物力学分析。结果发现,起跳时髋、膝关节应在一定范围内进行快速的弯曲缓冲,并控制好起跳的方向。在腾空时,当转体度数较小时并不需要通过减少转动惯量来增加角速度。但是随着难度系数的增加,转体度数不断上升,在这样的情况下夹臂抱胸的姿势是很必要的。在落地时,由于膝关节不能弯曲,肩、肘、腕关节起到了主要的缓冲作用。  相似文献   

短跑途中跑支撑阶段支撑腿关节肌肉生物力学特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
采用测力、测角加速度和多机多分辨拍摄技术对短跑途中跑支撑阶段肌肉动力学特征进行关节内力矩的计算与分析。研究表明,运动员踝关节跖屈肌的最大力矩与跑的速度呈显著相关;膝关节的伸肌在接近一半的支撑时间内是做离心收缩,离心收缩肌力矩的峰值要高于向心收缩的肌力矩峰值,离地前20%时刻膝关节屈肌起重要作用;髋关节在支撑阶段存在关节屈伸肌群交替工作,在着地后瞬间有较大的屈肌力矩,在离地前髋关节伸肌起重要作用,支撑阶段下肢关节肌肉快速退让性的离心收缩与主动收缩起同样重要的作用。  相似文献   


We aimed to illustrate support leg dynamics during instep kicking to evaluate the role of the support leg action in performance. Twelve male soccer players performed maximal instep kicks. Their motions and ground reaction forces were recorded by a motion capture system and a force platform. Moments and angular velocities of the support leg and pelvis were computed using inverse dynamics. In most joints of the support leg, the moments were not associated with or counteracting the joint motions except for the knee joint. It can be interpreted that the initial knee flexion motion counteracting the extension joint moment has a role to attenuate the shock of landing and the following knee extension motion associated with the extension joint moment indirectly contributes to accelerate the swing of kicking leg. Also, appreciable horizontal rotation of the pelvis coincided with increase of the interaction moment due to the hip joint reaction force on the support leg side. It can be assumed that the interaction moment was the main factor causing the pelvis counter-clockwise rotation within the horizontal plane from the overhead view that precedes a proximal-to-distal sequence of segmental action of the swing leg.  相似文献   

BackgroundNumerous studies about the interaction between footwear (and barefoot) and kinematic and kinetic outcomes have been published over the last few years. Recent studies however lead to the conclusion that the assumed interactions depend mainly on the subjects' experience of barefoot (BF) walking/running, the preferred running strike pattern, the speed, the hardness of the surface, the thickness of the midsole material, and the runners' level of ability. The aim of the present study was to investigate lower leg kinematics of BF running and running in minimal running shoes (MRS) to assess comparability of BF kinematics in both conditions. To systematically compare both conditions we monitored the influencing variables described above in our measurement setup. We hypothesized that running in MRS does not alter lower leg kinematics compared to BF running.MethodsThirty-seven subjects, injury-free and active in sports, ran BF on an EVA foam runway, and also ran shod wearing Nike Free 3.0 on a tartan indoor track. Lower-leg 3D kinematics was measured to quantify rearfoot and ankle movements. Skin markers were used in both shod and BF running.ResultsAll runners revealed rearfoot strike pattern when running barefoot. Differences between BF and MRS running occurred particularly during the initial stance phase of running, both in the sagittal and the frontal planes. BF running revealed a flatter foot placement, a more plantar flexed ankle joint and less inverted rearfoot at touchdown compared to MRS running.ConclusionBF running does not change the landing automatically to forefoot running, especially after a systematic exclusion of surface and other influencing factors. The Nike Free 3.0 mimics some BF features. Nevertheless, changes in design of the Nike Free should be considered in order to mimic BF movement even more closely.  相似文献   

跨越水池的生物力学分析 在蹬离横木瞬间,眼睛要盯住距水池远端边缘30厘米处的着地点。脚着地时,用几乎是直腿的膝关节和踝关节下压进行支撑,此时,身体重心应位于支撑腿上方而不是在它的前面。起跨腿超过支撑腿后,用一个小步跑出水池。臂的动作对腿的节奏起平衡作用。在体侧的摆臂有助于保持平衡。  相似文献   

对我国优秀女子铅球运动员最后用力阶段的技术效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对黄志红等国家优秀运动员最后用力阶段的理论分析表明,左脚着地后的制动是左腿用力充分快速蹬仲的基础;力梯度、垂直冲量与投掷效果是高度相关;身体左侧的转动与鞭打是提高投掷远度的关键因素。  相似文献   

鞭腿动作是散打腿法技术的核心,将散打鞭腿动作简化为一个二环节运动链模型,对散打鞭腿动作的髋、膝关节和大腿、小腿环节在三维平面内进行位置矢量的确定,以此确定在鞭腿动作中,各关节和环节的运动学参数,然后确定目标函数(末端速度V),建立了人体鞭腿动作的三维运动学方程,将鞭腿动作各环节要领数学化描述,结论认为:(1)鞭腿动作中大腿的角速度由腰部角速度和髋关节角速度决定,小腿的角速度由大腿和膝关节的角速度决定,三者密切配合共同决定着鞭腿末端的速度;(2)在T1阶,大小腿下潜完曲度不易超过450,在进攻腿离地瞬间,小腿环节的角速度大于大腿环节的角速度时最有利于膝关节速度的增加,进攻退离地时膝关节的角速度主要由小腿蹬地时的地面反作用力决定;(3)在T2阶段,大小腿充分折叠有利于膝关节角速度的加大;(4)人体的鞭腿环节链模型中,鞭打原理遵从动量由近端环节向远端环节传递的原理,通过髋关节及时有效的制动可使膝关节动量增加,通过膝关节的制动可使动量传递到末端,引起末端加速。(5)在散打鞭腿环节链模型中只有多环节和关节依次协调配合才能使末端发挥最佳击打效果。  相似文献   

根据现阶段跳远运动现状,运用文献资料和数理统计的研究方法,对助跑速度、节奏、速度利用率以及起跳过程中的着地、缓冲、蹬伸、重心移动的扇面等方面进行分析,找出影响跳远成绩的一些因素。  相似文献   

通过对男子短跑运动员100m途中跑垂直缓冲时段运动学参数的灰色关联度分析,得出以下结论:下肢的关节点的夹角及上臂摆幅与跑速高度相关,各环节角度变化将影响短跑运动员跑进时的前蹬阻力及后蹬腿的蹬地方向,进而影响后蹬腿对地做功的有效功率。由此可见,增加短跑运动员途中跑垂直缓冲时段髋关节、膝关节及上臂前摆幅将有助于提高短跑的跑速。  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of wearing time on comfort perception and landing biomechanics of basketball shoes with different midsole hardness. Fifteen basketball players performed drop landing and layup first step while wearing shoes of different wearing time (new, 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week) and hardness (soft, medium and hard). Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed on GRF, ankle kinematic and comfort perception variables. Increased wearing time was associated with poorer force attenuation and comfort perception during landing activities (p < 0.05). The new shoes had significantly smaller forefoot (2- and 4-week) and rearfoot peak GRF impacts (all time conditions) in drop landing and smaller rearfoot peak GRF impact (6- and 8-week) in layup; shoes with 4-week of wearing time had significantly better perceptions of forefoot cushioning, forefoot stability, rearfoot cushioning, rearfoot stability and overall comfort than the new shoes (p < 0.05). Compared with hard shoes, the soft shoes had better rearfoot cushioning but poorer forefoot cushioning (p < 0.05). Shoe hardness and wearing time would play an influential role in GRF and comfort perception, but not in ankle kinematics. Although shoe cushioning performance would decrease even after a short wearing period, the best comfort perception was found at 4-week wearing time.  相似文献   

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