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高校辅导员职业的特殊性及高等教育事业的迅猛发展,给辅导员带来了巨大的心理压力。辅导员作为素质教育的主要实施者,其综合素质对学生成长有着至关重要的影响,尤其辅导员的心理健康水平在学生心理健康教育中起着关键作用。心理咨询中的理性情绪疗法吸取了认知疗法和行为主义疗法的精华,形成了自己独特的技术,在心理咨询中效果明显。所以,高校辅导员正确运用理性情绪疗法,能有效应对心理压力,保持心理健康。  相似文献   

体育教学与学生的情绪调节   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情绪状态是学生在体育活动中体验最明显、作用极为重要的心理因素。良好的情绪是学生心理健康的基础,也是学生生理、心理健康的保证。本探讨了体育活动与情绪之间的内在关系,针对体育课中常见的学生负面情绪,提出了调节的方法和依据。改善、调节学生的情绪状态,促进学生身心健康发展,是体育教学不可缺少的内容,是实施素质教育的需要。  相似文献   

初中学生的应付方式与心理健康的相关研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
运用COPE量表和SCL-90对初中1~3年级学生371人进行测量后发现,初中学生的应付活动主要有:他们在面临应激情境时,较多采用“针对问题积极主动应付”;心理健康状况较差的学生更倾向于使用“情绪专注与疏泄”等消极的应付方式应对困境;以“情绪专注与疏泄”为首的情绪性的应付策略对心理健康产生不同程度的负性影响,乐观性解释则对心理健康有积极作用。  相似文献   

詹鑫 《班主任》2009,(6):34-35
人的情绪和行为受制于认知,认知是人心理活动的决定因素,要调节学生心理问题,很多时候可以从改变学生的认知人手,这就是心理学上的认知疗法。本案例中,笔者试图运用认知疗法对一个失眠学生进行心理辅导。  相似文献   

许多教育工作者在愉快教育实践中证明:愉快教育寓教于“乐”,“乐”中育人,教师“乐”教,学生“乐”学,是教育改革的新思路。为进一步深化愉快教育实验,本文试从学生的心理健康、需要、兴趣、情绪等方面,探讨愉快教育的心理学理论问题。 一、学生的心理健康是愉快教育的基础 学生的心理健康与否直接影响愉快教育效果,没有健康的心理素质,学生的心理有疾  相似文献   

韦朝忠 《高教论坛》2012,(1):127-129
通过建立院、系、班三级心理健康教育工作网络,广泛宣传心理健康知识,开设心理健康教育课,开展学生心理健康状况普查,建设好精神障碍学生的支持系统,综合运用认知疗法、行为疗法、支持疗法、森田疗法等方法,对精神障碍学生进行矫治,并取得较好效果。  相似文献   

文章在总结初中生常见心理问题典型特征的基础上,分析导致初中生出现潜在心理健康问题的原因,在此基础上提出对初中生潜在心理危机进行干预与疏导的实施策略:找准“病因”,对症“下药”;用放松疗法帮助学生走出阴霾;用认知疗法培养学生自信心;引导学生合理宣泄不良情绪,从而及时远离“心理暗区”,走出惆怅“雨季”,走向积极阳光的美好人生。  相似文献   

张玲 《天津教育》2009,(10):42-42
通过参与“提高家长情绪管理毹力,改善亲子关系,促进学生心理健康的实践研究”课题研究,我深切体会丑“帮助家长提高情绪管理能力以改善亲子关系”这项工作对家庭和学校教育的价值所在,以下是我从不同角度获得的实践感悟。  相似文献   

案例中,辅导员与学生建立了良好的关系,采用会谈法、行为疗法、认知疗法等,取得好的辅导效果。自信心增强了;紧张情绪逐渐缓解,消除“口吃”症状,成为一个乐观、悦纳自己的人。  相似文献   

认知疗法认为个体情绪及行为的产生来源于认知,异常的情绪及行为来源于异常的认知。本文通过一名大四女生的案例来进一步说明认知疗法在创伤后应激障碍治疗中的运用,介绍了认知疗法的主要理论及方法技术,帮助我们更好地掌握认知疗法,利用认知疗法帮助更多的患者解决问题。  相似文献   

情绪与临床心理学家认为,考试焦虑是直接由考试情景引发心理压力的一种现实性焦虑.一旦与害怕失败、过分关注未来不确定结果以至恐惧的人格特征结合,就会引发心理精神症状.我们通过多种方法来帮助考试焦虑困扰者:通过认知调节改善自我评价方式,提高自尊水平;自我防御机制分析;RET心理治疗技术(理性情绪疗法);精心计划、有效行动的现实感建构疗法(基于格式塔疗法)与生活行动分析法;合理的膳食结构与规律性强的生活起居,考试过程中的良好自我控制,等等.只要我们能够直面考试焦虑,我们就能够找到有效的方法来有效对付它.  相似文献   

The vocational counselor's role in our society is conspicuous, well-established and indispensable. Pressure to perform is exerted on the vocational counselor from several sources, including: counselor-training programs, society, clients, supervisors and vocational counselors, themselves. This article discusses the sources of stress and tension and provides a partial solution based upon the principles of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET). The relationship between irrational thoughts and stress is explored and a structure for thinking more rationally and feeling better is provided. A brief overview of RET and 12 typical irrational beliefs held by vocational counselors are included.Paper presented at the 1981 meeting of the International Round Table for the Advancement of Counselling, Robinson College, Cambridge, England. Funds for its preparation were provided by the following Villanova University officials: Dr. Bernard Downey, Rev. Lawrence Gallen, O.S.A., Rev. John O'Malley, O.S.A., and Dr. Henry Nichols. Lewis Morgan and Esther Weinrach provided critical comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of this paper.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine the beliefs that tenured, in-service high school science teachers hold about how their participation in a large mid-Atlantic university’s 6-week summer research experiences for teachers (RET) program might influence their pedagogical practices. The findings show a number of factors that teachers believed helped them to be successful during their summer RET program that center on science content knowledge, laboratory experiences, cognitive skills, and mentor dispositions. Teachers further believed that the successes they experienced during their summer RET program influenced how they would plan to teach their own students science. The findings suggest that having science teachers conduct research might help to facilitate changes in their beliefs about their pedagogical practices.  相似文献   

This study investigated teachers’ motivation, expectations, and changes to teaching practices due to a 6 week summer professional development program involvement. Participants (n = 67) attended the Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) program within a major university in southeast. Surveys and interviews were used to collect data to answer the following research questions: (1) Who attends the RET program? (2) In what ways do elementary teachers differ from middle/secondary teachers with respect to their motivation for attending the RET program and their expectations about the program? (3) In what ways do elementary teachers differ from middle/secondary teachers with respect to implementing changes to their teaching practices due to RET program attendance? Survey results indicated significant differences between elementary teachers and secondary education teachers with respect to their expectations about the program, and changes to their teaching practices. Interview results provided support to survey findings. Implications for professional development and science teacher education are discussed in relationship with the current study findings.  相似文献   

This naturalistic study was designed to examine the effectiveness of a 4-week skill-based group therapy that focuses on building resilience. The group, informed by Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT; Linehan, 1993, 2015), targets general clients at college counseling centers and emphasizes mindfulness as a coping strategy to stress, cognitive rigidity, emotion dysregulation, and interpersonal difficulties. Results indicated that group members showed clinically significant improvement in psychological resilience and general mental health at the conclusion of group therapy. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

加强情绪教育预防大学生激情犯罪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消极的激情是消极情绪的积累,是形成大学生激情犯罪行为的催化剂。加强情绪教育,提高大学生的情绪智力(情绪主导能力、情绪均衡能力、情绪控制能力、情绪疏泄能力),培养大学生的健康情绪,调控大学生的不良情绪,是预防大学生激情犯罪的有效途径。  相似文献   

让专业教师成为实验教学环节中的骨干力量,利用他们的科研素质构建研究性实验教学方案是很好的探索方式。基于对发光材料的长期研究,针对材料专业本科生提出了一套可行的研究性实验教学方案并在具有一定材料专业知识的三年级学生中进行了实施。结果表明,构建的这套研究方案激发了学生的学习主动性,并能够提高他们的创新能力,实现了培养创新型人才的目的。  相似文献   

To address the need to better prepare teachers to enact science education reforms, the National Science Foundation has supported a Research Experience for Teachers (RET’s) format for teacher professional development. In these experiences, teachers work closely with practicing scientists to engage in authentic scientific inquiry. Although there are many RET programs currently serving teachers, there is only a small body of research describing these programs and their outcomes. Just as science learning depends on both cognitive and affective factors of learners, the success of teacher professional development also depends on the cognitive and affective factors of the participants. Thus, the intent of this mixed method research is to better understand how the nature of professional development experiences shape the kinds of teachers that apply, and what this means for the design of such experiences. This study focused on describing the cognitive and affective characteristics of applicants for two different RET programs offered at the same institution. Findings suggest that the profiles of teachers who seek out these professional development programs vary based on the programs’ objectives. The findings also suggest that recognition of who is being served in professional development must be considered in the construction of those professional development experiences.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined how and why research experiences for teachers (RETs) influenced middle and high school science teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, and values about teaching science as inquiry. Changes teachers reported after participating in the RET ranged from modifying a few lessons (belief change) to a comprehensive revision of what and how they taught to better reflect inquiry (attitude change). Some teachers who described comprehensively changing their instruction also described implementing actions meant to change science education within their respective schools, not just their own classrooms (value change). We present how and why teachers went about changes in their practices in relation to the researcher-created teacher inquiry beliefs system spectrum (TIBSS). The TIBSS conceptualizes the range of changes observed in participating teachers. We also describe the features of the RET and external factors, such as personal experiences and school contexts, that teachers cited as influential to these changes.  相似文献   

对345名高中学生的情绪调节困难、学校幸福感及心理健康状况进行测量,采用结构方程建模技术考察了情绪调节困难与心理健康的关系及学校幸福感在二者之间的中介作用.结果发现:(1)情绪调节困难对心理健康有直接的负向预测作用;(2)学校幸福感在情绪调节困难与心理健康之间起部分中介作用;(3)在校情感体验的中介作用大于学校满意度的中介作用.  相似文献   

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