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佛山市禅城区联合图书馆总分馆体系建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
禅城区联合图书馆提出总分馆制办馆模式,走社区化、专业化发展道路,具有管理统一、服务统一、标志统一、资源高度共享的特征。力图打造国内有一定影响的专业图书馆和行业信息中心,并成为深受市民欢迎的社区文化中心。把图书馆建在市民身边,鼓励政府主导、社会力量参与,注重统一管理,为经济服务并形成特色,重视品牌连锁效应。禅城区联合图书馆模式虽存在一定不足,但此种创新做法已经在国内引起了广泛的社会反响。  相似文献   

多媒体资源元数据规范的集成设计与创新应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以北京大学图书馆的多媒体资源元数据规范为案例,阐述多媒体资源及其元数据规范的特点、集成设计思路和成果,并结合实际案例探讨该规范的创新应用,以及设计和应用过程中的问题和解决方法。  相似文献   

以广东省珠江三角洲"农家书屋"为研究对象,在实地调研的基础上,分析了"农家书屋"的建设现状和存在问题,提出创新的图书管理模式,最终实现"农家书屋"工程事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

In planning for a new library construction project for the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, graduate students enrolled in the University of Oklahoma (OU) School of Library and Information Studies collaborated in an innovative effort to develop a commons-based reference service. By first considering a philosophical approach to the need for a commons, blending in the experiences of other libraries that have created similar spaces, and focusing on the workflow issues likely to be encountered by the graduate assistants staffing the commons itself, this planning team developed an uncommon peer-to-peer approach to reference and education services, one focused on the patron as student.  相似文献   

In planning for a new library construction project for the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa, graduate students enrolled in the University of Oklahoma (OU) School of Library and Information Studies collaborated in an innovative effort to develop a commons-based reference service. By first considering a philosophical approach to the need for a commons, blending in the experiences of other libraries that have created similar spaces, and focusing on the workflow issues likely to be encountered by the graduate assistants staffing the commons itself, this planning team developed an uncommon peer-to-peer approach to reference and education services, one focused on the patron as student.  相似文献   

基于Human Library的外语学习活动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human Library是一种新颖的基于对话的教育方法。在Human Library中,HumanBook是由人充当的。人在读书的同时,"书"也在读人。在经验分享上,Human Book具有开放性。只要基本设施具备,对活动的主办者没有限制。Human Library的发展历程表明,将Hu-man Library的理念应用到学生的外语学习中是完全可行的。最后以日语为例提出了一种基于Human Library的外语学习模式。  相似文献   

基础服务的创新发展,要在改错上下功夫——调整技术唯一的观念,勇于改正技术错误,重视文化的作用,鼓励学习进取,鼓励创造性地工作。  相似文献   

感受变革探访未来-美国三所著名大学图书馆考察报告   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
2011年8月20-28日,北京大学图书馆访美代表团一行6人,访问了哈佛大学图书馆、康奈尔大学图书馆和芝加哥大学图书馆。该文为访问团的考察报告,具体介绍了美国同行锐意创新、勇于实践、深度融入教学科研、讲求服务细节和质量,并以信息技术手段全面提升服务等情况,并抒写了访问印象和感想。  相似文献   


This article examines work building a digital humanities community at Salem State University's Berry Library. The initiatives are comprised of a three-pronged approach: laying groundwork to build a DH center, building the DH project Digital Salem as a place-based locus for digital scholarship, and launching an undergraduate internship program to explore ethical ways of creating innovative research experiences for undergraduate students. Together, these initiatives constitute an important move toward putting libraries at the center of creating DH opportunities for underserved student populations and a model for building DH at regional comprehensive universities.  相似文献   

文章梳理了Living Library的起源和发展,分析并探讨了图书馆利用Living Library开展知识服务的天然优势、基本思路和策略,指出Living Library“以人为书”,创新了图书馆理念,拓展了图书馆服务方式,是新时期图书馆知识服务模式的创新。  相似文献   

Library faculty members at the Health Sciences Library at the LSU Health Shreveport campus offer a database searching class for third-year medical students during their surgery rotation. For a number of years, students completed "ten-minute clinical challenges," but the instructors decided to replace the clinical challenges with innovative exercises using The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus to emphasize concepts learned. The Surgical Papyrus is an online resource that is part of the National Library of Medicine's "Turning the Pages" digital initiative. In addition, vintage surgical instruments and historic books are displayed in the classroom to enhance the learning experience.  相似文献   

基于分析图书情报学与知识管理的关系,阐述了图书情报学的研究重点、热点,并对知识管理领域中图书情报学的研究创新进行了探讨,对知识管理新态势下图书情报学专业人才提出了新的要求,指出了培养具有创新型复合人才的具体目标。参考文献14。  相似文献   

图书馆科学文化传播引论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
图书馆开展科学文化传播是建设创新型国家的战略需求,是图书馆创新服务模式的延伸与拓展。本文从国内外科学文化传播形势、图书馆科学文化传播工作面临重要的发展时期和国内图书馆科学文化传播工作专题调研等方面,综合论述了图书馆科学文化传播的国内外发展环境,思考归纳了目前国内图书馆科学文化传播的三种传播模式,并通过案例分析,着重于传播体系、机制建设、能力建设和队伍建设等方面,提出国家科学图书馆科学文化传播体系发展的基本框架与构想。  相似文献   

基于对国内图书馆Human Library服务案例的分析,总结Human Library服务在我国图书馆服务应用中存在的问题,包括缺乏统一组织、资源建设与保存模式不明确、缺少服务质量评估标准等,结合实际分析以上问题的成因,并针对Human Library服务管理制度、Living Book保存机制、Human Library服务评价体系、Human Library服务设计思路等提出对策与措施,以促进Human Library服务在图书馆中的应用,提高我国图书馆Human Library服务质量。  相似文献   

高校Living Library服务现状调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Living Library服务2008年传入我国,次年在国内高校正式开展。但是,服务理念和方式极具人性化的Living Library活动在国内并未形成规模效应。目前高校已开展的Living Library服务局限性很大,主要由图书馆、大学生组织或院校科研机构举办,活动场所局限于图书馆内部;活动范围很小,仅有4所高校开展过此类服务项目;活动主题单一,涉及的社会问题有限,仅是国内个别高校服务创新的一种尝试。这一全新的服务理论被图书情报学界和广大用户普遍接受尚需时日。  相似文献   

Human Library发展概况研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Human Library是一种新颖的基于对话的教育活动。论述Human Library的特色:真人图书都是由志愿者充当的、阅读具有相互性、真人图书具有开放性、服务是免费的等。从现代人的心理、社会的支持、组织的推动、活动捆绑等角度,剖析Human Library产生和发展的根源。最后介绍中国Human Library的现状,并提出中国发展Human Library的建议。

Library faculty members at the Health Sciences Library at the LSU Health Shreveport campus offer a database searching class for third-year medical students during their surgery rotation. For a number of years, students completed “ten-minute clinical challenges,” but the instructors decided to replace the clinical challenges with innovative exercises using The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus to emphasize concepts learned. The Surgical Papyrus is an online resource that is part of the National Library of Medicine's “Turning the Pages” digital initiative. In addition, vintage surgical instruments and historic books are displayed in the classroom to enhance the learning experience.  相似文献   

文章探讨图书馆开展创新服务的必要性,论述高职院校图书馆服务现状与创新实践,并对广东岭南职业技术学院图书馆服务创新工作进行分析,指出在服务创新时要注重营造创新服务文化、以读者为中心等,并建立适合自己图书馆个性的特色服务创新模式。参考文献5。  相似文献   

Richmond Public Library, B.C., Canada, believes that the public library and the profession of the librarian is in danger of becoming marginalized by the tools and products of the digital age. Thus, it is acting aggressively to change its roles and responsibilities. The Library developed an extensive award-winning technology teaching program and an innovative and award-winning community-based Web site and became the creator of a technology column for the local newspaper. In addition, the Library creates, markets, and sells technology services to businesses and organizations in the community. This article presents an in-the-trenches perspective of one public library that embraced the digital environment and discusses the impact and important benefits to the Library.  相似文献   

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