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近年来高科技企业并购日渐增加,但许多高科技企业的并购以失败告终,缺乏有效的人力资源的整合是一个重要原因。高科技企业并购后全面的人力资源整合内容包括心理整合、人员整合、人力资源政策整合等,具体的人力资源整合策略包括并购前目标企业的选择中应考虑企业文化和气质特征、挽留核心人才、并购企业人力资源管理政策的调整、整合团队有人力资源专业人员的参与等。  相似文献   

金融动荡时期的企业并购对人力资源管理的影响将是深远的.并购过程中的人员招聘与配置,员工培训与开发,绩效管理,薪酬与福利,和谐的员工关系,企业文化的整合与重塑等都需要认真处理,使企业能够平稳地度过整合期.  相似文献   

在企业并购重组活动中,人们往往重视了企业资产的整合,却忽略了企业文化的整合,这在很大程度上影响了企业重组的顺利进行。本文通过对并购企业文化冲突的分析,提出了文化整合的步骤,在此基础上,提出了企业在并购中实施文化整合的具体模式选择以及企业并购中文化整合要注意的问题,只有在并购中加强文化整合,才有可能保证并购后企业产生协同效应。  相似文献   

实施企业兼并和重组是推动工业转型升级、加快企业转变发展方式的重要举措,但由于并购过程中各方面整合工作不恰当会导致并购的整体失败,在企业诸多资源中人力资源是生产力中最活跃的因素,也是最难以把控的因素,人在合并企业中的作用恰恰关乎并购的成本大小及并购的成败,因此企业并购实施过程中人力资源整合至关重要。企业必须在了解并购企业人力资源现状的基础之上,把握相应原则、结合并购企业特点,对人力资源整合采取科学合理的措施,才能保证并购的成功,达到在短期内并购企业做强做大的初衷。  相似文献   

在全球范围内,并购已经成为企业扩大规模、增强实力、提高效率的重要手段。而并购成功不仅仅表现在谈判桌上的合同签订,更体现在并购后双方在人员、资产和文化等领域的有效整合。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,全球企业并购狂潮迭起并发展为国际化趋势,但引人深思的是多数并购案例以失败告终。在导致并购失败的多种原因中,整合不利是一个非常重要的原因,而其中关键的是人力资源未得到有效整合。分析了企业并购中人力资源整合管理的误区,着重探讨了并购后企业人力资源整合管理的实施问题。  相似文献   

近年来,中国企业积极参与全球并购,并日益成为其中活跃的一员。而跨文化整合是企业跨国并购成功的关键。本文在对中国企业跨文化整合障碍分析的基础上,提出“和而不同”是跨文化整合的根本原则,并对中国企业跨文化整合战略进行了较深入的研究和探讨。本文提出的具体整合战略是:并购前全面考察评估并购双方文化差异与相容性;做出并购决策后选择恰当的文化整合模式;并购中发展文化认同以实现文化融合;并购后创新再造企业文化。  相似文献   

人力资源整合是企业并购整合管理的关键,关系到企业并购的成败。在生产力的诸多因素中,人力资源是最活跃、最关键的要素,现代企业竞争的实质是人才的竞争。因此,企业并购后如何对并购双方的人力资源进行重新配置和有效整合,最大限度地发挥员工的积极性、主动性和创造性,对于企业并购的成功具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

实践证明,企业并购已成为实现企业扩张、提升企业竞争力、促进企业成长的有效途径。但并购并不必然带来企业成长,许多企业并购后,由于种种原因而效果不佳,在诸多原因中,无力的整合尤为关键。因此,企业只有加强并购后的整合,才能真正实现企业的成长。  相似文献   

我国企业并购整合中存在的问题及应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业并购活动在我国起步较晚,发展还很不成熟,再加上我国企业特殊的产权安排和组织机制,使我国的并购行为极不规范,并购后的整合存在许多问题,本文重点阐述我国企业并购整合中存在的问题及应对措施。  相似文献   

Drawing on life history research, this study critically examines the transnational experiences of return Chinese immigrants from Canada in Beijing. Through the accounts of their experiences, it explores different integration and reintegration strategies, including self-adjustment, lifelong learning and flexible citizenship. A native concept of ‘space’ is examined and a theory of individual space (IS) is constructed. The study demonstrates that immigrants' integration is a process of constant construction and reconstruction of their expected IS in various societies. This space defines the self and its relationship to others and the outside world. By spatial transformation, migrants break spatial limitations to seek a better future. The tension between IS and the society the migrant enters determines the ongoing characteristics of contemporary transnational migration.  相似文献   

运用Fauconnier和Turner提出的概念整合理论,从认知的角度对球赛新闻报道中的战争隐喻进行初步探析,指出球赛即战争这一概念隐喻所涉及的两个输入空间,即战争空间和球赛空间,都囊括了参与者、过程、地点、策略和结果等共同的元素,从而形成了这两个心理空间之间大量元素跨空间映射的基础,二者之间还具有共同的组织框架,所有这些都投射到合成空间,从而完成了球赛即战争这一隐喻完整的概念整合。本文还借助于大量的、具体的数据充分证实了战争隐喻在球赛新闻报道中的普遍性及其绝对优势。  相似文献   

英汉语在“时间是空间”、“时间流逝是运动”、“时间是金钱”、“时间是实体”等主要时间概念隐喻及相应的语言表达形式中虽有很多相同之处,但也存在着差异。这些差异来源于英汉不同的认知和社会文化背景。  相似文献   

通过利用IS曲线的数学方程,分析IS曲线移动3种具体情况,证实了IS曲线越平坦,挤出效应越大,以及更进一步得出产出的增加量大小与IS曲线的倾斜程度无关的结论。此外结合金融危机,探讨积极扩张性财政政策的重要性。  相似文献   

Fast changing information technology (IT) has posed tremendous challenges to information systems (IS) educational programmes. One question frequently asked by IS educators has been: ‘Are we doing the right thing?’ This article presents information about the current state of IS educational programmes in the USA based on a survey of 193 higher education institutions conducted at the end of 1996. The results indicate that IS educational programmes are prevalent in the higher educational institutions. These programmes have a highly qualified faculty: 92% or more holding terminal degrees, more than two-thirds having tenure, with evidence of an increasing amount of time being devoted to research activities. It is also found that the most popular programming languages taught in both graduate and undergraduate programmes are C/C++, SQL and COBOL, and dominant operating systems are Windows/OS2 and UNIX. The most profound change over the last five years in the content of IS programmes has been the transition from text-based and centralized mainframe environment to the graphical and decentralized network based client–server architecture. This survey provides a snapshot of IS programmes, serving both to improve our understanding of current programmes and to provide a frame of reference for future studies.  相似文献   

The present study examined the extent to which preschool classroom supports—relational support (RS) and instructional support (IS)—are associated with children's language development and whether these associations vary as a function of children's language ability. The language skills of 360 children within 95 classrooms were assessed using an expressive narrative task in the fall and spring of the preschool year, teachers rated RS in the fall, and observations of IS were collected across the year. Research Findings: Hierarchical linear models revealed main effects of IS, but not RS, on preschoolers’ development of expressive language skills. In addition, the associations between RS and IS on children's expressive language development were moderated by children's fall language ability. Specifically, the association between IS and language development was stronger for children with stronger expressive language skills, and the association between RS and language development was stronger for children with weaker expressive language skills. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that professional development for preschool teachers might focus on aligning classroom supports with the needs of children with weaker language skills who are at risk for difficulty acquiring literacy.  相似文献   

跨文化敏觉力被认为是成功进行跨文化交际的首要条件,而进行跨文化敏觉力培养的首要步骤便是跨文化敏觉力的调查与评估。该论文基于陈国明和Starosta关于跨文化敏觉力的理论,应用其设计的跨文化敏觉力量表,从大学文、理、工科学生中分别抽取样本来评估非英语专业大学生的跨文化敏觉力。对评估结果进行分析的基础上,作者发现了非英语专业本科学生在跨文化敏觉力的五个维度上的具体表现,并针对大学英语教学中如何提升学生的跨文化敏觉力提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

为研究电子商务背景下企业和顾客之间的价值创造,从关系观的理论视角构建基于IS应用能力的价值共同创造模型,分析IS应用能力、关系资产、顾客敏捷性和关系价值的构念和维度,应用实证方法验证理论假设.实证研究验证了顾客敏捷性在价值创造的中介作用、IS应用能力对关系资产的互补作用及其对关系价值产生的影响.基于IS应用能力的价值共同创造模型拓展了服务主导逻辑下的价值创造框架,新的理论模型和实证结论解释了电子商务环境下企业通过IS应用能力与顾客进行价值共同创造的机理,为进一步的理论发展和企业实践提供指导.  相似文献   

This paper backgrounds and illustrates an approach to researching didactic knowledge. Underlying the approach are some of the frameworks developed from the student learning research. Based on these frameworks the experience of learning about a particular phenomenon is theorised as having educationally critical aspects. Without addressing these aspects in learning experiences, students are highly unlikely to achieve the target understanding desired by the teacher. The approach developed to research educationally critical aspects compares scholarly and student experiences of learning about a phenomenon using the analytical framework of a structure of awareness. An application of the approach is reported in the form of a phenomenographic study which researched didactic knowledge about the concept of an information system (IS). Multiple, previously unreported, educationally critical aspects of learning about the concept of an IS were identified. Some implications of this finding for the design of IS undergraduate curricula, textbooks, teaching strategies and learning tasks are proposed. Finally, the research approach is promoted as a means to investigate didactic knowledge about other phenomena.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulus-incentive (S:IS) contingency, stimulus-response-incentive (S:R:IS) contingency, and stimulus-no-response-incentive (S:R:IS) contingency on the acquisition and maintenance of an instrumental approach-contact response in the rat were studied. The experiment, concerned mainly with the temporal distribution of responses, showed that (1) the S:IS contingency and the S:R:IS contingency produced the same temporal distribution of responses; (2) the S:R:IS contingency produced higher rates of response than the S:IS contingency; (3) the negative S:R:IS contingency did not completely eradicate already established responses; and (4)post-CS responding occurred on reinforced trials. Consideration of these results indicates that the critical factor determining the higher rates of response under the S:R:IS contingency may be the S:R:IS occasions experienced only in the instrumental procedure.  相似文献   

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