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Edwin Mansfield’s contributions to the economics of technology are summarized from the early 1960s through his death in 1997. Mansfield’s methodology is discussed, as are his contributions on: the diffusion of technical innovation, the effect of firm size on innovation, the role of academic and basic research in increasing innovation and productivity, international technology transfer and the inaccuracy of technological forecasts. The economics profession’s evaluation of the relative importance of Mansfield’s work is presented, using as evidence citation counts of his works collected from the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). Identified as among Mansfield’s most important contributions are his work on the importance of academic research for industrial innovations, his empirical estimation of the rates of diffusion of different innovations, and his estimation of the private and social returns from investments in industrial innovations. Finally, we present Mansfield’s advice on the future of the economics of technology.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业是全球关注的热点,也是中国产业发展的重点。在众多的战略性新兴产业中,光伏产业独树一帜,成为新兴产业的领头羊,其中隐含的发展模式是:深度的全球化,抢占产业制高点,发挥中央地方政府的共同作用,打造技术平台,培育产业集群和产业链。但这一产业也面临着诸多的新挑战:受政策影响大,依赖国际市场,面临过度竞争等。光伏产业的发展,预示了一条战略性新兴产业发展的新路,中国只有运用新的发展思维,才能快速推进战略性新兴产业的发展。  相似文献   

Cost optimization continues to be a critical concern for many human resources departments. The key is to balance between costs and business value. In particular, computer science organizations prefer to hire people who are expert in only one skill area and have a slight superficial knowledge in other areas that gives them the ability to collaborate across different aspects of project. Community Question Answering networks provide good platforms for people and organizations to share knowledge and find experts. An important issue in expert finding is that an expert has to constantly update his knowledge after being saturated in his field of expertise to still be identified as expert. A person who fails to preserve his expertise is likely to lose his expertise. This work justifies this question that does take the concept of time into account improve the quality of expertise retrieval. We propose a new method for T-shaped expert finding that is based on temporal expert profiling. The proposed method takes the temporal property of expertise into account to mine the shape of expertise for each candidate expert based on his profile. To this end, for each candidate expert, we take snapshots of his expertise trees at regular time intervals and learn the relation between temporal changes in different expertise trees and candidates’ profile. Finally, we use a filtering technique that is applied on top of the profiling method, to find shape of expertise for candidate experts. Experimental results on a large test collection show the superiority of the proposed method in terms of quality of results in comparison with state-of-the-art.  相似文献   

人工机器所表现出的智能在许多方面已远胜于人类智能,但它只能按形式规则进行形式转换,缺失了人类智能所具有的意向性。摆在人工智能研究面前的一个瓶颈问题就是研究如何让智能机器具有意向性。围绕这一课题已诞生了许多新的方案,美国著名心灵哲学家麦金的“意向性建筑术”无疑是其中一朵耀眼的奇葩。麦金认为,要想建构真正类似于人类智能的人工智能,就得弄清人是怎样获得他的意向性的。因此,首先必须研究大自然是怎样设计和缔造了它。当务之急是向大自然学习,研究它缔造人类智能的过程和“建筑术”。  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss the many contributions of a versatile black technician, Vivien Thomas, to surgical animal research between 1930 and 1979 at Vanderbilt University and Johns Hopkins University. Thomas' experimental work led to a surgical solution for a life-threatening heart defect, called tetralogy of Fallot. Children with this condition lack sufficient oxygenation and were referred to as 'blue babies'. Following Thomas' research trajectory and his relationship with surgeon Dr Alfred Blalock, I review the conditions under which differing expectations towards race and occupation clashed, creating a status dilemma for Thomas. While the torsion originated in the laboratory where technical skills are valued, the research locale also facilitated a temporary, fragile solution for the status dilemma, because it separated Thomas from public view. Yet, Thomas' dexterity as a laboratory researcher enhanced his dilemma, because credit kept eluding him. In order to track the dynamics of race and occupational subordination as lived experience in the laboratory, I argue for an analysis of the process of crediting people for their scientific accomplishments.  相似文献   

In the current work, the Chebyshev collocation method is adopted to find an approximate solution for nonlinear integral equations. Properties of the Chebyshev polynomials and operational matrix are used in the integral equation of a system consisting of nonlinear algebraic equations with the unknown Chebyshev coefficients. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the method and results are discussed.  相似文献   

我国水产品集中生产地带与发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱忠玉 《资源科学》1995,17(1):23-29
本文主要阐述我国发展水产业中水域和水产资源等条件,淡水和海水产品集中生产地带和对水产品发展前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

We investigate how universities’ research quality shapes their engagement with industry. Previous research has predominantly found a positive relationship between academics’ research quality and their commercialization activities. Here we use industry involvement measures that are broader than commercialization and indicate actual collaboration, i.e. collaborative research, contract research and consulting. We hypothesise that the relationship between faculty quality and industry engagement differs across disciplines, depending on complementarities between industrial and academic work, and resource requirements. Using a dataset covering all UK universities, we find that in technology-oriented disciplines, departmental faculty quality is positively related to industry involvement. In the medical and biological sciences we find a positive effect of departmental faculty quality but establish that this does not apply to star scientists. In the social sciences, we find some support for a negative relationship between faculty quality and particularly the more applied forms of industry involvement. The implication for science policy makers and university managers is that differentiated approaches to promoting university-industry relationships are required.  相似文献   

周彦  赖志君 《软科学》2012,26(11):141-144
研究了ISDS决策系统(情报检索决策系统),利用网络信息资源、数据库和长期建立的知识库,确定事件结果将会导致的各种现象,将各种现象按重要至非重要排序,再利用网络信息资源、数据库和长期建立的知识库分析将产生的次生结果,并以此为依据,采取相应的对应方法和措施。  相似文献   

As Einstein's portrait comes increasingly to resemble an icon, we lose more than detail--his writings and actions lose all reference. This is as true for his physics as it is for his philosophy and his politics; the best of recent work aims to remove Einstein's interventions from the abstract sphere of Delphic pronouncements and to insert them in the stream of real events, real arguments. Politically, this means attending to McCarthyism, Paul Robeson, the Arab-Israeli conflict. Philosophically, it means tying his concerns, for example, to late nineteenth-century neo-Kantian debates and to his own struggles inside science. And where physics is concerned, it means attending both in the narrow to his responses to others' work and his reactions to his own sometimes misfired early work on, for example, general relativity and to the wider context of technological developments. Einstein remains and will remain a magnet for historians, philosophers, and scientists; the essays assembled here represent a strong sampling--but only a sampling--of a fascinating new generation of work on this perennial figure.  相似文献   

邓灵斌  邵军 《情报探索》2014,(12):70-72
针对复杂工作环境中的自动化仓库路径规划和协作问题,根据蚁群算法在路径选择上可以很快找到最短路径的特征,提出运用蚁群算法,建立自动化仓库路径规划模型,并进行模拟研究,得到最短路径解,同时也进一步验证了蚁群算法的有效性和实用性。  相似文献   

郭爽  ;侯剑华 《现代情报》2014,34(9):38-42
熊彼特以创新理论为核心的学术思想对管理学、经济学等领域都产生了重大的影响。通过文献计量与信息可视化的方法,结合文献共被引网络知识图谱和原始文献分析,梳理熊彼特学术思想的影响脉络。将其影响分为3个阶段,分别为:主要影响到重建、经济行为及工业制造业等领域;用以研究经济危机爆发带来的产业结构变革与制度变革等问题;应用于区域产业集群和技术创新网络的研究。熊彼特学术思想影响路径的每一个阶段都是一次实质性的理论跃迁,并且是下一阶段理论创生的必要条件。  相似文献   

林喆 《科教文汇》2014,(24):80-81
目的:针对当下动画专业培养模式出现的问题进行反思,并找出改进办法。方法:从学科设置原则和提升教学质量两个方面入手进行系统论述,找出问题并给出改进性建议。结论:动画产业在中国是新兴产业,行业规范与市场原则都远未成熟,动画专业培养模式的制订需要密切关注行业动向,把教学方向与行业发展紧密联系起来,从细节入手为市场和社会培养合格的专业人才,造福学生,贡献社会。  相似文献   

H.B.D. Kettlewell is famous for several investigations conducted in the early 1950s on the phenomenon of industrial melanism, which are widely regarded as the classic demonstration of natural selection. In a recent (2002) book-length popularization of this episode in the history of the science, science writer Judith Hooper draws attention to what she interprets as discrepancies in the results reported by Kettlewell in his first scientific papers on the subject. On the basis of correspondence among Kettlewell and his associates, a survey of scientific publications that mention outstanding questions surrounding the phenomenon, as well as interviews with his son, surviving colleagues, and scientists who have worked on industrial melanims, Hooper all but explicitly concludes that Kettlewell committed fraud. The following essay critically examines her evidence in support of this allegation, including her discussion of his character, the alleged motives, and whether fraud was even committed. None of Hooper's arguments is found to withstand careful scrutiny. The concluding section draws several conclusions about how history of science should be depicted to the public.  相似文献   

本文论述了黄河在全国经济发展中的战略地位和作用,在黄河可供水量分配方案的基础上,以1990年为现状,2000年水平黄河地区工农业生产发展规划为依据,预测分析远景(2030年)黄河地区国民经济发展指标及对水资源的需求,并提出解决黄河地区远景缺水的对策和措施等。分析结果表明,远景黄河地区工农业及城乡生活需引水达1060×108m3,需耗水810×108m3,在考虑黄河可供水量及地下水充分利用的前提下,届时,黄河地区仍将缺水250×108m3以上。解决黄河地区缺水的主要对策措施是实现跨流域调水。  相似文献   

促进创新型经济的发展是我国当前经济结构调整中的重要内容。本文在分析了已有研究成果的基础上,构建新兴产业发展需要政策介入的理论框架,并通过对战略性新兴产业的宏观分析证明了现有政策是有效的,但同时发现有效性是非常有限的。在进一步的研究中,选择了生物医药产业和新能源汽车产业的上市公司作为考察对象,就其发展中财税政策的作用做了微观分析,发现政策效果因产业的异质性而呈现出异质性,从而找到了导致现有政策有效性不足的原因。据此提出,产业政策的介入要关注产业的异质性,进一步的从产业结构政策、产业技术政策、产业组织政策、产业区域政策四方面提出了促进新兴产业发展政策优化的建议。  相似文献   

本文回顾了鄂西北山区郧县工业发展的历史和现状,分析了工业发展的资源支撑条件,总结了郧县发挥特殊区位优势,坚持“依托”发展战略,充分利用资源优势,加速发展资源导向型工业,选择最佳工业生长点,优化工业生产组合键,以市场为导向,以地方名优特骨干产品为重要生长点山区县、工业发展、湖北省郧县  相似文献   

Mapping technologies into industries is frequently required in empirical innovation studies, but many concordances only provide coarse mappings. We develop a novel concordance between industries and technologies making use of linked inventor-employee data for a large sample of German patents filed at the European Patent Office between 1999 and 2011. Inventors listed on these patents are matched and disambiguated with German social security records. Employment data recorded in this database include detailed industry codes describing the industrial activities of the inventors’ establishments. These linked microdata allow us to identify the precise industrial origin of inventions, combine them with technology classifications from the inventors’ patents and to generate novel concordance tables. We evaluate our approach by comparing the concordances with existing work. Moreover, in an empirical application, we find that patent based indicators represent valid proxies for the innovation performance of industries and thus help to measure innovation in the absence of other survey based indicators. Service sector innovation activities, however, appear to be barely represented by the patenting activities of inventors and establishments.  相似文献   

本文阐述了烘烤制干加工技术是枣农避免或减少阴雨天带来的灾情损失、进一步提高红枣质量和商品价值的重要途径,也是红枣种植、加工及销售产业链中的一个重要环节。指出了普及这项工作的不足,最后提出解决问题的途径和一系列的保证措施。  相似文献   

谢翔 《科教文汇》2011,(6):145-147
由于中等职业学校体育教育观念的滞后,导致了学校体育工作的落后。普遍存在体育教师数量不足、质量下降和工作态度不端正,学生体育情感淡薄等一系列问题,严重影响了学校体育的发展。本文通过对这些问题进行分析与研究,探讨解决这些问题的途径。  相似文献   

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