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Diversity in Higher Education: Perceptions, Opinions, and Views Purpose and Organization of the Monograph The Diversity Rationale in Higher Education Public Perceptions of Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education Faculty, Student, and Administrator Perceptions of Diversity Summary Diversity, Leadership, and Organizational Culture in Higher Education Changing Organizational Culture Leadership in Higher Education Diversity and Organizational Culture The Substance of Diversity Leadership in Higher Education Summary Diversity and Organizational Leadership in Higher Education Leadership Models and Frameworks in Higher Education Leadership as Contested Terrain in Higher Education The Nexus for Diversity Leadership Strategies Summary Practicing Diversity Leadership in Higher Education Higher Education's Response to Diversity Initiatives Management, Leadership, and Diversity Diversity Readiness and Awareness Developing Capacity for Diversity Leadership Cultural Proficiency and Practicing Diversity Leadership Summary References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   

高职高专教育实践教学瓶颈及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职高专教育实践教学存在着若干瓶颈,对四个主要瓶颈从高职院校的角度提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

A Degree Apprenticeship model has recently been introduced into the United Kingdom (UK) Higher Education system as part of wider changes to vocational training. The system has experienced numerous rapid changes in regulation and funding, and it is now little understood by many stakeholders. Distinguishing different phases in UK Higher Education, and using a salience model as a lens for analysis, this article identifies and examines stakeholders with regards to their influence on the Higher Education curriculum. The new Degree Apprenticeship model is funded by an employer payroll levy and it requires Higher Education institutions to deliver training to specific standards. This research explores the implications of the model for the Higher Education curriculum, concluding that the direct involvement of employers in the design and delivery of vocational Higher Education introduces untried elements into UK Higher Education on the assumption that the funding requirement will lead to a change in employer behaviour. This, coupled with the opening of Higher Education provision to private providers, transfers power over the curriculum to those with potentially no commitment to wider public values, and may offer a threat to the international standing of UK Higher Education. This article contributes to research in understanding how Higher Education systems respond to, and actors cope with, imposed change.  相似文献   

Beginnings Begin Here … The Forgotten Conditions of Teaching and Learning
Towards Partnership Industry and Higher Education: Collaboration to Improve Students' Learning and Training.
Becoming Your Own Teacher Learning to Learn Across the Lifespan
Canadian Higher Education Youth, University and Canadian Society: Essays in the Social History of Higher Education
Making a Middle Class: Student Life in English Canada during the Thirties Paul Axelrod (Kingston, Montreal
Accounting for Performance Quality Assurance and Accountability in Higher Education
Perfmmance Indicators in Higher Education  相似文献   

对有关献的研究与分析结果显示,近年来我国所进行的高等师范教育比较研究主要探讨了国外高等师范教育的目标、课程、模式、质量影响因素、教师资格制度以及高等师范教育发展的趋势等问题。虽然我国的高等师范教育比较研究还存在着一些问题,但其研究成果对当前我国的高等师范教育的改革与发展不无启示。  相似文献   

北高师教育研究科成立前后,中国教育界正在进行“高师改大”与“废止高师”的争辩,其中如何安置“教育科”,是争论的核心问题之一.主张废止高师者,主张模仿哥伦比亚大学师范学院的办学模式,设置“教育科”于大学.在高师地位受到威胁的情况下,北高师设置了教育研究科.其动议是陈宝泉乃至整个北高师对教育研究及教育学术专门人才培养的一贯重视,其现实出发点是争“教育精神唯一的机关”,为高师升格为大学作准备,而其形式和具体内容则是来自哥伦比亚大学师范学院.教育研究科设置之后,卷入“校长风潮”,遭遇诸多复杂的现实问题.  相似文献   

进入新世纪以来,我国高等教育有了很大的发展,高等教育的许多问题需要我们重新从哲学理论上进行探讨。约翰·s·布鲁贝克的《高等教育哲学》作为西方第一部从哲学角度对高等教育进行研究的专著,对我们具有一定的启发作用。如果从创作背景、研究方法和研究视点对该书进行分析,可以发现高等教育研究的核心问题就是高深学问。  相似文献   

对高职院校发展定位理论的梳理与透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等职业教育的蓬勃发展,有效整合教育资源对高职院校发展定位提出了挑战,而定位又是一系列前瞻性战略思考和规划活动,所以梳理高职院校发展定位的相关理论成为亟待解决的问题。其中,系统论理应成为高职院校发展定位的哲学基础、科学发展观则是其指导思想、高等教育理论是其学科依托、西方定位理论是直接理论借鉴。  相似文献   

高等教育质量观是人们对高等教育质量的基本看法和基本观点,体现了人们对高等教育发展程度的立场。多维的研究视角和丰硕的高等教育质量观研究成果,丰富了高等教育质量观的内涵,拓宽了研究的视域,但也导致了高等质量观迷失本性的深刻危机。回归教育性,体现教育的主体性意义和价值,是高等教育质量观的本然诉求。教育性高等教育质量观关注高等教育的内在规定性和终极价值,将人置于中心位置,反映了高等教育内部的教育要素、教育过程和教育品性。  相似文献   

本文从理论功能的角度对潘懋元教授学术思想进行探讨 ,把以其学术思想为基础的高等教育理论的功能概括为指导实践、解释问题、科学预见和研究生题等。他的教育思想不仅对高等教育学的基本理论体系的构建起到奠基作用 ,而且对当代中国高等教育的改革实践产生了重大指导作用。  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Marianne Bauer, Berit Askling, Susan Gerard Marton and Ference Marton, Transforming Universities: Changing Patterns of Governance, Structure and Learning in Swedish Higher Education
Maurice Kogan and Stephen Hanney, Reforming Higher Education
Ivar Bleiklie, Roar Høstaker and Agneta Vabø, Policy and Practice in Higher Education: Reforming Norwegian Universities
Mary Henkel, Academic Identities and Policy Change in Higher Education
Maurice Kogan, Marianne Bauer, Ivar Bleiklie and Mary Henkel, Transforming Higher Education: a Comparative Study  相似文献   

Research on transnational Higher Education governance has provided a thesis explaining how East Asian states have successfully selectively blended elements of globalisation in Higher Education with their pre‐existing regulatory regimes. However, this paper argues that the thesis overlooks the significance of local politics in understanding the formulation of Higher Education policy, thus insufficiently acknowledging the indeterminacy that arises in the globalisation process. To address this argument, this paper examines the transnational Higher Education development in Singapore and Hong Kong and explains how political resistance and corresponding policy changes that emerged in these two societies help reconceptualise transnational Higher Education governance.  相似文献   

就业率是衡量一所院校办学质量的重要标准,就业率的高低直接关系到学院的生存和发展。高职院校只有坚持以就业为导向,把专业设置作为学校教学工作的重中之重来长抓不懈,才能在市场经济建设大潮和高等教育国际化的进程中立于不败之地。  相似文献   

高等教育所具有的产业属性决定了它能够成为投资主体对象,高等教育的大众化发展方向和良好的投资收益率强化了政府,社会主民众对高等教育的投资力度。目前,高等教育投资结构中财政性投入和非财政性投入并举;居民对大学生提供的生活保障费用和大学生在上学期间所放弃的个人收入应核算为对高等教育的消费性投资。高等教育投资的宏观社会环境,政策环境和微观组织环境良好;观念问题,经济不发达等仍是影响对高等教育投资的主要因素。宏观投资环境的改善,宏观政策的落实,微观政策的选择是解决高等教育投资与投资环境问题的基本思路。  相似文献   

知识精英是引领社会进步的中坚力量,在我国高等教育大众化的今天,精英教育仍然是高等教育发展的重要内容。文章分析了高等教育大众化进程中坚持实施精英教育的必要性,指出分类指导是高校实施精英教育的必要前提,并阐明高水平研究型大学是承担精英教育的主体。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试的诚信危机及其化解路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国高等教育重要组成部分的自学考试制度,其有效运作的基础是诚信。当前,自学考试中诚信危机已日益凸显。本文从现实情况出发,循着自学考试中失信的具体表现与危机产生的根源,提出有效化解自学考试中诚信危机的策略,以建立健全自学考试制度,促进自学考试持续健康发展。  相似文献   

中国高校教育基金会在20多年的发展过程中遇到了很多阻碍,主要原因是由于其内外部规制的不健全。文章通过深入分析中国高校教育基金会在实际运作中面临的法律问题,一是,高校教育基金会宏观法律制度缺陷:“双重管理体制”限制发展、基金会存在行政隶属和法律地位平等相互冲突的矛盾、内外部监督机制缺失;二是,高校教育基金会投资运作中的法律制度缺陷:基金保值增值相关法律不足、基金会的公益支出和运作成本问题、投资风险承担的问题、捐赠协议的履行。最后简要提出针对性的建议。  相似文献   

关于高等职业教育的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着我国社会经济快速的发展 ,急需加大高等职业教育的发展步伐 ,高等职业教育已经成为高等教育的重要组成部分。本文就如何培养适应社会经济发展需要的实用型人才、发展高等职业教育应把握的关键问题以及加强高等职业教育管理的几个重要环节进行了思考性的论述  相似文献   

Chalk, cheese, cuts and changing constraints and controls Public Expenditure on Higher Education.
Changing Patterns of Finance in Higher Education
The learning phase Teaching and Learning in an Expanding Higher Education System  相似文献   

浅谈高职院校学生社团特色建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高职院校学生社团的迅速发展壮大,如何建设高职院校学生社团、怎样形成特色的问题日益受到重视。本文围绕高职院校学生社团特色建设的必要性和高职院校学生社团特色建设途径两方面论述了高职院校学生社团特色建设问题,力图指导高职院校学生社团特色建设实践。  相似文献   

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