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The license negotiated at the beginning of the electronic resources lifecycle impacts access to the resource throughout the life of the contract. To simplify the negotiating process, the Texas A&M University (TAMU) Libraries developed a licensing checklist. In order to make completed licenses accessible to all library personnel, the TAMU Libraries use the electronic resources management system Centralized Online Resources and Licensing (CORAL) to store license documents and terms. This presentation reviewed the TAMU Libraries’ licensing process, the creation and evolution of the licensing checklist, and the suitability of CORAL to share license details. The presenters also recounted several examples of difficult negotiations and license violations.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 对欧洲版权用户平台发布的《数字资源授权许可》风险规避原则进行解读,以期对我国图书馆规避数字资源国际许可使用中的法律风险有所启示。[方法/过程] 分析《数字资源授权许可》原则中针对许可方垄断优势、法定例外、许可权利、合同用语不规范以及争议解决方式等做出的风险提示,以及其采取的一系列行之有效的防控措施,细化许可协议的书写规范,避免签署由数据库商独占权而产生的风险条款等,为图书馆合理规避法律陷阱提供参考依据。[结果/结论] 为规避数字资源许可协议的法律陷阱,我国应增强反垄断的维权意识、制定数字资源许可使用协议法律风险提示框架、适用中国法律由中国法院管辖。  相似文献   

数字信息技术的发展、开放获取运动的深入、读者对数字资源使用方式的增加及有关法律的修订等,均对数字资源许可政策提出了新的要求。自2014年以来,国外图书馆数字资源许可政策出现了新一轮的修订潮,美国、加拿大、英国及澳大利亚的多个较早从事数字资源许可政策研究的图书馆联盟先后更新了其数字资源示范许可协议或指导原则。文章拟从这一轮新修订的数字资源许可政策中,选取部分有代表性的政策文本,通过纵向和横向的梳理比较,重点关注新旧政策的变化,分析修订的背景、原因及作用,总结国外图书馆数字资源许可的最新发展动向及经验,并探讨其对我国图书馆的启示,以期助益我国图书馆数字资源许可的实践。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 通过对电子资源许可协议核心条款的分析,指出其潜在法律风险,为图书馆提供应对策略,以降低图书馆的合同风险并维护其合法权益。[方法/过程] 通过对比和实例分析方法,对许可协议核心条款进行分析并提出应对策略。[结果/结论] 图书馆应全面考虑电子资源可能的授权使用者,尽量避免对授权使用行为进行过多限制;合理分配许可人与图书馆各自的合同责任;增加数据库商对许可资源的质量保证、权利保证和履约保证条款,慎重审查数据库商的责任限制和免责条款;争取将中国法律作为合同准据法或为中国法的适用埋下伏笔,并根据具体情况选择有利于图书馆的争议解决方式。  相似文献   

The advent of electronic resources brought about the need for license agreements between libraries and publishers. Many librarians today are new to licensing and negotiating with publishers, or have received limited training and education. Based on her years of licensing and negotiation experience, Clair Dygert of the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) provided librarians with practical advice and tools for working with licenses and negotiating with publishers, as well as encouragement for entering into these new areas. She included examples taken directly from FLVC’s licensing guidelines and negotiation proposals and encouraged attendees to use those documents in creating their own local documents. She also drew on the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury to describe principled bargaining as the most effective and constructive method of negotiation.  相似文献   

文章研究了图书馆利用许可证贸易购买网络电子期刊使用权所面临的新问题,讨论了图书馆在签订网络电子期刊许可使用协议时应注意的问题,对我国图书馆进行网络电子期刊许可证贸易实践具有现实意义。  相似文献   

张衠 《图书情报工作》2011,55(21):120-124
通过对我国政府网站著作权管理现状的调查,分析当前我国政府信息著作权授权存在的问题。在此基础上,对“开放内容授权”模式的内涵和特点进行阐述,分析政府信息著作权授出适用该模式的制度优势。在借鉴英国实践经验的基础上,提出我国政府信息资源开发中著作权管理的开放策略。  相似文献   

解析孤儿作品的含义和形成原因,指出解决孤儿作品版权困境的必要性,在此基础上介绍分析国外解决孤儿作品版权问题的方案,最后提出版权管理信息、认证许可模式、延伸性集体管理、强制许可模式、责任限制制度、版权例外模式的6项建议,以期更好地解决我国孤儿作品的版权困境问题。  相似文献   

著作权管理是高等学校机构知识库资源建设的重要法律问题。以著作权状态为标准,可以把高校机构知识库储存的资源分成五大类。高校机构知识库资源征集的著作权障碍包括:著作权政策不完善、共同拥有的著作权的制约、作者对著作权侵权的担忧、著作权立法存在不确定性。解决该问题应采取如下措施:制定统一的机构知识库著作权管理的政策架构、提高机构知识库著作权资源授权协议的规范性、建立鼓励性与强制性相结合的资源自存储政策、主动与出版商合作建立著作权的许可使用机制、在高等教育界宣传普及机构知识库的基本知识。  相似文献   

As libraries move from a printed to a digital ecosystem for the content that they license, they have increasingly depended on consortia to obtain the best pricing and contract terms. Consortial e-Resource licensing offers a variety of benefits and drawbacks which must be considered. Some of the key issues which must be addressed include whose license should provide the starting basis for a contract, shifting contract pricing away from a print-based model, avoiding overlap between competing consortia, the growing pressure to license digital products which are outside of traditional library purchasing, as well as other terms and conditions which must be addressed.  相似文献   

我国现有授权模式下的数字图书馆付酬机制存在着诸多弊端:协议许可模式付酬成本高且法律保障缺失;法定许可付酬标准不健全;著作权集体管理组织付酬机制不完善。设置基于提供复制与传播机会的法定报酬请求权,以著作权补偿金为模式,依靠集体管理组织来组织实施,可形成一套完整的数字图书馆付酬机制。  相似文献   

为了消除必要专利与技术标准之间的利益冲突,标准组织通常遵循合理无歧视原则、专利权免费原则以及 非排外原则制定均衡的知识产权策略,吸引所有利益相关者参与技术标准化的过程。文章在辨析必要专利和技术标准 关系的基础上,对合理无歧视原则的合理性和无歧视性展开研究,探讨单个必要专利合理许可、多个必要专利总体合 理许可、许可费合理核算以及全供应链无歧视许可等要点。最后建议在信息披露公开和承诺公开的前提下应寻求专利 权人合理无歧视许可的承诺。  相似文献   

为了消除必要专利与技术标准之间的利益冲突,标准组织通常遵循合理无歧视原则、专利权免费原则以及非排外原则制定均衡的知识产权策略,吸引所有利益相关者参与技术标准化的过程。文章在辨析必要专利和技术标准关系的基础上,对合理无歧视原则的合理性和无歧视性展开研究,探讨单个必要专利合理许可、多个必要专利总体合理许可、许可费合理核算以及全供应链无歧视许可等要点。最后建议在信息披露公开和承诺公开的前提下应寻求专利权人合理无歧视许可的承诺。  相似文献   

STKOS词表作为国家投入的重要公共知识基础设施,为保护其知识产权和相关权利人权益,同时实现项目成果面向全社会的共享利用,需要制定合理有效的开放共享协议。本文调研分析了4部国际大型词表的开放共享协议,总结归纳出此类协议的主要框架、相关法律权利规定,以期为STKOS词表开放共享协议提供借鉴。同时文章提出在设计STKOS词表开放共享协议时应重点考虑权利人诉求、建设目标、具体授权内容、协议许可方式等因素。  相似文献   


The licensing of electronic resources has become a significant activity for all parties involved in the production, purchase, and delivery of these resources. During the early development of the licensing process, the industry as a whole had little experience with licensing as an integral part of the acquisition process. Licensing practice developed in a reactive state and the emerging process lacked standards and models. Since licensing was consuming greater resources and was becoming a distraction from the business of supplying resources to users, standards and model licenses were developed and used to bring some semblance of order to the process. Model licenses have not solved all problems associated with the licensing process, but they prevented the collapse of the process as licensing continues to see explosive growth.  相似文献   

签订许可使用合同购买电子信息资源的使用权是网络环境下图书馆采购方式的重大变革。许可使用合同的内容包括许可使用数据库的数量、费用、信息提供者和使用者双方的权利与义务等条款。在签订许可使用合同时,图书馆应了解电子资源的著作权状态,明确授权用户、授权使用和使用限制,特别要考虑馆际互借条款、存档与永久使用条款、计价模式和付酬方法条款,避免签订含有对图书馆及其用户不利条款的合同。  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

Since the 1930s, the Library Bill of Rights has acknowledged the ethical responsibility of librarians to provide access to information in all formats to all people. Librarians are charged with selecting, organizing, and instructing patrons on how to locate and use the resources, and preserving information regardless of format or technology. The information revolution and the pervasive thinking that everything is available on the Web have created new challenges to these traditional professional ethics. Acquiring and providing dependable access to electronic resources require librarians to learn and apply new skills such as negotiating license agreements and understanding evolving technologies. Print publications provide a degree of permanence, but e-information, if it is not properly managed, can be highly transient. Internet services provide large, uncontrolled, unregulated collection of resources. If the very nature of the Internet makes it nearly if not completely impossible to evaluate the content of web-sites, how does the librarian protect the integrity of the information the library provides? Along with traditional ethical conflicts, librarians in the virtual library are faced with new challenges to provide equitable access to usefully organized resources, to address petitions to deselect or filter, to negotiate less-restrictive licensing policies, and to maintain the anonymity of individual users within electronic transactions.  相似文献   

机构知识库资源种类繁多,使资源的版权归属呈现出复杂性的特征。不论资源版权归属何方,机构知识库对资源合理地进行网络传播、长期保存的首要前提都是获得来自资源版权持有者的授权许可。国家著作权法律法规的大力支持、出版商对机构知识库资源存储行为的许可、机构知识库自身资源管理行为的严格规范、机构知识库用户资源使用行为的约束限制,均是解决机构知识库资源版权问题的有效对策。  相似文献   

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