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当代教育技术的研究内容与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1994年美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)发表了西尔斯(Seels)与里奇(Richey)合写的专著《教育技术的定义和研究范围》。该书总结了五年美国电教界的研究成果,反映了当前国际电教界对教育技术的新看法,书中对教育技术学给出了一个全新的定义:“教育技术是关于学习过程与学习资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价的理论与实践”,并对教育技术学的研究内容作出了新的界定:教育技术学的研究领域应当包括学习过程与学习资源的设计、开发、利用、管理和评价等五个方面的理论与实践。新定义得到这一领域绝大多数专家学者和实际工作者的认可。 关于学习过程与学习资源的设计是指:为达到给定的教学目标,首先要进行学习者的特征分析和教学策略的制定(教学策略中又包含教学活动程序和教学方法两个方面),在此基础上进行优化的教学系统与教学信息的设计(包括教学内容和相应知识点排列顺序的确定、教学媒体的选择、教学信息与反馈信息的呈现内容与呈现方式设计以及人机交互作用的考虑等等)。  相似文献   

访谈者:莫伦达教授,首先非常感谢您接受我们的访谈.今天想和您交流的主要话题是关于AECT2005教育技术学科的定义以及不同学者对该定义的评论.2005年AECT颁布了教育技术的"一句话"定义,作为AECT定义与术语委员会的主要成员之一,您和您的同事参与了2005新定义的制定,并于2008年出版了<教育技术:注释定义>.  相似文献   

新型教学模式新在哪里?--江西师范大学钟志贤教授访谈   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
钟志贤:男,江西省瑞金市人,1964年8月2日生,教育学硕士,教授,教育技术学、课程与教学论专业硕士生导师,江西省中青年学科带头人.现任江西师范大学教学论研究中心主任,兼江西省中小学现代教育技术实验学校专家组组长,江西省政协委员.主要从事教育技术基本理论、素质教育、成功学、教学设计和远程教育研究.代表作有<课堂电化教学设计>、<教育传播学>、<素质教育:中国基础教育的使命>、<大教育:21世纪教育新走向>、<点击成功>、<远程教育导论--学与教的原理和方法>等.  相似文献   

AECT新定义的特色与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国教育传播与技术协会(AECT)在2008年出版的《教育技术定义与评析》一书中正式发布了新的教育技术定义。为使广大中国教育技术工作者、教育技术专业师生了解新定义的内容和与其相关的全面理论观点,中国教育技术协会组织专家翻译了这本著作。该书即将由北京大学出版社出版。新书出版之际,该文作者作为新定义的主要译者,通过AECT新定义与AECT94定义的比较,从学习、创造和职业道德规范等要素入手,阐述了新定义的主要特色以及对我国教育技术领域的启示。  相似文献   

<正>语文教学是指在教师组织下的学生的语文学习活动。语文学习活动靠什么来组织?靠语文教学目标。语文教学目标是语文教学的起点和归宿,是教师进行语文教学活动设计的定向指标,具有指导与选择语文教学策略的功能。美国韦恩州立大学里奇(R.Richey)教授认为,影响教学设计成败有四个变量:学生、内容、环境、传递(教师)。因此,可以这样推论:影响语文教学目标设计的因素主要为:学生、文本、教师、环境。而其中最为关  相似文献   

AECT2005教育技术定义的一个突出特点是首次加入了伦理道德内容,预示着教育技术道德观正引领教育技术研究迈向一个新领域.对教育技术专业人员职业道德的重视与研究将对今后教育技术专业发展,教师培养,相关行业法律法规的制定将产生重要影响.为对2005定义伦理道德部分有个整体认识,本文对阐释该定义的<教育技术定义与评析>一书第11章"职业道德与教育技术"进行了全面解读.通过将AECT<职业道德准则>与其前身NEA<教师职业道德准则>进行比较研究,阐明了教育技术领域职业道德的特点,分析了2005定义中加入伦理道德内容的原因.最后阐述了AECT<职业道德准则>对中国教育技术研究领域的启示.  相似文献   

编者按:J.Michael Spector是美国教育和通讯技术协会(AECT)的现任主席,佐治亚大学学习和绩效支持实验室(Learning & Performance Support Laboratory)教授.Spector有着丰富的任教和研究经历,他曾工作过的佛罗里达州立大学和纽约锡拉丘兹大学均为美国教育技术学的重镇.而他在挪威卑尔根大学负责教育信息科学与技术项目的近四年经历让他对欧美两大洲的有关领域都有深入的了解,他在美国阿姆斯特朗空军研究实验室教学系统研究任资深科学家的经历让他对教学设计在教育领域以外的应用有着深刻的理解.Spector最近的研究兴趣是关于复杂领域学习评估、智能绩效支持教学设计、系统动力学为基础的学习环境及技术集成.他几十年来一直活跃在第一线,刚于2008年主编完成<教育传播与技术研究手册>(第三版),而且将继续以开放的态度编辑第四版.  相似文献   

王广霞  赵青  赵子辰 《文教资料》2011,(35):125-127
为了能更好地理解教育技术的定义,作者分别从横向和纵向两个方面阐述了对教育技术的理解。横向比较是指在教育技术领域里一些相关的定义与教育技术定义做比较。纵向比较是指按年代顺序比较AECT的几个有重要影响力的概念。既然是比较,就必须有个标准,本文横纵向比较的标准分别是教育技术学与AECT94定义。  相似文献   

教育技术学科建设要遵循学科规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近日记者注意到,在教育技术的相关网站上,有众多网友对教育技术学专业提出了一些质疑.比如网友Observer的留言列举了"教育技术的十大怪状",他讲到的"教育技术学科定义的全盘西化;研究领域的严重泛化;理论功底的薄弱西化;理论与应用的盲目推崇;专业学生的迷茫困惑"等现象,引起了部分网友的共鸣.继2002年多家教育技术站点转载檄文<炮轰教育技术:我的一张大字报>后,今年似乎掀起了又一轮对教育技术学讨论的热潮.  相似文献   

本文运用"科学-技术-工程"三元论考察了教育技术学在教育学科的定位,分析了教育技术学专业实践的工程特性及技术哲学的"经验转向"与工程哲学的出现对AECT2005定义的影响,并据此结合当前教育工程与教育改革的实际需要,提出教育技术学专业应该强化工程意识、工程思维与工程能力的培养及相应的培养方法与措施。  相似文献   

A descendant of Chekhov’s extended family, Darya Protopopova has always loved all things literary. When she found out that Chekhov was popular with British modernist writers, she decided to do a master’s and then a doctorate in English modernism at the University of Oxford. Having completed both, she chose to spread her love for English literary giants among the masses and trained as a teacher of English at University College London. A year and a half into her first job, she was forced to leave after her school management told her she could no longer teach her GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) class, as some parents had complained about her foreignness. Shocked and disappointed, she briefly contemplated going back to Russia and becoming a xenophobe herself. However, the good had triumphed over the evil in her heart, and she is now happily teaching in a multilingual school in central London.  相似文献   

格里菲斯把所有事情都盘算好了。她2001年4月毕业于匹兹堡大学,她给自己定了个目标:在工会找份工作。  相似文献   

林革.自1987年师范学院数学系毕业后.分配至扬州教育学院高邮校区(原江苏省高邮师范学校)任教,现为数学系讲师。长期担任“小学数学教材法”课的教学工作.研究方向定位于数学教育.由于教学和培养对象的需要.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2003,18(3):137-139
Olive Robinson began her teaching career in a village school. After marriage she taught for a short while in London before moving to Oxford and taking time out to bring up her family. Returning to teaching in the 1970s she developed an interest in children with learning difficulties and taught, organised and coordinated special needs in several different comprehensive schools over a period of 15 years. She became a part‐time tutor at Oxford University Department of Educational Studies where, after her retirement from teaching, she became a guest lecturer. She also taught part time at Ruskin College and contributed to the Special Educational Needs Diploma course as an associate lecturer at the then Oxford Polytechnic. Her greatest love, however, was her time spent as organiser of an adult basic skills class where she met many fascinating and generously optimistic tutors and students.  相似文献   

When I was four my mother, father, sister, and I moved to California. My mother wrote my grandmother often, partly because she missed her terribly and partly because my mother relishes writing letters. Whenever she wrote, I sat beside her at the kitchen table and composed as many pages as she did, page after page of squiggly lines.Kathy Roskos is Assistant Professor, Department of Education, John Carroll University. Carol Vukelich is Associate Professor and Director of Inservice Education, College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.  相似文献   

Professor Lesley Parker’s career has moved from teaching and advising graduate students at Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia to leadership roles and advocacy positions in state and national governments and in international organizations. Throughout her distinguished career, she has been committed to social justice, particularly in gender equity. Indeed, that commitment infuses her professional contributions as teacher, advisor, administrator, and policy maker. In this Key Contribution, many of her colleagues describe their admiration for her as well as provide information that helps the reader place her work in a national and an international perspective. She has received many of Australia’s highest honors, and she continues to contribute to her university, her state, and her nation. Her contributions form a lasting legacy in social justice, particularly in gender equity and in educational leadership.  相似文献   

Various approaches to conducting peer coaching and peer review are described in this article. Examples of team mentoring, reciprocal class visitation, teaching circles, departmental teaching libraries, teaching portfolios, course portfolios, pedagogical colloquia and departmental reviews are discussed as methods for involving peers in the evaluation and improvement of teaching. Many departments will adapt a combination of approaches which fit their particular goals and context. All of these approaches rest on the assumption of faculty responsibility for the process; grassroots leadership; and a view of teaching as a substantive, scholarly activity.Kathleen M. Quinlan is a doctoral candidate in the Stanford University School of Education. A former research assistant with the American Association for Higher Education' s Teaching Initiative, she is now an American Association of University Women Dissertation Fellow. After she completes her Ph.D. in June 1996, she will continue to pursue her interests in disciplinary and departmental cultures and peer involvement in teaching improvement and evaluation as a lecturer at the Centre for Academic Development and Educational Methods at the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.  相似文献   

去年12月一位64岁的德鲁斯老妇摔倒在冰上,由于关节炎而无法站立。她在雪中躺了好几个小时,体温降至70华氏度(约21摄氏度),心跳一度停止,生命垂危。但在医生的抢救下恢复了过来。现代医学仍在研究人类身体承受的极限,但杜克大学的医师德劳德·皮恩塔多斯称过了某个临界点,医生也无力回天。以下就是关于人类承受极限的一些数值。  相似文献   

This paper deals with aging of a remarkable woman from Florida, Wilma E. Davis. After ministering in the Methodist church for over 30 years as the first ordained Methodist minister in the state of Florida, Davis retired and began a PhD program at Boston University at the age of 63. Davis completed her PhD at the age of 68. The pursuit of her education took her to the Middle East where she studied for a year at the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem and participated in archaeological digs. Davis will forever remain an educational tribute to the vision and leadership she exhibited in everything she nobly undertook over the 102 years of her fruitful, intriguing, and fascinating life.


Joey, age two and a half, spends most of his day sitting in a corner sucking his thumb. He doesn't seem to find interest in the toys or activities available to him. Sandy is three years old. Most of the time, she seems oblivious to the rules and routines of her care center. When she arrives in the morning, she throws her coat on the floor instead of hanging it in her cubby. She refuses to respond appropriately to the cleanup signal. She rarely smiles or laughs, nor does she make eye contact with her teachers or peers. She is unusually attached, however, to one caregiver and attempts to stay close to that person whenever she can. However, the social interaction between the two is limited by Sandy's reluctance to communicate despite the efforts of the caregiver. Laurie, age four and a half, has a violent temper. She solves any personal conflict by using physical aggression. She often strikes out without apparent provocation. She is delayed in her speech development and lacks curiosity about her physical world.Shirley Shaw is Assistant Professor in the Department of Child Development, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.  相似文献   

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