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培养学生掌握史学研究的基本技能是历史学教学的重要内容。教师可以通过演示、模仿与评估的方式,帮助学生掌握史学研究技能。教师给学生示范选择课题、收集与解读史料、阅读经典著作的方法。学生通过模仿与演练,掌握这些研究技能。教师通过指导学生写作论文,评估学生对独立选题、史料分析与专著阅读等技能的掌握情况。  相似文献   

本科毕业生通过撰写毕业论文 ,可以使他们在如何写作学术论文方面得到很好地锻炼。但实际上 ,本科生往往感到撰写毕业论文很难 ,无从下手 ,历史专业学生尤其如此。本文主要就历史专业本科生毕业论文写作中应注意的几个基本问题 ,略抒己见 ,供大家写作时参考。一、怎样选题选题的好坏是论文能否成功的关键所在 ,因此论文的选题非常重要。对于初学者来说 ,选题也往往成为他们感到最困难的一个问题。那么 ,应该如何选题 ?选题时应注意哪些问题呢 ?根据前辈学者的经验 ,史学学术论文的选题一般有这样几个途径 :第一 ,从第一手史料中发现问题。这…  相似文献   

"史学论文写作"课程教学要将相应的史学方法融入教学过程中,才能体现史学论文写作本身的"学科性"。借助目前比较流行的"历史书写"的方法,有利于学生"问题意识"的培养以及史料观的拓展。同时,对于论文写作的具体实践也有着直接的指导作用,具体表现在对于指导学生如何从史料提炼出观点,"以小见大",最后升华主题的具体写作过程,"历史书写"的方法可以提供比较好的具体操作方法。当然,史学方法众多,都可以结合具体的论文写作实践融入"史学论文写作"课程教学之中。  相似文献   

高校历史学科研究性课程的设置体现了对学生创新、实践能力的注重和培养,是提高本科生专业素质的有效途径,尤其是对本科生毕业论文写作的指导意义十分突出。通过开设研究性课程可以培养学生对史学研究和史学论文写作的兴趣,提高学生毕业论文的写作能力,避免学生写作毕业论文出现盲目选题、写作不规范甚至全文抄袭的现象,能够做  相似文献   

为了提高大学生的毕业论文水平,内蒙古师范大学历史文化学院出台了《本科生毕业论文写作过程化管理细则》,实行论文指导导师制——本科论文写作四年的论文指导模式。这一模式取得了良好的效果,但仍存在一些问题,如学生论文选题不当、论文抄袭等,因此,学院需要进一步地改进,如,在论文选题、论文写作标准上加强规范,完善对毕业论文写作的监督等。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校汉语言文学专业毕业论文改革探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕业论文是培养大学生创新能力、实践能力和创业精神的重要手段。应用型本科院校汉语言文学专业毕业论文应结合学校的办学定位、服务面向,对培养目标作出相应调整。在毕业论文选题、写作、答辩等环节注重培养学生的自学能力、文献检索能力、语言表达能力和运用理论知识解决实际问题的能力。加强论文监控,提高论文质量。  相似文献   

毕业论文是本科院校教学环节中至关重要的一部分,是对几年来学生学习成果和综合能力、综合素质的检验,也是大学生们大学最后一学期的总结性作业.从本科毕业论文选题和论文写作过程两个方面强调文献利用对本科毕业论文写作的重要性.在此基础上,阐述了本科毕业论文写作中反映出的关于文献利用的三个问题缺乏针对问题查找文献的能力;缺乏归纳总结分类文献的能力;缺乏思考问题、发现问题的能力.最后,提出在高等学校普遍开设文献检索与利用课,以及开设形式多样的讲座以提高本科生文献利用能力.  相似文献   

潘明福 《文教资料》2010,(3):193-195
毕业论文的写作是本科大学生整个大学阶段的重要环节。其无论对于大学生自身还是所在院校,都意义重大。对于地方本科院校中文专业学生的毕业论文而言,在论文选题方面存在着“大”、“陈”、“偏”的问题,只有采取合理的措施,解决学生论文选题中的这些问题,才能保证学生毕业论文走上创新之路。  相似文献   

认为历史专业研究生的论文选题必须要有问题意识,关心现实,勤于积累;同时还要考虑论题的价值与原创性,是否有驾驭论题的能力,是否与自己的研究领域相结合以及信息掌握情况等。同时还要重视史料的搜集,要充分利用书籍资料、文物资料(包括地上、地下)、访问资料和电子资料等。最后指出要注意史学学术论文的规范问题,主要是指史料引用和论文表述的规范问题。  相似文献   

学生为真诚求学报考我的研究生,我是一心一意为培养堪于造就的人才而招收学生,两个纯正目标交合,令我与我的学生聚合了。对于硕士生的学习,我认为重在打好专业基础与独立完成像样的硕士论文,博士生则在讲求提高论文质量。硕士生的专业知识培训,我注重的是:强调精读一部基本史料书,掌握史料学知识,熟练掌握专业语文工具,参加专业实习,处理好精专与博览关系。对于独立撰写学位论文,我的想法与要求是:自行选择论文题目,慎重考虑选题必要性和完成可能性,要明了相关的研究状况,占有足够的材料,论文一定要有新见解、新史料,写作前拟好写作细纲。经过独立研究能力的培养,许多同学有了自行研究能力,有的硕士又在其博士生导师指导下进一步提升业务水平,他们在经历一段时间磨砺后,史学著述相继问世,许多位成为著名学者,令我兴奋。我和学生的友情,是长期相互关怀建立起来的,师生温情荡漾心田。在实践中,我有着教学相长的感受,我从学友得到了诸多学术启示和帮助。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine differences in intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence as well as in their association between 5th‐ and 6th‐grade students with learning disabilities (LD) (n= 40) and their typically achieving peers. Participants were 980 Greek elementary students from the metropolitan area of Athens. As predicted, students with LD showed lower intrinsic motivation and perceived academic competence than students without LD almost across all subscales. Exceptions were noticed in intrinsic motivation concerning curiosity/interest and history subscales as well as perceptions of academic competence in the subjects of history and science. Support was found that among typically achieving students intrinsic motivation was positively and significantly related at a moderate level to perceived academic competence across all subscales, as opposed to students with LD, for whom few correlations were found.  相似文献   

This study examined the global self–concept, academic self–perception, social competence, and behavioral problems of 19 children with learning disabilities within the family context. Comparisons were made between the target children and their close–age siblings and family psychological correlates were identified. The participants were administered child assessment scales and rated by their parents, who also completed family psychosocial measures. The results show that although children with learning disabilities do not differ from their siblings in global self–concept and academic self–perception, their parents rated them to have less social competence and more behavior problems than their siblings. Moreover, the social competence and behavioral problems of children with learning disabilities are related to their parents’ stress. Educational and research implications are drawn.  相似文献   

开题报告是英语专业研究生培养环节中的重要一环。从英语专业研究生毕业论文开题报告所暴露出的问题可以看出,在其学术能力的发展上存在五个主要问题:问题意识淡薄;文献综述缺乏思辨性;研究方法背离学术规范性原则;学术创新能力不足;论文写作规范亟待提高。针对这些问题,作者提出了以下对策:优化课程设置;厘清评估与学术能力发展的关系;营造和谐的学术生态。  相似文献   

This study examines the implications of how teachers’ views of immigrant parents predict their ratings of first-grade students’ academic competence and behavioral problems. Teachers rated 191 first-grade immigrant students attending Islamic and public schools in the Northeast United States. The results showed that when teachers perceived parents as having discrepant value differences, they rated students more negatively both in terms of academic competence and behavioral problems, even after controlling for student gender and ethnicity, parental education and parental school involvement. Surprisingly, teachers in Islamic and public schools did not differ in their perceived value differences with parents. The type of school students attend, however, moderated the effects of teachers’ perceived value differences on their academic ratings, but not on their behavioral ratings. While both Islamic and public school teachers rated students’ academic competence equally high when they perceived little or no value differences with parents, public school teachers held lower academic expectations than Islamic school teachers with increased value differences. These findings suggest a mechanism by which children from immigrant families enter a path of diminished expectations, albeit through slightly different levels in Islamic and public school settings.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,当代中国史在体制化与学术化的双重进程中,已成长为中国历史学领域中一门新兴且显要的学科。从学术史的角度观之,它的研究历程经历了从通史研究到专题史研究的嬗变,研究旨趣经历了从宏大叙事到实证分析的转移。这直接体现为近年来在冷战中国史、人民公社史、“大跃进”、学术争鸣等问题研究中呈现出的新气象。目前的研究,在学科特性的认知、史料获取的路径、史观与方法的构建、“碎片化”的研究状态、二元研究格局等方面存在一些问题;未来的研究将在回应上述问题的同时,通过加强科际整合与学科共同体内外的对话而整体协作式推进。  相似文献   

Examined the relations of parent and child behaviors with children's perceptions of their academic competence. 74 high-achieving third-grade children, with varying levels of perceived academic competence, were observed working with mothers and fathers both on solvable tasks (Period 1) and during a period that included some unsolvable tasks (Period 2). Results indicated that children's perceived academic competence was positively related to father warmth, both at Period 1 and at Period 2. Children's perceived academic competence was also positively related to their own behavior when working with fathers at Period 2. Specifically, children with higher perceived academic competence showed more emotional restraint and were more self-reliant when working on tasks at Period 2 than were children with lower perceived academic competence. The results indicate that there are systematic, observable correlates of children's self-reports of their perceived academic competence.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代既是思想大解放的年代,也是理想与激情飞扬的年代。从思想史的角度来看,此期或保守或过激的诸多论争都具有不同程度、不同意义的历史保存价值。本文择取80年代中后期一种颇具震撼力和代表性的反理性话语予以描述和检讨,旨在说明,对于严肃的学术研究而言,理想与激情虽可贵,理性与学养更重要。  相似文献   

高中历史新教材采用专题编排、中外贯穿、古今纵横的方式,内容宽泛,给教师提供了很大的选材空间,但如何取舍,成为教师们的难题。结合教学案例,探讨如何根据最新学术研究成果,对教材内容增减,做到既能体现新课改精神,又能在有限的时间内完成教学任务。  相似文献   

The current study examined the mediating effects of emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence between parental abuse/neglect and a child’s school adjustment by investigating 2070 student surveys from the Korean Child Youth Panel Study (KCYPS). A path analysis yielded the following key findings. Firstly, childhood abuse and neglect showed a significant negative and direct effect on school adjustment. It is particularly important to note that the effect of neglect was bigger than that of abuse in this study. Secondly, emotional/behavioral problems were found to partially mediate between abuse/neglect and school adjustment. Thirdly, academic competence partially mediated the effect of neglect on school adjustment, while it did not mediate the effect of abuse on school adjustment. The indirect effect of parental neglect via emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence was stronger than that of parental abuse. The influence of parental abuse and neglect on children’s school adjustments was discussed in terms of emotional/behavioral problems and academic competence considering unique Korean cultural context.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代既是思想大解放的年代,也是理想与激情飞扬的年代。从思想史的角度来看,此期间或保守或激进的诸多论争都具有不同程度、不同意义的历史保存价值。本择取80年代中后期一种藏具震蓖力和代表性的反理性话语予以描述和检讨,旨在说明,对于严真的学术研究而言,理想与激情虽可贵,理性与学养更重要。  相似文献   

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