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赛马,香港人第一休闲娱乐活动当你路过遍布香港大街小巷的报摊,不难发现几乎张张报纸都有“马经”版;当你逛街时,又不时发觉那些带有香港赛马会醒目标志的马会投注站。赛马这种深入香港民间的赛马活动,是英国殖民地文化的特色,现已逐渐成为众多香港市民业余生活  相似文献   

马有很强的竞争心理,赛马又是利用马匹的这种心理来培养和锻炼马匹速力的形式。时代变迁,经济发展,赛马的目的和功能也在发生变化。从最早满足人民生产生活或战争需要的普通赛马,到后来充分增加了娱乐功能的娱乐赛马,到近代以投注或博彩参与的商业赛马,是马匹利用的转变和人类社会文明进步发展的体现。  相似文献   

关于赛马运动的分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马有很强的竞争心理,赛马又是利用马匹的这种心理来培养和锻炼马匹速力的形式。时代变迁,经济发展,赛马的目的和功能也在发生变化。从最早满足入民生产生活或战争需要的普通赛马,到后来充分增加了娱乐功能的娱乐赛马,到近代以投注或博彩参与的商业赛马,是马匹利用的转变和人类社会文明进步发展的体现。  相似文献   

采用访谈法等探讨藏族赛马的起源、历史发展、现状和困境及其传承路径。藏族赛马活动主要有马上竞技比赛和民间赛马节两种形式。当前藏族赛马已陷入发展困境,藏族传统生活方式和生态环境的改变已导致赛马的社会功能减退,文化传承制度缺失和社会保障滞后也加剧了赛马的传承困境。藏区政府注重挖掘赛马文化,恢复或筹办赛马节,打造具有特色的民俗项目,推动赛马产业化,建立赛马训练基地等。  相似文献   

休闲体育兴起的文化意义   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
休闲是人类在工作余暇自我调适的一种生活方式,是在闲暇时悠然自得的休息活动和娱乐生活。随着社会经济发展,休闲已逐步成为我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。 一、休闲体育的文化特征  相似文献   

笔者分析了广州赛马 7年来的开展情况 ,认为我国的赛马所具有的“规则性”、“公开性”、“公平性”、“公益性”的性质 ,决定了他的特点是“有奖公益性”的社会文化活动 ,并且具有经济价值、社会价值、政治价值和文化价值。  相似文献   

休闲体育作为一种娱乐手段、自我完善发展的手段、提高生活质量的手段,已成为现代人生活的重要组成部分,成为人类科学、文明、健康的生活方式.文章通过对中西方休闲体育的活动形式、活动內容、活动思想和活动重视程度进行对比分析,探求制约休闲体育发展的历史文化因素,为新时期中国休闲体育的发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

休闲是人在除了恢复体力之外的,对精神、心理和文化的更高的需求。休闲作为一种积极参加生活的方式,是一种人生的境界和追求,是人类社会文明的标识。体育休闲是人类创造的有利于人类自身发展的高级理想生活方式。体育运动已成为一种文化,成为一种生活方式和一种生活的自觉。体育与休闲的结合并不是体育的一种新的形式,而是在时代背景下,人们对工业文明带来的体育异化现象的反思,是体育以人为本的回归。与西方的体育休闲文化相比,我国的体育休闲文化以“静”为主,在内容形式和功用具有明显的中国文明特色。  相似文献   

丁文  扶健华 《体育学刊》2011,18(1):57-60
休闲体育是通过体育活动进行身心体验,既是休闲的一种形式,也是体育的一种方式。休闲体育已发展成为一个朝阳产业。我国当前休闲体育业存在休闲意识薄弱、休闲场地不足、管理水平差等问题。在体验经济时代背景下,休闲体育业应充分挖掘可供休闲体验的体育资源、推动休闲体育产品体验化设计。  相似文献   

大学生冬季休闲体育文化及行为探析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
关吉臣 《冰雪运动》2006,(2):113-116
从休闲文化视角,对我国北方大学生在余暇时间的冬季休闲体育活动行为进行分析。指出,冬季休闲体育已经成为大学生余暇时间的一种体育休闲活动方式和行为,并越来越被大学生们所青睐,成为北方大学生在余暇时间以冰雪运动为主的冬季体育休闲、健身、娱乐行为。为此,高校体育应在技术教学、组织管理、指导与帮助和安全层面创造条件,以便使大学生的冬季休闲体育活动健康有序进行。  相似文献   

基于迪拜迈丹赛马场的发展经验,运用实地考察、参加记者招待会、文献资料等方法对成都温江赛马主题旅游空间进行研究分析。发现成都赛马旅游空间存在问题有:赛事举办方对赛马赛事的宣传力度不足;未组建专业的赛事组织管理团队;赛马场没有固定的年赛事周期;国内赛马、骑师不能参与成都迪拜世界杯的竞逐感到遗憾。建议:通过新闻媒体等方式加大赛马赛事的宣传,努力提高赛马赛事的知名度;借助明星效应来提高旅游目的地和赛马赛事的影响力;加强赛马场的科学化、现代化管理;政府做好引导作用,开展慈善公益性马彩。  相似文献   

我国试点发行竞猜型赛马彩票的必要性与可行性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于国外竞猜型赛马彩票的发展现状及国内发行赛马彩票的经验教训,对我国试点发行竞猜型赛马彩票的必要性与可行性进行论证.认为:我国应以北京奥运会为契机,遵循国家垄断发行、先试点后推广和规范运作等原则试点发行赛马彩票.提出我国赛马彩票发行方案:在我国现有赛马场的基础上竞猜本国赛马赛事;以赛马发达国家或地区的赛事为竞猜对象,在我国发行赛马彩票.  相似文献   

通过对我国赛马产业现状进行分析,提出我国赛马产业的发展对策,即:加大宣传,改变旧的思想观念,重新认识赛马和审视赛马产业;放宽政策,对赛马产业做适度倾斜;健全法制,将赛马产业纳入法制轨道;加快赛马专业人才的培养;加快赛马用品市场的发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料和调查访问等研究方法,对海南省发展赛马运动进行调查,结果表明:"赛马+旅游"的模式符合海南的发展,海南赛马政策的落地,必将推动旅游产业升级,形成经济发展新模式,占据政策上风的海南赛马产业有望以此为新起点,为海南经济注入强大动力。对旅游产业的积极影响主要体现在:政策层面明确赛马运动的合法性,游客对旅游线路的选择更加多样性,游客来源地域更加多元化,海口+三亚两大赛马场的落地建成,形成南北呼应的有利格局,必将成为海南省旅游业的标杆品牌之一。  相似文献   

畜牧经济、祖先崇拜及送魂习俗的共同作用下,纳西族先民的火葬礼仪形成了献冥马、飞马取死者遗骨、洗马等原始宗教仪式.这些仪式蕴藏着原始的竞争意识,并具备了赛马运动应具有的体育元素和价值,意味着纳西族赛马意识的产生.之后,随着英雄和神灵崇拜的产生,火葬仪式中的洗马仪式演变成对全民进行尚武教育的赛马活动和节庆进行的赛马活动.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对藏族赛马运动的文化活态传承与发展深入研究,探析藏族赛马运动在文化活态传承过程中存在的问题。研究表明:藏族赛马运动存在人才断层、赛事缺乏标准、法律法规缺位等问题,这些问题导致其脱离了环境、生产与生活,严重阻碍了该文化活态传承与发展。针对上述问题提出了一系列发展应对策略,为有效促进藏族赛马运动文化活态传承良性循环提供参考。  相似文献   

岳春波 《精武》2013,(36):120-121
赛马运动历史悠久,在最早的为军事和劳动服务之外,只有在很少的娱乐项目中出现,而今的赛马不单单是为了测试马匹的优良程度,也为娱乐和商业增添了新的血液,也是属于比较频繁的大众体育娱乐之一。在处于赛马之乡的内蒙古,赛马体育文化产业已经逐渐占据重要地位,本文将简单阐述赛马运动在内蒙古的发展优势和地位。  相似文献   

The catastrophe of the Second World War had a significant effect on British social and economic life, with less leisure and more time and energy spent on the war effort, yet sports betting survived. The paper begins by examining the arguments strongly advanced by vociferous anti-betting groups in the first years after the outbreak of war, and assesses their limited success. Assessments of betting turnover suggest an initial decline in betting, largely perhaps because of the brief curtailment of horse racing, dog racing, and football, the three principal betting media. The paper explores some of the reasons why it then once more increased, according to the surveys of the Churches Committee on Gambling or Mass Observation. The argument focuses on provision and betting organization: the continued legal opportunities within Britain, including new ‘unity’ football pools, the reopening of some English racecourses and dog-tracks, and the new opportunities created by illegal ready-money bookmakers, such as Irish horse-racing results, which were unaffected by the war. The national government took the view that the betting sports were ‘entertainments’ and ‘in the public interest’, and also helped by providing scarce petrol to assist with the movement of horses and dogs to meetings.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to discuss and problematize research on gender and sports within the equine sector, and to argue for the necessity of a comparative perspective in order to understand the gender order within equestrian sports. The article will focus on two areas within the equine sector: horse racing and Olympic equestrianism. Differences over time as well as between countries and events will be highlighted and discussed. Previous research demonstrates that the equine sector has historically been connected to men and masculinity in large parts of the world, although there are many examples of women working with horses and enjoying equestrian activities during their leisure time. During the twentieth century, horses have become progressively less important for agriculture, forestry, transport, and the army. The societal context is interesting, as sport historians Jennifer Hargreaves and Gertrud Pfister have claimed that a destabilization of the gender order in society at large may open new opportunities for women in sport. It is argued in this article that an analytical framework based on insights from gender studies and a comparative perspective is crucial if the development is to be understood and explained.  相似文献   

This article explores the confluence of British motor sport, toy car manufacture and leisure during the period from 1919 to 1939. Mass-production toy-making had been bound up with the manufacture of sporting and fancy goods from the middle of the nineteenth century onwards. Motorised transport benefitted from many of the same practices and light engineering techniques honed in cycle manufacture. The fashionable Brooklands circuit was established before the First World War as a proving ground for aeronautical and motorised transport. However, as motor racing resumed during peacetime, especially at Brooklands, a certain upper-class glamour attached to car ownership, whether for racing, leisure or pleasure. The most significant producer of a range of toy vehicles, Lines Brothers, began as family woodworking firm in the 1870s and could legitimately claim to be the largest toy multinational in the world by 1950. Its ‘Tri-ang’ brand of ‘strong toys’ were engineered using similar principles to the mass-produced automotive industry. By the 1930s the toy pedal car would become the ultimate child's accessory, with models of racing marques and other leisure vehicles available at a range of price points. The vehicles allowed children to sit inside and pedal their way around, allowing a degree of freedom and exploration. Manufacturers therefore referenced the sport and leisure practices of adults in creating aspirational pedal cars for child consumers. This raises the question of the extent to which these objects socialised children into ‘adult’ worlds, not just of sport and leisure but also urban and suburban consumer culture and how this, in turn, affected notions of play.  相似文献   

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